USENIX Technical Program - Paper - 1st Workshop on Intrusion Detection and Network Monitoring   
[Technical Program]
Pp. 5162 of the Proceedings |  |
Learning Program Behavior Profiles for Intrusion
Detection\footnote{This work is sponsored under the Defense Advanced
Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Contract DAAH01-98-C-R145. {\sc the
views and conclusions contained in this document are those of the
authors and should not be interpreted as representing the official
policies, either expressed or implied, of the defense advanced
research projects agency or the u.s. government.}}
Learning Program Behavior Profiles for Intrusion
Anup K. Ghosh, Aaron Schwartzbard & Michael Schatz
Reliable Software Technologies Corporation
21515 Ridgetop Circle, #250, Sterling, VA 20166
phone: (703) 404-9293, fax: (703) 404-9295
Profiling the behavior of programs can be a useful reference for
detecting potential intrusions against systems. This paper presents
three anomaly detection techniques for profiling program behavior that
evolve from memorization to generalization. The goal of monitoring
program behavior is to be able to detect potential intrusions by
noting irregularities in program behavior. The techniques start from a
simple equality matching algorithm for determining anomalous behavior,
and evolve to a feed-forward backpropagation neural network for
learning program behavior, and finally to an Elman network for recognizing
recurrent features in program execution traces. In order to detect
future attacks against systems, intrusion detection systems must be
able to generalize from past observed behavior. The goal of this
research is to employ machine learning techniques that can generalize
from past observed behavior to the problem of intrusion detection.
The performance of these systems is compared by testing them with data
provided by the DARPA Intrusion Detection Evaluation program.
1 Introduction
Intrusion detection tools seek to detect attacks against computer systems
by monitoring the behavior of users, networks, or computer
systems. Intrusion detection techniques are the last line of defense
against computer attacks behind secure network architecture design,
secure program design, carefully configured network services,
firewalls, penetration audits, and personnel screening. Attacks
against computer systems are still largely successful despite the
plethora of intrusion prevention techniques available. For instance,
insider attacks and malicious mobile code have been able to penetrate
most security defenses. Largely, however, most computer security
attacks are made possible by poorly configured software or by buggy
Some of the first intrusion detection activities were performed by
system administrators who examined audit logs of user and system
events recorded by computer hosts. Activities such as super user login
attempts, FTP transfers of sensitive files, or failed file accesses
were flags for potential intrusive activity. Soon thereafter, expert
systems were used to automatically detect potential attacks by
scanning audit logs for signs of intrusive behavior or for departures
from normal behavior. The Intrusion Detection Expert System (IDES)
developed at SRI performed intrusion detection by creating statistical
profiles for users and noting unusual departures from normal profiles
[16]. IDES keeps statistics for each user according to
specific intrusion detection measures, such as the number of files
created and deleted each day. These statistics form the statistical
profile of each user. The profiles are periodically updated to include
the most recent changes to the user's profile. Therefore, this
technique is adaptive with changing user profiles. However, it is also
susceptible to a user slowly changing his or her profile to include
possibly intrusive activities.
More recently, network-based intrusion detection tools have gained
popularity among researchers and even in commercial
tools. Network-based intrusion detection tools will typically search
network data for signatures of known computer attacks. For example,
network probing attacks, which map out the network topology of a site,
can often be detected by their characteristic ``pings'' to the range
of network services across many machines.
Today, there are generally two types of intrusion detection systems:
anomaly detection and misuse detection. Anomaly detection approaches
attempt to detect intrusions by noting significant departures from
normal behavior
Misuse detection techniques attempt to model attacks
on a system as specific patterns, then systematically scan the system
for occurrences of these patterns
This process involves a specific encoding of previous behaviors and
actions that were deemed intrusive or malicious.
It is important to establish the key differences between
anomaly detection and misuse detection approaches. The most
significant advantage of misuse detection approaches is that known
attacks can be detected fairly reliably and with a low false positive
rate. However, the key drawback of misuse detection approaches is that
they cannot detect novel attacks against systems that leave different
signatures. So while the false positive rate can be made extremely
low, the rate of missed attacks (false negatives) can be extremely
high depending on the ingenuity of the attackers. As a result, misuse
detection approaches provide little defense against novel attacks,
until they can learn to generalize from known signatures of attacks.
