Third USENIX Conference on Object-Oriented Technologies (COOTS), 1997
[Technical Program]
Pp. 8190 of the Proceedings |  |
Exploiting the Internet Inter-ORB Protocol Interface
to Provide CORBA with Fault Tolerance
P. Narasimhan, L. E. Moser, P. M. Melliar-Smith
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106,,
Abstract: The Eternal system is a CORBA 2.0-compliant system that
provides, in addition to the location transparency and the
interoperability inherent in the CORBA standard, support for replicated
objects and thus fault tolerance. Eternal exploits the Internet
Inter-ORB Protocol (IIOP) interface to ``attach'' itself transparently
to objects operating over a commercial CORBA Object Request Broker
(ORB). The Eternal Interceptor captures the IIOP system calls of the
objects, and the Eternal Replication Manager maps these system calls
onto a reliable totally ordered multicast group communication system.
No modification to the internal structure of the ORB is necessary, and
fault tolerance is provided in a manner that is transparent to both the
application and the ORB.
Introduction Distributed
systems consist of clusters of computers that are capable of both
functioning autonomously and cooperating harmoniously to achieve a
particular task. The integration of an object-oriented paradigm with a
distributed computing platform yields a framework in which objects are
distributed across the system. Objects invoke other objects, or are
themselves invoked, to provide services to the application.
The Object Management Group (OMG) has established the Common Object
Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) [12,
which is a standard for communications middleware that defines
interfaces to distributed objects and that provides mechanisms for
communicating operations to objects by means of messages. The key
component of this architecture is the Object Request Broker (ORB), which
handles requests to, and responses from, the objects in the distributed
Unfortunately, the current CORBA standard makes no provision for
fault tolerance, which has led to research aimed at making CORBA-based
applications reliable. One approach has been to build the
fault-tolerance capabilities into the ORB itself [16],
as in Electra [8,
and in Orbix+Isis [5].
Another approach, adopted in the OpenDREAMS project [3],
advocates that reliability be provided as part of the suite of object
services available to the ORB. While the former approach makes the fault
tolerance transparent to the application, it also involves considerable
modification to the CORBA implementation to enable the ORB to take
advantage of a multicast group communication system underneath it. On
the other hand, the latter approach simply adds an object group service
on top of an unmodified ORB, and uses no underlying multicast group
communication system, thereby making the system interoperable and
portable, but with the fault tolerance visible to the application
The Eternal system that we are developing provides fault tolerance
transparently to the application using CORBA, without modification to
the ORB. The mechanisms for achieving reliability are hidden from the
application programmmer, and concern only the system developer. The
Eternal system can utilize any commercial implementation of the CORBA
2.0 standard. Although Eternal is layered over a multicast group
communication system, the vendor's ORB does not need to be altered to
utilize the fault tolerance that Eternal provides. Furthermore, the
system is designed to enable objects running over different ORBs to
interact with each other.
Figure 1: Structure of the Eternal system.
The Eternal system exploits the services provided by the Totem
multicast group communication system [1,
to maintain the consistency of the replicas that are employed for fault
tolerance. However, since Eternal only deals with interfaces of objects
and of the ORB, any multicast group communication system, with an
interface and guarantees similar to those of Totem, can alternatively be
The structure of the Eternal system is shown in Figure 1.
In this paper, we focus on the Interceptor, which ``catches'' the system
calls made by the ORB to TCP/IP, and also on the relevant part of the
Replication Manager, which diverts the calls to Totem. In addition,
Eternal supports the evolution of a system by exploiting the replication
of objects to perform live upgrades of objects and their
interfaces. Resource management is also provided for the creation,
placement, and distribution of objects.
CORBA and the IIOP
Interface The CORBA standard specifies an interface for each
distributed object. This interface is written in the declarative syntax
of the OMG Interface Definition Language (IDL). The language-specific
implementation of a server object is hidden from client objects that
require the service provided by the server object; the server object can
be invoked only through its interface.
Invocations of objects and responses from invoked objects are
handled through the ORB, which acts as the intermediary or
``communication bus'' for all of the interactions between the
distributed objects in the system. At a client object, a stub, generated
by the IDL compiler, receives the request, marshals the call into the
format appropriate to the request, and passes it to the ORB. At the
server object, a language-specific mapping of the IDL specification, a
skeleton, unmarshals the parameters of the call and performs any
additional processing to invoke the appropriate method. The results of
the operation are returned to the client object via the ORB.
