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Isolation with Flexibility:
A Resource Management Framework for Central Servers

David G. Sullivan, Margo I. Seltzer
Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138


5. Experiments

We conducted a number of experiments to test the effectiveness of our extended framework and to assess its ability to provide increased flexibility in resource allocation while preserving secure isolation. In the following sections, we first discuss tests of the proportional-share mechanisms that we implemented and demonstrate that they provide accurate proportional-share guarantees and effective isolation. We then present experiments that test the impact of ticket exchanges on two sets of applications.

5.1 Experimental Setup

All of these experiments were conducted using our modified kernel. We ran it on a 200-MHz Pentium Pro processor with 128 MB of RAM and a 256-KB L2 cache. The machine had an Adaptec AHA-2940 SCSI controller with a single 2.14-GB Conner CFP2105S hard disk.

5.2 Providing Shares of CPU Time

To test our implementation of the basic lottery-scheduling framework, we replicated an experiment from the original lottery-scheduling paper (Wal94, Section 5.5). We ran five concurrent instances of a CPU-intensive program (the dhrystone benchmark [Wei84]) for 200 seconds using the CPU funding shown in Figure 5. Principal B3 sleeps for the first half of the test, during which time its tickets are not active.

Figure 6 shows the number of iterations accomplished as a function of time for the jobs funded by each currency. In all cases, the relative levels of progress of the processes match their relative funding levels. When B3 awakes, its tickets are reactivated; as a result, the other tasks funded by currency B receive reduced CPU shares, while the tasks funded by currency A are unaffected because of the isolation that currencies provide.

Figure 5. The CPU funding used for the experiment described in Section 5.2. Currencies A and B receive equal funding from the base currency, which they divide among the tasks they fund. A2 receives twice the funding of A1, B2 receives twice the funding of B1, and B3 has three times the funding of B1.

Figure 6: Hierarchical Proportional Sharing of CPU Time. Five CPU-intensive tasks, with funding shown in Figure 5, compete for the CPU. Shown above are the number of iterations completed by each task as a function of time. Task B3 sleeps for the first half of the test.

5.3 Providing Memory Shares

The next experiment tests our prototype's ability to guarantee fixed shares of physical memory. To create enough memory pressure to force frequent page reclamation, we limited the accessible memory to 8 MB. After subtracting out the pages wired by the kernel as well as the desired number of free pages in the system, there were approximately 4.2 MB of memory that principals could reserve. We ran four concurrent instances of a memory-intensive benchmark; each instance repeatedly reads random 4-KB portions of the same 16-MB file into random locations in a 4-MB buffer. This load keeps the pageout daemon running more or less continuously. We gave one of the processes a 2-MB memory guarantee (500 pages) and another a 1.4-MB guarantee (350 pages); the other two processes ran without memory reservations. Figure 7 shows the actual memory shares of the tasks as a function of time. The tasks with hard shares lose pages only when they own more than their guaranteed shares. The tasks without memory tickets end up owning much less memory than the ones with guaranteed shares.

Figure 7: Providing Hard Memory Shares. Four memory-intensive tasks run concurrently on a system with approximately 4.2 MB of available memory. Two have guaranteed memory shares; two do not. Shown are the number of 4-KB pages owned by each process as a function of time.

5.4 Providing Shares of Disk Bandwidth

We tested our implementation of the YFQ algorithm for proportional-share disk scheduling by running five concurrent instances of an I/O-intensive benchmark (iohog) that maps a 16-MB file into its address space and touches the first byte of each page, causing all of the pages to be brought in from disk. Each copy of the benchmark used a different file. Throughout the test, each process almost always has one outstanding disk request. We limited YFQ's batch size to 2 for this and all of our tests to approximate strict proportional sharing. We gave one process a 50% hard share of the disk (i.e., one-half of the base currency's hard disk tickets), while the other four tasks received the default number of disk tickets from their user's currency. Figure 8 shows the number of iterations that each process accomplishes over the first 100 seconds of the test. Because one task has reserved half of the disk, the other four tasks divide up the remaining bandwidth and effectively get a one-eighth share each. Thus, the process with the hard share makes four times as much progress as the others; when it has finished touching all 4096 of its file's pages, the other four have touched approximately 1000 pages (a 4.1:1 ratio).

