Zipper File System: Delimited continuations in operating systems Oleg Kiselyov and Chung-chieh Shan In programming languages, delimited continuations are the meanings of delimited evaluation contexts. In operating systems, delimited continuations manifest as the context of a user process or thread, a co-routine, an event handler, or a process snapshot. In this presentation we draw attention to a less known manifestation of delimited continuations in operating systems: data structure traversals and file systems, especially transactional file systems. We have built the Zipper File System as a working prototype that explicitly uses delimited continuations as a uniform framework to implement all file system operations as well as multiprocessing and exception handling. The prototype also illustrates how a mature language with an advanced type system, such as the high-level general-purpose language Haskell, makes delimited continuations easier and more reliable to use. Haskell has been used both to prototype microkernels (Secure L4) and to implement complete operating systems (House). The Zipper File System is a file server running on a host operating system such as Unix. The file server lets multiple remote clients concurrently traverse, view, and manipulate what looks like a Unix file system. In our current prototype, all file system data reside in virtual memory; we thus rely on VM or snapshot facilities of the host OS for disk operations. Our server offers the typical operations of creating and removing files and directories, listing and traversing directories, reading and writing files, creating and following links. Atypically, we also support - transactional semantics, with undo and snapshots; - the strongest isolation mode for clients, repeatable read; - pervasive copy-on-write for files and directories; - intrinsic depth-first traversal; and - cyclic directory references. Currently, the clients access our server via a simple TCP protocol, designed for ease of demonstration. It is straightforward to add support for NFS, 9P, or another distributed file system protocol. Our server is multi-tasking but single-threaded. The type system ensures that our tasks cannot mutate any global state or cause any concurrency problems. Therefore, the tasks can safely be run in parallel on any available processor (core). Thus delimited continuations let us statically isolate side effects even though the program as a whole performs lots of IO operations. We use the zipper, a delimited continuation of a traversal, to navigate within any data structure. If the data structure in question is a map whose keys are strings and whose values are either strings or other maps, then the zipper-based file system looks like an ordinary hierarchical file system. We can traverse richer data structures than mere maps with string keys, so our file system can support arbitrary file and directory attributes. In short, we implement file system operations as debugging checkpoints during an arbitrary traversal. This technique already supports hierarchies created on the fly, such as those in Semantic File System or Logic File System. The Zipper File System consists of only about 1000 lines of code, about half of which implements delimited continuations and zippers. More information, including `screenshots' and complete source code, is available online at We conclude that explicitly recognizing these uses of delimited continuations helps us design a system of concurrent, isolated transactions where desirable features such as snapshots, undo, copy-on-write, reconciliation, and interposition fall out by default. It also lets us take advantage of efficient implementation techniques from programming-language research.