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WWW URL: https://www.usenix.org ^L filetsf: A File Transfer System Based on lpr/lpd John Sellens - University of Waterloo ABSTRACT In a distributed computing environment, it is often necessary to transfer files between machines for administrative or record keeping purposes. Most methods of file transfer either require full-scale trust by the recipient (e.g., rdist, rcp), the use of a secret password (e.g., FTP), or some level of pre- arrangement (e.g., rdist, track). This paper describes filetsf, a generic file transfer system built on top of the standard lpr/lpd system. Filetsf's advantages include minimal configuration, the need for minimal trust between sender and recipient, ordering and spooling of file transfer requests, and the elimination of the need for shared passwords. Introduction The University of Waterloo is in the process of converting its administrative systems from legacy implementations on IBM's VS/1 operating system under VM/CMS and the PICK database system on UNIX, to implementations based on the Oracle RDBMS on UNIX database and application servers. As part of the ongoing conversion, we have a need for regular (and irregular) file transfers between machines, primarily from the VS/1 and PICK systems to the Oracle systems, but also between UNIX systems. To date, we have used a number of approaches, each of which seems to have had drawbacks, primarily security and reliability related. We needed a system to allow file transfers between our systems that allowed us to limit each programmer's sphere of control, i.e., we wanted to avoid giving fullscale access to all systems and servers, just to enable file transfers. We also needed a file transfer system that was reasonably portable, and worked on UNIX and non-UNIX operating systems. The end result was the filetsf family of programs, that provides the ability to send and receive files between cooperating machines, is implemented on top of the Berkeley lpr/lpd[3] system, and which provides a suitable level of flexibility while retaining access controls and an acceptable level of security. Previous Approaches In the past, we have primarily used FTP[11] for file transfer - this meant that most programmers and operators knew the passwords to any accounts that needed to receive files. This was not a good thing, since shared passwords are no longer secret, and because it allowed general use access to accounts that shouldn't have been used for anything except file transfer. And, in the absence of digital signatures, FTP does not allow the recipient to identify the sender once a file has been delivered, making it potentially easy for legitimate data to get replaced, intentionally or not. We implemented a simple FTP-based system using a single recipient userid (named `unifer', for UNIX transfer), where all files sent to a machine would end up in a single directory, in a particular group, with group write permission on everything. This meant, of course, that any file transferred to a machine was fair game for anyone else to access. Most file transfers were reasonably well-controlled, but left-over, unclaimed, files tended to accumulate, and it's hard to make a claim that this system provided a reasonable level of security and auditability. We also used rdist(1)* [[FOOTNOTE: An enhanced version of rdist is described in [5]. ]] in a few instances, which either required setup and monitoring by the (limited number of) super- users, or which required `.rhosts' file access to the receiving account, with many of the same problems as with FTP. rdist also isn't available on our VM/CMS system, which meant that it could not be used for the bulk of our file transfers. rcp suffers from many of the same problems as rdist, while providing a less- reliable copy to the recipient machine (rdist uses temporary files to ensure that the destination file is always complete, rcp just clobbers any existing file, and can leave files incomplete if interrupted or the destination disk fills up). We haven't investigated track[9], because we have no experience with it on campus, and because, like rdist, it requires a level of pre-arrangement that we wanted to avoid.* [[FOOTNOTE: We may be investigating track for use in software package distribution, under our xhier[12] software maintenance system. ]] track, like rdist, is also geared towards the replication of a set of files on multiple machines - for file transfer, we need to be able to send a file and then remove the original. None of these approaches allows for the queueing of file transfer requests if the recipient or network is down, although it is possible to periodically repeat the rdist or track commands. And they don't provide for an ordering of the files transferred, unless you name the files with indicative names, or use file modification times as an indicator. In our previous systems, if a series of files needed to be processed (e.g., batches of transactions), the files were typically sent one at a time, processed on the recipient machine, and an acknowledgement was returned to the sender (usually via a flag file) to indicate that it was safe to send the next file. Desired Features We identified the following features as desirable in a file transfer system. Many of these are convenience features, intended to help enable a more automated environment, with less manual intervention (e.g., through avoiding entering passwords, or having to manually re-initiate transfers in case of failure). + Available on all or most of our systems. + Requires minimal configuration - we wanted and needed to be able to do ad-hoc file transfer. + Allows file transfers between random pairs of users - root- to-root file transfers would not be enough, since we need to allow our programmers to use the file transfer system, none of whom are super-users. + Allows