CORBA provides location transparency, meaning that the client
objects convey their requests only to their ORBs, which then undertake
the task of locating a suitable server object and then dispatching the
request to it. Thus, a client object need not be aware of the location
of a server object since the ORB has access to this information. Every
CORBA object is identified by an object reference, which is assigned to
it by the ORB at the time the object is created. Client objects
associate object references with their requests to enable the ORB to
route their requests to the appropriate destinations.
The interoperability of CORBA arises in the context of communication
between heterogeneous ORBs. Every CORBA 2.0-compliant ORB is equipped
with the ability to communicate using the Internet Inter-ORB Protocol
(IIOP) [10,
which ensures that objects running over different ORBs can interwork
when they use the IIOP interface. Only the ORB hosting an object needs
to know the details of the object, while other ORBs that wish to
interact with the object need only be able to address it. Every object
is assigned an Interoperable Object Reference (IOR) for this purpose.
The General Inter-ORB Protocol (GIOP) is a general set of
specifications that enable the messages of the ORB to be mapped onto any
connection-oriented medium that meets a minimal set of assumptions
(reliable, byte stream-oriented, loss-of-connection notification). The
Internet Inter-Orb Protocol (IIOP) is GIOP with the messages transported
by TCP/IP. By sending IIOP messages over TCP/IP, the ORBs can use the
Internet as the backbone for their communication. Server objects, that
use IIOP to interact with their client objects in an environment of
heterogeneous ORBs, publish their references in the form of IIOP IOR
The primary motivation for the use of IIOP is that all CORBA
2.0-compliant implementations can use this simple generic interface,
irrespective of the internal details of the vendor's ORB, and the
platform on which the ORB operates. A number of commercial ORBs now
provide IIOP as their native protocol, since an increasing number of
CORBA applications require interoperability over different platforms and
the ability to operate over the Internet.
The Eternal System The
Eternal system is designed to work with any commercial off-the-shelf
CORBA 2.0-compliant ORB with no modification whatsoever to the
ORB. Moreover, the fault tolerance is provided in a manner that is
transparent to the application objects.
Since the underlying fault tolerance capabilities are hidden from
the application, the application programmer does not need to worry about
the difficult issues of asynchrony, replica consistency, concurrency,
and the handling of faults. The Eternal system replicates and
distributes the application objects across the system, and allows the
programmers to write the application as if it were a sequential program
to be run on a single machine.
Fault tolerance is provided by replication [7]
of both client and server objects across the distributed system. As
shown in Figure 1,
Eternal exploits the reliable totally ordered message delivery of the
underlying Totem system to ensure replica consistency in the presence of
faults. In addition, mechanisms are provided to detect and suppress
duplicate operations and to support nested operations [13].
Group Communication Models
Process Groups
Figure 2: Process Groups in the Totem system.
An increasing number of distributed applications are structured as
collections of processes that interact or cooperate to accomplish a
particular task. Such a collection of processes is called a process
group and can be considered abstractly as a single unit, as shown in
Figure 2.
A process group may reside entirely within a single processor, or may
span several processors.
A process group is characterized by its membership, and processes
can be added and removed from the process group by the execution of a
group membership protocol. A process is permitted to be a member of more
than one process group, thereby resulting in intersecting process
The services of a process group can be invoked transparently, with
no knowledge of its exact membership or the location of its member
processes. Thus, a process in the system can address all of the members
of a process group (including its own) as a whole, using a multicast
group communication system, such as Totem. A process can send messages
to one or more process groups, of which it may or may not be a
member. These messages are totally ordered within and across all
receiving process groups.
The Totem system provides reliable totally ordered multicasting of
messages to processes in process groups. Each message is assigned a
unique timestamp, and these timestamps establish the total order of
delivery of messages to the application. For messages multicast and
delivered within the same configuration of processors, Totem provides
these message delivery guarantees despite communication and processor
faults, message loss, and network partitioning. The process group layer
takes advantage of these services and guarantees of the underlying Totem
protocols to provide reliable totally ordered multicasts within and
across process groups.
Object Groups
Figure 3: Object Groups in
the Eternal system.
Analogous to the notion of a process group, an object group is a
collection of objects that cooperate to provide some useful service, as
shown in Figure 3.
This abstraction enables a client object to invoke the services of a
server object group transparently, as if it were a single object. The
server object group can also return the results to a client object group
transparently, as if it were a single object.