Anomaly detection techniques, on the other hand, directly address the
problem of detecting novel attacks against systems. This is possible
because anomaly detection techniques do not scan for specific
patterns, but instead compare current activities against
models of past behavior. One clear drawback of anomaly
detection is its inability to identify the specific type of attack
that is occurring. However, probably the most significant disadvantage
of anomaly detection approaches is the high rates of false alarm.
Because any significant deviation from the baseline can be
flagged as an intrusion, it is likely that non-intrusive behavior that
falls outside the normal range will also be labeled as an intrusion
- resulting in a false positive. Another drawback of anomaly
detection approaches is that if an attack occurs during the training
period for establishing the baseline data, then this intrusive
behavior will be established as part of the normal baseline.
In spite of the potential drawbacks of anomaly detection,
having the ability to detect novel attacks makes anomaly detection a
requisite if future, unknown, and novel attacks against computer
systems are to be detected.
In this paper, we consider three techniques for intrusion detection
that are based on anomaly detection. Our primary goal in this work is
to be able to detect novel attacks against systems, i.e.,
attacks that have not been seen before by our intrusion detection
system. Our secondary goal is to reduce the false positive rate,
i.e., the rate at which our system classifies normal behavior as
intrusions. Our approach is to learn the normal behavior of
programs (using different techniques) and then flag significant
departures from normal behavior as possible intrusions. This
approach is designed to achieve our primary goal of detecting novel attacks.
To achieve our secondary goal of reducing the false positive rate, our
approach is to generalize from past observed behavior to
inputs the system did not encounter during training. To this end, we have
developed three algorithms that range in their ability from being able
to simply memorize past events to being able to classify inputs
previously unseen based on a similarity measure, to being able to
recognize recurrent patterns.
Before developing the three algorithms, we first present related work
in program-based intrusion detection.
2 Analyzing Program Behavior for Anomaly Detection
Analyzing program behavior profiles for intrusion detection
has recently emerged as a viable alternative to user-based
approaches to intrusion detection (see
for other program-based approaches). Program behavior profiles are
built by capturing system calls made by the program under analysis
under normal operational conditions. If the captured behavior
represents a compact and adequate signature of normal behavior, then
the profile can be used to detect deviations from normal behavior such
as those that occur when a program is being misused for intrusion.
One of the first groups to develop program-based intrusion detection
was Stephanie Forrest's research group out of the University of
New Mexico. Their work in [5,6] established
an analogy between the human immune system and intrusion
detection. The approach consisted of using short sequences of
system calls (called a string or N-gram) from the target program to the
operating system to form a signature for normal behavior. A database
of system calls is built for each monitored program by capturing
system calls made by the program under normal usage conditions. The
Linux program strace was used in their work to capture system calls.
Once constructed, the database essentially serves as the repository
for self behavior against which all subsequent online behavior will
be judged. If a string formed during the online operation of the
program does not match a string in the normal database, a mismatch is
recorded. If the number of mismatches detected are a significant
percentage of all strings captured during the online session, then an
intrusion is registered. The application of this technique was shown
viable for Unix programs sendmail, lpr, and ftpd.
It was later recognized by a research group out of Columbia University
[14] and by another research project at UNM
[12] that program anomalies were temporally
located in clusters. Thus, averaging the number of anomalies over
the entire execution trace as performed in the UNM's earlier work
could potentially ``wash out'' the intrusive behavior among normal
variation in program behavior. Hence, the notion of fixed-length
frames in which anomalies were to be counted was used in both groups'
subsequent work.
The Columbia group applied a rule learning program (RIPPER
[2]) to the data to extract rules for predicting whether
a sequence of system calls is normal or abnormal. Because the rules
made by RIPPER can be erroneous, a post-processing algorithm is used
to scan the predictions made by RIPPER to determine if an
intrusion has occurred or not. The post-processing algorithm uses the
notion of temporal locality to filter spurious prediction errors from
intrusions which should leave temporally co-located abnormal
predictions. The results in [14] verified that system
calls can be used to detect intrusions, even with different intrusion
detection algorithms.
