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Hollan Computer Science Department University of New Mexico Albuquerque, NM 87131 bederson@cs.unm.edu, hollan@cs.unm.edu URL: https://www.cs.unm.edu/pad++ KEYWORDS Interactive user interfaces, multiscale interfaces, zoom- able interfaces, authoring, information navigation, hyper- text, information visualization, information physics. ABSTRACT We describe Pad++, a zoomable graphical sketchpad that we are exploring as an alternative to traditional window and icon-based interfaces. We discuss the motivation for Pad++, describe the implementation, and present some of the differences between Pad++ and the standard Tk Can- vas widget. INTRODUCTION Imagine that the computer screen is made of a sheet of a miraculous new material that is stretchable like rubber, but continues to display a crisp computer image, no mat- ter what the sheet's size. Imagine that this sheet is very elastic and can stretch orders of magnitude more than rubber. Further, imagine that vast quantities of informa- tion are represented on the sheet, organized at different places and sizes. Everything you do on the computer is on this sheet. To access a piece of information you just stretch to the right part, and there it is. Imagine further that special lenses come with this sheet that let you look onto one part of the sheet while you have stretched another part. With these lenses, you can see and interact with many different pieces of data at the same time that would ordinarily be quite far apart. In addition, these lenses can filter the data in any way you would like, showing different visual representations of the same underlying data. The lenses can even filter out some of the data so that only relevant portions of the data appear - perhaps those satisfying some search criteria. Imagine also new kinds of stretching that provide alterna- tives to scaling objects purely geometrically. For exam- ple, instead of representing a page of text so small that it is unreadable, it might make more sense to present an abstraction of the text - perhaps just a title that is readable. Similarly, when stretching out a spreadsheet, instead of showing huge numbers, it might make more sense to show the computations from which the numbers were derived. The beginnings of an interface like this sheet exists today in a program we call Pad++. We don't really stretch a huge rubber-like sheet, but we simulate it by zooming into the data. We use what we call portals to simulate lenses, and a notion we call semantic zooming to scale data in non-geometric ways. The user controls where they look on this vast data surface by panning and zooming. Portals are objects on the Pad++ data surface that can see any- where on the surface, as well as filter data to represent it differently than it normally appears. Panning and zooming is an approach to navigate through a large information space via direct manipulation. By tap- ping into people's natural spatial abilities, we hope to increase users's intuitive access to information. Of course, traditional computer search techniques are also available, but they produce an automatic animation to the area with the desired data - bridging traditional and new interface metaphors. Motivation If interface designers are to move beyond windows, icons, menus, and pointers to explore a larger space of interface possibilities, additional ways of thinking about interfaces that go beyond the desktop metaphor are required. There are myriad benefits associated with meta- phor-based approaches, but they also orient designers to employ computation primarily to mimic mechanisms of older media. While there are important cognitive, cul- tural, and engineering reasons to exploit earlier successful representations, this approach has the potential of underutilizing the mechanisms of new media. The exploration of virtual 3D worlds is one alternative. It follows quite naturally from traditional direct manipula- tion approaches to interface design and involves similar underlying metaphors, although they are enriched by the greater representational possibilities afforded by moving to richer 3D worlds. We are not pursuing 3D worlds because we feel that two dimensional interfaces have much to offer and have not yet been fully tapped. Some recent work at Xerox Parc [6][16], though, shows some of the potential of 3D interfaces. Pad++, based on a spatial information structure, is based on a long history of related work. Many ideas in this area are based on work by Sutherland [20], where he demon- strated the first interactive graphical computer system. Perhaps the first work to try to tap people's natural spatial abilities was Donelson [8], where he developed an inter- face based on interaction with an entire room linking voice and gesture to control access to spatially situated data. The use of new metaphors to motivate interface research has directed several researchers. Hill and Hollan have been exploring the notion of history-enriched digital objects [12][13][15]. This is the notion that an object's representation should be a natural by-product of normal activity. This is similar to the physics of certain materials that show wear associated with use. Such wear records a history of use and at times can influence future use in pos- itive ways. Used books crack open at often referenced