Figure 8: Providing Proportional Shares of Disk Bandwidth. Five I/O-intensive tasks compete for the disk. One of them receives a 50% hard share, while the others receive equal funding from their user's currency and thus divide up the other 50% of the bandwidth. Each iteration corresponds to paging in one 4-KB page of a memory-mapped file.

5.5 Ticket Exchanges: CPU and Disk Tickets

To study the impact of ticket exchanges, we first conducted experiments involving the CPU-intensive dhrystone benchmark [Wei84] and the I/O-intensive iohog benchmark (see Section 5.4). In the first set of runs, we gave the benchmarks allocations of 1000 CPU and 1000 disk tickets from the base currency. We then experimented with a series of one-for-one exchanges in which dhrystone gives iohog n disk tickets in exchange for n CPU tickets, where n = 100, 200, ..., 800. To create added competition for the resources--as would typically be the case on a central server--we ran additional tasks (one dhrystone and four iohogs) in the background during each experiment. Each of the extra tasks received the standard funding of 1000 CPU and 1000 disk tickets.

Figure 9 shows the performance improvements of the exchanging applications under each exchange, in comparison to their performance under the original, equal allocations. Dhrystone benefits from all of the exchanges, and the degree of its improvement increases as it receives additional CPU tickets. Iohog also benefits from all of the exchanges, but the degree of its improvement decreases for exchanges involving more than 500 tickets. While dhrystone does almost no I/O and can thus afford to give up a large number of disk tickets, iohog needs to be scheduled in order to make progress, and thus the benefit of extra disk tickets is gradually offset by the loss of CPU tickets. However, both applications can clearly benefit from this type of exchange, which takes advantage of their differing resource needs.

Figure 9: Performance Improvements from Ticket Exchanges. A CPU-intensive task (dhrystone) exchanges disk tickets for some of the CPU tickets of an I/O-intensive task (iohog). The improvements are with respect to runs in which both tasks receive the default ticket allocations. All results are averages of five runs.

We also examined the effect of the ticket exchanges on the non-exchanging tasks. As discussed in Section 3.2, the resource rights of these tasks should be preserved, but their actual resource shares may be affected. Such an effect is especially likely in these experiments, because the two benchmarks rely so heavily on different resources. For example, dhrystone uses almost no disk bandwidth. As a result, the iohogs obtain more bandwidth than they would if the dhrystones were competing for the disk. However, when the exchanging iohog receives some of the exchanging dhrystone's disk tickets, it obtains rights to a portion of this "extra" bandwidth, and the other iohogs thus end up with smaller bandwidth shares. Exchanges affect the CPU share of the non-exchanging dhrystone in the same way.

However, the non-exchanging processes should still obtain at least the resource shares that they would receive if all of the tasks were continuously competing for both resources. To verify this, we used getrusage (2) to determine each task's CPU and disk usage during the first 100 seconds of each run. The results (Fig. 10) show that the minimal resource rights of the non-exchanging processes are preserved by all of the exchanges. The top graph shows the CPU shares of both the exchanging and non-exchanging dhrystones, and the bottom graph shows the disk-bandwidth shares of the exchanging and non-exchanging iohogs. 6 Because there are seven tasks running during each test, the non-exchanging tasks are each guaranteed a one-seventh share (approximately 14.3%). The non-exchanging iohogs are affected less than the non-exchanging dhrystone because each of them loses only a portion of the bandwidth gained by the exchanging iohog. In general, as the number of tasks competing for a resource increases, the effect of exchanges on non-exchanging tasks should decrease.

Figure 10: Resource Shares under Exchanges. Shown are the CPU shares of the exchanging and non-exchanging dhrystones (top) and the disk-bandwidth shares of the exchanging and non-exchanging iohogs (bottom). The dark portion of each bar represents the share guaranteed by the task's tickets, while the full bar indicates its actual share. In each pair, the left bar is the exchanging copy, and the right bar is the non-exchanging copy. All results are averages of five runs.

