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Method Call Graphs

The methods $ M$ are partitioned into classes $ C$, which are themselves partitioned into packages $ P$. We assume the usual Java naming conventions with fully qualified names, i.e., a class has a name $ \mathit{Package.identifier}$ and a method has a name $ \mathit{Class.identifier}$.

Definition 1 (Method Graph, adapted from [13])   A method graph is a tuple

$\displaystyle m \;\stackrel {\Delta}{=}\; \left(V_m, \rightarrow_{m} , \lambda_m, \mu_m \right)$

such that:
$ V_m$ are the program points of $ m$,
$ \rightarrow_{m} \subseteq V_m \times V_m$ are the transfer edges of $ m$, and
$ \lambda_m : V_m \rightarrow T$ designates to each program point of $ m$ a program point type from the set $ T \;\stackrel {\Delta}{=}\; \{$entry$ ,$   seq$ ,$   call$ ,$   return$ \}$.
$ \mu_m: V_m \rightarrow \wp(M)$ designates to each program point of type call of $ m$ a non-empty set of methods.

We assume the program point sets $ V_m$ to be pairwise disjoint. The program points of the program is the set $ V \;\stackrel {\Delta}{=}\; \bigcup_{m \in M} V_m$.

The program point type indicates whether (entry) a node is the entry point of a method, (seq) a node in which no method call or return takes place, (call) a node from which a method call takes place, or (return) a node in which the execution of the method finishes and control flow returns to the calling method.

For convenience, we introduce the predicates

v : t &\stackrel {\Delta}{=}& \lambda_m(v...
.... \;v : \mbox{\sf class } c \;\wedge \; c \in p\\

We further define a predicate $ v : \mathsf{api}$, which holds if the program point $ v$ occurs in a method in a JavaCard API package (for standard JavaCard this corresponds to one of java.lang, javacard.framework, or javacardx.crypto).

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Lars-Ake Fredlund 2002-09-23