
Search results

    MobiSys2004 Mimic: Raw Activity Shipping for File Synchronization in Mobile File SystemsTae-Young Chang, Aravind Velayutham, Raghupathy Sivakumar
    MobiSys2004 An Architecture for Privacy-Sensitive Ubiquitous ComputingJason I. Hong, James A. Landay
    MobiSys2004 Tracking Moving Devices with the Cricket Location SystemAdam Smith, Hari Balakrishnan, Michel Goraczko, Nissanka B. Priyantha
    MobiSys2004 Divert: Fine-grained Path Selection for Wireless LANsAllen Miu, Godfrey Tan, Hari Balakrishnan, John Apostolopoulos
    MobiSys2004 MAR: A Commuter Router Infrastructure for the Mobile InternetPablo Rodriguez, Rajiv Chakravorty, Julian Chesterfield, Ian Pratt, Suman Banerjee
    MobiSys2004 A Mechanism for Host Mobility Management supporting Application AwarenessA.J.H. Peddemors, H. Zandbelt, M.S. Bargh
    MobiSys2004 Electronic Shepherd - a Low-Cost, Low-Bandwidth, Wireless Network SystemBjorn Thorstensen, Tore Syversen, Tron Walseth, Trond-Are Bjornvold
    MobiSys2004 Implementing Software on Resource-Constrained Mobile Sensors: Experiences with Impala and ZebraNetTing Liu, Christopher M. Sadler, Pei Zhang, Margaret Martonosi
    MobiSys2004 Human Needs and Mobile Technologies: Small, fast, and funBen Shneiderman
    MobiSys2004 NWSLite: A Light-Weight Prediction Utility for Mobile DevicesSelim Gurun, Chandra Krintz, Rich Wolski
    MobiSys2004 uSleep: A Technique for Reducing Energy Consumption in Handheld DevicesLawrence S. Brakmo, Deborah A. Wallach, Marc A. Viredaz
    MobiSys2004 Ghosts in the Machine: Interfaces for Better Power ManagementManish Anand, Edmund B. Nightingale, Jason Flinn
    MobiSys2004 Metadata Creation System for Mobile ImagesRisto Sarvas, Erick Herrarte
    MobiSys2004 Bluetooth and WAP Push Based Location-Aware Mobile Advertising SystemLauri Aalto, Nicklas Göthlin, Jani Korhonen, Timo Ojala
    MobiSys2004 Impromptu: Managing Networked Audio Applications for Mobile UsersChris Schmandt, Kwan Hong Lee, Jang Kim, Mark Ackerman
    MobiSys2004 Improving the Latency of 802.11 hand-offs using Neighbor GraphsMinho Shin, Arunesh Mishra, William A. Arbaugh
    MobiSys2004 DOMINO: A System to Detect Greedy Behavior in IEEE 802.11 HotspotsMaxim Raya, Jean-Pierre Hubaux, Imad Aad
    MobiSys2003GPRSWeb: Optimizing the Web for GPRS LinksRajiv Chakravorty, Andrew Clark, Ian Pratt
    MobiSys2003Protecting Applications with Transient AuthenticationMark D. Corner, Brian D. Noble
    MobiSys2003iFlow: Middleware-assisted Rendezvous-based Information Access for Mobile Ad Hoc ApplicationsZongpeng Li, Baochun Li, Dongyan Xu, Xin Zhou
    MobiSys2003Full TCP/IP for 8-Bit ArchitecturesAdam Dunkels
    MobiSys2003System Services for Ad-Hoc Routing: Architecture, Implementation and ExperiencesVikas Kawadia, Yongguang Zhang, Binita Gupta
    MobiSys2003Predictive Resource Management for Wearable ComputingDushyanth Narayanan, M. Satyanarayanan
    MobiSys2003Host Mobility Using an Internet Indirection InfrastructureShelley Zhuang, Ion Stoica, Randy Katz, Scott Shenker
    MobiSys2003Contact Networking: A Localized Mobility SystemCasey Carter, Robin Kravets, Jean Tourrilhes
