Wednesday, April 13, 6:00 p.m.7:30 p.m., Veranda/Oasis Pool

Don't miss the cool new ideas and the latest preliminary research on display at the Poster Reception. Take part in challenging discussions and enjoy a happy hour with pizza and pasta out by the pool.
Forking Virtual Machines
Andrew Warfield, Ian Pratt, Steven Hand, and Keir Fraser, University of Cambridge
AMP: Program Context Specific Buffer Caching
Feng Zhou, Rob von Behren, and Eric Brewer, University of California, Berkeley
Implementing Transparent Shared Memory on Clusters Using Virtual Machines
Matthew Chapman, National ICT Australia, Sydney, Australia;
Gernot Heiser, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
Understanding and Addressing Network Server Latency
Yaoping Ruan and Vivek Pai, Princeton University
An Infrastructure for Network Development. Proof of Concept: Fast UDP.
Edgar A. Leon, University of New Mexico; Michal Ostrowski, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center
The Parts-of-file File System (and the Logic File System)
Yoann Padioleau and Olivier Ridoux, IRISA/IFSIC Rennes France
Performance of Multithreaded Chip Multiprocessors and Implications for Operating System Design
Alexandra Fedorova, Harvard University and Sun Microsystems;
Margo Seltzer, Harvard University;
Daniel Nussbaum and Christopher Small, Sun Microsystems
BINDER: An Extrusion-based Break-In Detector for Personal Computers
Weidong Cui and Randy H. Katz, University of California, Berkeley;
Wai-tian Tan, Hewlett-Packard Laboratories
Fast Transparent Migration for Virtual Machines
Michael Nelson, Beng-Hong Lim, and Greg Hutchins, VMware Inc.
SchedMark: Evaluating Scheduler Performance across Platforms and Workloads
Eitan Frachtenberg, Los Alamos National Laboratory
The Power Aware RAID: PARAID
Charles Weddle, Mathew Oldham, and An-I Andy Wang, Florida State University;
RuGang Xu and Peter Reiher, University of California, Los Angeles;
Geoffrey H. Kuenning, Harvey Mudd College
A Stream-oriented Scalable Architecture for Data Processing
Tassos Argyros and David Cheriton, Stanford University
Automated, Sub-second Attack Signature Generation: A Basis for Building Self-Protecting Servers
Zhenkai Liang and R. Sekar, Stony Brook University
Emulab Unleashed! Into the Wifi and Mobile Wireless Dimensions
David Johnson, Tim Stack, Rob Ricci, Leigh Stoller, Kirk Webb, and Jay Lepreau, University of Utah