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3rd USENIX Windows NT Symposium - July 12-15, 1999 - Westin Hotel; Seattle, Washington, USA

Table of Contents

Windows NT Symposium
Advanced Research Workshop

Wednesday, July 14, 1999

Co-Chairs: Todd Needham, Microsoft Research, Microsoft Corporation & Werner Vogels, Cornell University

Following the symposium, a one-day workshop will be held to bring together researchers in intensive sessions to share research results, examine cutting-edge performance achievements, discuss problems and new research directions, all specific to Windows NT. To ensure effective interaction, the workshop is limited to 30-40 participants and attendance will be by invitation only.

How to Participate
Researchers interested in participating are requested to submit an extended abstract describing the work they would like to present at the workshop. The abstract should be no longer than 1200 words and be submitted to

The deadline for submission is June 30, 1999.


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