Thanks to those of you who joined us in Washington, DC, for WOOT '10!
Check out the online proceedings and slides of the workshop program. The conference reports from ;login: are now available.
WOOT '10 was held in conjunction with the 19th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security '10), August 1113, 2010.
Program Co-Chairs
Charlie Miller, Independent Security Evaluators
Hovav Shacham, University of California, San Diego
Program Committee
Dave Aitel, Immunity
Pedram Amini, TippingPoint
Dan Boneh, Stanford University
David Brumley, Carnegie Mellon University
Mark Dowd, Azimuth Security
Chris Eagle, Naval Postgraduate School
Halvar Flake, Zynamics
Tal Garfinkel, VMware
Collin Jackson, Carnegie Mellon University
Christian Kreibich, International Computer Science Institute
Christopher Kruegel, University of California, Santa Barbara
Neel Mehta, Google
Matt Miller, Microsoft
HD Moore, Rapid7
Vern Paxson, International Computer Science Institute and University of California, Berkeley
William Robertson, University of California, Berkeley
