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    USENIX Security '23NRDelegationAttack: Complexity DDoS attack on DNS Recursive ResolversYehuda Afek, Anat Bremler-Barr, Shani Stajnrod
    USENIX Security '23Jinn: Hijacking Safe Programs with TrojansKomail Dharsee, John Criswell
    USENIX Security '23Hiding in Plain Sight: An Empirical Study of Web Application Abuse in MalwareMingxuan Yao, Jonathan Fuller, Ranjita Pai Kasturi, Saumya Agarwal, Amit Kumar Sikder, Brendan Saltaformaggio
    USENIX Security '23CSHER: A System for Compact Storage with HE-RetrievalAdi Akavia, Neta Oren, Boaz Sapir, Margarita Vald
    USENIX Security '23The Case for Learned Provenance Graph Storage SystemsHailun Ding, Juan Zhai, Dong Deng, Shiqing Ma
    USENIX Security '23Understand Users' Privacy Perception and Decision of V2X Communication in Connected Autonomous VehiclesZekun Cai, Aiping Xiong
    USENIX Security '23Long Live The Honey Badger: Robust Asynchronous DPSS and its ApplicationsThomas Yurek, Zhuolun Xiang, Yu Xia, Andrew Miller
    USENIX Security '23Automated Cookie Notice Analysis and EnforcementRishabh Khandelwal, Asmit Nayak, Hamza Harkous, Kassem Fawaz
    USENIX Security '23Lalaine: Measuring and Characterizing Non-Compliance of Apple Privacy LabelsYue Xiao, Zhengyi Li, Yue Qin, Xiaolong Bai, Jiale Guan, Xiaojing Liao, Luyi Xing
    USENIX Security '23High Recovery with Fewer Injections: Practical Binary Volumetric Injection Attacks against Dynamic Searchable EncryptionXianglong Zhang, Wei Wang, Peng Xu, Laurence T. Yang, Kaitai Liang
    USENIX Security '23Improving Real-world Password Guessing Attacks via Bi-directional TransformersMing Xu, Jitao Yu, Xinyi Zhang, Chuanwang Wang, Shenghao Zhang, Haoqi Wu, Weili Han
    USENIX Security '23KextFuzz: Fuzzing macOS Kernel EXTensions on Apple Silicon via Exploiting MitigationsTingting Yin, Zicong Gao, Zhenghang Xiao, Zheyu Ma, Min Zheng, Chao Zhang
    USENIX Security '23Forming Faster Firmware Fuzzers
    USENIX Security '23AURC: Detecting Errors in Program Code and DocumentationPeiwei Hu, Ruigang Liang, Ying Cao, Kai Chen, Runze Zhang
    USENIX Security '23Rethinking White-Box Watermarks on Deep Learning Models under Neural Structural ObfuscationYifan Yan, Xudong Pan, Mi Zhang, Min Yang
    USENIX Security '23Remote Code Execution from SSTI in the Sandbox: Automatically Detecting and Exploiting Template Escape BugsYudi Zhao, Yuan Zhang, Min Yang
    USENIX Security '23Prime Match: A Privacy-Preserving Inventory Matching SystemAntigoni Polychroniadou, Gilad Asharov, Benjamin Diamond, Tucker Balch, Hans Buehler, Richard Hua, Suwen Gu, Greg Gimler, Manuela Veloso
    USENIX Security '23Token Spammers, Rug Pulls, and Sniper Bots: An Analysis of the Ecosystem of Tokens in Ethereum and in the Binance Smart Chain (BNB)Federico Cernera, Massimo La Morgia, Alessandro Mei, Francesco Sassi
    USENIX Security '23CarpetFuzz: Automatic Program Option Constraint Extraction from Documentation for FuzzingDawei Wang, Ying Li, Zhiyu Zhang, Kai Chen
    USENIX Security '23Black-box Adversarial Example Attack towards FCG Based Android Malware Detection under Incomplete Feature InformationHeng Li, Zhang Cheng, Bang Wu, Liheng Yuan, Cuiying Gao, Wei Yuan, Xiapu Luo
    USENIX Security '23MorFuzz: Fuzzing Processor via Runtime Instruction Morphing enhanced Synchronizable Co-simulationJinyan Xu, Yiyuan Liu, Sirui He, Haoran Lin, Yajin Zhou, Cong Wang
    USENIX Security '23AutoFR: Automated Filter Rule Generation for AdblockingHieu Le, Salma Elmalaki, Athina Markopoulou, Zubair Shafiq
    USENIX Security '23InfinityGauntlet: Expose Smartphone Fingerprint Authentication to Brute-force AttackYu Chen, Yang Yu, Lidong Zhai
    USENIX Security '23Multiview: Finding Blind Spots in Access-Deny Issues DiagnosisBingyu Shen, Tianyi Shan, Yuanyuan Zhou
    USENIX Security '23A Plot is Worth a Thousand Words: Model Information Stealing Attacks via Scientific PlotsBoyang Zhang, Xinlei He, Yun Shen, Tianhao Wang, Yang Zhang
