USENIX Symposium on Internet Technologies and Systems, 1997   
[Technical Program]
Pp. 147158 of the Proceedings | ![](/legacy/graphics/buy_now.gif) |
Rate of Change and other Metrics:
a Live Study of the World Wide Web
Fred Douglis
Anja Feldmann
Balachander Krishnamurthy
AT&T Labs - Research
Jeffrey Mogul
Digital Equipment Corporation - Western Research Laboratory
Caching in the World Wide Web is based on two critical
assumptions: that a significant
fraction of requests reaccess resources that have already been
retrieved; and that those resources do
not change between accesses.
We tested the validity of these assumptions, and their
dependence on characteristics of Web resources, including
access rate, age at time of reference, content type, resource
size, and Internet top-level domain. We also measured the rate
at which resources change, and the prevalence of duplicate
copies in the Web.
We quantified the potential benefit of a
shared proxy-caching server in a large environment by using traces
that were collected at the Internet connection points for two large
corporations, representing significant numbers of references.
Only 22% of the resources referenced in the traces we analyzed
were accessed more than once, but about half of the references
were to those multiply-referenced resources. Of this half,
13% were to a resource that had been modified since the previous
traced reference to it.
We found that
the content type and rate of access have a strong influence on these
metrics, the domain has a moderate influence, and size has little
In addition, we studied other aspects of the rate of change,
including semantic differences such as the insertion or deletion of
anchors, phone numbers, and email addresses.
The design and evaluation of Web server caches, and especially of
caching proxy servers, depends on the dynamics both of client
reference patterns and of the rate of change of Web resources.
Some resources are explicitly indicated as uncacheable, often
because they are dynamically generated.
Other resources, though apparently cacheable,
may change frequently.
When a resource does change, the extent of the change
can affect the performance of systems that use delta-encodings to propagate
only the changes, rather than full copies of the updated
resources [2,12,16].
The nature
of the change is also relevant to systems that notify users when changes to a
page have been detected (e.g., AIDE [7] or
URL-minder [17]): one
would like to have a metric of how ``interesting'' a change is.
One example of an interesting change is the insertion
of a new anchor (hyperlink) to another page.
A number of recent studies have attempted to characterize the World Wide Web
in terms of content (e.g., [4,22]),
performance (e.g., [20]),
or caching behavior (e.g., [11]). These
studies generally use one
of two approaches to collect data, either
``crawling'' (traversing a static Web topology), or analyzing proxy or
server logs.
Data collected using a crawler
does not reflect the dynamic rates of accesses to Web resources.
Data collected by analyzing logs can provide dynamic access information,
such as access times and modification dates (although most existing
servers and proxies provide meager log information, at best, and
dynamically generated data will not typically include modification information).
To quantify the rate, nature, and extent of changes to Web resources,
we collected traces at the Internet connections for two large corporate
networks, including the full contents of request and response messages.
One of these traces, obtained over 17 days at the gateway between AT&T
Labs-Research and the external Internet, consists of
19 Gbytes of data.
The other trace, obtained over 2 days at the primary Internet proxy
for Digital Equipment Corporation, was collected by modifying the proxy
software to record HTTP messages for selected URLs; it amounts to
9 Gbytes of data. The traces used in our study have been described
elsewhere [16] and are discussed in greater detail in
Section 2.
Our trace collection and analysis were motivated by several
questions. A primary issue was the potential benefit of
delta-encoding and/or compression to reduce bandwidth requirements, a
study of which was presented separately [16]. Here we
address other aspects of the rate of change. When possible, we
consider how the metric is affected by variables
such as frequency of access, content type, resource size, site, or
top-level domain (TLD) . We answer questions such as:
- How frequently are resources reaccessed? The frequency of
reaccess is essential to the utility of caching and delta-encoding.
- What fraction of requests access a resource that has changed
since the previous request to the same resource? If the
fraction is high, simple caching may prove much less useful than
a scheme that can take advantage of delta-encodings.
- How ``old'' are resources when accessed, i.e., what is the
difference between the reference time and the last-modified time?
The age of resources can be an important consideration in
determining when to expire a possibly stale
copy [11].