An object group may consist of similar or dissimilar objects. In the
Eternal system, a replicated object is represented by an object group,
the members of which are identical and are the replicas of the
object. Both client and server objects can be replicated and thus can be
represented as object groups. The reliable totally ordered multicasts of
Totem are used to communicate the invocations to, and the responses
from, the object group. The replicas of an object receive the same
operations in the same order, thereby ensuring consistency of the states
of the object replicas. The exact location of the replicas of the
object, the degree of replication, and the type of replication (active
or passive) is transparent to an object that invokes the services of a
replicated object.
The Eternal Interceptor
The Eternal Interceptor is a user-level layer between the ORB and the
operating system. The principle underlying the design of the Interceptor
is that the functionality of an operating system can be extended at the
user level, without requiring modifications to the kernel or to the
standard system libraries. One way of doing this is by intercepting
system calls from specified processes before these calls reach the
kernel, and then modifying these system calls to implement the desired
functionality. The mechanisms are entirely transparent to an application
process whose system calls are intercepted.
Such an approach is useful for the development of global file
systems [2]
and for the testing of kernel extensions. The Eternal system employs the
same approach to ``attach'' itself transparently, via the Eternal
Interceptor, to all objects that operate over a CORBA 2.0-compliant ORB.
Intercepting System Calls
The Eternal system can ``attach'' itself to any CORBA object and can
``catch'' a specified set of system calls that are made by the ORB
during the object's interactions with the system. To do this, the
Interceptor, given the process identifier pid assigned by Unix to
the object being intercepted, locates and performs a continual trace on
the file /proc/pid, which is part of the /proc file
system of the Unix system.
The system calls to be captured at either the entry to, or the exit
from, the system call can be specified a priori. In the normal
course of events, these system calls would reach the kernel and be
executed. However, in Eternal, the tracing facilities provided under the
/proc interface are exploited to enable the specified system
calls to be intercepted before they reach the kernel. The arguments, and
possibly the return values, of these system calls can be extracted and
examined, and the system calls can themselves be modified before they
are forwarded to the operating system. Furthermore, all of these
mechanisms can be implemented without the intercepted object being aware
of their existence.
Figure 4: Mapping the IIOP interface onto the process group interface.
The obvious advantage of such an approach is that the operation of
the Interceptor is transparent to both the CORBA objects and the ORB
itself. This functionality can be implemented entirely at the user
level, with no modification to the operating system. The application
objects and the ORB need not be recompiled to take advantage of the
intercepting capability. Once the Interceptor is started, it waits to
receive a message from any newly created CORBA object. As a part of its
initialization phase, every object supplies its Unix process identifier
pid to the Eternal system. The Interceptor then monitors
/proc/pid for the entire lifetime of the object.
A typical CORBA object invokes many system calls during its
lifetime. These include calls for memory allocation, runtime library
access, file operations and network operations. While some of these
calls may be local to the machine, any system call that constitutes
communication with another object, whether local or remote, must take
place using the ORB. The system calls of interest are those that are
used by the objects to communicate over IIOP.
All CORBA objects in Eternal use the IIOP interface. The IIOP
interface is a simple generic interface to TCP/IP, which makes capture
of its calls easy. Since we are only interested in system calls that are
IIOP-specific (communication-specific) and not object-specific, the
system calls that need to be intercepted are the same for all of the
objects operating over the CORBA ORB. Since interception of the calls is
transparent to the ORB, any off-the-shelf commercial CORBA ORB, that is
capable of communicating over IIOP, can be used unmodified.
System Calls of the IIOP Interface | Routines of the Process Group Interface |
open(fd) | Process_Connect(pgid),Process_Join(pgid) |
close(fd) | Process_Leave(pgid) |
read(fd,read_buffer) | Process_Receive(pgid,recv_buffer) |
write(fd,write_buffer) | Process_Send(pgid,send_buffer) |
poll(list of fds) | Process_Poll(socket to process group layer) |
Figure 5: Correspondence between the IIOP system calls and
the process group layer routines. Here, fd refers to the file
descriptor returned from opening /dev/tcp, and pgid
refers to the process group identifier. Only the arguments that are
relevant to the mapping are shown.
Once the system calls of IIOP are intercepted by Eternal, the
relevant arguments are extracted from the system calls and passed to the
process group layer for communication over Totem. However, the ORB is
unaware that its messages are delivered by Totem, since it ``believes''
that it is using only the IIOP interface, the calls of which were
originally intended for TCP/IP.
