
Search results

    First USENIX Workshop on Electronic CommerceGeneric Extensions of WWW BrowsersRalf Hauser, Michael Steiner
    First USENIX Workshop on Electronic CommerceSecure Coprocessors in Electronic Commerce ApplicationsBennett Yee, J.D. Tygar
    First USENIX Workshop on Electronic CommerceThe DigiBox: A Self-Protecting Container for Information CommerceOlin Sibert, David Bernstein, David Van Wie
    First USENIX Workshop on Electronic CommerceKerberos Plus RSA for World Wide Web SecurityDon Davis
    First USENIX Workshop on Electronic CommerceToken and Notational Money in Electronic CommerceL. Jean Camp, Marvin Sirbu, J.D. Tygar
    First USENIX Workshop on Electronic CommerceEconomic Mechanism Design for Computerized AgentsHal R. Varian
    First USENIX Workshop on Electronic CommerceCan the Conventional Models Apply? The Microeconomics of the Information RevolutionBruce Don, David Frelinger
    First USENIX Workshop on Electronic CommerceInternet Information Commerce: The First Virtual® ApproachDarren New
    USENIX Third Annual Tcl/Tk WorkshopA Graphical User Interface Builder for TkStephen Uhler
    USENIX Third Annual Tcl/Tk WorkshopThe New [incr Tcl]: Objects, Mega-Widgets, Namespaces and More Michael J. McLennan, AT&T Bell Laboratories Objective-Tcl: An Object-Oriented Tcl Environment
    USENIX Third Annual Tcl/Tk WorkshopObjective-Tcl: An Object-Oriented Tcl EnvironmentPedja Bogdanovich
    USENIX Third Annual Tcl/Tk WorkshopExtending Tcl for Dynamic Object-Oriented ProgrammingDavid Wetherall
    USENIX Third Annual Tcl/Tk WorkshopInterpreted C++, Object Oriented Tcl, What next?Dean Sheehan
    USENIX Third Annual Tcl/Tk WorkshopWhen is an object not an object?Mark Roseman
    USENIX Third Annual Tcl/Tk WorkshopTcl Commands as Media in a Distributed Multimedia ToolkitJonathan L. Herlocker, Joseph A. Konstan
    USENIX Third Annual Tcl/Tk WorkshopTaming the Complexity of Distributed Multimedia ApplicationsFrank Stajano, Rob Walker
    USENIX Third Annual Tcl/Tk WorkshopPlug-And-Play with WiresMaximilian , John Hearn Ott
    USENIX Third Annual Tcl/Tk WorkshopRIVL: A Resolution Independent Video LanguageJonathan Swartz, Brian C. Smith
    USENIX Third Annual Tcl/Tk WorkshopTwo Years with TkMan: Lessons and InnovationsThomas A. Phelps
    USENIX Third Annual Tcl/Tk WorkshopPrototyping NBC's GEnesis Broadcast Automation System Using Tcl/TkBrion D. Sarachan, Steven A. Zahner, Alexandra J. Schmidt
    USENIX Third Annual Tcl/Tk WorkshopCustomization and Flexibility in the exmh Mail User InterfaceBrent Welch
    USENIX Third Annual Tcl/Tk WorkshopExperience with Tcl/Tk for Scientific and Engineering VisualizationBrian W. Kernighan
    USENIX Third Annual Tcl/Tk WorkshopTcl Extensions for Network Management ApplicationsJ. Shonwalder, H. Langendorfer
    USENIX Third Annual Tcl/Tk WorkshopTcl-DP Name ServerPeter T. Liu, Brian Smith, Lawrence Rowe
    USENIX Third Annual Tcl/Tk WorkshopMultiple Trace Composition and Its UsesAdam Sah
