USENIX has negotiated special rates for conference attendees at the Marriott Anaheim. Please make your reservation as soon as possible by contacting the hotel directly and mentioning USENIX to get the special group rate, or by clicking here to book online.
Hotel Discount Reservation Deadline
Friday, April 1, 2005 Deadline Extended!
Marriott Anaheim
700 West Convention Way
Anaheim, CA 92802-3483
Hotel Floor Plan (PDF)
Room Rates:
Single/Double/Triple/Quad: $169
Online Reservations
Click here to book through the Marriott Anaheim's Web site. This will send you to a Web form auto-filled with the USENIX reservation code.
Discounted In-Room Connectivity
All guests booked within the USENIX room block are eligible to receive a discounted Wired for Business Plan rate of $5.95 per day, noon-to-noon. You'll get high-speed Internet access and unlimited domestic long-distance calls within the 50 states.
Note: When the rooms in the USENIX block have sold out,
requests will be handled on a space-available basis at the hotel's standard rate. Please make your reservation early!
Why should you stay in the headquarters hotel?
We strongly encourage you to stay in the conference hotel and when making your reservation to identify yourself as a USENIX conference attendee. By staying at the headquarters hotel, you not only help us keep registration fees low, but you also get valuable discounts on local attractions and on in-room connectivity.
By contracting rooms for our attendees, we significantly reduce hotel charges for meeting room rental. When those sleeping rooms are not occupied, we face significant financial penalties. Those penalties ultimately force us to raise registration fees.
With costs going higher and higher, we are working hard to negotiate the very best hotel rates for you and to keep other conference expenses down, in order to keep registration fees as low as possible. We appreciate your help in this endeavor.
Anaheim's location in the Los Angeles metropolitan area makes it easily accessible by air. The three closest airports are Orange County/John Wayne (15 miles SE), Long Beach (20 miles N), and Los Angeles (LAX) (35 miles NW), all of which are served by major airlines. Shuttle service to the hotels is easily accessible from LAX and Orange County. Other airports serving the region include Ontario (35 miles NE) and Burbank/Bob Hope (40 miles NW).
Traveling to USENIX '05 from Outside the U.S.A.?
See detailed advice from the National Academies about visiting the United States.
A one-way taxi trip from LAX to the hotel costs $70$90; from the Orange County airport to the hotel is $30$40.
From LAX
A one-way trip on the AirportBus from LAX to the hotel costs $16; round-trip is $25. Buses run from 6:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m., departing every hour on the hour from the airport. The buses pick up passengers from every terminal at LAX. Please stand outside the baggage claim area under the overhead green bus sign on the center island. To confirm the time of the next bus, use the courtesy phone located in the baggage claim area or call dispatch at
1-714-938-8937 or 1-800-938-8933. Buses are distinctly marked with DISNEYLAND & CALIFORNIA ADVENTURE themes or the AirportBus name.
From the Orange County Airport
A one-way trip on the AirportBus from the Orange County Airport to the hotel costs $11; round-trip is $18. Buses run from 9:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., every hour on the half-hour. After collecting your luggage, please proceed to the Airport ticket booth located across the street at the John Wayne Airport Ground Transportation Center. Buses are distinctly marked with DISNEYLAND & CALIFORNIA ADVENTURE themes or the AirportBus name. To confirm the time of the next bus or make a reservation, call the dispatch number 1-714-938-8937 or 1-800-938-8933.
Super Shuttle
A one-way trip on Super Shuttle from LAX to the hotel costs $15; from the Orange County Airport to the hotel is $10.

Area Map & Info (PDF)

USENIX is pleased to bring USENIX '05 to Anaheim. Anaheim offers a wealth of activities for the entire family, a wide array of restaurants to suit every taste and budget, and the beautiful weather of Southern California. There are many attractions that will be of interest to USENIX '05 attendees, many of which are within a few miles of the hotel. Here are just a few:
What better reason to visit Anaheimbesides attending USENIX '05than to discover the magic of Disneyland? If you stay at the Marriott Anaheim, you'll receive valuable discounts on tickets!
Go out to the ball game! The Anaheim Angels play only 2 miles from the hotel and will be home the weekend before the conference, April 810.
Board the Queen Mary in nearby Long Beach for a tour of the floating palace, a fine meal, or even a glimpse of a ghost.
Explore the world's largest ocean at the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach.
For more ideas, visit the Anaheim/Orange County Visitor & Convention Bureau's Web site.
Need a Ride to the Disneyland Parks? Take Anaheim Resort Transit!
Anaheim Resort Transit (ART) is a multi-route guest transit system serving the greater Anaheim Resort. Board ART in front of the Marriott Anaheim. Tickets are available in front of the hotel at a self-serve kiosk, at the Front Desk, and in the Lobby Shop. The cost is $3.00 per day, $6.00 for a 2-day pass, or $12 for a five day pass. Children through age 9 ride for free. Daily service begins 60 minutes before area event centers open and concludes 30 minutes after closing. Event centers include Disneyland and Disney's California Adventure. During peak periods or special events, 10-minute frequency will service early morning and evening high-demand periods. Non-peak periods days are serviced with 20-minute frequency. Guests can obtain more exact schedules at the Front Desk or Bellstand. See the ART Web site for more information.