IIOP-Specific System
Calls Each time a server object publishes its identity or each time
an object interacts with any other object in the system, the IIOP
interface is used. If the ORB's native protocol is IIOP itself, this
use is unnecessary.
open() System Call
Since the IIOP interface uses TCP/IP, the open() system call to
TCP/IP is among those intercepted. The file descriptor returned from
this call is recorded so that it can be monitored for activity by the
system. There are two cases in which an open() call may be
invoked. In the first case, a connection over TCP/IP is established by a
server object that publishes its Interoperable Object Reference (IOR)
across the network and ``listens'' for any client object that requires
its services. The second case occurs when a client object requests
service from a server object and the two objects establish separate
connections to TCP/IP in order to communicate.
Thus, each server object has a principal TCP/IP connection, on which
it ``listens'' for clients, and establishes additional TCP/IP
connections when the client objects desire to communicate with the
server object. The additional TCP/IP connections are typically open for
the lifetime of the client objects, while the principal ``listening''
TCP/IP connection is open for the lifetime of the server object.
The first open() call to TCP/IP, in turn, triggers the
Replication Manager, via the Interceptor, to establish a connection with
the process group interface of a reliable group communication system,
such as Totem, in anticipation of any communication that might
follow. Thus, a given object, via the file descriptor associated with
this first open() call, is associated with a particular
connection to the Totem system interface. Subsequent open()
calls to TCP/IP, which represent client-server communication, are
recorded by means of their file descriptors, which are then monitored
for any activity. All client-server interactions on these file
descriptors can be channelled through the respective connections of the
client and the server to Totem.
poll() System Call
A server object, on establishing its principal ``listening'' connection,
polls its associated TCP/IP file descriptor, and blocks till it hears
from a client object that requires its services. A poll() call
may also be executed in the middle of a series of client-server
interactions, when either object is waiting in anticipation of
communication from the object at the other end of the TCP/IP
connection. It is also possible for an object to poll several file
descriptors simultaneously for activity.
read() and
write() System Calls Typical communication between objects
in the Eternal system consists of a sequence of read() and
write() system calls that operate over IIOP. For each object,
these system calls are associated with a file descriptor on which they
are invoked. The Interceptor records and monitors all of the active file
descriptors associated with an object, and the Replication Manager maps
these file descriptors onto the underlying multicast group communication
system, in our case Totem. Thus, any system call that uses one of these
file descriptors can be mapped to the Totem system interface.
The read() and write() system calls are associated
with receive and send buffers, respectively, that store the information
that is received or is to be sent. The contents of these buffers
represent the user-level abstractions of the messages that are
communicated between client and server objects.
The read() and write() system calls used by IIOP
contain, in the first few bytes, the GIOP header. The IIOP
read()s and write()s are distinguished from other
read()s and write()s by the first four bytes of the data,
which represent the magic field of the GIOP header, as shown in
Figure 6.
This field, along with the list of file descriptors associated with the
TCP/IP connections, helps in discarding any read()s and
write()s that might not require the IIOP interface and, thus, are
not of interest.
close() System
Call Since the open() system call is intercepted, the
close() system call for each associated file descriptor must also
be intercepted. This call is typically invoked when a client object
wishes to close a TCP/IP connection once it has completed communication
with a server object. It can also be used to ``tear down'' the principal
connection of a server object, thereby removing it from the CORBA object
The close() system call, like the open() system call,
must be handled at both server and client objects. At both client and
server objects, Eternal deletes any reference to the file descriptor
associated with the connection (that is now being closed). Thus, if the
object reuses the same file descriptor for future connections, a new
association will be registered.
- struct MessageHeader {
- char magic[4];
Version GIOP_Version ;
boolean byte_order;
octet message_type;
unsigned long message_size;
- };
Figure 6: Structure of the header of a GIOP message.
The Process Group
Interface The intercepted read(), write(), and
poll() system calls are also mapped onto their corresponding
calls in the Totem system interface. It is crucial that the underlying
multicast group communication system, in our case Totem, possesses an
interface to which the Interceptor and the Replication Manager can map
these intercepted system calls.
In order that the services be provided to the application
transparently, the group communication system must provide a simple
interface to enable the objects that constitute the application to
invoke its services. The interface that Totem provides to an application
above it is designed to hide the implementation details of the
underlying protocols by presenting only a small number of essential
primitives that the application needs to use. The interface is intended
to be simple and elegant and yet to allow the application to exploit
fully the process group mechanisms of Totem.
