Applied Science Fiction: Operating a Research-Led Product

Monday, March 14, 2022 - 4:00 pm4:20 pm

Noah Kantrowitz, Geomagical Labs/IKEA


Scientists have increasingly become a part of many product teams, bringing many new skills to the table. This has been especially true in our augmented reality (AR) products, with our core computer vision pipelines being entirely researcher-led. With new opportunities comes new challenges, and we have had to adapt many of our SRE and product engineering practices to ensure everyone feels productive and supported. This talk shares the lessons we have learned in building a healthy and happy product team in a researcher-first environment.

Noah Kantrowitz, Geomagical Labs/IKEA

Noah Kantrowitz is a web developer turned infrastructure automation enthusiast, and all around engineering rabble-rouser. By day he runs infrastructure at Geomagical Labs/IKEA and by night he makes candy and stickers. He is an active member of the DevOps community, and enjoys merge commits, cat pictures, and beards.

SREcon22 Americas Open Access Sponsored by Blameless

@conference {278114,
author = {Noah Kantrowitz},
title = {Applied Science Fiction: Operating a {Research-Led} Product},
year = {2022},
address = {San Francisco, CA},
publisher = {USENIX Association},
month = mar

Presentation Video