7th Tcl/Tk Conference, 2000   
[Technical Program]
Pp. 141150 of the Proceedings |  |
Scripted Documents
Jean-Claude Wippler
Equi4 Software
Software used to be written
as source code, which was then compiled and linked into a single machine-specific
application program. With scripting languages, editable scripts are now
executable without intermediate steps, but the dependency on lots of script
files complicates robust deployment. A range of "wrapping" schemes are
in use today to package scripts and extensions into a single file. The
"Scripted Document" approach presented here goes further by offering a
database-centric solution for packaging, installation, configuration, upgrades,
as well as all application-specific data. An implementation for Tcl is
described using MetaKit as embedded database with a summary of the
experiences gathered so far.
Scripting languages introduce the notion
of quickly "gluing" together existing application and libraries, as well
as custom-made extensions, in flexible ways. This paper takes a generalized
look at the issues involved in deploying, maintaining, and evolving Tcl/Tk-based
solutions. It shows how a more flexible solution, using an embedded database,
can solve problems not addressed by current wrapping technologies.
One of the effects of moving away
from monolithic compiled applications and towards scripted packages, is
that the convenient single-executable packaging of the final "link step"
is lost, and that many script files and extensions may need to be included
in the installation process of the application. This is compounded by the
fact that the script language implementation itself also needs to be installed,
which also consists of many files and directories. As multiple scripted
applications are installed, each with its own often conflicting requirements,
as more platforms need to be supported, and when some of the files reside
on shared file servers, installation all too often ends up becoming unwieldy.
The concept of "Scripted Documents"
presented here offers a way to implement quick and conflict-free packaged
deployment, while at the same time greatly simplifying upgrades and evolution
of scripted applications. After a review of current approaches to packaging,
the motivation and design of this new approach will be presented. Following
are details of a Tcl/Tk implementation, examples of actual use, experience
gained so far, and ideas for further refining and extending this concept.
It will be shown that Scripted Documents are simple to implement, and solve
a wide range of packaging problems encountered during and after deployment
of scripted applications.
Why Package?
Packaged distribution is useful in a
number of situations. It makes it possible to deliver software as a black
box, to end users who want to use it without going into the underlying
This is the case when a software
product is sold as a user-installable system, or when it is intended to
be used as a tool that should simply work "out of the box". In these situations,
the software is expected to change very infrequently. The more convenient
and robust such a packaging scheme is, the more likely it is to work without
adding support overhead for the developer / vendor.
These end-user situations make it
attractive to fully encapsulate the scripting language, in a way that it
does not depend on, nor interfere with, anything else on the end-user's
system. Robustness also means that the packaged application should not
break when users install further applications later - even if some of these
packages are not as careful to avoid interference with the rest of the
system. This is a reason why including all shared libraries and script
files inside the packaged application can be an advantage, despite the
increased disk space requirements.
Note that in other situations, particularly
when system integrators are available to maintain and customize a variety
of software applications on a large system used by many users, packaged
distribution may not be desirable, as it prevents the integrator from making
changes they feel necessary in their environment. However, for the majority
of cases, particularly with users running on Windows, Macintosh or personal
Unix workstations, packaged distribution is the preferred solution.
Current Packaging Approaches
In this section we look at a number
of current technologies used for packaging applications. Each of these
must consider the following mix of components that comprise scripted applications:
A platform-specific script language
engine, the "main interpreter", e.g. the Tcl binaries
Required platform-specific language
implementation libraries (DLLs), e.g. libc.so
A standardized set of portable library
scripts, the "runtime support", e.g. lib/init.tcl
A set of popular core extensions,
either scripted or compiled, e.g. lib/Tk8.2/
Domain-specific vendor-supplied compiled
extensions, e.g. lib/Mk4tcl/
In-house extensions to simplify
common domain-specific tasks
Custom compiled extensions for
performance and/or interfacing
The custom scripts representing the
application itself
Note that all but the last few items
consists of generic code, which tends to be used in many different applications.
It is code that tends to be stable, reliable and changes infrequently.
An important dimension is platform-independence.
Scripts are portable: many files in the above list are identical for all
platforms. When disk space was sparse, this used to be an argument to separate
the scripts from the rest to allow sharing them (note that a fine-grained
structure can also complicate maintenance).
