
Search results

    USENIX Security '21GForce: GPU-Friendly Oblivious and Rapid Neural Network InferenceLucien K. L. Ng, Sherman S. M. Chow
    USENIX Security '21Acoustics to the Rescue: Physical Key Inference Attack RevisitedSoundarya Ramesh, Rui Xiao, Anindya Maiti, Jong Taek Lee, Harini Ramprasad, Ananda Kumar, Murtuza Jadliwala, Jun Han
    USENIX Security '21SIGL: Securing Software Installations Through Deep Graph LearningXueyuan Han, Xiao Yu, Thomas Pasquier, Ding Li, Junghwan Rhee, James Mickens, Margo Seltzer, Haifeng Chen
    USENIX Security '21Weaponizing Middleboxes for TCP Reflected AmplificationKevin Bock, Abdulrahman Alaraj, Yair Fax, Kyle Hurley, Eric Wustrow, Dave Levin
    USENIX Security '21Evaluating In-Workflow Messages for Improving Mental Models of End-to-End EncryptionOmer Akgul, Wei Bai, Shruti Das, Michelle L. Mazurek
    USENIX Security '21LIGHTBLUE: Automatic Profile-Aware Debloating of Bluetooth StacksJianliang Wu, Ruoyu Wu, Daniele Antonioli, Mathias Payer, Nils Ole Tippenhauer, Dongyan Xu, Dave (Jing) Tian, Antonio Bianchi
    USENIX Security '21PrivSyn: Differentially Private Data SynthesisZhikun Zhang, Tianhao Wang, Ninghui Li, Jean Honorio, Michael Backes, Shibo He, Jiming Chen, Yang Zhang
    USENIX Security '21Disrupting Continuity of Apple's Wireless Ecosystem Security: New Tracking, DoS, and MitM Attacks on iOS and macOS Through Bluetooth Low Energy, AWDL, and Wi-FiMilan Stute, Alexander Heinrich, Jannik Lorenz, Matthias Hollick
    USENIX Security '21Muse: Secure Inference Resilient to Malicious ClientsRyan Lehmkuhl, Pratyush Mishra, Akshayaram Srinivasan, Raluca Ada Popa
    USENIX Security '21I Always Feel Like Somebody's Sensing Me! A Framework to Detect, Identify, and Localize Clandestine Wireless SensorsAkash Deep Singh, Luis Garcia, Joseph Noor, Mani Srivastava
    USENIX Security '21M2MON: Building an MMIO-based Security Reference Monitor for Unmanned VehiclesArslan Khan, Hyungsub Kim, Byoungyoung Lee, Dongyan Xu, Antonio Bianchi, Dave (Jing) Tian
    USENIX Security '21Systematic Evaluation of Privacy Risks of Machine Learning ModelsLiwei Song, Prateek Mittal
    USENIX Security '21"It's stressful having all these phones": Investigating Sex Workers' Safety Goals, Risks, and Practices OnlineAllison McDonald, Catherine Barwulor, Michelle L. Mazurek, Florian Schaub, Elissa M. Redmiles
    USENIX Security '21"Now I'm a bit angry:" Individuals' Awareness, Perception, and Responses to Data Breaches that Affected ThemPeter Mayer, Yixin Zou, Florian Schaub, Adam J. Aviv
    USENIX Security '21PASAN: Detecting Peripheral Access Concurrency Bugs within Bare-Metal Embedded ApplicationsTaegyu Kim, Vireshwar Kumar, Junghwan Rhee, Jizhou Chen, Kyungtae Kim, Chung Hwan Kim, Dongyan Xu, Dave (Jing) Tian
    USENIX Security '21LZR: Identifying Unexpected Internet ServicesLiz Izhikevich, Renata Teixeira, Zakir Durumeric
    USENIX Security '21Explanation-Guided Backdoor Poisoning Attacks Against Malware ClassifiersGiorgio Severi, Jim Meyer, Scott Coull, Alina Oprea
    USENIX Security '21Cerebro: A Platform for Multi-Party Cryptographic Collaborative LearningWenting Zheng, Ryan Deng, Weikeng Chen, Raluca Ada Popa, Aurojit Panda, Ion Stoica
    USENIX Security '21A Large-Scale Interview Study on Information Security in and Attacks against Small and Medium-sized EnterprisesNicolas Huaman, Bennet von Skarczinski, Christian Stransky, Dominik Wermke, Yasemin Acar, Arne Dreißigacker, Sascha Fahl
    USENIX Security '21Jetset: Targeted Firmware Rehosting for Embedded SystemsEvan Johnson, Maxwell Bland, YiFei Zhu, Joshua Mason, Stephen Checkoway, Stefan Savage, Kirill Levchenko
    USENIX Security '21T-Miner: A Generative Approach to Defend Against Trojan Attacks on DNN-based Text ClassificationAhmadreza Azizi, Ibrahim Asadullah Tahmid, Asim Waheed, Neal Mangaokar, Jiameng Pu, Mobin Javed, Chandan K. Reddy, Bimal Viswanath
    USENIX Security '21On the Design and Misuse of Microcoded (Embedded) Processors — A Cautionary NoteNils Albartus, Clemens Nasenberg, Florian Stolz, Marc Fyrbiak, Christof Paar, Russell Tessier
    USENIX Security '21Constraint-guided Directed Greybox FuzzingGwangmu Lee, Woochul Shim, Byoungyoung Lee
    USENIX Security '21Automatic Extraction of Secrets from the Transistor Jungle using Laser-Assisted Side-Channel AttacksThilo Krachenfels, Tuba Kiyan, Shahin Tajik, Jean-Pierre Seifert
    USENIX Security '21Fingerprinting in Style: Detecting Browser Extensions via Injected Style SheetsPierre Laperdrix, Oleksii Starov, Quan Chen, Alexandros Kapravelos, Nick Nikiforakis