- For those references yielding explicit modification timestamps,
how much time elapses between modifications to the same resource,
and how do the modification rate and access rate of a resource
interact? If a cache can detect modifications at regular
intervals, it can use that information to improve data consistency.
- How much duplication is there in the Web? When one requests
resource X, how often does one get something identical to
resource Y, either on the same host or another one? Examples
of such duplication include explicit mirrors and cases where a
particular resource, such as an image, has been copied and made
available under many URLs.
The rate of duplication may be important to
the success of protocols such as the proposed ``HTTP Distribution
and Replication Protocol'' (DRP) [19], which would use
content signatures, such as an MD5 checksum, to determine whether the
content of a resource instance is cached under a different URL.
- Can we detect and exploit changes in semantically distinguishable
elements of HTML documents, including syntactically marked
elements such as anchors and other interresource references
(i.e., HREF tags), and untagged elements such as
telephone numbers and email addresses?
Our analyses show that over a period of over two weeks, many
resources were never modified, others were modified often, and a
significant fraction were modified at least once between each
traced access. The
rate of change depends on many factors, particularly content type
but also TLD. On the other hand, the size of a resource does
not appear to affect modification rates.
A significant fraction of resources overlap within or between sites
(i.e., different URLs refer to identical bodies).
Our analysis of
semantically distinguishable elements showed that some elements,
such as telephone numbers, are relatively stable across versions;
others, such as image references, are more likely to change from one version
to another and in some cases are replaced completely on a regular
The rest of this paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 describes our traces.
Section 3 elaborates on the metrics we have
considered and reports our results. Section 4
discusses related work, and Section 5 concludes.
Both the Digital and AT&T traces stored full-content responses for a
collection of outgoing HTTP requests from a corporate community. They
did not log non-HTTP responses, and
the AT&T trace also omitted HTTP transfers from a port other than the
default HTTP port 80 (these constituted less than 1% of the data).
The AT&T trace was collected by monitoring packets through the AT&T
Labs--Research firewall.
All resources were logged, enabling us to
consider the effects of content-type on the AT&T reference stream.
The trace consists of 950,000 records from 465 distinct clients
accessing 20,400 distinct servers and referencing 474,000 distinct URLs.
The Digital trace was gathered by a proxy server that passed requests
through a corporate firewall. The proxy did not cache resources,
though clients could. Due to storage constraints, the trace software filtered
out resources
with a set of extensions that suggested binary content, such as images
and compressed data.
Most, but
not all, logged resources were textual data such as HTML.
Due to space constraints, we present results only for
the AT&T trace.
The restrictions on content-type in the Digital trace made
it less useful for some of our analyses, but where we could
obtain comparable results from both traces, we found them
quite similar. The results from the Digital trace are available
in an extended version of this paper [8].
Figure 1:
Visualization of the access stream for one resource. The
x-axis represents a fraction of the period from the earliest last-modified
timestamp for the resource until the latest reference to it. Each
metric is spread across the y-axis (refer to the legend, and
to the text for a detailed explanation.)
\epsfig {file=mh.graphical.representation.eps,width=\halftextwidth}
\end{center}\end{figure}](img1.gif) |
The following subsections correspond to the metrics discussed in the
first section.
Figure 1 provides a graphical
representation of several of the attributes and their
relationships to each other. Our metrics are derived from these attributes.
For a particular resource, we consider a stream of
accesses to it and the information available for each access. For
status-200 responses (which return the body of the resource) and
status-304 responses (which indicate that the resource has not changed
since a previous time, provided in the request), we examine several
- Request times
- The number of requests, and the time between each
requests, is shown by the
marks in Figure 1.
- Modification times
- The vast majority of status-200 responses (79%)
contained last-modified timestamps (+ marks in Figure 1). When no
last-modified information was available but the content changed, we
assumed the resource was
dynamically generated at the time of the request, and used the
Date response header (or the timestamp of the local host if no
Date header was provided).
- Ages
- For those resources with a last-modified timestamp, the
of a resource is the difference between the request time and the
last-modified time. Otherwise, it is 0. In
Figure 1, the age of each reference (
marks in Figure 1)
is the difference between the timestamp of the reference and the
modification timestamp immediately below or to the left of the reference.