There are several approaches today
which simplify the process of packaging. All of them focus on initial deployment,
not upgrading. Some act like an installer and unpack a large set of files
on the target system; others "wrap" up everything into one file.
InstallShield / Wise
These represent the classical binary installers for Windows (RPM could
be considered similar for Linux/Unix systems). They deliver their payload
by creating a large number of files. This approach works well for a one-shot
installation, and when subsystems are not shared. Once information is copied
to central areas like the "c:\windows" directory and the registry, this
approach can break down. It is not uncommon for Windows users to resort
to a full machine re-installation after several months of active use.
tar x / configure / make install
This is the Unix-based source code install model (made popular by GNU
Autoconf) for deploying applications on a variety of (mostly Unix-based)
systems. It is potentially the most flexible approach, since it
allows making changes at any level, but it has a flaw: it is oriented towards
source-code deployment, which in turn depends on a compiler installation
before it can be used. For scripted applications, installation of the proper
compilation environment can become a major stumbling block. For end-users,
this approach doesn't solve anything it pushes the issues to another
Hybrid installation
Scripting languages like Tcl have long ago adopted a hybrid form, with
the core implementation of the language being deployed through one of the
two above means. They have been very successful by paying attention to
detail and resolving issues to deal with many platforms and configurations.
Tcl can be configured with static or shared libraries, on over two dozen
different Unix systems, Windows, Macintosh, and more. Tk attempts to share
as many configuration options with Tcl as it can (yet it cannot avoid introducing
new ones, like where to find the X libraries on Unix). New releases and
upgrades are simple to install if you have the appropriate C compiler.
This approach can still lead to conflicts when multiple versions of Tcl/Tk
need to coexist on a machine.
All in all, the Tcl/Tk core is easy
to deploy. The trouble starts with deployment of items 5-8 in the list
given earlier. Extensions need to be told where Tcl/Tk has been installed,
and they in turn need to be installed in a certain way for Tcl to find
them. Given that these extensions usually come from different sources,
the inevitable differences creep in. Getting a full set of packages, such
as BLT, Expect, Itcl, Itk, and TclX installed is cumbersome. Upgrading
one of the components to a new release can range from annoying to nearly
impossible, if the extension does not properly address platform differences.
Throw in a couple of useful (but not as widely ported) extensions, add
support for both Windows and Unix, and all of a sudden you need to be an
expert administrator. Not to mention the time it takes to install all this.
The following solutions are currently
being used to package Tcl/Tk applications.
Stick with pure Tcl
This is a popular approach: install the Tcl/Tk core, and stay away from
anything "non-standard". Write scripts, with perhaps a simple installation
script to help users get started. This works well: no compiler dependencies,
well-understood platform dependencies, and can be packaged as a few text
files with a simple instruction on how to get started. Excellent examples
are TkCon [8], and BWidgets [9].
A refinement is to embed all scripts as C strings, and to rebuild Tcl/Tk
as a standalone shell, which is easy to do with the Plus Patches
[1]. This leads to a single executable combining all scripts, script libraries,
and Tcl/Tk itself. This approach has several properties:
For each platform to be deployed on, the packager needs a compiler and
needs to repeat the entire wrapping process, even if the application itself
consists only of scripts. A new "Wrap" mechanism is being developed, a
refinement using a ZIP-compatible archive appended to the executable, to
remove the need for re-compilation.
It can lead to large executables, since every scripted application includes
the complete Tcl/Tk core and all runtime scripts.
It makes it possible to include binary extensions, by linking them in statically
- though this again increases file size.
ProWrap and FreeWrap
ProWrap [3] (which is part of the TclPro product) and FreeWrap
[4] collect all scripts and append them to a specially prepared standalone
build of Tcl/Tk, i.e. at the end of the executable. On startup, the executable
figures out how to get at those scripts and then reads and evaluates them
as needed. According to ProWrap's web page documentation, it can pack and
compress scripts as well as embed other files (but not shared libraries).
