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    USENIX Security '22Anycast Agility: Network Playbooks to Fight DDoSA S M Rizvi, Leandro Bertholdo, João Ceron, John Heidemann
    USENIX Security '22PolyCruise: A Cross-Language Dynamic Information Flow AnalysisWen Li, Jiang Ming, Xiapu Luo, Haipeng Cai
    USENIX Security '22Communication-Efficient Triangle Counting under Local Differential PrivacyJacob Imola, Takao Murakami, Kamalika Chaudhuri
    USENIX Security '22Seeing the Forest for the Trees: Understanding Security Hazards in the 3GPP Ecosystem through Intelligent Analysis on Change RequestsYi Chen, Di Tang, Yepeng Yao, Mingming Zha, XiaoFeng Wang, Xiaozhong Liu, Haixu Tang, Dongfang Zhao
    USENIX Security '22Hyperproofs: Aggregating and Maintaining Proofs in Vector CommitmentsShravan Srinivasan, Alexander Chepurnoy, Charalampos Papamanthou, Alin Tomescu, Yupeng Zhang
    USENIX Security '22Leaky Forms: A Study of Email and Password Exfiltration Before Form SubmissionAsuman Senol, Gunes Acar, Mathias Humbert, Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius
    USENIX Security '22Using Trātṛ to tame Adversarial SynchronizationYuvraj Patel, Chenhao Ye, Akshat Sinha, Abigail Matthews, Andrea C. Arpaci-Dusseau, Remzi H. Arpaci-Dusseau, Michael M. Swift
    USENIX Security '22Security Analysis of Camera-LiDAR Fusion Against Black-Box Attacks on Autonomous VehiclesR. Spencer Hallyburton, Yupei Liu, Yulong Cao, Z. Morley Mao, Miroslav Pajic
    USENIX Security '22Automated Detection of Automated TrafficCormac Herley
    USENIX Security '22Ghost Peak: Practical Distance Reduction Attacks Against HRP UWB RangingPatrick Leu, Giovanni Camurati, Alexander Heinrich, Marc Roeschlin, Claudio Anliker, Matthias Hollick, Srdjan Capkun, Jiska Classen
    USENIX Security '22Transferring Adversarial Robustness Through Robust Representation MatchingPratik Vaishnavi, Kevin Eykholt, Amir Rahmati
    USENIX Security '22Constant-weight PIR: Single-round Keyword PIR via Constant-weight Equality OperatorsRasoul Akhavan Mahdavi, Florian Kerschbaum
    USENIX Security '22Provably-Safe Multilingual Software Sandboxing using WebAssemblyJay Bosamiya, Wen Shih Lim, Bryan Parno
    USENIX Security '22ALASTOR: Reconstructing the Provenance of Serverless IntrusionsPubali Datta, Isaac Polinsky, Muhammad Adil Inam, Adam Bates, William Enck
    USENIX Security '22Seeing is Living? Rethinking the Security of Facial Liveness Verification in the Deepfake EraChangjiang Li, Li Wang, Shouling Ji, Xuhong Zhang, Zhaohan Xi, Shanqing Guo, Ting Wang
    USENIX Security '22On the Necessity of Auditable Algorithmic Definitions for Machine UnlearningAnvith Thudi, Hengrui Jia, Ilia Shumailov, Nicolas Papernot
    USENIX Security '22Might I Get Pwned: A Second Generation Compromised Credential Checking ServiceBijeeta Pal, Mazharul Islam, Marina Sanusi Bohuk, Nick Sullivan, Luke Valenta, Tara Whalen, Christopher Wood, Thomas Ristenpart, Rahul Chatterjee
    USENIX Security '22Mitigating Membership Inference Attacks by Self-Distillation Through a Novel Ensemble ArchitectureXinyu Tang, Saeed Mahloujifar, Liwei Song, Virat Shejwalkar, Milad Nasr, Amir Houmansadr, Prateek Mittal
    USENIX Security '22OS-Aware Vulnerability Prioritization via Differential Severity AnalysisQiushi Wu, Yue Xiao, Xiaojing Liao, Kangjie Lu
    USENIX Security '22Efficient Representation of Numerical Optimization Problems for SNARKsSebastian Angel, Andrew J. Blumberg, Eleftherios Ioannidis, Jess Woods
    USENIX Security '22Experimenting with Collaborative zk-SNARKs: Zero-Knowledge Proofs for Distributed SecretsAlex Ozdemir, Dan Boneh
    USENIX Security '22Security at the End of the Tunnel: The Anatomy of VPN Mental Models Among Experts and Non-Experts in a Corporate ContextVeroniek Binkhorst, Tobias Fiebig, Katharina Krombholz, Wolter Pieters, Katsiaryna Labunets
    USENIX Security '22GAROTA: Generalized Active Root-Of-Trust Architecture (for Tiny Embedded Devices)Esmerald Aliaj, Ivan De Oliveira Nunes, Gene Tsudik
    USENIX Security '22A Large-scale and Longitudinal Measurement Study of DKIM DeploymentChuhan Wang, Kaiwen Shen, Minglei Guo, Yuxuan Zhao, Mingming Zhang, Jianjun Chen, Baojun Liu, Xiaofeng Zheng, Haixin Duan, Yanzhong Lin, Qingfeng Pan
    USENIX Security '22Neither Access nor Control: A Longitudinal Investigation of the Efficacy of User Access-Control Solutions on SmartphonesMasoud Mehrabi Koushki, Yue Huang, Julia Rubin, Konstantin Beznosov