5.6 Ticket Exchanges Between Database Applications: Memory and Disk Tickets

We further experimented with ticket exchanges using two simple database applications that we developed using the Berkeley DB package [Ols99]. Both applications emulate a phone-number lookup server that takes a query and returns a number; when run in automatic mode, they repeatedly generate random queries and service them. One of the applications (small) has a 4-MB database with 70,000 entries, while the other (big) has a much larger, 64-MB database with 220 entries. Both applications use a memory-mapped file as a cache.

We ran these applications concurrently for a series of 300-second runs. We disabled the update thread for the sake of consistency, because its periodic flushing of dirty blocks from the applications' cache files can cause large performance variations. To emulate the environment on a busy server, we created added memory pressure--limiting the available memory to 16 MB--and we ran four iohogs in the background. After subtracting out the pages wired by the kernel and the system's free-page target, there was approximately 11.1 MB of memory that principals could reserve. When small runs alone, it uses up to 8 MB as a result of double buffering between the filesystem's buffer cache and its own 4-MB cache. With only 70,000 entries, it makes a large number of repeated queries, and it should thus benefit from additional memory tickets that allow it to cache more of its database. On the other hand, big uses a smaller, 500-KB cache because it seldom repeats a query; it should benefit from more disk tickets.

We started by giving the applications equal allocations: 1000 CPU tickets, 1375 hard memory tickets 7, and 1000 disk tickets, all from the base currency. We then experimented with exchanges in which small gives up some of its disk tickets for some of big's memory tickets, trying all possible pairs of values from the following set of exchange amounts: {100, 200, ..., 800} 8. The iohogs had 1000 CPU and 1000 disk tickets each.

While the exchanges in Section 5.5 were preset, the exchanges in these experiments were proposed and carried out dynamically using the exch_offer() system call (see Section 4.7). Big proposes the exchange as soon as it starts running, but small waits until it has made 10,000 queries (approximately one-third of the way through the run), at which point the exchange is carried out. By waiting, small is able to use its original disk-ticket allocation to bring a portion of its database into memory quickly, at which point it can afford to exchange some disk tickets for memory tickets.

Small benefits from most of the exchanges, including any in which it obtains 400 or more memory tickets. It fails to benefit when it gains only 100 memory tickets (not shown), or when it gives away a large number of disk tickets for 300 or fewer memory tickets (Fig. 11, top). Because small can only fit about three-quarters of its database in memory with this allocation, it cannot afford to give away a large number of disk tickets. When small obtains 700 or 800 memory tickets, it can hold all of its database in memory, and it thus sees performance gains of over 1000 percent (Fig. 11, bottom). Big likewise benefits from most of the exchanges, including any in which it obtains disk tickets worth 600 or more.

It is interesting to note that these applications cannot simply specify an exchange ratio, such as two disk tickets for every one memory ticket, because what constitutes an acceptable ratio depends on the number of tickets being exchanged. For example, small should not accept a ratio of 2 disk for 1 memory if only 100 or 200 memory tickets are offered, but it should accept exchanges with this ratio to obtain 300 or more memory tickets. More generally, what constitutes an acceptable exchange depends heavily on the environment in which the tasks are running. For example, because tasks need to wait until a synchronous I/O completes before enqueueing a new one, they receive at most 50% of the bandwidth in the absence of prefetching. Therefore, without extra tasks competing for the disk, big cannot benefit from extra disk tickets, because it already obtains 50% of the disk by default. Applications like big will need to use negotiators that can assess the current system conditions before proposing an exchange.

Figure 11. Results of exchanges in which an application with a large working set (big) exchanges memory tickets for some of the disk tickets of a similar application with a small working set (small). The graphed changes compare the number of requests serviced in a 100-s interval after the exchange has occurred with the requests serviced during the same interval with no exchange. Results are averages of at least five runs. There is a different vertical scale for each graph, and the values for big in the third graph are scaled by 10 to make them more visible. See related work [Sul99b] for graphs of the other exchanges.


6. The four non-exchanging iohogs have approximately equal shares. In each case, the graphed value is the smallest share of the four.

7. Each hard memory ticket from the base currency represents one page of physical memory, so 1375 tickets confer a 5.5-MB reservation.

8. Because these exchanges were carried out by the kernel, the values given represent the base value of the tickets exchanged, whereas the values given in Section 5.5 are the number of soft tickets exchanged.

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