places. Frequently consulted papers are at the tops of piles on our desks. This motivating strategy has lead us to explore new meth- ods for interacting with graphical data. As part of that exploration we have formed a research consortium to design a successor to Pad [18]. This new system, Pad++ [1][2][3][4], serves as a substrate for exploration of novel interfaces for information visualization and browsing in complex information-intensive domains. The system is being designed to operate on platforms ranging from high-end graphics workstations to PDAs (Personal Digi- tal Assistants) and interactive set-top cable boxes. Today there is much more information available than we can readily and effectively access. The situation is further complicated by the fact that we are on the threshold of a vast increase in the availability of information because of new network and computational technologies. Paradoxi- cally, while we continuously process massive amounts of perceptual data as we experience the world, we have per- ceptual access to very little of the information that resides within our computing systems or that is reachable via net- work connections. In addition, this information, unlike the world around it, is rarely presented in ways that reflect either its rich structure or dynamic character. We address the information presentation problem of how to provide effective access to a large structure of informa- tion on a much smaller display. Furnas [10] explored degree of interest functions to determine the information visible at various distances from a central focal area. There is much to recommend the general approach of pro- viding a central focus area of detail surrounded by a periphery that places the detail in a larger context. More recent work has shown other approaches to address the local detail versus global context problem [11][16]. Eick visualizes large software packages by representing each line of code with just a few pixels on the display, using color to represent various kinds of information, such as author, date of creation, and number of modifications [9]. With Pad++ we have moved beyond the simple binary choice of presenting or eliding particular information. We can also determine the scale of the information and, per- haps most importantly, the details of how it is rendered can be based on various semantic and task considerations that we describe below. This provides semantic task- based filtering of information that is similar to the early work at MCC on lens-based filtering of a knowledge base using HITS [14] and the recent work of moveable filters at Xerox [5][19]. The ability to make it easier and more intuitive to find specific information in large dataspaces is one of the cen- tral motivations behind Pad++. The traditional approach is to filter or recommend a subset of the data, hopefully producing a small enough dataset for the user to effec- tively navigate. Pad++ is complementary to these filtering approaches in that it is a useful substrate to structure information. Portals Portals are special items that allow you to look onto other areas of the Pad++ surface, or even other surfaces. Each portal passes events to the place it is looking. Thus, you can pan and zoom within a portal. In fact, you can per- form any kind of interaction on the Pad++ surface through a portal. Portals can filter input events as they pass through the portal, providing a mechanism for changing the semantics of interactions with objects when viewed through a portal. Portals can also change the way objects look. When used in this fashion, we call them lenses (see below). Portals can be used to duplicate information efficiently, and also provide a method to bring physically separate data near each other. Portals can be created near each other, each looking at places far away. Portals can also be used to create indices. Creating a por- tal that looks onto a hyperlink allows the hyperlink to be followed by clicking on it within the portal - which changes the main view. This however, will probably move the hyperlink off the screen. We can solve this problem by making the portal (or any other object for that matter) sticky, a method of keeping the portal from mov- ing around as the user pans and zooms. Making an object sticky effectively lifts it off the Pad++ surface and sticks it to the monitor glass. Thus, clicking on a hyperlink through a sticky portal brings you to the link destination, but you don't lose the portal index, and thus, it can con- tinue to be used. Lenses Designing user interfaces is typically done at a low level, deciding on user interface components, rather than on the task at hand. If the task is to enter a number into the com- puter, we should be able to place a generic number entry mechanism in the interface. However, typically, the spe- cific number entry widget, such as a slider or dial, is decided on, and it is fixed in the interface. We can use lenses to design interfaces at the task level. For example, we've designed a set of number entry lenses for Pad++ that can change a generic number entry mecha- nism into a slider or dial, as the user prefers. For example, by default the generic number entry mechanism might allow entering a number by typing. However, dragging the "slider" lens over it changes the representation of the number from text to a slider, and