Subsequent work performed by the UNM group and reported in
[12], applied fixed-length frames to the equality
matching approach developed earlier in [6]. However,
their work was further distinguished by their analysis of the
structure of system calls made by the program. The empirical analysis
found recurrent patterns of system calls in execution traces of any
given program. For instance most programs have a prefix, a main
portion, and a suffix. Within these portions, system calls
tended to be repeated in a regular fashion. As a result, they
hypothesized that a deterministic finite automaton (DFA) could be
constructed to represent this behavior using a macro language. For
each program, they manually selected macros that matched the pattern
they believed to represent the normal behavior. Anomalies were then
detected by applying the macros against the observed behavior and
noting mismatches. However, because their
technique involves creating DFAs heuristically and by hand, the
technique will not scale well to real systems. Furthermore, an exact
DFA representation of the program behavior could lead to a state
explosion problem.
In a similar vein as the work of [12] in creating
finite state automata, a group from Iowa State is implementing a
program-based intrusion detection approach that analyzes system calls
using state machine models of program behavior
[21]. However, their approach is not concerned with
detecting anomalies, as much as detecting violations of specified
behavior. As a result, the approach of the Iowa State group requires
the development of specification models for acceptable program
behavior, where the work of
used models of program behavior derived from empirical training. An
auditing specification language (ASL) is used to develop a
representation of expected or allowed program behavior based on
specification models of programs; violations of this model are used to
detect potential intrusions and isolate the program in question from
privileged resources. This approach is similar to sandbox models of
programs that constrain program behavior based on policies or models
of acceptable program behavior
In this paper, we build upon the work of the UNM group in creating
normal program behavior profiles from system calls and performing
anomaly detection from these profiles. We present an evolution of
techniques that begin from a table lookup equality matching approach
(similar to the UNM work in [5]) to machine learning
approaches that can generalize from past observed behavior. Our goal in
applying the equality matching technique was to verify the feasibility
and performance of the technique on a much larger scale than
previously performed. Our approach was simply to improve on the
equality matching technique where it was obvious improvements could be
In the equality matching approach, we use fixed-size frames to capture
temporally co-located events similar to
[14,12]. However, unlike the approach
in [12], our technique automatically builds
profiles for programs and performs anomaly detection. No heuristics or
hand coding of macros are necessary to do anomaly detection.
We have been able to scale up our program-based anomaly
detection approach significantly over previous studies
[12,14,5] to monitor over 150
programs as part of the 1998 DARPA Intrusion Detection Evaluation
program2. Hence the results presented here represent the first
significant study of applying an equality matching technique for
system calls to a realistic system in a comprehensive intrusion
detection study.
One of the key drawbacks in using an equality matching approach in its
current form is the inability to generalize from past observed
behavior. Thus, if the normal program behavior is not adequately
captured, future unseen normal behavior will be classified as
anomalous, thus contributing to the false positive rate. Desiring the
ability to reduce the false positive rate while still providing the
ability to detect novel attacks consistently, we investigated machine
learning approaches for learning program behavior. Neural networks
were the best fit for learning associations between observed inputs
and desired outputs. We implemented a standard backpropagation
neural network (a feedforward multi-perceptron network) to be able to
generalize from previously seen inputs to map future unseen inputs
into normal or anomalous outputs. We tested our backpropagation
networks against the same corpus of data provided by the DARPA
evaluation program. The results show both the benefits and pitfalls
of using backpropagation networks for this purpose.
While working with neural networks, we re-visited the input domain for
our networks in order to develop a proper encoding function to the
network. We noticed recurrent patterns of system calls in the
execution traces of the programs similar to what Kosoresow et
al. noted in [12]. Unlike the approach developed
by Kosoresow et al., however, we were interested in automatically
learning the behavior of the program that would be able to exploit the
recurrent features in the data. Furthermore, we desired our learning
algorithm to be able to generalize to recognize future, previously
unseen behavior - unlike the equality matching algorithm. These
requirements led us to the development of Elman networks. Elman
networks use the sequential characteristics of the input data to learn
to recognize sequentially related (or in our case temporally
co-located) features of variable length. Hence, we applied the Elman
networks to the DARPA evaluation data for anomaly detection.