- Modification intervals
- To determine the interval between modifications, we must
first detect modifications. The last-modified timestamp
is not always present, and when it is present, it sometimes
changes even when the response body does not. Therefore,
we detect changes by comparing the bodies of two successive
responses for a resource.
The first time a full-body response is received, we cannot tell
whether it has changed(
marks in
Figure 1). Subsequent references are indicated as ``no change''
(x) or ``change'' ( ).
For those modified responses with a last-modified timestamp,
the time between two differing timestamps indicates a lower
bound on the rate of change: the resource might have changed
more than once between the observed accesses. If a modified
response lacks a last-modified timestamp, then we assume that
it changed at the time the response was generated. Again, the
resource might have changed more than once between the observed
In the following subsections, we present information about references
and ages
that span large time intervals--as much as 108 seconds (3.1 years)
and higher.
To focus on the
trends across a wide time range, the graphs show the probability
distributions with
a logarithmic scale on the x-axis; the y-axis remains on a linear scale to
emphasize the most common values. While a cumulative distribution function
shows the probability that a value is less than x, it cannot clearly
emphasize the most common values. Such values become more apparent when using
a probability density of the logarithm of the data. Coupled with a
logarithmic scale on the x-axis, plotting the density of the logarithm of
the data facilitates direct comparisons between different parts of the graphs
based on the area under the curve and is appropriate when using a log x-axis.
Table 1:
Content type distribution of the AT&T trace. Percentages
do not sum to 100% due to rounding.
Content type |
Accesses |
Resources |
% by count |
% by bytes |
% by count |
% by bytes |
image/gif |
57 |
36 |
48 |
18 |
text/html |
20 |
21 |
24 |
33 |
image/jpeg |
12 |
24 |
16 |
28 |
app'n/octet-stream |
8 |
13 |
9 |
13 |
all others |
2 |
6 |
3 |
8 |
As we show later, content type bears on several of these statistics.
Table 1 shows the distribution of the content types in
the AT&T trace, as a fraction of unique resources and of all
responses. In some cases a resource appeared with different content
types over time, in which case the content type of the resource in
our studies was determined by choosing the type that it appeared as
most frequently. In terms of requests, images contributed to 69% of
all accesses, and 64% of all resources. HTML accounted for just a
fifth of accesses and about a quarter of resources.
Application/octet-stream resources, which are arbitrary untyped
data used by applications such as Pointcast, accounted for most of the
rest of the accesses and resources. In terms of bytes transferred,
GIFs contributed a relatively low amount of traffic for the number of
accesses or resources, while all other content types contributed a
greater share. (See [16] for additional statistics
about content types.)
Figure 2:
Density of time between accesses to the same resource, for
all records in the AT&T trace. Time is shown on a log scale.
Standard time units are shown across
the top of the graph.
\epsfig {file=mh.density.time.between.access.all.eps,width=\halftextwidth}
\end{center}\end{figure}](img5.gif) |
Figure 2 plots the density of the time between accesses to each
resource for the AT&T trace. There are a number of peaks, with the most
prominent ones corresponding to intervals of one minute and one day. The mean
interarrival time was 25.4 hours with a median of 1.9
hours and a standard deviation of 49.6 hours. The huge difference
between the median and the mean indicates that the mean is extremely sensitive
to outliers. The mean of the data after applying a
gives a much
better indication of where the weight of the probability distribution is. For
this graph, the ``transformed'' mean is 1.6 hours.
Of the 474,000 distinct resources accessed in the AT&T trace, 105,000
(22%) were retrieved in a way that demonstrated repeated access:
either multiple full-body status-200 responses, or at least one
status-304 response that indicated that a client had cached the
resource previously.
A much higher portion of references (49%) demonstrated repeated access.
We define the change ratio for a resource as the
ratio of new instances to total references, as seen in the trace
(i.e., the change ratio is the fraction of references to a resource
that yield a changed instance).
Overall we see that many resources are
modified infrequently, but many more are modified often, and 16.5%
of the resources that were accessed at least twice were modified every
time they were accessed. Relative to all responses that were accesses
more than once 13% had been changed since the previous traced
reference to it. Yet considering all responses for which we could
determine whether the resource was modified (either a status-304
response or a status-200
response that followed a previous status-200 response), 15.4% of responses
reflected a modified resource.