now the mouse can be used to change the number. Another lens shows the data as a dial and lets you modify that with a mouse as well. More generally, lenses are objects that alter the look and interaction of components seen through them. They can be dragged around the Pad++ surface examining existing data. For example, some data might normally be depicted by some columns of numbers. However, looking at the same data through a lens could show that data as a scatter plot, or a bar chart (see Figure 1). We think this can be a useful teaching aid as it helps to make the notion that there can be multiple representations of the same underlying data more intuitive. For example, if the slider lens only partially covers the text number entry widget, then modifying the underlying number with either mechanism (text or mouse), modifies both. So typ- ing in the text entry moves the slider, and vice versa. Semantic Zooming Once we make zooming a standard part of the interface, many parts of the interface need to be re-evaluated. For example, we can use semantic zooming to change the way things look depending on their size. As we men- tioned, zooming provides a natural mechanism for repre- senting abstraction of objects. It is natural to see extra details of an object when zoomed in and viewing it up close. When zoomed out, instead of simply seeing a scaled down version of the object, it is potentially more effective to see a different representation of it. For example, we implemented a digital clock that at nor- mal size shows the hours and minutes. When zooming in, instead of making the text very large, it shows the sec- onds, and then eventually the date as well. Similarly, zooming out shows just the hour. An analog clock (we implemented by dragging a lens over the digital clock) is similar - it doesn't show the second hand or the minute markings when zoomed out. IMPLEMENTATION The Tcl interface to Pad++ is designed to be very similar to the interface to the Tk Canvas widget (which provides a surface for drawing structured graphics). While Pad++ does not implement everything in the Tk Canvas yet, it adds many extra features. Some of the significant differ- ences between Pad++ and the Canvas widget are summa- rized here. * Events As with the Canvas, it is possible to attach event handlers to items on the Pad++ surface so that when a specific event (such as ButtonPress, KeyPress, etc.) hits an item, that item's event handler gets evaluated. This system operates much as it does with the Tk Canvas widget, but there are several significant additions: * Modes Every event handler is defined for a specific mode. The mode is a simple text string and defaults to all. The Pad++ surface has a set of active event modes associated with it (that always includes the all mode). Only those event handlers whose mode is currently active will be fired. This allows the cre- ation of many different event handlers that are select- able by setting the Pad++ mode. This might be used in a drawing application where pressing a button on a tool palette causes the left mouse button to have a different function. With modes, all the event handlers can be defined once, and pressing buttons on the tool palette simply changes the Pad++ surface mode. Event Searching Protocol There are two mechanisms that allow portals to change the way users interact with items through portals. The first is by inheritance of events (Event Searching Protocol), and the second is intercepting the event as it passes through the portal (PortalInter- cept events). When an event hits an item and there are no event handlers defined for that item, there is a well-defined event searching protocol that specifies which other items will be searched for event handlers. Every item has a list of items which catch events for it. This list of items is known as the list of event catchers. When an item doesn't have an event handler, its event catchers are checked. If none of the event catchers have an appropriate event handler, and if the event went through a portal, then the portals and their event catchers are checked for event handlers. Finally, the Pad++ surface itself is checked. The portals are checked from the bottom up, that is, in the reverse order that event went through the portals. To summa- rize, the searching order is as follows: 1. Most specific object 2. Objects associated by tag ("all" being last) 3. Event catchers (and associated tag objects) 4. Portals (and associated tag objects and event catchers) 5. Pad++ surface that object is on PortalIntercept event Portals can intercept events as the events pass through them with the PortalIntercept event. Por- talIntercept is a new event sequence recognized by the Pad++ bind command. PortalIntercept event han- dlers get called for every event that passes through a portal in top down order. They do not replace other event handlers, but instead get called before those handlers. A PortalIntercept command may execute any code, and then it can return a special value that can modify the event. The modifications include kill- ing the event, stopping the event at the portal rather than passing it through, changing the list of active modes on the surface the event hits for this event, and changing the coordinates of the event. Passing Events When an event is fired, it is often useful to pass the event on to the next