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A number of web client tracing efforts have been made in the past. One of the earliest was performed by Boston University [10], in which about a half million client requests were captured. These traces are unique in that the Mosaic browser was exclusively used by the client population; the Boston University researchers instrumented the browser source code in order to capture their traces. This research effort concentrated on analyzing various distributions in the traces, including document sizes, the popularity of documents, and the relationship between the two distributions. They used these measured distributions to make a number of recommendations to web cache designers.

Our traces are similar to the Boston University traces in spirit, although by using a packet snooper to gather the traces, we did not have to modify client software. Also, our traces were taken from a much larger and more active client population (8,000 users generating more than 24,000,000 requests over a 45 day period, as compared to the Boston University traces' 591 users generating 500,000 requests over a 6 month period).

In [20], a set of web proxy traces gathered for all external web requests from Digital Electronics Corporation (DEC) is presented. These traces were gathered by modifying DEC's two SQUID proxy caches. These traces represent over 24,000,000 requests gathered over a 24 day period. No analysis of these traces is given - only the traces themselves were made public. Only requests flowing through the SQUID proxy were captured in the traces - all web requests that flowed from DEC to external sites were captured, but there is a lack of DEC local requests in the traces.

Many papers have been written on the topic of web server and client trace analysis. In [32], removal policies for network caches of WWW documents are explored, based in part on simulations driven by traces gathered from the Computer Science department of Virginia Tech. In [9], WWW traffic self-similarity is demonstrated and in part explained through analysis of the Boston University web client traces. In [25], a series of proxy-cache experiments are run on a sophisticated proxy-cache simulation environment called SPA (Squid Proxy Analysis), using the DEC SQUID proxy traces to drive the simulation. A collection of proxy-level and packet-level traces are analyzed and presented in [12] to motivate a caching model in which updates to documents are transmitted instead of complete copies of modified documents. Finally, an empirical model of HTTP network traffic and a simulator called INSANE is developed in [23] based on HTTP packet traces captured using the tcpdump tool.

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Steve Gribble
Tue Oct 21 15:56:39 PDT 1997