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MobiSys 2005 Workshops
June 5, 2005, Seattle, WA, USA

The formatting instructions have been condensed into this convenient checklist. Please verify each one against your PDF printout and file!

[__]2-column format[__]single-spaced Times Roman text
[__]NO running headers or footers[__]NO page numbers
[__]text block 6.5 x 9 inches[__]title: 14 point bold
[__]author name: 12 point roman[__]author affiliation: 12 point italic
[__]text: 10 point[__]gutter between columns: .25 inch
[__]all fonts embedded[__]illustrations reproducible in black and white
[__]maximum 6 pp.
[__]Mail or fax consent form(s) with each author's signature to:
USENIX Association
2560 Ninth St., Suite 215
Berkeley, CA 94710
Attn: Alex Walker, Production Project Manager

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Last changed: 9 Feb. 2005 jel
MobiSys 2005