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Unikraft and the Coming of Age of Unikernels
Kill It With Fire
Seeing like an SRE
Avoiding the 'SLOs as Reliability Theater' trap
Improving On-call Fatigue
Thirty-Five Years of LISA
Musings on Operating Systems Research
Gazing into the VOID
A Vulnerable System
It's Good to be Lazy
(How) Do people change their passwords after a breach?
Squeezing the Cybersecurity Lemons – A Labeling Regime for IoT Products
A Tutorial on Building Custom Linux Appliances
Practical Doomsday
Prodspec and Annealing
The Web3 Fraud
Diciclo: Data-Intensive Container Isolation for Multitenant Clouds
Imposing a Cyber Penalty Against Attackers with Cyber Deception
How to Start on Formal Methods and Share It
Lessons Learned in 10 Years of SRE: Part 1 - Starting SRE
ctFS: Converting File Index Traversals to Hardware Memory Translation through Contiguous File Allocation for Persistent Memory
An Analysis of Open-source Automated Threat Modeling Tools and Their Extensibility from Security into Privacy
Jurassic Cloud
Ferret: Automatically Finding RFC Compliance Bugs in DNS Nameservers
Understanding Software Dynamics
Revisiting B+-tree vs. LSM-tree
Computer Security and the Internet
What SRE Could Be
Metastable Failures in the Wild
Redesigning Hardware to Support Security: CHERI
Investigating Managed Language Runtime Performance
Musings, July 2022
Three Years of Crowdsourcing Smart Home Network Traffic
Transcending POSIX: The End of an Era?
The Sticky Problem of Measuring Passwords
Wanted Hacked or Patched:
Provably-Safe Multilingual Software Sandboxing using WebAssembly
BeyondCorp and the long tail of Zero Trust
Python Distilled
Experimental Security Analysis of the App Model in Business Collaboration Platforms