Figure 3:
Cumulative distribution of change ratio for the AT&T
![[Cumulative distribution of change ratio]](fig3.gif) |
Figure 3(a) graphs the cumulative fraction of resources
that are at or below a given change ratio, organized by content type.
Images almost never changed, while
application/octet-stream resources almost always changed. For
text/html, slightly over half the resources never changed, and most
of the rest changed on each access after the first. However, this
apparent high rate of change results largely from resources that were
accessed just two or three times. Figure 3(b) shows just
HTML resources, clustered by access count, and indicates that there is
much more variation among the resources that were accessed six or
more times, and that only about a fifth of those resources were
modified on every access.
Figure 4:
Density plot of age of resources, clustered by various
metrics, for the AT&T trace. Times are shown on a log scale.
![[Density plot of age]](fig4.gif) |
Figure 4 presents density plots of the age of each
resource when it is received, for those resources providing a
last-modified timestamp. It omits resources for which the
modification date is the access time, such as dynamically-generated
data and particularly a large number of
application/octet-stream resources.
The results are
clustered in several ways:
- 1.
- Resources are clustered by number of references. The most
frequently referenced resources have the highest clustering of age,
around the period of 10 days to 10 months. The curves are generally
similar, indicating that the frequency of access does not have a
large effect on age, although the most frequently accessed resources
have a higher peak followed by a shorter tail (indicating somewhat
younger responses overall).
- 2.
- Resources are clustered by content type, with
application/octet-stream having a shape similar to the most
frequent URLs in (a), since they contribute most of the
references to the most frequently accessed resources.
HTML responses are newer than the other types, with a mean of 1.8
months and a median of 12.8 days. This compares to a mean of 3.8
months and median of 63.9 days for gif resources, for example.
- 3.
- Resources are clustered by size. Here, there is not a large
distinction between sizes, although the smallest resources tend to
be somewhat older than others. This is unsurprising since there are
many small images that are essentially static.
- 4.
- Resources are clustered by TLD, using Bray's
categorization [4]. This clustering reduced the
20,400 host addresses to 13,300 distinct sites (such as a campus, or
the high-order 16 bits of an IP address for numeric addresses).
Educational sites serve
resources that are noticeably older than other domains. Note that
17% of responses had no Host header;
currently, these fall into the ``other'' category, and show some
periodicity at an interval of 1 day.
Figure 5:
Density plot of age of resources, focussing on frequently
accessed resources, for the AT&T trace. Times are shown on a log scale.
![[Density plot of age for frequently accessed resources]](fig5.gif) |
Previously, Bestavros [3] and Gwertzmann and
Seltzer [11] found that more popular
resources changed less often than others. As described next in
Section 3.4, we found that when a resource changed, its
frequency of change was greater the more often it was accessed. This
result suggested that in our trace, more popular resources might
change more frequently rather than less. Figure 5
plots the mean age of resources, categorizing them into less
frequently accessed resources (1-20 references) and more frequently
accessed ones. Considering all content types
(Figure 5(a)), more frequently accessed resources
are clearly younger than less frequently accessed ones. Focussing on
HTML (Figure 5(b)), the difference is even more
The differences between our results and the earlier studies are
striking, but they may be explained by considering
the environments studied. The earlier studies reported on
servers at Boston University and Harvard University (the educational
TLD), while we looked
at everything accessed by a community of users. A number of
resources, such as ``tickers'' that update constantly changing information,
were accessed frequently and changed on (nearly) each access.
Figure 6:
Density plot of the time between last-modified timestamps,
clustered by reference
count and content type, for the AT&T trace. Times are shown on a log scale.
![[Density plot of last-modified spread]](fig6.gif) |
Figure 6 presents density plots of the time between
last-modified timestamps for the AT&T trace, when a resource has
changed. Figure 6(a) clusters the modification
intervals by the number of accesses to each resource, demonstrating
that, of the resources that change, the most frequently accessed
resources have the shortest
intervals between modification. (Naturally, since we are limited to
observing modification times when resources are accessed, we cannot
tell whether there are resources that are changing frequently but
being accessed no more than once during the trace interval.)