the recipient to identify the sender and name of the file - a recipient could be receiving multiple copies of identically named files from more than one sender. For example, similar systems on different machines might generate transaction files to feed to a central server. + Allows an ordering of files - e.g., files of transactions should be receivable in the order in which they were sent. + Provides for queueing of file transfer requests, in case of machine or network unavailability. We didn't want to have to keep retrying file transfers manually if the destination machine was down or unavailable. + Provides for a non-clashing name space - we wanted to be able to send multiple files with the same name, distinguished by sender, recipient, and/or time. + Does not allow any additional access to the sending or receiving machine. We can't allow users, applications, operators or programmers to have access to anything more than they need to have access to. + Provides a reasonable level of security in our environment. For most of our transfers, elaborate security is not required; we have a reasonable level of confidence in the security of our systems and networks. Encryption and digital signatures were not required in the basic file transfer system. + Is based on file transfer, not file replication. We need to be able to generate a file, send it, and then destroy the original. + Can operate unattended. Too many of our current systems require manual intervention from an operator, and there is increasing pressure (fiscal and otherwise) to avoid the need for manual processes in our systems. VM/CMS has the sendfile command, which allows file transfer between users on VM/CMS systems - the file shows up in the recipient's reader, tagged with the sender, filename, and file attributes. It meets many of our requirements, but we could not use it - we had no way to send the files to our UNIX machines from our VM/CMS machine, and we didn't have a VM/CMS compatible sendfile command (or equivalent) on our UNIX machines. Approaches Considered We were not aware of any publically available file transfer systems, and were trying to avoid investing in (and investigating) commercial solutions that might exist. We felt that our best approach would be to implement our own file transfer system. Past LISA proceedings have contained quite a few papers on software distribution (xhier[12], depot[7], lude[6], lfu[1], CMU depot[4, 13], etc.), typically based on the idea of software packages that are replicated from master machines to slave machines, typically using rdist, NFS mounts, or FTP. These systems don't meet our needs, since they are based on the idea of replication of pre-defined sets, not the transfer of individual files. The tools used to transfer files (rdist and FTP) are not suited for our needs (as described above), and we were unwilling to investigate the use of NFS mounts, since that opens up a whole different can of worms, and since NFS is not available on our VM/CMS system. Early in 1993, we started planning the construction of a complete file transfer system, with authentication, queueing, and so on, but we didn't make much headway, for a variety of reasons. That project never received much attention, and was eventually abandoned, and was set aside until a better opportunity presented itself. It often seems to be the case that a problem left to its own devices eventually presents its own solution, and we finally realized, after much time had passed, that it would be relatively simple to implement a file transfer system on top of lpr/lpd. The lpr/lpd system has much of what we required, and it turned out to be relatively easy to layer the additional functions on top of lpr/lpd to obtain a file transfer system that met our needs. Why not implement a file transfer system on top of SMTP[10] mail and MIME[2] file encapsulation? Mail doesn't meet some of our needs: it's too easy to forge, and it doesn't provide a reliable ordering of the messages. Digital signatures (such as those provided by PGP[14]) could be used, but they add another level of complexity, and may be harder to port to our non-UNIX systems. In addition, the path a mail message takes can't always be controlled (in the presence of MX records in the domain name server), and some mailers implement limits on the size of a message. Why Use lpr/lpd? It turned out that lpr/lpd and the LPD protocol[8] were a pretty good basis for a file transfer system. The protocol is well-defined, and widely implemented, and lpr/lpd already has queuing, file ordering, sender identification, machine-based access control, and so on built-in. The destination machine can be indicated by the printer name used, an lpr/lpd output filter can be used to process the files at the destination machine, and the job and class options to lpr can be used to identify the name of the file, and the intended recipient. Using lpr/lpd was appealing because it seemed that it would save us a lot of effort - most of the hard stuff was already done - and because we could claim that we were behaving in a manner that was consistent with the UNIX philosophy: small, simple, reusable tools put together to do more interesting things. It was fairly easy to implement filetsf on top of lpr/lpd. The sendfile command is just a cover for lpr, tsfif is an lpr/lpd output filter that deposits the files into the filetsf spool directory, and we just have to set up a sending print queue for each machine we want to send to, and a a single receiving queue on each destination machine. In our case, the number of machines that we want to be able to send files to is manageably small, and our `printcap' file maintenance tools help a lot. An lpr client program* [[FOOTNOTE: One lpr client program is available from Keith Moore of the University of Tennessee as ftp://cs.utk.edu/pub /moore/port-lpr.tar. ]] could be used to reduce the number of sending queues required, but this would mean that there would be no sender-side queueing, which is one of the features that we were interested in. One non-trivial program is required - acceptfile is a setgid program used to query and retrieve files from the filetsf spool directory. One final indication that lpr/lpd and the LPD protocol were a good choice was the relative ease with which we could implement filetsf on our AIX systems (on top of IBM's queueing system, which is willing to use the LPD protocol to talk to other machines) and implement the sending side on our VM/CMS machine with a REXX script on top of the netprint command. We haven't investigated implementing the recipient side on VM/CMS yet, but we're optimistic that it shouldn't be too difficult, perhaps requiring just another REXX script running in a virtual machine that invokes the VM/CMS sendfile command. Implementation Details Filetsf works by accepting files to send to a recipient, submitting them to lpr/lpd, delivering them into a spool directory, and waiting for the intended recipient to come and pick them up. A separate filetsf spool directory is used for easier access and control, and to provide a level of abstraction above that of particular lpr/lpd implementations. It also makes permissions easier to control, and keeps our monitoring software from complaining that the print queues are stalled. Files are stored in the filetsf spool directory in a hierarchy intended to make it easier to list and identify the files waiting to be retrieved. The structure is three levels deep below the spool directory, encoding the recipient, intended filename, and sender (user@host) in the directory names. The individual copies of files are named for the value of time() (the number of seconds since January 1, 1970) when the file was delivered to the spool directory by tsfif, with an optional prefix. This means that the pathnames under the spool directory are of the form `recipient/name/sender/[prefix]time'. This structure allows multiple copies of the same file to be spooled from one or more senders for one or more recipients, providing a different pathname for each spooled file. Files are named for the time at which they were delivered using the integer returned by time() to allow for easy manipulation and sorting. Any name clashes discovered by tsfif can be resolved by waiting one second and re-generating the pathname. Most special characters are prohibited in file, sender and recipient names, to avoid potential problems manipulating the files. We had considered making the spool hierarchy only one level deep, but we felt that that would have forced even more restrictions on the component names - we would have had to use some character or sequence of characters as a separator in the directory names. A small number (currently three) of filename prefixes are used by filetsf to indicate the status of a particular version of a file. Temporary files, indicated by the `#' prefix, are used when writing a file into the spool directory, and are renamed to remove the prefix when they have been written correctly. A prefix of `-' is used to indicate a file that has been retrieved or deleted, but not yet purged from the system. And a prefix of `+' is used is to indicate that the newest version of the file should replace any older versions of the file still waiting to be retrieved. This is determined by the options used by the sender when initially sending the file, and can be useful for data such as a `hosts' file, or a telephone list, where only the most recent copy of the file is useful. Files are transferred using lpr/lpd one file at a time, to keep things simple. The name (or desired name) of the file is sent as the LPD job name, and the LPD class is used to pass filetsf options and the name of the recipient. The options are encoded as an integer, and are separated from the recipient name by a colon.* [[FOOTNOTE: We had hoped to use the title option to lpr for the recipient, and use class just for filetsf options, but we found that the title wasn't included in the control file passed to the remote machine, so that idea fell through. ]] The LPD protocol defines limits on the length of the control values that can be passed to the destination machine, but they haven't turned out to be unduly restrictive in practice. Filetsf currently supports three options that are passed to the destination machine: notify the sender by email on delivery to the spool directory, notify the recipient on delivery, and mark the file as replacing any older versions of the file. Command Descriptions The core of filetsf consists of only three commands, sendfile, to send a file, tsfif, which is used as the lpr/lpd print filter and which puts files into the filetsf spool area, and acceptfile, to list or retrieve files from the spool area. In addition to the core commands, there are two utility programs, and a tsfif cover for use on AIX. The commands are written in C and the Bourne shell, and are about 2,000 lines of code in total. The following is a short description of each filetsf command. sendfile Queues files for sending to a user on a remote machine. It provides options to provide a different name for the delivered file, to cause mail to be sent to the sender or the recipient when the file arrives, or to flag the file as replacing any previous copy of the file still in the spool directory. One the command line and files have been checked, sendfile invokes lpr on each file in turn to send the files to the destination machine. acceptfile Retrieves or lists files from the spool directory. It provides options to select spooled files by various attributes (sender, filename, newest, oldest, etc.), to rename a file on retrieval, and to delete files from the spool directory. acceptfile is