On each processor, a process group controller manages all of the
process groups on that machine. For each process group on that
processor, the process group controller maintains information about the
member processes (both local and remote) and provides membership
services for joining the group, leaving the group and updating the
membership. It also maintains a list of the process groups hosted by the
To establish a connection with the process group controller of
Totem, the application calls the Process_Connect() routine,
supplying the identifier of the process group to which the application
process wishes to connect. If the process group does not exist, the
process connects to a process group of which it is the only member. The
routine returns the identifier of the communication socket that connects
the process to the process group controller.
To join a process group with which it has established a connection,
a process calls the Process_Join() routine, supplying the
identifier of the process group that it wishes to join, as well as the
identifier of the socket between the process and the process group
controller. The Process_Leave() routine, which takes the same
arguments, initiates the removal of a process from the specified process
A process can send messages to a process group using the
Process_Send() routine with the receiving process group
identifier and the message to be sent as arguments. A process can
receive messages from another process using the Process_Receive()
routine with the receiving buffer as an argument. The received message
is disassembled and the identifier of the sending process is extracted
from the message header, along with information about the process groups
to which the message is addressed.
The socket between the application process and the process group
controller can be polled for any messages pending delivery, using the
Process_Poll() routine. Routines are also supplied to close the
communication socket, once the process disconnects from the process
group controller.
The calls on the IIOP interface are mapped, through the Interceptor
and the Replication Manager, to the process group interface of the Totem
system. The implementation of Eternal makes it possible to use any
multicast group communication system, as long as it provides the same
fault tolerance guarantees and a similar process group interface as
Totem. The set of routines that the Totem process group interface uses
facilitates the mapping of the IIOP calls onto Totem. The routines can
be provided as a library that is used by the Interceptor and the
Replication Manager.
Mapping IIOP to Totem The
system calls of the CORBA objects communicating over the IIOP interface
are analogous to the routines that the process group interface presents
to an application process. In this context, an application process
corresponds to a CORBA object in the system, and the process group
identifiers of Totem correspond to the object group identifiers of
The open() system call to TCP/IP corresponds to the
Process_Connect() routine of the process group interface, since
both the call and the routine are involved with the establishment of
connections. The assignment of the object (process) group identifier is
handled by the Replication Manager, as discussed in Section 6.
The close() system call on an open file descriptor
corresponds to the Process_Leave() routine only if the file
descriptor involved is the principal one, since in this case both the
call and the routine correspond to the ``tearing down'' of established
connections. If the close() system call is invoked on any file
descriptor other than the principal one for a server object or the last
open file descriptor for a client object, the close() call simply
causes the Replication Manager to remove any association of the file
descriptor with the object group identifier. The Process_Leave()
routine effectively disconnects the process from the process group
controller and is, thus, invoked only when the object is to be destroyed
or removed from the object space.
The read(), write(), and poll() system calls
find their counterparts in the Process_Receive(),
Process_Send(), and Process_Poll() routines of the process
group interface. The send and receive buffers of the application objects
contain the information that is sent or received over Totem via the
process group interface. However, the captured read() and
write() system calls cannot be mapped directly onto the routines
of the Totem process group layer since the Interceptor must first
associate the file descriptors in the system calls with the process
group identifiers in the process group interface routines.
There may be several CORBA objects to which the Interceptor
``attaches'' itself. Each such object may service multiple requests at
the same time, which means multiple connections must be managed for each
object. However, for the purposes of replication, an object is
associated with only one object (process) group, all the members of
which are identical. Thus, each replica of a replicated object is a
member of an object (process) group with a unique object (process) group
The Interceptor does not handle all aspects of the object group
mechanisms; it utilizes the services of the Replication Manager for this
The Eternal Replication Manager
Assignment of Object Group
Identifiers The object groups that are used for replication are
handled by the Replication Manager. At creation time, when an object
informs the Interceptor of its Unix process identifier, it also conveys
the name of its interface. The Interceptor hands this information over
to the Replication Manager, which associates a unique object (process)
group identifier for each interface name. Since the interface name,
rather than any ORB-specific name, is used for this association, objects
implementing the same interface, but operating over different ORBs, can
be members of the same object group and are treated as replicas from
this viewpoint.