The peaks in Figure 6(a) appear at somewhat intuitive
intervals: 1 minute, 15 minutes, 1 hour, and 1 day.
As the number of references increases, one is
more likely to observe updates with fixed periodicity, such as the
peak at 15 minutes for resources that are accessed 51 or more times.
Also, the probability density falls off after 10 days, which is
largely due to the 17-day
duration of our trace and the need to observe two different
last-modified dates.
Figure 6(b) clusters the modification
intervals by content type, and indicates that HTML resources that are
modified at all will change more often than more static content types
such as images. Some of these are the ``tickers'' mentioned above
that are updated at 15-minute intervals.
We also observe the effect of Pointcast (serving
resources of type application/octet-stream), which has a
one-hour update interval. Some images and HTML pages change daily, which may
be partly due to the effect of advertisements and regular updates.
Our content-based analysis required that we compute checksums of the
content of each instance of each resource, in order to determine when
changes occurred. In the process, we found some interesting
phenomena: in particular, that 146,000 (18%) of the full-body
responses in the AT&T trace that resulted in a new instance of a
particular resource were identical to at least one other instance of
a different resource. There are several common causes for this:
- 1.
- Multiple
URLs may refer to a single server and return the same
content. Most commonly this overlap is due to some form of unique
session-identifier embedded within the URL. In one case alone,
there were 443 distinct URLs that referred to the same content on
the same host.
- 2.
- The
same body may be replicated on multiple hosts, usually as an
explicit ``mirror,'' or an image that has been copied to reside with
the HTML resources that embed it. The ``Netscape Now'' icon, the
``blue ribbon'' campaign, and various site-rating logos are
examples of this.
- 3.
- Different resources may be used to convey information, for
instance to inform a server of the origin of the link.
Figure 7:
Duplication of instances in the AT&T trace.
![[duplication of instances]](fig7.gif) |
Figure 7(a) plots a cumulative distribution of the
frequency of replication. Most bodies that are replicated appear
just twice, but six appear over 400 times. Figure 7(b)
plots the number of distinct hosts appearing in the set of resources for
each replicated body, and shows that some appear just once (all
replicas are served by the same host) while others follow the dashed
line that indicates an equal number: every replica is served by a
different host.
At first glance, the extent of replication suggests that a mechanism
to identify replicas might serve to improve the effectiveness of
caching. However, most of the resources are accessed multiple times
and a traditional cache would eliminate many of the references to
them. Of the rest, many are uncacheable and would need to be
retrieved on each access regardless. Thus, the benefit of identifying
duplicates would be to reduce the storage demands of the cache (not
generally a large problem in today's environments) and to eliminate
one access from each but the first host that serves the resource.
We define a semantically interesting item to be a recognizable pattern that
occurs reasonably often in the context of Web pages. For example, telephone
numbers (in various guises) are one class of pattern. Across instances of a Web
page, changes in telephone numbers may be of interest. The manner in which we
recognize semantically interesting patterns, referred to as grinking
(for ``grok and link''), is part of another project [14]; we
concentrate here on the rate of change of semantically interesting items.
Using the AT&T trace, we looked for the following classes of
patterns: HREFs (hyperlinks), IMGs (image
references), email addresses, telephone numbers, and URL strings that occur in
the body of a Web page.
Because each of these forms can occur in many
different ways, we probably did not recognize every occurrence. For example,
a preliminary study [14] found over twenty different
variations of North American
telephone number syntax.
More importantly, we cannot always assert a string matching one of these
patterns is indeed a telephone number. For example, it is possible that the
string ``202-456-1111'' is not actually a telephone number, although it is
likely to be one, especially if the phrase ``White House'' appears in the same
page. While we currently use a context-independent technique to recognize
patterns, one could enhance the reliability of recognition by using the
context surrounding the pattern. We would be more confident of a pattern
suspected to be a telephone number if the string ``phone'', ``telephone'', or
``tel'' occurs in the surrounding context.