setgid to the `filetsf' group, which allows it to manipulate the files in the spool directory, and is the only privileged program in filetsf. tsfif Print filter that writes transferred files into the spool directory. tsfif is invoked by the print system once for each file, and creates the appropriate directory structure and writes the file into the spool directory, taking care that the permissions and group of the files and directories are set as correctly as possible. Temporary files are used to insure that only complete and correct files are left in the spool directory for retrieval. tsfif usually ends up being run by `daemon' (`lpd' on AIX), and the spool directory is owned by `daemon' (or `lpd') and is in group `filetsf'. If BSD-style group inheritance is in not in use, `daemon' (or `lpd') must be added to the `filetsf' group. If the group of the files and directories is or can be set to `filetsf', then tsfif sets them group readable and writable; otherwise it leaves the permissions conservatively set, on the expectation that ftcheck will complain to a human about the configuration. aixbe Print system backend program for use on AIX. The AIX printing system is IBM specific, and uses backend programs instead of print filters. aixbe does the appropriate things for AIX, and then calls tsfif to do the actual processing of a received file. ftcleanup Cleans up the spool directory. Removes old temporary and deleted (but not purged) files, empty directories, and looks for old files that haven't been retrieved by the recipient yet and complains about them. Run daily by cron(8). ftcheck Does a sanity check on the filetsf system. Checks for the `filetsf' group, checks the membership of the group, and makes sure that the spool directory and the files in it have the correct group.* [[FOOTNOTE: ftcheck is interesting because it contains a one line awk program that happens to trigger a bug in awk on our copy of DEC OSF/1 V3.2A that causes ftcheck to complain incorrectly. ]] It should really check the modes of the spool files and directories, but it doesn't (yet). Run daily by cron(8). The VM/CMS client implementation was fairly simple; it's a REXX script called filetsf (since there's already a sendfile command on VM/CMS) that invokes the netprint command to send the file to the destination machine. Our VM/CMS system also has a command called lpr, but netprint serves the same function and is easier to use. Both lpr and netprint seem to be client-only implementations - they don't provide any spooling if the remote machine is down, which means that we have to manually retry file transfers from VM/CMS if the network or the destination system is down. We have not yet determined the best solution to this problem. We hope that it will be possible to implement a filetsf server on VM/CMS, but have not yet investigated what it would entail. We're hoping that it will turn out to be a another simple REXX script and a little bit of configuration. % acceptfile -l jms hosts jms@mach1.uwaterloo.ca 805922115 Sun Jul 16 15:15:15 1995 805926809 Sun Jul 16 16:33:29 1995 jms@mach2.uwaterloo.ca r805922175 Sun Jul 16 15:16:15 1995 networks jms@mach2.uwaterloo.ca r805922175 Sun Jul 16 15:16:15 1995 r805923542 Sun Jul 16 15:39:02 1995 % acceptfile -l -c jms hosts jms@mach1.uwaterloo.ca 805922115 Sun Jul 16 15:15:15 1995 jms hosts jms@mach1.uwaterloo.ca 805926809 Sun Jul 16 16:33:29 1995 jms hosts jms@mach2.uwaterloo.ca r805922175 Sun Jul 16 15:16:15 1995 jms networks jms@mach2.uwaterloo.ca r805922175 Sun Jul 16 15:16:15 1995 jms networks jms@mach2.uwaterloo.ca r805923542 Sun Jul 16 15:39:02 1995 Figure 2: Sample acceptfile output Installation and Configuration Installation and configuration of filetsf is fairly straightforward. The programs require very little configuration to compile, and contain almost no machine-specific code, or non- standard library routines. The primary exception to this is, of course, aixbe. The programs can be installed just about anywhere in the filesystem. There should be a sending queue named `tsf-machine' for each host `machine' to which files will be sent. Each destination machine needs a queue called `filetsf' with print filter tsfif. Figure 1 shows sample entries. The filetsf-config(7) man page gives details on userids, groups, `printcap' file entries, and queue configuration for both lpr/lpd based systems and AIX. Examples of Use Filetsf is intended to be easy to use. This is an very important feature for us, since we wish to convince the application programmers in our department to use this new file transfer system, rather than old familiar FTP. It's hard to convince anyone to use something that's more complicated than what they're already used to. The simplest example of sending a file is % sendfile -h otherhost file which sends `file' to the same user on host `otherhost'. tsf-machine:\ :mx#0:\ :rp=filetsf:\ :rm=machine:\ :fx=f:\ :lf=/var/lpr/tsf-machine/log:\ :sd=/var/lpr/tsf-machine: filetsf:\ :lp=/dev/null:\ :af=/dev/null:\ :sd=/var/lpr/filetsf:\ :lf=/var/lpr/filetsf/log:\ :if=/local/filetsf/etc/tsfif:\ :fx=f: Figure 1: Sample `printcap' file entries To distribute a file like `/etc/hosts' to a different machine, the command would be % sendfile -h otherhost -r \ -u root /etc/hosts The `-r' option indicates that this copy should replace any copy still in the filetsf spool directory on `otherhost', and the `-u' option indicates that the file should be sent to `root', regardless of who is sending the file (presumably `root' is the only user with permission to update the `/etc/hosts' file). The sendfile command only allows one `-h' option and one `-u' option, so multiple invocations of sendfile are required to send a file to more than one recipient. Multiple files can be sent by one sendfile command, so, for example, the `/etc/networks' file could be sent at the same