Richard Hipp's MkAppTcl [5] (and its predecessor ET) take
a somewhat different approach, in that the perspective is shifted to having
a main C/C++ application, which facilitates easily switching to Tcl/Tk
requests. In a way, MkAppTcl maintains the model of embedding Tcl/Tk
in C/C++, whereas the other approaches extend a scripted application
with compiled extensions. The result is similar, with MkTclApp including
a lot of support to ease the process of generating a standalone executable
containing scripts, compiled extensions, and custom compiled code.
Application Logic vs. Application Data
Each of these approaches maintains a
strict separation between application logic (scripted and compiled)
and application data, which includes data files (textual or binary),
database storage, and configuration files. In a way this is very useful,
as the application is usually what the developer provides, and the
data is what the user provides.
Yet this separation of code and data
is at the heart of a range of some deployment and maintenance problems.
New software releases no longer work with some documents, configuration
parameters get detached from the application they apply to, documents can't
be opened, applications don't know where their data is, and different application
modules cause incompatibilities. These issues can be complex to deal with,
requiring elaborate "environment settings" (Unix) and "registry settings"
Let's face it: real-world software
deployment and maintenance is often a mess. Installation introduces
many problems, and leads to systems that are brittle.
A Different Perspective
As just described, wrapping consists
of combining application logic (scripts) and application runtime support
(language implementation) into a single executable, while application data
remains separate.
Scripted documents choose a different
separation, combining application logic and data into a single file, while
separating out application runtime support.
The single application-specific portion
combines all application logic plus data into a single database / file.
It contains everything needed by the application, including all data that
the application must manage after installation. This reflects a task-oriented
and "document-centric" view, which is strengthened by the fact that scripted
documents are executable.
Scripted documents represent just
the application side of things. The scripting language implementation and
all its support files are implemented as a separate and generic "runtime".
The next section describes such a runtime for Tcl, called "TclKit".
Other systems exist where application
logic is separated from a generic runtime, each as a single file. A popular
example of these is in Java, where the runtime (i.e. the Java Virtual Machine)
can read any number of "JAR" (Java Archive) files. Scripted documents differ
from such solutions because the application specific piece contains both
the application logic and modifiable application data.
This choice of separation into two
components has several implications:
Scripted documents are portable,
allowing the vendor to deploy to users on any platform, simply by transferring
the single file.
Scripted documents store information
when based on a transacted database package.
Scripted documents have executable content,
and look very much like a normal application to those who work with them.
A scripted document represents the stored state of an application, as well
as the active task while it is running.
Scripted documents depend on only
one other file, the runtime. This creates one new (very clear) dependency
not present in wrapped applications, but removes the data file dependencies
of wrapped applications.
Runtimes are platform-specific, but
have no application-specific content. There is exactly one runtime for
each platform.
A runtime requires no installation
it can reside in any directory on the execution search path.
Un-installation is straightforward:
remove the scripted document and the runtime.
There is no need to install a scripting
language, because the runtime is a self-contained system.
Simple applications lead to tiny scripted
documents. Scripted documents benefit from generic code shared through
the use of a common runtime.
Effectively, the scripting language
core and its entire support system define an infrastructure, which scripted
documents rely on in a well-defined way.
Additional Uses for Scripted Documents
In the normal case, a scripted document
will contain the logic for a single application, and all its data. However,
it is possible to develop more powerful scripted documents, for use in
a wider variety of situations. There are various ways to extend scripted
They can provide several user interfaces
for the same application, for example a Tk based GUI version and a text
based version, chosen at runtime depending on whether the user is able
to run a GUI. The different versions of the interface manipulate the same
data, stored within the scripted document.
They can be used to package a number
of related applications, with a simple file link or copy-and-rename causing
them to behave differently. An example described later deploys a client/server
system as a single file, making it easy to maintain consistent software.
They can contain boilerplate utility
code, activated from the command-line by specifying additional arguments.
A generic startup script has been implemented for this, which also allows
viewing and adjusting configuration parameters from the command line.
They can take advantage of the transacted
script storage to reliably update them selves through the network. Failure,
or "rollback", will cause the system to revert to its prior state.
They can be as general-purpose or as
application-specific as you need them to be. Creating a scripted document
that manages other scripted documents is one way to introduce configuration,
customization, and/or upgrade management.