Table 2:
Number of instances which had no forms recognized
Form |
Instances |
Percent |
7720 |
25.9 |
8331 |
27.9 |
Email |
23795 |
79.7 |
10-digit phone |
27531 |
92.2 |
7-digit phone |
23788 |
79.7 |
Grinking only makes sense for text files, which greatly reduced the number of
responses we had to analyze.
Also, we decided to look at
only the first ten instances of a resource, since later changes
are likely to follow the same behavior.
We looked at 29846 instances
of 8655 different resources. 55% of these resources were referenced twice;
71% were referenced three times or fewer;
90% were referenced 9 times or fewer.
Table 2 presents the number of instances that had
no recognizable forms of a particular type, such as HREFs.
For each instance of each resource we computed the semantic change by looking at the
addition and deletions of forms. We define the churn for a given form
as the fraction of occurrences of that form that change between successive
instances of a resource.
For example, if an instance of a resource has eight telephone numbers, and the next
instance of that resource changes four of those telephone numbers, then the
churn is 50%.
We computed a churn value for each instance of a resource that
contained the given form (except for the first one seen in the trace),
then averaged the result over all instances, including the first.
The results are in
Table 3, which shows, for each class of form, the fraction of
original occurrences of that form (as a percentage) that experienced a given
amount of churn. For example, 1.5% of the recognized email addresses changed
between instances in at least 75% of the cases.
Table 3:
Percentage of instances having a given value of ``churn'' in semantically recognized forms.
Churn |
Email |
10-digit Phone |
7-digit Phone |
100% |
3.3 |
4.7 |
1.4 |
0.9 |
3.2 |
>= 75% |
5.6 |
6.2 |
1.5 |
1.0 |
4.9 |
>= 50% |
9.7 |
12.6 |
2.1 |
1.4 |
6.3 |
>= 25% |
17.8 |
24.6 |
2.6 |
1.6 |
7.1 |
0% |
41.2 |
48.6 |
96.5 |
98.0 |
90.2 |
As shown in
Table 3, 5%
of IMG references
changed totally between instances, while fully qualified (10-digit)
phone numbers changed the least. In 98% of the cases, when
10-digit telephone
numbers were present, they did not change at all between instances.
These results are not too surprising. The stability of
forms like telephone numbers may be useful in other contexts.
In the future, we would like to compare
the semantic difference between instances against a bitwise
delta-encoding. Such a measure would tell us if the
instances differ only in recognizably meaningful ways.
We analyzed the packet traces to compute
statistics on a number of issues beyond the issue of the rate of change.
In particular, we were
interested in the presence of information in the HTTP request or
response headers
that would affect the cacheability of resources: modification
timestamps, authentication, cookies, pragmas, or expiration
timestamps. Of the 820,000 status-200 responses, 650,000
(79.4%) contained last-modified times, without which browsers and
proxy-caching servers will generally not cache a resource.
Surprisingly, 136,000 responses (16.5%) involved cookies, while
48,500 (5.9%) had some form of explicit disabling of the cache,
nearly all of which are from a Pragma: no-cache directive.
One can gather data from a
number of sources, both static (based on crawling) and dynamic (based
on user accesses).
Viles and
French [20] studied the
availability and latency of a set of servers that were found through
web-crawling, primarily to ascertain when machines were accessible and
how long it took to contact them.
Woodruff, et
al [22] used the Web crawler for the
Inktomi [13] search engine to categorize resources based on such
attributes as size, tags, and file extensions. For HTML documents,
they found a mean document size of 4.4 Kbytes.
Bray [4] similarly used the Open Text
Index [18] to analyze a large set of resources. He
found an mean resource size of 6.5 Kbytes and a median of 2 Kbytes.
Bray's study primarily
focussed on the relationships between resources, e.g. the
number of inbound and outbound links.
Our traces represent dynamic accesses, so the sizes of resources that
are actually retrieved by a set of hosts is expected to be different from the set
of all resources found by a web-crawler.
In our AT&T trace, the mean was nearly 8 Kbytes, with
a median of 3.3 Kbytes. Our Digital proxy trace showed
a mean of less than 7 Kbytes, and a median of 4.0 Kbytes.
The response-body size differences between our two traces is
due to the omission of certain content types from the Digital trace;
these content-types show a larger mean, and a larger variance,
than the included types [16].
