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Tool-Specific Techniques

The techniques discussed in the previous section can disassemble any binary that satisfies our assumptions with reasonable accuracy (see Section 6 for detailed results). As mentioned previously, however, the results can be improved when taking advantage of available tool-specific knowledge. This section introduces a modification to our general techniques that can be applied when disassembling binaries transformed with Linn and Debray's obfuscator.

A significant problem for the disassembler is the fact that it cannot continue disassembling at the address following a call instruction. As discussed in Section 2, Linn and Debray's obfuscator replaces regular calls with calls to a branch function. The branch function is responsible for determining the real call target, that is, the function that is invoked in the original program. This is done using a perfect hash function, using the location of the call instruction as input. During run-time, the location of the call instruction can be conveniently determined from the top of the stack. The reason is that the address following the call instruction is pushed on the stack by the processor as part of the x86 call operation.

Besides finding the real target of the call and jumping to the appropriate address, the branch function is also responsible for adjusting the return address such that control flow does not return directly to the address after the call instruction. This is achieved by having the branch function add a certain offset to the return address on the stack. This offset is constant (but possibly different) for each call instruction and obtained in a way similar to the target address by performing a table lookup based on the location of the caller. When the target function eventually returns using the modified address on the stack, the control flow is transfered to an instruction located at offset bytes after the original return address. This allows the obfuscator to fill these bytes with junk.

By reverse engineering the branch function, the offset can be statically determined for each call instruction. This allows the disassembler to skip the junk bytes and continue at the correct instruction. One possibility is to manually reverse engineer the branch function for each obfuscated binary. However, the process is cumbersome and error prone. A preferred alternative is to automatically extract the desired information.

We observe that the branch function is essentially a procedure that takes one input parameter, which is the address after the call instruction that is passed on the top of the stack. The procedure then returns an output value by adjusting this address on the stack. The difference between the initial value on the stack and the modified value is the offset that we are interested in. It is easy to simulate the branch function because its output only depends on the single input parameter and several static lookup tables that are all present in the binary's initialized data segment. As the output does not depend on any input the program receives during run-time, it can be calculated statically.

To this end, we have implemented a simple virtual processor as part of the disassembler that simulates the instructions of the branch function. Because the branch function does not depend on dynamic input, all memory accesses refer to addresses in the initialized data segment and can be satisfied statically. The execution environment is set up such that the stack pointer of the virtual processor points to an address value for which we want to determine the offset. Then, the simulator executes instructions until the input address value on the stack is changed. At this point, the offset for a call is calculated by subtracting the old address value from the new one.

Whenever the disassembler encounters a call instruction, the value of the address following the call is used to invoke our branch function simulator. The simulator calculates the corresponding offset, and the disassembler can then skip the appropriate number of junk bytes to continue at the next valid instruction.

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