time as the `/etc/hosts' file. The acceptfile command is a little more complicated to use, since it may be necessary to select a particular version of a file. The `-l' option to acceptfile generates a list of the queued files, such as that shown in Figure 2. The output is the recipient userid, file name, sender and the instance of the file, with any repeated information suppressed. The `r' preceding three of the file instances in the example indicates that those files were sent with the `-r' option to sendfile. The `-c' option to acceptfile can be used with `-l' to list the files in columns, for easier parsing by other programs. To retrieve a file, acceptfile must be invoked with options that result in the selection of exactly one file. The selection options can also be used with `-l' in order to test the selection options. For example, % acceptfile -n hosts would retrieve the newest version of the file `hosts' into the current directory. The `-o' option can be used to select the oldest version of a file, so that files can be processed in the order they were sent. A file labeled with a particular time can be selected with the `-t' option, as in % acceptfile -t 805922175 hosts Files can be selected by sender with the `-s' option, as in % acceptfile -s \ jms@mach2.uwaterloo.ca hosts The retrieved file can be renamed or placed in a different directory with the `-r' option. Files can be deleted from the spool directory without being retrieved by using the `-d' option to acceptfile. When a file is retrieved or deleted, acceptfile renames the spooled copy of the file for later removal by ftcleanup. The `-p' (purge) option can be used to cause the files to be removed from the spool directory immediately. Security and Reliability As with any other business system, a file transfer system needs to be reviewed to ensure that it provides an appropriate level of security and reliability for the applications in which it will be used. We will discuss the security and reliability aspects of filetsf in a step by step review of the file transfer process. In our environment, there are no new security implications in the act of sending a file. sendfile is not privileged, so the sender of a file must be able to read the file already. Since email and FTP are available on our systems, sendfile does not provide any confidentiality exposures that don't already exist. In the interest of reliability, sendfile does not send any files until it has tested all the files for existence and readability, so that the sending of a set of files is less likely to fail part way through. The lpr/lpd system is reasonably secure and reasonably reliable - we have a reasonable expectation that we can control which machines have access to our print queues and the data flowing through them. Our administrative systems are on subnets separate from the rest of the campus, our routers can block LPD protocol traffic (if necessary), and we use a locally modified lpr/lpd (a precursor to PLP*) [[FOOTNOTE: The most recent version of PLP is available from ftp.iona.ie in the `pub/plp' directory. See also LPRng - An Enhanced Printer Spooler System by Patrick Powell, elsewhere in these proceedings. ]] that allows us to implement per-queue access controls, so that we can limit the machines that we are willing to trust to exchange files with. This allows us to trust the information in an LPD control file once it reaches the destination machine, so that we can label a file as being sent by a particular sender with a reasonable level of confidence. And lpr/lpd tries to deal correctly with full print spool directories and network interruptions, which allows us to believe that a file that has been passed to lpr/lpd will eventually show up in the right place, without being corrupted along the way. tsfif is run on the destination machine by lpd, usually as the `daemon' user, and creates sub-directories in the spool directory and writes the transferred files into the appropriate directory. The primary concern with tsfif is that it needs to be careful that it does not deposit a file in the spool directory over an existing file or symbolic link. This risk is minimal, since the holding directory has no general permissions on it, making it unlikely that someone could create a dangling symbolic link in the spool directory. If tsfif runs into any problems, such as permission or ownership errors, or a full spool directory, it either writes the file with restrictive permissions, or fails with an exit code that causes lpd to keep trying to deliver the file. This means that, for some kinds of errors, the `filetsf' print queue will stop delivering files. We chose to keep retrying because the only alternative was to give up on a file, and have that particular transfer get lost, and we felt it was very important to protect the files being transferred. acceptfile is a privileged program; it is setgid to the `filetsf' group. It is very careful about what it does since it has privileges that an ordinary user does not have, and it allows a user to make use of those privileges. acceptfile is very careful about identifying its invoker, and it renounces its privileges before writing a file to its final destination, so that a user should not be able to change a file with acceptfile that can't already be changed by the user. For reliability, acceptfile renames files in the spool directory, rather than deleting them after delivery. If something goes wrong in later processing, and the delivered file is lost or destroyed, there may be a copy that could be recovered from the filetsf system (by a super-user). The filetsf system, through the use of the `filetsf' group, tries to limit its potential exposures. If the `filetsf' group is somehow compromised, there should be limited exposure to the rest of the machine, since nothing else should be using the `filetsf' group. Filetsf isn't 100% secure or 100% reliable; as in any system, the risks have to be weighed against the potential consequences and the costs to eliminate the risks. The filetsf system provides, for us, an acceptable level of security and reliability. Potential Extensions Filetsf was planned to be a simple file transfer system, providing the necessary, basic functions, and providing appropriate building blocks on which to implement more enhanced functionality (we'll claim that this is the UNIX philosophy again). While filetsf seems to work just as it is, there are a number of potential extensions to filetsf that may be worth investigating. Some file transfers will likely require greater security than that provided by filetsf, due to greater potential exposures. Since filetsf is just sending files, file encryption, acknowledgement of receipt, checksums, etc., could be built on top of filetsf. We sometimes have the need to send sets of files, for processing as a unit. The simple approach to handling sets of files is to combine the separate files into a single file, using tar(1), or some other file archiving program. An alternative that might be useful would be to create a getset command, that would check to make sure that the complete set of files are available, retrieve them all, and run a command to process the files. This is something that is simple enough to do, and it may be a common enough operation to justify creating a command to do it. There may be situations in which the lpr/lpd system or the LPD protocol is either not appropriate or not available. For example, there might be a need to transfer files over larger, public networks in a secure fashion, or through networks that do not allow LPD protocol traffic. It should be fairly easy to implement filetsf on top of a different method of transport, or to use multiple transports depending on the sender and recipient. Conclusions Filetsf seems to meet our needs for a basic file transfer system, and is an improvement over our past approaches to file transfer. While not providing extreme levels of security, it is a useful tool on our systems, and we expect to make fairly extensive use of it in the future. It was relatively easy to implement, and, if our needs change in the future, it should be a fairly straightforward task to replace lpr/lpd with some other transport mechanism providing greater reliability or security, while leaving the user interface unchanged. Acknowledgements The VM/CMS client implementation is due to the efforts and knowledge of Cameron McDonald. Author Information John Sellens is a Chartered Accountant and holds a master's degree in Computer Science from the University of Waterloo. He is currently Project Leader, Technical Services in the Data Processing department at the University of Waterloo where he is responsible for system administration and planning, and tool development for the administrative computing systems. John likes to provide as long a list of references as possible in each paper that he writes, whether or not he has actually read whatever it is he's referring to. John can be reached by mail at Data Processing, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1, Canada, or electronically as jmsellens@uwaterloo.ca. Availability The current version of filetsf is available through anonymous FTP to math.uwaterloo.ca as `pub/filetsf/filetsf.tar.Z' or through the author. Installation and configuration should be fairly straightforward at most sites. Like most freely available software, no support is available for filetsf, but bug fixes and suggested enhancements would be gratefully accepted. References [1] Anderson, Paul, Managing Program Binaries In a Heterogeneous UNIX Network, LISA V Proceedings, San Diego, CA, October, 1991, pp. 1-9. [2] Borenstein, N., and N. Freed, MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions): Part One: Mechanisms for Specifying and Describing the Format of Internet Message Bodies, RFC 1521, September, 1993. [3] Campbell, Ralph, 4.3BSD Line Printer Spooler Manual, Computer Systems Research Group, University of California, Berkeley, 1986. [4] Colyer, Wallace, and Walter Wong, Depot: A Tool for Managing Software Environments, LISA VI Proceedings, Long Beach, CA, October, 1992, pp. 153-159. [5] Cooper, Michael, Overhauling Rdist for the '90s, LISA VI Proceedings, Long Beach, CA, October, 1992, pp. 175-188. [6] Dagenais, Michel, et al, LUDE: A Distributed Software Library, LISA VII Proceedings, Monterey, CA, November, 1993, pp. 25-32. [7] Manheimer, K., B. A. Warsaw, S. N. Clark, and W. Rowe, The Depot: A Framework for Sharing Software Installation Across Organizational and UNIX Platform Boundaries, LISA IV Proceedings, Colorado Springs, CO, October, 1990, pp. 37-46. [8] McLaughlin III, L., ed., Line Printer Daemon Protocol, RFC 1179, August, 1990. [9] Nachbar, Daniel, When Network File Systems Aren't Enough: Automatic Software Distribution Revisited., Proceedings of the Summer USENIX Conference, Atlanta, GA, June, 1986, pp. 159-171. [10] Postel, Jonathan B., Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, RFC 821, August, 1982. [11] Postel, J., and J. Reynolds, File Transfer Protocol, RFC 959, October, 1985. [12] Sellens, John, Software Maintenance in a Campus Environment: The Xhier Approach, LISA V Proceedings, San Diego, CA, October, 1991, pp. 21-28. [13] Wong, Walter C., Local Disk Depot - Customizing the Software Environment, LISA VII Proceedings, Monterey, CA, November, 1993, pp. 51-55. [14] Zimmerman, Philip, The Official PGP User's Guide, ISBN 0- 262-74017-6, MIT Press, 1995. NAME acceptfile - retrieve or list files sent via sendfile SYNOPSIS acceptfile [-a] [-c] [-d] [-l] [-m] [-n] [-o] [-p] [-r newfilename] [-s sender] [-t filetime] [-u recipient_user] [-v] [filename ...] DESCRIPTION acceptfile is used to list files