Laura Nolan, Stanza
Most of us write incident reviews (IRs) or postmortems occasionally. Unfortunately, many IRs are never read by anyone other than those involved in the incident, and therefore have limited benefit to an organisation.
However, IRs that are well-crafted can create learning that will last in your organisation for years (and maybe even beyond). This talk will give practical advice on how to write the most engaging and valuable IR possible.
Laura Nolan, Stanza

Laura Nolan is a software engineer and SRE. She has contributed to several books on SRE, such as the Site Reliability Engineering book, Seeking SRE, and 97 Things Every SRE Should Know. Laura is a Principal (and principled) Engineer at Stanza Systems, where she is building software to help humans understand and control their production systems. Laura is a member of the USENIX board of directors and a long-time SREcon volunteer. She lives in rural Ireland in a small village full of medieval ruins.

author = {Laura Nolan},
title = {Break Free of the Template: Incident Writeups They Want to Read},
year = {2022},
address = {Amsterdam},
publisher = {USENIX Association},
month = oct