OSDI '18 | Splinter: Bare-Metal Extensions for Multi-Tenant Low-Latency Storage | Chinmay Kulkarni, Sara Moore, Mazhar Naqvi, Tian Zhang, Robert Ricci, Ryan Stutsman |
OSDI '18 | LegoOS: A Disseminated, Distributed OS for Hardware Resource Disaggregation | Yizhou Shan, Yutong Huang, Yilun Chen, Yiying Zhang |
OSDI '18 | Capturing and Enhancing In Situ System Observability for Failure Detection | Peng Huang, Chuanxiong Guo, Jacob R. Lorch, Lidong Zhou, Yingnong Dang |
OSDI '18 | Ray: A Distributed Framework for Emerging AI Applications | Philipp Moritz, Robert Nishihara, Stephanie Wang, Alexey Tumanov, Richard Liaw, Eric Liang, Melih Elibol, Zongheng Yang, William Paul, Michael I. Jordan, Ion Stoica |
OSDI '18 | Orca: Differential Bug Localization in Large-Scale Services | Ranjita Bhagwan, Rahul Kumar, Chandra Sekhar Maddila, Adithya Abraham Philip |
OSDI '18 | Deconstructing RDMA-enabled Distributed Transactions: Hybrid is Better! | Xingda Wei, Zhiyuan Dong, Rong Chen, Haibo Chen |
OSDI '18 | Gandiva: Introspective Cluster Scheduling for Deep Learning | Wencong Xiao, Romil Bhardwaj, Ramachandran Ramjee, Muthian Sivathanu, Nipun Kwatra, Zhenhua Han, Pratyush Patel, Xuan Peng, Hanyu Zhao, Quanlu Zhang, Fan Yang, Lidong Zhou |
OSDI '18 | FlashShare: Punching Through Server Storage Stack from Kernel to Firmware for Ultra-Low Latency SSDs | Jie Zhang, Miryeong Kwon, Donghyun Gouk, Sungjoon Koh, Changlim Lee, Mohammad Alian, Myoungjun Chun, Mahmut Taylan Kandemir, Nam Sung Kim, Jihong Kim, Myoungsoo Jung |
OSDI '18 | Karaoke: Distributed Private Messaging Immune to Passive Traffic Analysis | David Lazar, Yossi Gilad, Nickolai Zeldovich |
OSDI '18 | wPerf: Generic Off-CPU Analysis to Identify Bottleneck Waiting Events | Fang Zhou, Yifan Gan, Sixiang Ma, Yang Wang |
OSDI '18 | Obladi: Oblivious Serializable Transactions in the Cloud | Natacha Crooks, Matthew Burke, Ethan Cecchetti, Sitar Harel, Rachit Agarwal, Lorenzo Alvisi |
OSDI '18 | Proving the correct execution of concurrent services in zero-knowledge | Srinath Setty, Sebastian Angel, Trinabh Gupta, Jonathan Lee |
OSDI '18 | Floem: A Programming System for NIC-Accelerated Network Applications | Phitchaya Mangpo Phothilimthana, Ming Liu, Antoine Kaufmann, Simon Peter, Rastislav Bodik, Thomas Anderson |
OSDI '18 | Sledgehammer: Cluster-Fueled Debugging | Andrew Quinn, Jason Flinn, Michael Cafarella |
OSDI '18 | The benefits and costs of writing a POSIX kernel in a high-level language | Cody Cutler, M. Frans Kaashoek, Robert T. Morris |
OSDI '18 | PRETZEL: Opening the Black Box of Machine Learning Prediction Serving Systems | Yunseong Lee, Alberto Scolari, Byung-Gon Chun, Marco Domenico Santambrogio, Markus Weimer, Matteo Interlandi |
OSDI '18 | Dynamic Query Re-Planning using QOOP | Kshiteej Mahajan, Mosharaf Chowdhury, Aditya Akella, Shuchi Chawla |
OSDI '18 | Sharding the Shards: Managing Datastore Locality at Scale with Akkio | Muthukaruppan Annamalai, Kaushik Ravichandran, Harish Srinivas, Igor Zinkovsky, Luning Pan, Tony Savor, David Nagle, Michael Stumm |
OSDI '18 | Noria: dynamic, partially-stateful data-flow for high-performance web applications | Jon Gjengset, Malte Schwarzkopf, Jonathan Behrens, Lara Timbó Araújo, Martin Ek, Eddie Kohler, M. Frans Kaashoek, Robert Morris |
OSDI '18 | ASAP: Fast, Approximate Graph Pattern Mining at Scale | Anand Padmanabha Iyer, Zaoxing Liu, Xin Jin, Shivaram Venkataraman, Vladimir Braverman, Ion Stoica |
OSDI '18 | Fault-Tolerance, Fast and Slow: Exploiting Failure Asynchrony in Distributed Systems | Ramnatthan Alagappan, Aishwarya Ganesan, Jing Liu, Andrea Arpaci-Dusseau, Remzi Arpaci-Dusseau |
OSDI '18 | Flare: Optimizing Apache Spark with Native Compilation for Scale-Up Architectures and Medium-Size Data | Gregory Essertel, Ruby Tahboub, James Decker, Kevin Brown, Kunle Olukotun, Tiark Rompf |
OSDI '18 | Nickel: A Framework for Design and Verification of Information Flow Control Systems | Helgi Sigurbjarnarson, Luke Nelson, Bruno Castro-Karney, James Bornholt, Emina Torlak, Xi Wang |
OSDI '18 | Sharing, Protection, and Compatibility for Reconfigurable Fabric with AmorphOS | Ahmed Khawaja, Joshua Landgraf, Rohith Prakash, Michael Wei, Eric Schkufza, Christopher J. Rossbach |
OSDI '18 | µTune: Auto-Tuned Threading for OLDI Microservices | Akshitha Sriraman, Thomas F. Wenisch |