The study presented in the rest of this paper is able to provide a
side-by-side comparison of three different algorithms for anomaly
detection that represent evolutions from pure memorization to
generalization based on the recurrent characteristics of system calls
made by programs. The results are significant because the data on
which the algorithms are evaluated represents a significant corpus of
scientifically controlled data by which the false positive rate of a
given intrusion detection algorithm can be simultaneously measured
against the correct detection rate. Hence, we are able to
scientifically validate our approaches against a good set of data.
In the rest of this paper, we describe the algorithms and the results
from their implementation.
3 Equality Matching: A Simple Anomaly Detection Approach
The first approach we implemented built on the work of Forrest et
al. [5,12,6]. But rather
than using the strace(1) program on Linux for capturing system
calls, we used Sun Microsystem's Basic Security Module (BSM) auditing
facility for Solaris. This approach is practical because no special
software need be written to capture system calls. The BSM events serve
as an adequate representation of the behavior of the program for our
purposes because any privileged calls that might be made by a program
are captured by BSM. Furthermore, a program can only abuse system
resources if it is making system calls. Our study also finds that out
of approximately 200 different BSM events that can be recorded,
programs typically make only 10 to 20 different BSM events. Therefore,
capturing BSM events also serves as a compact representation of
program behavior, while still leaving ample room to detect deviant
behavior (through odd BSM events or odd sequences of BSM
events). Finally, the BSM events we recorded for program executions
showed regular patterns of behavior such as a common beginning and
ending sequence, as well as recurrent strings of system calls. Any
anomaly detection algorithm will perform better when the entity it is
monitoring has well-defined regular patterns of behavior. For all
these reasons, in addition to the simplicity of the algorithm and the
early success of the UNM group, we applied this algorithm with
improvements to a large set of data to benchmark its success.
The equality matching algorithm is simple but effective. Sequences of
BSM events are captured during online usage and compared against those
stored in the database built from the normal program behavior
profile. If the sequence of BSM events captured during online usage is
not found in the database, then an anomaly counter is
incremented. This technique is predicated on the ability to capture
the normal behavior of a program in a database. If the normal behavior
of a program is not adequately captured, then the false alarm
rate is likely to be high. On the other hand, if the normal behavior
profile built for a program includes intrusive behavior, then future
instances of the intrusive behavior are likely to go
The data is partitioned into fixed-size windows in order to exploit a
property of attacks that tends to leave its signature in temporally
co-located events. That is, attacks tend to cause anomalous behavior
to be recorded in clusters. Thus, rather than averaging the number of
anomalous events recorded over the entire execution trace (which might
wash out an attack in the noise), a much smaller size window of events
is used for counting anomalous events.
Several counters are kept at varying levels of granularity ranging from a
counter for each fixed window of system calls to a counter for the
number of windows that are anomalous. Thresholds are applied at each
level to determine at which point anomalous behavior is propagated up
to the next level. Ultimately, if enough windows of system calls in a
program are deemed anomalous, the program behavior during a particular
session is deemed anomalous, and an intrusion detection flag is
The equality matching algorithm was evaluated by MIT's Lincoln
Laboratory under the DARPA 1998 Intrusion Detection Evaluation
program. Unlabeled sessions were sent by Lincoln Labs and
processed by our intrusion detection algorithm. These sessions had an
unspecified number of attacks of the following four types: denial of
service (DoS), probe, user to root (u2r), and remote to local
(r2l). A user to root attack is defined as an attack that elevates the
privilege of a user with local account privileges. Remote to local
attacks grant a remote user with no account privileges to local user
account privileges. Because this approach is mainly suited to u2r
and r2l types of attacks, and because there were a
statistically insignificant amount of DoS and probe attacks in the BSM
data, we present results only from the u2r and r2l attacks.
Attack | Instances | Detections | Percent |
Type | | | Detected |
u2r | 22 | 19 | 86.4 |
r2l | 3 | 2 | 66.7 |
| Total | 25 | 21 | 84% |
Table 1: Performance of table look up intrusion detection
algorithm against user to root (u2r) and remote to local (r2l) attacks.