Several studies have considered dynamic accesses, though they have
not considered the frequency or extent of modifications. Cunha et
al. [6]
instrumented NCSA Mosaic to gather client-based traces. Those traces were
then used to consider document type distributions, resource
popularity, and caching policies. Williams
et al. [21] studied logs from several environments to
evaluate policies governing the removal of documents from a
cache. Like us, they used logs from
proxy-caching servers as well as tcpdump, but they examined
headers only.
They noted that dynamic documents
that are presently uncacheable could be used to transmit the
differences between versions.
This idea was developed in more detail in
WebExpress [12] and ``optimistic
deltas'' [2]. A later study by Mogul et
al. [16] quantified the potential benefits
of delta-encoding and compression, using the same traces as
we used for this paper.
and Williamson used
server logs from several sites to analyze document types and sizes,
frequency of reference, inter-reference times, aborted connections,
and other metrics [1]. Here we
considered many of the same issues,
from the perspective of a collection of clients rather than a
relatively small
number of servers.
Kroeger et al. [15] recently studied the potential
for caching to reduce latency, using simulations based on
traces of request and response headers. They found that even
an infinite-size proxy cache could eliminate at most 26% of the
latency in their traces, largely because of the same factors we
observed: many URLs are accessed only once, and many are
modified too often for caching to be effective.
Gribble and Brewer [10] studied traces from a large
collection of clients at U.C. Berkeley, gathered via a packet-sniffer
like the one used for our AT&T trace. They examined a largely
different set of metrics, such as access rates, locality of reference,
and service response times.
Broder, et al. [5] analyze the syntactic
similarity of files, using a web-crawler to create ``sketches'' of all
accessible resources on the Web. These sketches can be used to find
resources that are substantially similar.
Such an approach might be an efficient way to find
near-duplicates to which our work on semantic differences
(and our previous work on delta-encoding [16]) is
best applied.
We have used live traces of two large corporate communities
to evaluate the rate and nature of change of Web resources. We found
that many resources change frequently, and that the frequency of
access, age since last modified, and frequency of modification depend
on several factors, especially content type and top-level domain, but
not size.
Our observations suggest limits on the utility of simple Web
caches. The assumptions upon which most current Web
caching is based, locality of reference and stability
of value, are only valid for a subset of the resources
in the Web. Designers of advanced Web caches must confront
the high rate-of-change in the Web, if they are going to
provide significant latency or bandwidth improvements
over existing caches.
In addition to the rate-based analysis, we performed semantic
comparisons to multiple versions of textual documents and found that
some entities such as telephone numbers are remarkably stable across
Semantic comparisons may prove useful in conjunction with notification
tools [7,17] as well as search
engines, directories, and other Web services.
We are collecting a significantly larger trace dataset, to verify
our conclusions here. We also intend to perform an extended
semantic-difference study to locate minor changes in
otherwise-identical web pages. We plan to investigate
whether rate-of-change metrics can identify cases
where it might be useful to pre-compute and cache delta-encodings
at the server, and where prefetching
of resources or delta-encodings
might be beneficial.
Gideon Glass provided helpful
comments on an earlier
draft. We also thank the anonymous referees for their comments.
- 1
Martin F. Arlitt and Carey L. Williamson.
Web server workload characterization: The search for invariants
(extended version).
Technical Report DISCUS Working Paper 96-3, Dept. of Computer
Science, University of Saskatchewan, March 1996.
- 2
Gaurav Banga, Fred Douglis, and Michael Rabinovich.
Optimistic deltas for WWW latency reduction.
In Proceedings of 1997 USENIX Technical Conference, pages
289-303, Anaheim, CA, January 1997.
- 3
A. Bestavros.
Speculative data dissemination and service to reduce server load,
network traffic and service time in distributed information systems.
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Data
Engineering, pages 180-189, New Orleans, February 1996.
- 4
Tim Bray.
Measuring the Web.
In Proceedings of the Fifth International World Wide Web
Conference, pages 993-1005, Paris, France, May 1996.
- 5
Andrei Z. Broder, Steven C. Glassman, Mark S. Manasse, and Geoffrey Zweig.
Syntactic clustering of the web.
In Proceedings of the Sixth International World Wide Web
Conference, Santa Clara, CA, April 1997.