The Replication Manager maintains a globally accessible table of the
mapping between object (process) group identifiers and interface
names. Each time an object is created, if it is the first replica of the
object in the system, an entry is created in this table for the object's
interface and a unique object (process) group identifier is assigned to
it. When further replicas of the object are created and distributed
across the system, this table is referenced to ensure that all of the
replicas of the object are assigned to the same object group. The object
group identifier is assigned or discovered by the Replication Manager,
on behalf of the object. In complete implementations of CORBA, the
Interface Repository, which stores the interface definitions, can be
used to register the object group identifier associated with each
interface name.
When a server replica opens its ``listening'' connection, it
discovers its object group identifier and joins its object group. When a
client replica wishes to establish a connection to this server object,
it must first discover its own object group identifier and join its
object group. The client replica then must discover the object group
identifier of the object at the other end of the connection (the server
object, in this case), and record the association between the connection
file descriptor and the server object group identifier.
Once this association is registered, the read(),
write(), and poll() calls made by the client object on the
file descriptor can be intercepted and subsequently mapped appropriately
by the Replication Manager to the known server object (process) group
At the server object, the Replication Manager extracts the client's
object group identifier from the information packed by Totem into the
client object requests that arrive. The Replication Manager then
associates this information with the file descriptor of the TCP/IP
connection established by the server object to communicate with the
client object. Thus, intercepted system calls on the file descriptor at
the server object can also be similarly mapped to the appropriate client
object group identifier.
Detection of Duplicate
In the course of their interactions with other objects, the replicas
of an object may give rise to duplicate invocations and responses. These
must be suppressed at the sender or the receiver since duplicate
operations on an object can potentially corrupt its state. The Eternal
system accomplishes the detection and suppression of duplicate
operations by means of operation identifiers [13],
which are assigned by the Replication Manager.
When a replicated object transmits requests or responses, the
Replication Manager ensures that the object's own object group
identifier is included in the list of object groups that are to receive
the request message. This does not imply, however, that the replicas in
the object's own object group consider the incoming request message as
an operation to be performed. The ``loopback'' mechanism serves only to
notify the object's own object group of the transmission of the request.
Thus, every replica of the object that receives messages containing
the invocations or responses of another replica in the same object group
can suppress its own invocations or responses. The Replication Manager
detects these duplicate operations by extracting the operation
identifier from the messages that it receives from the process group
layer, and then comparing the identifier with those it has already
received. If the Replication Manager has already received a message
containing this invocation or response, it discards the message, thereby
preventing it from reaching the object and corrupting its state.
Replication Schemes
Eternal is equipped to handle both active and passive replication in a
manner that is transparent to the ORB, as well as to each replicated
object. Active replication, in which each operation is performed by
every replica of the object, requires the detection and suppression of
duplicate operations, as well as the use of the object group mechanisms.
Passive replication, in which only a designated primary replica
performs each operation, requires additional mechanisms to ensure
consistency of the states of the replicas. The Replication Manager
performs a state transfer from the primary replica to the secondary
replicas at the end of each operation. Thus, after the primary replica
completes each operation, the Replication Manager of the primary replica
multicasts the primary replica's updated state to the object group
containing the primary replica.
Conclusion The Eternal
system is a CORBA 2.0-compliant system that enhances CORBA by providing
replication, and thus fault tolerance, in a manner that is transparent
to the application and to the ORB. The ORB can employ these replication
mechanisms without having to undergo any modification to its internal
We are currently implementing the Eternal system using various
commercial implementations of CORBA, including the CORBA-compliant
Inter-Language Unification (ILU) [4]
from the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center. The techniques used in Eternal
are completely generic and can interwork with any commercial CORBA
implementation that is capable of communication over IIOP.
The replication of objects finds its use not only in achieving fault
tolerance, but also in allowing system hardware and software to be
replaced transparently, thereby permitting the evolution of a system
with no interruption of service to the application. In addition to the
Replication Manager, the Eternal system provides a Resource Manager and
an Evolution Manager that handle these challenging issues.
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About this document ...
Exploiting the Internet Inter-ORB Protocol Interface
to Provide CORBA with Fault Tolerance
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Research supported in part by DARPA grant N00174-95-K-0083 and by Sun
Microsystems and Rockwell International Science Center through the State
of California MICRO Program grants 96-051 and 96-052.
Priya Narasimhan
Tue May 6 12:42:43 PDT 1997