Table 1 shows the performance of the equality matching
algorithm for detecting attacks at a particular threshold of sensitivity.
If the threshold is set too low, then the false alarm rate will be low, but
detection rate will be low, too. Similarly, a threshold set
too high may end up detecting most intrusions, but suffer from a high
false alarm rate. False alarm rates are not shown for these
attacks because our algorithm will not label a particular attack -
it only notes when an attack (any attack) is occurring. As a result,
false positives cannot be tracked to particular attack types.
While the table is useful for quickly determining how many attacks of
a particular type were detected, a more useful measure of the
performance of the method can be obtained from Receiver Operating
Characteristic (ROC) curves.

Figure 1: Performance of the equality matching technique as a function
of false positive percentage (horizontal axis) and the correct detection
percentage (vertical axis). This graph shows both the worst possible
ROC curve (i.e., y = x) as well as the ROC curve generated from
actual data using the equality matching algorithm.
A measure of the overall effectiveness of a given intrusion detection
system can be provided by the ROC curve. An ROC curve is a parametric
curve that is generated by varying the threshold of the intrusive
measure, which is a tunable parameter, and computing the probability
of detection and the probability of false alarm at each operating
point. The curve is a plot of the likelihood that an intrusion is
detected, against the likelihood that a non-intrusion is misclassified
(i.e., a false positive) for a particular parameter, such as a tunable
threshold. The ROC curve can be used to determine the performance of
the system for different operating points such as configurable
thresholds, or for comparing the performance of different intrusion
detection algorithms for given operating points.
Figure 1 shows performance of the equality
matching algorithm as a ROC curve. To better understand this
performance measure, consider an intrusion detection oracle that
scores a session with a value of one if and only if it is an
intrusion, and a value of zero otherwise. The resulting ROC curve
would actually not be a curve, but rather, a single point at the
location (0,1) since it is would detect intrusions with a likelihood
of 1/1, and it would misclassify non-intrusions with a likelihood of
0/1. Further, as the threshold varied between zero and one
(exclusive), there would be no change in the way sessions are
classified, so the parametric value would remain at that one
point. This can be called the oracle point. However, at the
thresholds of 1 and 0 (inclusive), the (0,0) and (1,1) points remain
fixed. Connecting these points and computing the area under the curve
gives an area of 1, or a power of 100%.
At the other end of the spectrum, consider the curve that defines the
worst possible intrusion detection system. The ROC curve for the worst
case scenario is the y = x line shown in Figure 1. Assume a
system that randomly assigns a value between zero and one for every
session. Starting from a threshold of zero, we derive the (1,1) point
because all sessions would be classified as intrusions. As the session
threshold increases, the likelihood of both correctly classifying an
intrusion and incorrectly classifying a non-intrusion decrease at the
same rate until the session threshold is 1 (corresponding to the point
(0,0)). The power of this system is 50%, corresponding to the area
under this curve of 0.5. If an intrusion detection system were to
perform even worse than this curve, one would simply invert each
classification to do better. Therefore, the y = x plot represents the
benchmark by which all intrusion detection systems should do better.
The results in Figure 1 for the equality matching algorithm
represent an optimal tuning of the window (or frame) size to 20 and an
N-gram size to six. These parameter values were found to be optimal
through experimental analysis. The y = x curve is shown as the
benchmark for the worst case scenario.
The equality matching method was able to detect 68.2% of all
intrusions with a false positive rate of 1.4%. Higher detection
rates could be achieved at the expense of more false positives. At a
detection rate of 86.4%, the false positive rate rose to 4.3%.
Similar curves are generated and compared for the two other intrusion
detection approaches.
4 The Backpropagation Network
The goal in using neural networks for intrusion detection is to be
able to generalize from incomplete data and to be able to classify online
data as being normal or anomalous.
