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We measured the heap size of the following nine mallocs when used with the same Hummingbird and Emacs dynamic memory access traces, which were described in Sections 2 and 3 above. We picked mostly open source malloc packages which are common on Linux and FreeBSD. We also included two Solaris mallocs, since the Solaris 3X malloc caused the heap overflow that prompted us to investigate the fragmentation problem in the first place.

The following description of the mallocs is sorted by increasing heap fragmentation at the end of the Hummingbird trace run. This is also the the order of entries in Table 3. The fragmentation percentage is computed by $100 \times (\frac{heap size}{live\ memory}-1)$.

We ran all tests a dual processor Intel Pentium III with 700 MHz clock speed running SunOS 5.8 (Solaris 8 distribution). Note that the driver program is single threaded, so it did not use the 2nd processor.

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