most general event handler. This is most commonly used to have a single event trigger the event handlers for specific items as well as classes of items. Messages Items can send arbitrary messages to other items or groups of items. This message sending facility is analo- gous to the Event mechanism, including the Searching Protocol and passing mechanism. When a message is sent within a render callback (see below), the message is automatically sent through the list of portals that the current object is being rendered through. This allows the Event Searching protocol to apply to messages. This portal list is overridable. Callbacks In addition to the event bindings that every item may have, every Pad++ item can define Tcl scripts associated with it which will get evaluated at special times. There are three types of these callbacks: * Render Callbacks A render callback script gets evaluated every time the item is rendered. The script gets executed when the object normally would have been rendered. By default, the object will not get rendered, but the script may call the renderItem function at any point to ren- der the object. An example follows where item num- ber 22 is modified to call the Tcl procedures beforeMethod and afterMethod surrounding the object's rendering. .pad itemconfig 22 -renderscript { beforeMethod .pad renderItem afterMethod } Instead of calling the renderItem command, an object can render itself. Several rendering routines are available to render scripts, making it possible to define an object that has any appearance whatsoever. We call these procedural objects. Procedural objects can be used for creating animated objects (those that change the way they look on every render) and custom objects. They also can be used to implement semantically zoomable objects, since the size of an object is available within the call- back. * Timer Callbacks A timer callback script gets evaluated at regular intervals, independent of whether the item is being rendered, or receiving events. * Zooming Callbacks Zooming callback scripts are evaluated when an item gets rendered at a different size than its previous ren- der, crossing a pre-defined threshold. These are typi- cally used for creating efficient semantically zoomable objects. Since many objects do not change the way they look except when crossing size borders, it is more efficient to avoid having scripts evaluated except for when those borders are crossed. Extensions Pad++ may be extended entirely with Tcl scripts (i.e., no C/C++ code). This provides a mechanism to define new Pad++ commands as well as compound object types that are treated like first-class Pad++ objects. That is, they can be created, configured, saved, etc. with the same com- mands you use to interact with built-in objects, such as lines or text. These extensions are particularly well-suited for widgets, but can be used for anything. Extensions are defined by creating Tcl commands with specific prefixes. Each extension is defined by three com- mands which allow creation, configuration, and invoca- tion of the extension, respectively. Defining the procedures automatically makes them available to Pad++. No specific registration is necessary. All three procedure definitions are necessary for creation of new Pad++ object types, but it is possible to define just the command procedure for defining new commands without defining new object types. While object type extensions may consist of compound objects, there must be a single control object that is used to access the others. This is often a portal looking onto the other objects on an unmapped Pad++ surface. For exam- ple, standard widgets such as buttons and entries are defined this way. These are similar to other Tcl/Tk exten- sions called MegaWidgets except that these act on items within the Pad++ widget, rather than on standard Tk wid- gets. Extensions are defined with the following commands, where refers to the name of the extension (such as `button'), and the words inside braces are the command's arguments. Note that some of these com- mands are required to follow certain return argument con- ventions. * padcreate_ {PAD} This procedure gets called when is cre- ated with the create command. It takes a single argu- ment, PAD which is the name of the Pad++ surface to create the object on. The only requirement of this function is that it must return the id of the single object to be referred to for this extension. * padconf_ {PAD id option ?value?} This procedure gets called with option-value pairs when is created and when it is config- ured with the itemconfigure command. It takes three or four arguments. PAD is the name of Pad++ sur- face the object is on. id is the object's reference id. option is the option being configured. If value is not specified, then this function must return the current value of this option. If value is specified, then this function should change this option to the specified value, and return the current value. The other requirement of this function is that if option is not specified (i.e., it is called with too few arguments), it must return an error with a return value of the list of legal options. * padcmd_ {PAD option ?args...?