Applying machine learning to intrusion detection has been developed
elsewhere as well
[4,1,13]. Lane and
Brodley's work uses machine learning to distinguish
between normal and anomalous behavior. However, their work is
different from ours in that they build user profiles based on
sequences of each individual's normal user commands and attempt to
detect intruders based on deviations from the established user
profile. Similarly, Endler's work [4] used neural
networks to learn the behavior of users based on BSM events recorded
from user actions. Rather than building profiles on a per-user basis,
our work builds profiles of software behavior and attempts to
distinguish between normal software behavior and malicious software
behavior. The advantages of our approach are that vagaries of
individual behavior are abstracted because program behavior rather
than individual usage is studied. This can be of benefit for
defeating a user who slowly changes his or her behavior to foil a user
profiling system. It can also protect the privacy interests of users
from a surveillance system that monitors a user's every move.
The goal in using artificial neural networks (ANNs) for intrusion
detection is to be able to generalize from incomplete data and to be able
to classify online data as being normal or intrusive.
An artificial neural network is composed of simple processing units,
or nodes, and connections between them. The connection between
any two units has some weight, which is used to determine how
much one unit will affect the other. A subset of the units of the
network acts as input nodes, and another subset acts as
output nodes. By assigning a value, or activation, to each
input node, and allowing the activations to propagate through the
network, a neural network performs a functional mapping from one set
of values (assigned to the input nodes) to another set of values
(retrieved from the output nodes). The mapping itself is stored in the
weights of the network.
In this work, a classical feed-forward multi-layer perceptron network
was implemented: a backpropagation neural network. The
backpropagation network has been used successfully in other intrusion
detection studies [7,1]. The
backpropagation network, or backprop, is a standard feed-forward
network. Input is submitted to the network and the activations for
each level of neurons are cascaded forward.
In order to train the networks, it is necessary to expose them to
normal data and anomalous data. Randomly generated data were used to
train the network to distinguish between normal and anomalous data.
The randomly generated data, which were spread throughout the input
space, caused the network to generalize that all data were anomalous
by default. The normal data, which tended to be localized in the input
space, caused the network to recognize a particular area of the input
space as non-anomalous.

Figure 2: Performance of the backpropagation network expressed in a ROC
curve. The horizontal axis represents the percentage of false
positives while the vertical axis represents the percentage of correct
detections for different operating thresholds of the technique.
During training, many networks were trained for each program, and the
network that performed the best was selected. The remaining networks
were discarded. Training involved exposing the networks to four weeks
of labeled data, and performing the backprop algorithm to adjust
weights. An epoch of training consisted of one pass over the training
data. For each network, the training proceeded until the total error
made during an epoch stopped decreasing, or 1,000 epochs had been
reached. Since the optimal number of hidden nodes for a program was
not known before training, for each program, networks were trained
with 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 50, and 60 hidden nodes. Before
training, network weights were initialized randomly. However, initial
weights can have a large, but unpredictable, effect on the performance
of a trained network. In order to avoid poor performance due to bad
initial weights, for each program, for each number of hidden nodes, 10
networks were initialized differently, and trained. Therefore, for
each program, 90 networks were trained. To select which of the 90 to
keep, each was tested on two weeks of data which were not part of the
four weeks of data used for training. The network that classified
data most accurately was kept.
After training and selection, a set of neural networks was ready to be
used. However, a neural network can only classify a single string (a
sequence of BSM events) as anomalous or normal, and our intention was
to classify entire sessions (which are usually composed of executions
of multiple programs) as anomalous or normal. Furthermore, our
previous experiments showed that it is important to capture the
temporal locality of anomalous events in order to recognize intrusive
behavior. As a result, we desired an algorithm that provides some
memory of recent events.
The leaky bucket algorithm fit this purpose well. The leaky bucket
algorithm keeps a memory of recent events by accumulating the neural
network's output, while slowly leaking its value. Thus, when the network
computes closely related anomalies, the leaky bucket algorithm
will quickly accumulate a large value in its counter. Similarly, as
the network computes a normal output, the bucket will ``leak'' away
its anomaly counter back down to zero. As a result, the leaky bucket
emphasizes anomalies that are closely temporally co-located and
diminishes the values of those that are sparsely located.
