
Search results

    USENIX Security '21Fine Grained Dataflow Tracking with Proximal GradientsGabriel Ryan, Abhishek Shah, Dongdong She, Koustubha Bhat, Suman Jana
    USENIX Security '21Card Brand Mixup Attack: Bypassing the PIN in non-Visa Cards by Using Them for Visa TransactionsDavid Basin, Ralf Sasse, Jorge Toro-Pozo
    USENIX Security '21SEAL: Storage-efficient Causality Analysis on Enterprise Logs with Query-friendly CompressionPeng Fei, Zhou Li, Zhiying Wang, Xiao Yu, Ding Li, Kangkook Jee
    USENIX Security '21Android SmartTVs Vulnerability Discovery via Log-Guided FuzzingYousra Aafer, Wei You, Yi Sun, Yu Shi, Xiangyu Zhang, Heng Yin
    USENIX Security '21Exposing New Vulnerabilities of Error Handling Mechanism in CANKhaled Serag, Rohit Bhatia, Vireshwar Kumar, Z. Berkay Celik, Dongyan Xu
    USENIX Security '21Defeating DNN-Based Traffic Analysis Systems in Real-Time With Blind Adversarial PerturbationsMilad Nasr, Alireza Bahramali, Amir Houmansadr
    USENIX Security '21Lord of the Ring(s): Side Channel Attacks on the CPU On-Chip Ring Interconnect Are PracticalRiccardo Paccagnella, Licheng Luo, Christopher W. Fletcher
    USENIX Security '21Automatic Firmware Emulation through Invalidity-guided Knowledge InferenceWei Zhou, Le Guan, Peng Liu, Yuqing Zhang
    USENIX Security '21Reducing HSM Reliance in Payments through Proxy Re-EncryptionSivanarayana Gaddam, Atul Luykx, Rohit Sinha, Gaven Watson
    USENIX Security '21Examining the Efficacy of Decoy-based and Psychological Cyber DeceptionKimberly J. Ferguson-Walter, Maxine M. Major, Chelsea K. Johnson, Daniel H. Muhleman
    USENIX Security '21Does logic locking work with EDA tools?Zhaokun Han, Muhammad Yasin, Jeyavijayan (JV) Rajendran
    USENIX Security '21ExpRace: Exploiting Kernel Races through Raising InterruptsYoochan Lee, Changwoo Min, Byoungyoung Lee
    USENIX Security '21CANARY - a reactive defense mechanism for Controller Area Networks based on Active RelaYsBogdan Groza, Lucian Popa, Pal-Stefan Murvay, Yuval Elovici, Asaf Shabtai
    USENIX Security '21CLARION: Sound and Clear Provenance Tracking for Microservice DeploymentsXutong Chen, Hassaan Irshad, Yan Chen, Ashish Gehani, Vinod Yegneswaran
    USENIX Security '21Blind In/On-Path Attacks and Applications to VPNsWilliam J. Tolley, Beau Kujath, Mohammad Taha Khan, Narseo Vallina-Rodriguez, Jedidiah R. Crandall
    USENIX Security '21Jaqen: A High-Performance Switch-Native Approach for Detecting and Mitigating Volumetric DDoS Attacks with Programmable SwitchesZaoxing Liu, Hun Namkung, Georgios Nikolaidis, Jeongkeun Lee, Changhoon Kim, Xin Jin, Vladimir Braverman, Minlan Yu, Vyas Sekar
    USENIX Security '21JAW: Studying Client-side CSRF with Hybrid Property Graphs and Declarative TraversalsSoheil Khodayari, Giancarlo Pellegrino
    USENIX Security '21On the Usability of Authenticity Checks for Hardware Security TokensKatharina Pfeffer, Alexandra Mai, Adrian Dabrowski, Matthias Gusenbauer, Philipp Schindler, Edgar Weippl, Michael Franz, Katharina Krombholz
    USENIX Security '21Phishpedia: A Hybrid Deep Learning Based Approach to Visually Identify Phishing WebpagesYun Lin, Ruofan Liu, Dinil Mon Divakaran, Jun Yang Ng, Qing Zhou Chan, Yiwen Lu, Yuxuan Si, Fan Zhang, Jin Song Dong
    USENIX Security '21AdCube: WebVR Ad Fraud and Practical Confinement of Third-Party AdsHyunjoo Lee, Jiyeon Lee, Daejun Kim, Suman Jana, Insik Shin, Sooel Son
    USENIX Security '21Where's Crypto?: Automated Identification and Classification of Proprietary Cryptographic Primitives in Binary CodeCarlo Meijer, Veelasha Moonsamy, Jos Wetzels
    USENIX Security '21SocialHEISTing: Understanding Stolen Facebook AccountsJeremiah Onaolapo, Nektarios Leontiadis, Despoina Magka, Gianluca Stringhini
    USENIX Security '21Static Detection of Unsafe DMA Accesses in Device DriversJia-Ju Bai, Tuo Li, Kangjie Lu, Shi-Min Hu
    USENIX Security '21Causal Analysis for Software-Defined Networking AttacksBenjamin E. Ujcich, Samuel Jero, Richard Skowyra, Adam Bates, William H. Sanders, Hamed Okhravi
    USENIX Security '21Data Poisoning Attacks to Local Differential Privacy ProtocolsXiaoyu Cao, Jinyuan Jia, Neil Zhenqiang Gong
