Take Home the Latest Security Tools,
Techniques, and Approaches
To meet your needs, the Tutorial Program at Security '99 provides
you with in-depth, immediately-useful instruction in security techniques,
effective tools, and best strategies. USENIX tutorials survey the
topic, then dive right into the specifics of what-to-do and how-to-do-it.
Instructors are well-known experts in their fields, selected for their
ability to teach complex subjects. Attend the USENIX tutorials at
Security '99 and take valuable skills back to your company or organization.
All tutorials are full-day sessions
Monday, August 23 9:00 am to 5:00
Intrusion Detection and Network Forensics
Marcus Ranum, Network Flight Recorder, Inc.
Advanced Topics in Windows NT Security
Phil Cox, Networking Technology Solutions
Secure Networking An Introduction to
Virtual Private Networks
Tina Bird, Secure Networking Group
Tuesday, August 24
9:00 am to 5:00 pm
How Attackers Break Programs, and
How to Write Programs Securely
Matt Bishop, University of California, Davis
Network Security Profiles: A Collection (Hodgepodge) of
Stuff Hackers Know About You
Brad Johnson, SystemExperts Corporation
Cryptography From the Basics Through PKI
in 23,400 Seconds
Daniel Geer, CertCo, Inc.
Aviel Rubin, AT&T Labs Research
Tutorial fees include
Admission to the tutorials you select
Printed and bound tutorial materials from your session
Admission to the Security '99 Exhibition
Our Guarantee:
If you're not happy, we're not happy. If you feel a tutorial does
not meet the high standards you have come to expect from USENIX, let
us know by the first break and we will change you to any available
tutorial immediately.
Continuing Education Units
USENIX provides Continuing Education Units (CEUs) for a small additional
administrative fee. The CEU is a nationally recognized standard unit
of measure for continuing education and training, and is used by thousands
of organizations. Each full-day USENIX tutorial qualifies for 0.6
CEUs. You can request CEU credit by completing the CEU section on
the registration form. USENIX provides a certificate for each attendee
taking a tutorial for CEU credit and maintains transcripts for all
CEU students. CEUs are not the same as college credits. Consult your
employer or school to determine their applicability.
on top of the latest technology
Register Now for Tutorials!