- 6
Carlos R. Cunha, Azer Bestavros, and Mark E. Crovella.
Characteristics of WWW client-based traces.
Technical Report BU-CS-95-010, Computer Science Department, Boston
University, July 1996.
- 7
Fred Douglis, Thomas Ball, Yih-Farn Chen, and Eleftherios Koutsofios.
The AT&T Internet Difference Engine: Tracking and viewing
changes on the web.
World Wide Web, January 1998.
To appear. Also published as AT&T Labs--Research TR 97.23.1, April,
- 8
Fred Douglis, Anja Feldmann, Balachander Krishnamurthy, and Jeffrey Mogul.
Rate of change and other metrics: a live study of the World Wide
Technical Report #97.24.2, AT&T Labs--Research, Florham Park, NJ,
December 1997.
- 9
R. Fielding, J. Gettys, J. Mogul, H. Frystyk, T. Berners-Lee, et al.
RFC 2068: Hypertext transfer protocol -- HTTP/1.1, January 1997.
- 10
Steven D. Gribble and Eric A. Brewer.
System design issues for internet middleware services: Deductions
from a large client trace.
In Proceedings of the Symposium on Internetworking Systems and
Technologies. USENIX, December 1997.
To appear.
- 11
James Gwertzman and Margo Seltzer.
World-Wide Web cache consistency.
In Proceedings of 1996 USENIX Technical Conference, pages
141-151, San Diego, CA, January 1996.
- 12
Barron C. Housel and David B. Lindquist.
WebExpress: A system for optimizing Web browsing in a wireless
In Proceedings of the Second Annual International Conference on
Mobile Computing and Networking, pages 108-116, Rye, New York, November
1996. ACM.
- 13
January 1997.
- 14
Guy Jacobson, Balachander Krishnamurthy, and Divesh Srivastava.
Grink: To grok and link.
Technical Memorandum, AT&T Labs--Research, July 1996.
- 15
Thomas M. Kroeger, Darrell D. E. Long, and Jeffrey C. Mogul.
Exploring the bounds of web latency reduction from caching and
In Proceedings of the Symposium on Internetworking Systems and
Technologies. USENIX, December 1997.
To appear.
- 16
Jeffrey Mogul, Fred Douglis, Anja Feldmann, and Balachander Krishnamurthy.
Potential benefits of delta-encoding and data compression for HTTP.
In Proceedings of SIGCOMM'97, pages 181-194, Cannes, France,
September 1997. ACM.
An extended version appears as Digital Equipment Corporation Western
Research Lab TR 97/4, July, 1997.
- 17
December 1996.
- 18
- 19
Arthur van Hoff, John Giannandrea, Mark Hapner, Steve Carter, and Milo Medin.
The http distribution and replication protocol.
W3C Note, August 1997.
- 20
Charles L. Viles and James C. French.
Availability and latency of World Wide Web information servers.
Computing Systems, 8(1):61-91, Winter 1995.
- 21
S. Williams, M. Abrams, C. R. Standridge, G. Abdulla, and E. A. Fox.
Removal policies in network caches for World-Wide Web documents.
In Proceedings of SIGCOMM'96, volume 26,4, pages 293-305,
New York, August 1996. ACM.
- 22
Allison Woodruff, Paul M. Aoki, Eric Brewer, Paul Gauthier, and Lawrence A.
An investigation of documents from the WWW.
In Proceedings of the Fifth International WWW Conference, pages
963-979, Paris, France, May 1996.
Rate of Change and other Metrics:
a Live Study of the World Wide Web
This document was generated using the
LaTeX2HTML translator Version 97.1 (release) (July 13th, 1997)
Copyright © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997,
Nikos Drakos,
Computer Based Learning Unit, University of Leeds.
- ...(TLD)
- We use Bray's classification of
TLDs [4], such as educational, commercial,
government, regional, and so on.
- ...age
- Note that this use of age differs from the HTTP/1.1
terminology, where a response Age header indicates how
long a response has been cached [9].
- ...log-transform
- The log-transform of a set of data is
Fred Douglis Anja Feldmann Balachander Krishnamurthy
Jeffrey Mogul