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Metadata and Directories

In most file systems, write() operations modify both the file data and the file's metadata (for example, file size, modification time, access time). Although it is possible to allow separate persistence guarantees for a file's metadata and data, if either the metadata or the data is lost, the file becomes unusable. Moreover, separate volatility specifications only complicates the file system abstraction. Consequently, MBFS's volatility specifications apply to both the file's data and its metadata.

A similar problem arises is determining how the volatility for directories is specified. In MBFS, directory volatility definitions differ from file volatility in two important ways.

First, all modifications to directory information (e.g., file create/delete/modify operations) must reach the LCM immediately so that all clients have a consistent view of directory information. Only the metadata needs to be sent to LCM. The file's modified data can stay in the machine's LM if the file's metadata was sent to the LCM and a callback is registered with the LCM, and the file's LM timeout has not occurred.

Second, a directory inherits its volatility specification from the most persistent file created, deleted, or modified in the directory since the last time the directory was archived. If a file is created with a volatility specification that is ``more persistent'' than the directory's current volatility specification, the directory's specification must be dynamically upgraded. If the directory was lost and the directory's persistence wasn't greater than or equal to its most persistent file, the file would be lost from the directory (even if the file's data is not lost). Once the directory is archived to level N, the directory's volatility specification for level N can be reset to infinity. This produces optimal directory performance. Assigning stronger persistence guarantees to directories than the files they contain degrades performance and wastes resources because of the unnecessary persistence costs.

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Todd Anderson