SREcon18 Asia/Australia will take place June 6–8, 2018, in Singapore
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Important Dates
- Proposal submission deadline: Wednesday, January 24, 2018, 23:59 UTC
- Notification to talks presenters: Wednesday, March 7, 2018
- Lightning talks submission deadline: Saturday, March 10, 2018 Friday, March 23, 2018 (Deadline extended!)
- Notification to lighting talks presenters: Tuesday, March 27, 2018
SREcon18 Asia/Australia will take place in Singapore June 6–8, 2018. It is a gathering of engineers who care deeply about site reliability, systems engineering, and working with complex distributed systems at scale. It aims to serve both those new to the profession, as well as those who have been involved in it for years. The conference has a culture of critical thought, deep technical insights, continuous improvement, and innovation. SREcon18 Asia/Australia welcomes participants from organizations exploring the adoption of devops and SRE principles, as well as those with longer traditions and experience.
SREcon attendees want to discuss robust solutions to system engineering problems, particularly in high-stakes environments. The best talks share a team's take on a new idea. We also welcome SRE philosophy, leadership, hiring, and training.
Please join us in creating an excellent program for the second SREcon Asia/Australia, which will be the tenth SREcon event globally. Last year, SREcon Asia/Australia had 250 attendees from 70+ companies, with backgrounds covering 20 countries and ranging from single-person startups through tech giants with tens of thousands of employees to finance and enterprise sector companies adopting SRE for the first time. We look forward to growing SREcon Asia/Australia in 2018 with even more representation from even more diverse organisations and backgrounds willing to share their knowledge and experience.
Our theme for the second SRECon Asia/Australia is about building and sharing best practices for the region’s evolving SRE organisations with a view to increase convergence and collaboration in the region. SRE in Asia is still emerging, and increased collaboration between mature SRE organisations and those just starting out on their SRE journey will help the Asia-Pacific SRE industry grow together and stand on its own as a community. We welcome talks which will help set the standards for SRE in a region which has its own unique challenges and opportunities.
We are looking for proposals in the following formats:
- Talks:
- 20-minute talks with 5 minutes for Q&A
- 45-minute talks with 10 minutes for Q&A
- Lightning Talks:
- 5–10 minute talks
- Panels: Moderator-led groups of 3–5 experts exploring different perspectives and responding to audience questions on a particular topic or theme
If you have a topic suggestion or request for a particular speaker you really would like to see at the conference, feel free to drop us a message at
We will accept proposals through January 24, 2018. We’ll evaluate those and get back to you by March 7, 2018. Accepted speakers will be required to confirm their plan to present along with their talk information by March 19, 2018.
Both presenters and organizers may withdraw or decline proposals for any reason, even after initial acceptance. Speakers must submit their own proposals; third-party submissions, even if authorized, will be rejected.
We will accept lightning talk proposals through Friday, March 23, 2018 via the submission form. We’ll evaluate those and get back to you by Tuesday, March 27, 2018.
Because panels can be challenging to do well, the program committee will provide some additional oversight for any accepted panel sessions.
Suggested Topics
- SRE Stories, Processes, and Practices:
- Successes and pitfalls on the road to SRE
- Disaster recovery from disasters big and small
- Measuring and systematically fixing risk, including unknowns, technical debt, and burnout
- Technologies for Reliability:
- Automation, monitoring, and deployment
- Cloud and SaaS migrations: when to outsource parts of your stack, and when/how to monitor and debug end to end
- Capacity planning and validation, including automatically scaling to handle large traffic spikes
- Intelligent Operations:
- How does Artificial Intelligence/ML play a role in massive scale system operations?
- Challenges and learnings while introducing AI/ML into reliability space.
- Beyond traditional SRE:
- Extending SRE culture to networking, security, privacy, and other facets of technology
- SRE in non-SaaS environments: reliability for mobile, client-side, or non-centralised software
- Culture/people:
- How to embrace and support diversity in SRE, and how to cultivate, recruit, and retain SREs
- Catalyzing great SRE teams with a mixture of roles, e.g., TPM, tech writer, UX design, other
- Languages, timezones and other challenges of distributed teams, especially those unique to Asia/Australia.
- Any other topic under the DevOps, SRE, Production Engineering and Chaos Engineering umbrellas