} This procedure gets called when is exe- cuted as a Pad++ command. This allows an exten- sion object to define arbitrary sub-commands. For example, executing "pathName invoke myWidget" would call this procedure with PAD bound to "pathName", option bound to "invoke", and the first argument of args bound to "myWidget". Note that this command may be defined without cre- ation and configure commands in order to make generic command extensions without widgets. This command has no return requirements. Animation Pad++ has several methods for producing animations. The moveTo command animates the view of the surface to any new point in a specified time. Individual objects can be animated with either render or timer callbacks. Finally, panning and zooming is animated under user- control, defined by Tcl scripts. All automatic animations use slow-in-slow-out motion [7]. This means that the motion starts slowly, goes quicker in the middle, and ends slowly - resulting in smoother feeling animations. This does not affect the time the animation takes because time is effectively sto- len from the middle to put at the ends. User-controlled animations are specified precisely by the user, and there is no distortion of the motion speed. Efficiency In order to keep the animation frame-rate up as the dataspace size and complexity increases, we implemented several standard efficiency methods, which taken together create a powerful system. We have successfully loaded over 600,000 objects (with the directory browser) and maintained interactive rates of about 10 frames per sec- ond. Briefly, the implemented efficiency methods include: * Spatial Indexing: Objects are stored internally in a hierarchy based on bounding boxes which allow fast indexing to visible objects. * Clustering: Pad++ automatically restructure the hierarchy of objects to maintain a balanced tree which is necessary for the fastest indexing. * Region Management: Only update the portion of the screen that has been changed. When modifying objects, this means all places an object is visible (i.e., within multiple portals) must be updated. Linked with refinement, this allows different areas of the screen to refine separately. * Refinement: Render fast while navigating by using lower resolution, and not drawing very small items. When the system sits still for a short time, the scene is successively refined, until it is drawn at maximum resolution * Level-Of-Detail: Render items differently depend- ing on how large they appear on the screen. If they are small, render them with lower resolution. * Image Caching: Store zoomed images in a special cache. Since magnifying images is computationally expensive, we cache them, and then use the cache when rendering the image if it doesn't change size. * Clipping: Only render the portions of large objects that are actually visible. This applies to images and text. * Adjustable Frame Rate: Animations and zooming maintain constant perceptual flow, independent of processor speed, scene complexity, and window size. This is accomplished by rendering more or fewer frames, as time allows. * Interruption: Slow tasks, such as animation and refinement, are interrupted by certain input events (such as key-presses and mouse-clicks). Animations are immediately brought to their end state and refine- ment is interrupted, immediately returning control to the user. * Ephemeral objects: Certain objects that represent large disk-based datasets (such as the directory browser) can be tagged ephemeral. They will auto- matically get removed when they have not been ren- dered for some time, and then will get reloaded if they become visible again. CONCLUSION We implemented Pad++, a zoomable graphical interface substrate, focusing on efficiency and extensibility. We are using Pad++ to explore new interaction mechanisms made possible by zooming. By implementing several effi- ciency mechanisms acting in concert, we are able to maintain high frame-rate interaction with very large data- bases. AVAILABILITY We intend to make Pad++ freely available for non-com- mercial use. See "https://www.cs.unm.edu/pad++" for cur- rent information (the Pad++ project home page). ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work was supported in part by ARPA grant N660011-94-C-6039 to the University of New Mexico. We would like to thank several members of the NYU Media Research Laboratory with whom we are collabo- rating on this project. This includes Ken Perlin, Jon Meyer, David Bacon, and David Fox. We also would like to acknowledge members of the Computer Graphics and Interactive Media Research Group at Bellcore, including George Furnas and Kent Wittenburg. REFERENCES [1] Benjamin B. Bederson and James D. Hollan, Pad++: A Zooming Graphical Interface Widget for Tk, in Proceed- ings of the 1994 TCL/TK Workshop, 73-84. [2] Benjamin B. Bederson, James D. Hollan, et. al., Pad++: A Zoomable Graphical Sketchpad for Exploring Alternate Interface Physics, Journal of Visual Languages and Com- puting (in Press). [3] Benjamin B. Bederson, Larry Stead, and James D. Hollan, Pad++: Advances in Multiscale Interfaces, Proceedings of ACM SIGCHI Conference (CHI'94), 315-316. [4] Benjamin B. Bederson and James D. Hollan, Pad++: A Zooming Graphical Interface for Exploring Alternate Interface Physics, Proceedings of ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST'94), 17- 26. [5] Eric A. Bier, Maureen C. Stone, Ken Pier, William Bux- ton, and Tony D. DeRose. 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