USENIX Security '21 | GForce: GPU-Friendly Oblivious and Rapid Neural Network Inference | Lucien K. L. Ng, Sherman S. M. Chow |
USENIX Security '21 | Acoustics to the Rescue: Physical Key Inference Attack Revisited | Soundarya Ramesh, Rui Xiao, Anindya Maiti, Jong Taek Lee, Harini Ramprasad, Ananda Kumar, Murtuza Jadliwala, Jun Han |
USENIX Security '21 | SIGL: Securing Software Installations Through Deep Graph Learning | Xueyuan Han, Xiao Yu, Thomas Pasquier, Ding Li, Junghwan Rhee, James Mickens, Margo Seltzer, Haifeng Chen |
USENIX Security '21 | Weaponizing Middleboxes for TCP Reflected Amplification | Kevin Bock, Abdulrahman Alaraj, Yair Fax, Kyle Hurley, Eric Wustrow, Dave Levin |
USENIX Security '21 | Evaluating In-Workflow Messages for Improving Mental Models of End-to-End Encryption | Omer Akgul, Wei Bai, Shruti Das, Michelle L. Mazurek |
USENIX Security '21 | LIGHTBLUE: Automatic Profile-Aware Debloating of Bluetooth Stacks | Jianliang Wu, Ruoyu Wu, Daniele Antonioli, Mathias Payer, Nils Ole Tippenhauer, Dongyan Xu, Dave (Jing) Tian, Antonio Bianchi |
USENIX Security '21 | PrivSyn: Differentially Private Data Synthesis | Zhikun Zhang, Tianhao Wang, Ninghui Li, Jean Honorio, Michael Backes, Shibo He, Jiming Chen, Yang Zhang |
USENIX Security '21 | Disrupting Continuity of Apple's Wireless Ecosystem Security: New Tracking, DoS, and MitM Attacks on iOS and macOS Through Bluetooth Low Energy, AWDL, and Wi-Fi | Milan Stute, Alexander Heinrich, Jannik Lorenz, Matthias Hollick |
USENIX Security '21 | Muse: Secure Inference Resilient to Malicious Clients | Ryan Lehmkuhl, Pratyush Mishra, Akshayaram Srinivasan, Raluca Ada Popa |
USENIX Security '21 | I Always Feel Like Somebody's Sensing Me! A Framework to Detect, Identify, and Localize Clandestine Wireless Sensors | Akash Deep Singh, Luis Garcia, Joseph Noor, Mani Srivastava |
USENIX Security '21 | M2MON: Building an MMIO-based Security Reference Monitor for Unmanned Vehicles | Arslan Khan, Hyungsub Kim, Byoungyoung Lee, Dongyan Xu, Antonio Bianchi, Dave (Jing) Tian |
USENIX Security '21 | Systematic Evaluation of Privacy Risks of Machine Learning Models | Liwei Song, Prateek Mittal |
USENIX Security '21 | "It's stressful having all these phones": Investigating Sex Workers' Safety Goals, Risks, and Practices Online | Allison McDonald, Catherine Barwulor, Michelle L. Mazurek, Florian Schaub, Elissa M. Redmiles |
USENIX Security '21 | "Now I'm a bit angry:" Individuals' Awareness, Perception, and Responses to Data Breaches that Affected Them | Peter Mayer, Yixin Zou, Florian Schaub, Adam J. Aviv |
USENIX Security '21 | PASAN: Detecting Peripheral Access Concurrency Bugs within Bare-Metal Embedded Applications | Taegyu Kim, Vireshwar Kumar, Junghwan Rhee, Jizhou Chen, Kyungtae Kim, Chung Hwan Kim, Dongyan Xu, Dave (Jing) Tian |
USENIX Security '21 | LZR: Identifying Unexpected Internet Services | Liz Izhikevich, Renata Teixeira, Zakir Durumeric |
USENIX Security '21 | Explanation-Guided Backdoor Poisoning Attacks Against Malware Classifiers | Giorgio Severi, Jim Meyer, Scott Coull, Alina Oprea |
USENIX Security '21 | Cerebro: A Platform for Multi-Party Cryptographic Collaborative Learning | Wenting Zheng, Ryan Deng, Weikeng Chen, Raluca Ada Popa, Aurojit Panda, Ion Stoica |
USENIX Security '21 | A Large-Scale Interview Study on Information Security in and Attacks against Small and Medium-sized Enterprises | Nicolas Huaman, Bennet von Skarczinski, Christian Stransky, Dominik Wermke, Yasemin Acar, Arne Dreißigacker, Sascha Fahl |
USENIX Security '21 | Jetset: Targeted Firmware Rehosting for Embedded Systems | Evan Johnson, Maxwell Bland, YiFei Zhu, Joshua Mason, Stephen Checkoway, Stefan Savage, Kirill Levchenko |
USENIX Security '21 | T-Miner: A Generative Approach to Defend Against Trojan Attacks on DNN-based Text Classification | Ahmadreza Azizi, Ibrahim Asadullah Tahmid, Asim Waheed, Neal Mangaokar, Jiameng Pu, Mobin Javed, Chandan K. Reddy, Bimal Viswanath |
USENIX Security '21 | On the Design and Misuse of Microcoded (Embedded) Processors — A Cautionary Note | Nils Albartus, Clemens Nasenberg, Florian Stolz, Marc Fyrbiak, Christof Paar, Russell Tessier |
USENIX Security '21 | Constraint-guided Directed Greybox Fuzzing | Gwangmu Lee, Woochul Shim, Byoungyoung Lee |
USENIX Security '21 | Automatic Extraction of Secrets from the Transistor Jungle using Laser-Assisted Side-Channel Attacks | Thilo Krachenfels, Tuba Kiyan, Shahin Tajik, Jean-Pierre Seifert |
USENIX Security '21 | Fingerprinting in Style: Detecting Browser Extensions via Injected Style Sheets | Pierre Laperdrix, Oleksii Starov, Quan Chen, Alexandros Kapravelos, Nick Nikiforakis |