waiting to be picked up from the file transfer system (see filetsf(5)), or to retrieve (accept) files from the spool directory for use. OPTIONS -a all users - list files for all users (in conjunction with -l) -c columns - list files in columns, for easy interpreta- tion by other programs -d delete - delete a particular instance of a file, requires -t -l list - list the files that are waiting to be picked up -m missing is ok - don't indicate an error if no matching file was in the spool -n newest - accept the newest instance of a file -o oldest - accept the oldest instance of a file -p purge - actually remove files after they are accepted or deleted - without -p, files are renamed and removed later so that they can be retrieved in case of error (requires system administrator's assistance) -r newfilename rename - the file will be accepted into a file with newfilename rather than the name used by the sender -s sender select files sent by sender - comparisons are case insensitive -t filetime select files placed into the spool directory at time filetime - filetime is given as an integer number of seconds since the epoch, and is listed with -l -u recipient_user user - list files for user recipient_user (in conjunc- tion with -l) -v verbose - be a little noisier filename the name(s) of the file(s) to be listed or accepted EXAMPLES List the files waiting for you to accept: acceptfile -l Accept the oldest copy of a file named blort, sent by any user: acceptfile -o blort Accept the most recent version of a file called blam sent by jsmith@mach1 and save it as the file bloop: acceptfile -n -s jsmith@mach1 -r bloop blam Accept a version of the file if one is waiting, and then process the file: acceptfile -o -m blort if ( ! -f blort ) exit 0 process_file blort SEE ALSO filetsf(5), sendfile(1) BUGS Perhaps there should be a -x "execute command" argument for a command to run afterwards, but that's harder, since we would have to really, really carefully renounce our extra permissions, so it's harder. Perhaps there should be a getset command that will accept a list of files and let you know when everything is in place so that you can process all those files at one time. AUTHOR John Sellens, University of Waterloo NAME aixbe - printer backend program for use on AIX SYNOPSIS aixbe -H options:recipient [-w width] spoolfile DESCRIPTION aixbe is used in the /etc/qconfig file on AIX machines to spool files that were sent to this machine. It processes its arguments, retrieves some additional information from the printer system, and then invokes tsfif(8) to do the actual work. See filetsf-config(7) for information on use and queue con- figuration. BUGS The AIX printing system. SEE ALSO filetsf(5), filetsf-config(7) AUTHOR John Sellens, University of Waterloo NAME filetsf-config - how to configure the file transfer system DESCRIPTION Some things are obvious, some aren't. USERS AND GROUPS If you want to receive files on a machine, you have to add a group called filetsf to the machine, and you need to add the user daemon (or lpd if you're on AIX) to the filetsf group. SPOOL DIRECTORY You'll need to create the spool directory (check your confi- guration options for the name, at Waterloo we use /software/filetsf-1/spool/. as the spool directory). It should be owned by daemon (or lpd on AIX), in group filetsf, and be mode 750 with the setgid set. PRINTCAP ENTRIES These instructions are for machines with normal printing systems. If you have an AIX machine, see the next section. You need to set up a print queue called tsf-machine for every machine you want to send files to. Your /etc/printcap entry should look something like this: tsf-machine:\ :mx#0:\ :lf=/software/lpr/spool/tsf-machine/log:\ :rp=filetsf:\ :rm=machine:\ :fx=f:\ :sd=/software/lpr/spool/tsf-machine: On each machine you want to receive files on, you need to set up a print queue called filetsf with a /etc/printcap entry something like this: filetsf:\ :lp=/dev/null:\ :af=/dev/null:\ :sd=/software/lpr/spool/filetsf:\ :lf=/software/lpr/spool/filetsf/log:\ :if=/software/filetsf-1/servers/tsfif:\ :fx=f: You'll need to make sure your sending machines have permis- sion to send to the receiving machines, either through the /etc/hosts.equiv file or through appropriate entries in your /etc/printcap file. AIX NOTES I hate, hate, hate the AIX printing system. Everything about it. Groups and Users The printing software runs as user lpd so the spool directory needs to be owned by lpd and not daemon as on other systems. You will need to add lpd to the filetsf group, because otherwise tsfif(8) will not be able to set the setgid bit on the directories it creates, and the group of the directories will not propagate. aixbe The program aixbe(8) is an AIX printing backend, and retrieves the necessary information from the printing system database, and calls tsfif(8) appropriately to do the actual work. Loop Around It seems that AIX expects local printer devices to be mode 666, and so if you configure the file transfer queue as you would expect, tsfif(8) ends up running as the local user (if the user is sending a file to some- one else on the same machine), which just doesn't work. Pretty silly if you ask me, but no one did. The way to deal with that is to set up a local tsf- machine queue that prints to a remote filetsf queue on the same machine. But, AIX is too smart (ha, ha), and notices if the remote printer host is the same as the hostname of the local machine, and does something stu- pid if so (i.e. it tries to short circuit the process or something). So, use a different form of the machine name to fool the brilliant AIX printing software e.g. if the hostname is a fully qualified name, use an unqualified name in the qconfig file, and vice-versa. Note that the final queue has to be configured as a local queue, because AIX gives different arguments to