Strings of BSM events are passed to a neural network in the order they occurred
during program execution. The output of a neural network-that is, the
classification of the input string-is then placed into a leaky
bucket. During each timestep, the level of the bucket is decreased by a
fixed amount. If the level in the bucket rises above some threshold at
any point during execution of the program, the program is flagged as
anomalous. The advantage of using a leaky bucket algorithm is that
it allows occasional anomalous behavior, which is to be expected
during normal system operation, but it is quite sensitive to large
numbers of temporally co-located anomalies, which one would expect if a
program were really being misused. If a session contains a single
anomalous program, the session is flagged as anomalous.
The performance of the IDS should by judged in terms of
both the ability to detect intrusions, and by false
positives-incorrect classification of normal behavior as
intrusions. We used ROC curves to compare intrusion detection ability
of the backpropagation network to false positives.
The results from the backpropagation network are shown in
Figure 2. The test data consisted of 139 non-intrusive
sessions, and 22 intrusive sessions.
Different leak rates from the leaky bucket algorithm produce different
ROC curves. A leak rate of 0 results in all prior timesteps being
retained in memory. A leak rate of 1 results in all timesteps but the
current one being forgotten. We varied the leak rate from 0 to 1.
In Figure 2, the ROC curve is shown for a leak rate of
0.7. The curve and performance is similar to the equality matching
algorithm results shown in Figure 1. A detection rate of
77.3% can be achieved with a false positive rate of 2.2%.
Purely feed-forward network topologies possess a major limiting
characteristic. That characteristic is that the output produced by any
input is independent of prior inputs. While this characteristic is
appropriate for tasks which require processing of independent inputs,
it is not optimal when the inputs are sequential elements of a
stream of data. In the next section, we discuss an alternative
network that can recognize recurrent features in the input.
5 Elman Networks
In this section, we motivate the reasons for using recurrent networks,
then describe the Elman recurrent network used for anomaly
detection. Results from applying the Elman network to the DARPA data
are presented in comparison to the previous techniques.

Figure 3: In each of the examples above, the nodes of the ANNs are
labeled as input nodes (I), hidden nodes (H), output nodes (O), or
context nodes (C). Each arc is unidirectional, with direction
indicated by the arrow at the end of the arc. A) A standard
feed-forward topology. B) An Elman network.
The BSM events produced by a single program during a single execution
can be considered to be a stream of events. That is, each event is
part of an ordered series. A given portion of a program will typically
generate similar sequences of BSM events during different
executions. Since there is a limited number of ways in which
a transition (or branch) from one portion of the program to another
can occur, it is often possible to determine what sequence of events
will follow the current sequence of events.
By using a feed-forward topology (with backpropagation learning
rules), as described in the preceding section, we train ANNs to
recognize whether small, fixed-sized sequences of events are
characteristic of the programs in which they occur. For each sequence,
an ANN produces an output value that represents how anomalous the
sequence is (based on the training data). In addition, the leaky
bucket algorithm used to classify the program behavior ensures that
two highly anomalous sequences have a larger impact on the
classification of a program if they are close together than if they
are far apart. However, as determined by investigation of raw BSM
data, the large-scale structure of a stream of BSM data has
features that cannot be captured within individual sequences of
lengths being used in our experiments.
In order to accommodate the large-scale structure of BSM features
during a given execution trace, two options are apparent: 1) increase the
size of individual sequences so that large-scale structures of the
stream are represented within individual strings, or 2) use a system
which maintains some degree of state between inputs. The first option
will fail because in order to capture large-scale structures,
individual sequences would necessarily be very large. As sequence
sizes grow, so do the network and the difficulty in accurate

Figure 4: Performance of three anomaly detection algorithms expressed
as ROC curves against the DARPA evaluation data. The horizontal axis
represents the percentage of false positives while the vertical axis
represents the percentage of correct detections for different
operating thresholds of the technique.The Elman network
performs the best overall.
