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Security Symposium '99 - August 23-26, 1999 - Marriot, Washington,D.C., USA

Table of Contents


Technical Sessions
Direct Insights Into the Next Steps in Technology

The Technical Sessions program at Security '99 features some of the best minds in security research. Starting with the keynote address by Peter G. Neumann, SRI International, the technical program offers two tracks for security professionals. The Refereed Papers Track provides the opportunity to hear over twenty research papers on security issues, presented by the authors. The refereed papers were reviewed by the USENIX Program Committee and selected for their quality from a large number of submissions. The Invited Talks Track brings together some of the foremost thinkers and scientists to discuss such topics as electronic commerce, multi-agent markets, and the U.S. government's cryptography export policy.

Opening Remarks and Keynote Address
Wednesday, August 25, 9:00am–10:30am

Opening Remarks and Best Paper Awards
Win Treese, Open Market, Inc.

Keynote Address – Experience Is the Best Teacher
Peter G. Neumann, Principal Scientist, SRI International
Everyone involved in information security and overall system survivability can learn more from the historical evolution of computer operating systems, distributed systems, databases, networks, and the associated risks. Yet, somehow the most valuable would-be lessons from the past keep getting lost. Consequently, our "generally accepted'" principles are sub-optimal without an understanding of their deeper implications. However, our understanding of experience may also be flaky in the absence of guiding principles. This talk considers some of the lost horizons and assesses why the advancement of the state of the art in security has been so difficult.


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First posted: May 1999
Last changed: 1 Sept. 1999 jr
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