the backend programs depending on whether or not the queue is local or remote. Strange but true. Sample Configuration This seems to work for us: filetsf: up = TRUE device = dfiletsf dfiletsf: backend = /software/filetsf-1/servers/aixbe tsf-mach1: s_statfilter = /usr/lpd/aixshort l_statfilter = /usr/lpd/aixlong up = TRUE device = rtsf-mach1 host = mach1.uwaterloo.ca rq = filetsf rtsf-mach1: backend = /usr/lpd/rembak AUTHOR John Sellens, University of Waterloo NAME filetsf - file transfer system internal details DESCRIPTION The filetsf system is built using lpr(1) and lpd(8) as the transport mechanism. This fact is cleverly hidden from the user via the sendfile(1) and acceptfile(1) commands, and the tsfif(8) input filter. LPR/LPD ENCODING The following information is encoded in the lpr/lpd protocol as follows: Sender in the lpr user/host Recipient Machine Each machine that can receive needs a separate queue, named for the machine, with a prefix of tsf-, as in tsf-mach1. The receiving queue is normally named filetsf, which makes it possible to send files to some- one on the same machine. Recipient User Encoded in the -C (class) option to lpr and is limited to 17 characters, so that it and the options (if any) will fit within the 31 character limit imposed by the lpd protocol. Filename The real or intended name of the file is encoded using the -J (job) option to lpr and is limited to the 99 character limit imposed by the lpd protocol. File Transfer Options The file transfer system encodes its options in the -C (class) option to lpr and is limited to 10 characters, so that it and the recipient will fit within the 31 character limit imposed by the lpd protocol. OPTIONS Not all options have been defined yet, but additional ones should be considered for things like expiry time, and so on. The options are encoded by summing their numbers (note that they're powers of two). OPT_MAILSENDER (1) /* mail sender on delivery */ OPT_MAILRECIPIENT (2) /* mail recipient on delivery */ OPT_REPLACE (4) /* ignore all but newest */ QUEUE FILENAME ENCODING Once the file is received on the destination system, tsfif stashes it in a file, encoded like this: /spooldir/recipient/name/sender@host/time where time is the time in seconds since the epoch. CONFIGURATION See filetsf-config(7). SEE ALSO RFC 1179 Line Printer Daemon Protocol AUTHOR John Sellens, University of Waterloo NAME ftcheck - do a sanity check on the filetsf system SYNOPSIS ftcheck DESCRIPTION ftcheck tries to sanity check the filetsf system, by check- ing the filetsf group, the permissions and ownership of the spool directory, etc. ftcheck should be run periodically from cron(8) BUGS Or should I say potential enhancements? Permissions It doesn't actually check the permissions. Log Rolling There should be some mechanism that rolls the aixbe(8) log file on AIX (we use our roller(1) command at Water- loo). Presumably everyone is already rolling their lpd(8) logs. Queue Checking There should be some mechanism that notices if the filetsf print queue is blocked (our print system notices this at Waterloo). NIS It doesn't handle NIS'd group files. SEE ALSO filetsf(5), ftcleanup(8) AUTHOR John Sellens, University of Waterloo NAME ftcleanup - cleanup old files in the filetsf system SYNOPSIS ftcleanup DESCRIPTION ftcleanup wanders the filetsf spool directory looking for old and deleted files. ftcleanup should be run periodically by cron(8) (usually daily). BUGS It might be better if the filetsf system was locked while ftcleanup was running, but the only way I can think of to do that is by running it through the filetsf queue itself, but that would be kind of weird. It would be nice if we sent mail to the sender and recipient of unclaimed files, but I'm too lazy to do that for now. It would be nice if ftcleanup removed old versions of files flagged as being replaced by newer versions, whether or not the older files had been retrieved yet. SEE ALSO filetsf(5), ftcheck(8) AUTHOR John Sellens, University of Waterloo NAME sendfile - queue a file for sending to a remote machine/user SYNOPSIS sendfile -h hostname [-j jobname] [-m] [-M] [-r] [-u user] [-v] [file ...] DESCRIPTION sendfile is used to submit one or more files to the file transfer system for transfer to a remote machine. If no files are given on the command line, nothing is sent; a filename of - means to send the standard input. OPTIONS -h hostname Send the file(s) to hostname. Required. -j jobname Label the file with the name jobname. Defaults to the file's name. Required if standard input is being sent. -m Send mail to recipient on a file's arrival -M Send mail to sender on a file's arrival -r Replace any older copies of this file (in the spool directory) with this one. -u user Send the file(s) to user on hostname. Defaults to the sender's name. -v verbose - be a little noisier SEE ALSO acceptfile(1), filetsf(5) BUGS Doesn't know how (yet) to validate hostname, so if the host isn't configured for file transfer, you get an obscure mes- sage from lpr complaining about a strange print queue. It would be nice if multiple -h options were accepted, and the files were sent to each host in turn. AUTHOR John Sellens, University of Waterloo NAME tsfif - lpd filter for transferred file reception SYNOPSIS tsfif -C opts:recipient -h srchost -J name -n sender [-v] DESCRIPTION tsfif is an lpr print filter, used to store files sent by sendfile(1) in a spool directory for later retrieval via the acceptfile(1) command. Put this in /etc/printcap on the transfer reception queue, and this will take the received file and put it in the file transfer spool area. See filetsf-config(7) for an example of use. OPTIONS The options are the normal lpr print filter arguments; see the filetsf documentation for more details. SEE ALSO acceptfile(1), sendfile(1), filetsf(5) AUTHOR John Sellens, University of Waterloo