The second alternative-to maintain state information between
sequences-is more appealing. It allows the system to retain the
generality of small sequences. It simply adds information concerning
prior sequences. One possible way to maintain state information is
through the use of a deterministic finite automaton (DFA). This
approach was applied manually by a UNM group
[12]. However, DFAs have several drawbacks. The
primary drawback is the lack of flexibility. If the BSM stream briefly
enters a state not represented in the DFA, the DFA cannot recover to
recognize that the state was a slight aberration of the sort one would
expect to encounter even during normal runs of a program. Thus, the
DFA would need to be completely specified to represent all possible
allowable sequences of BSM events, or a heuristic-based approach
similar to the UNM approach would need to be adopted with its perils
[12]. If the DFA is completely specified such
that it represents enough states that no normal execution of a program
produces states outside of the machine, then the machine will have
represented so many of the target program's possible states that
recognizing anomalous behavior may be difficult. Beyond the lack of
flexibility of DFAs, it should be recognized that determining what
constitutes a state of a program (and should be represented in
the DFA) can be a difficult task. While neither of these issues is
insurmountable, ANNs address each of them quite naturally.
We originally employed ANNs because of their ability to learn
and generalize. Through the learning process, they develop the
ability to classify inputs from exposure to a set of training
inputs and application of well defined learning rules, rather
than through an explicit human-supplied enumeration of classification
rules. Because of their ability to generalize, ANNs can produce
reasonable classifications for novel inputs (assuming the network has
been trained well). Further, since the inputs to any node of the ANN
used for this work could be any real-valued number, no sequence of BSM
events could produce an encoding that would fall outside of the domain
representable by the ANN.
In order to maintain state information between inputs, we required a
recurrent ANN topology. A recurrent topology (as opposed to a purely
feed-forward topology) is one in which cycles are formed by the
connections. The cycles act as delay loops-causing information to be
retained indefinitely. New input interacts with the cycles, both
the activations propagating through the network and the activations in
the cycle are affected. Thus, the input can affect the state, and the
state can affect the classification of any input.
One well known recurrent topology is that of an Elman network, developed
by Jeffrey Elman. An Elman network is illustrated in
Figure 3. The Elman topology is based on a
feed-forward topology-it has an input layer, an output
layer, and one or more hidden layers. Additionally, an Elman
network has a set of context nodes. Each context node receives input
from a single hidden node and sends its output to each node in the
layer of its corresponding hidden node. Since the context nodes depend
only on the activations of the hidden nodes from the previous input,
the context nodes retain state information between inputs.
Because an Elman network retains information concerning previous inputs,
the method used to train purely feed-forward ANNs to perform anomaly
detection (see Section 4) will not suffice. We employ
Elman nets to perform classification of short sequences of events as
they occur in a larger stream of events. Therefore, we train our Elman
networks to predict the next sequence that will occur at any
point in time. The nth input, In, is presented to the network to
produce some output, On. The output On is then compared to
In+1. The difference between On and In+1 (that is, the
sum of the absolute values of the differences of the corresponding
elements of On and In+1) is the measure of anomaly of each
sequence of events. We continue to use the leaky bucket algorithm
that causes anomalies to have a larger effect when they occur closer
together than when they occur farther apart. However, the
classification of a sequence of events will now be affected by events
prior to the earliest event occurring within the sequence.
We implemented an Elman net and applied it for anomaly detection
against the same set of DARPA evaluation data. Despite being the least
extensively tuned of the three methods employed, the Elman nets
produced the best results overall. The performance of the Elman nets
in comparison to the equality matching (table lookup) technique and the
backpropagation network is shown in Figure 4. The
Elman ROC curve is the left-most curve that quickly reaches 100%
detection. With a leak rate of 0.7, the Elman networks were able to
detect 77.3% of all intrusions with no false positives - a very
significant improvement over the other algorithms. Further, the Elman
nets were able to detect 100.0% of all intrusions with
significantly fewer false positives than either of the other two
6 Conclusions
This paper presented three different anomaly detection
algorithms for detecting potential intrusions by using program
behavior profiles. The algorithms range from pure memorization using
an equality matching approach to the ability to generalize, to the
ability to recognize recurrent features in the input. The results show
that though the equality matching approach worked fairly well, the
performance can be significantly improved (particularly in reducing
the false positive rate) by using Elman networks.
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1 This work is sponsored under the Defense Advanced
Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Contract DAAH01-98-C-R145. the
views and conclusions contained in this document are those of the
authors and should not be interpreted as representing the official
policies, either expressed or implied, of the defense advanced
research projects agency or the u.s. government.
2 See for a
summary of the program.
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