Writing a scripted document which acts
as design tool / IDE for itself or for other scripted documents would be
a powerful way to simplify their development. Taken one step further, a
large application could consist of one file which combines the final application
(and therefore all its scripts), as well as an embedded development
environment for it - a fascinating option for long-term maintenance. Scripted
documents are the natural equivalent of "executables" in traditional compiled
Scripted documents retain the installation
advantages of conventional wrapping technologies, but also solve the nightmares
associated with configuration conflicts and upgrades, while greatly simplifying
multi-platform deployment for the application vendor.
Upgrades and Evolution
When scripts are stored in a database,
you can do things with them, which have traditionally been done only with
application data. One of the most interesting is upgrading or evolving
the application code itself.
Scripts can be altered while the
application is running, and by the application itself. As a result, software
upgrades cease to be a special issue; it's just a matter of storing new
data over the old and committing the changes. This is just as safe as for
changes to application data, when the underlying database uses a transaction/commit
model to apply all changes.
Consistent and fail-safe updating
is a critical feature for fundamental changes such as script upgrades.
This mechanism is actually more robust that ordinary software development:
if an installer, compilation, link step, or even a simple editor save over
an existing script fails, there is a slight chance that the result will
be corrupted or left in a inconsistent - and inoperable - state. This cannot
happen with scripted documents, as implemented here. The worst that can
happen is the introduction of a logic error: upgrading to a new release
which does not work. From a technical perspective, there is nothing which
can guard against such errors, but scripted documents do offer a way to
minimize their impact: make a quick copy of the scripted document, which
is a single file, to create a backup.
An interesting way to deploy and
manage the application-logic of scripted documents is through upgrades
over the net. The TclDist [12] example described later on is a generic
(and portable) scripted document, which just asks for the URL of a web
server to obtain the application, and which knows how to synchronize its
scripts to that server. Such automatic upgrading has proven to be a popular
feature for end users (e.g. as demonstrated by such technology in recent
versions of Windows).
One of the reasons why scripted documents
can be so flexible is because the underlying MetaKit [11] database used
in this implementation supports dynamic schema evolution - adding
and altering data structures of a scripted document is instant, and relies
on the same transaction security as every other change. When an upgrade
of the application logic is stored, the application can quickly
extend or otherwise alter the application data stored in that scripted
document, and thus support added functionality of any kind.
Updating the Runtime
The discussion so far has only covered
changes to scripted documents. The assumption is that changes to the TclKit
runtime are far more infrequent, since it contains only stable and generic
code. If backward compatible, TclKit can be simply replaced as the need
arises. Scripting languages in general have a track record of remaining
extremely compatible over the years, even as very fundamental additions
and improvements get added-in. Tcl is no exception.
If new releases of Tcl/Tk or MetaKit
come out which are incompatible in a critical way, a new runtime will be
created with a different name. This will lead to a new generation of scripted
documents using that runtime (TclKit2?). As with all scripted documents
today, there is no interference between such different versions. TclKit
intentionally has no version number information in its name. It is intended
to be a stable component in the world of scripted documents, and should
go through extreme lengths to maintain backward compatibility. The primary
way to achieve this goal, is to let TclKit err on the conservative side
by lagging new Tcl/Tk and MetaKit releases (other than bug fixes).
Implementation Details
Implementing scripted documents in Tcl
is relatively straightforward. Several issues need to be dealt with:
Database storage
Scripted documents store all scripts and data in a single file, are portable
across platforms, and must be failsafe to protect a scripted document even
after a system crash. The MetaKit database library meets these requirements.
The fact that it is a good fit for scripted documents is not surprising,
since it is the result of several years of development by the author
with many related design goals.
Executable content
Scripted documents are executable, by using platform-specific tricks to
create the illusion that they are applications. In reality they are documents,
which invoke the runtime as part of the startup process. On Unix, this
is done in the same way as for shell scripts: making the first line "#!/bin/sh"
and setting the execute-permission bit. On Windows, scripted documents
must use a ".tkd" (TclKit Document) file extension or a small batch file.
On Macintosh, the "file creator" must be set to a specific code.
Mixed script/data evaluation
The final step is to prefix all data stored as an embedded database with
a special bootstrap header script to launch scripted documents correctly.
For this to work, Tcl has been slightly modified to "source" a script(ed
document) without getting confused if there is additional data tagged onto
the end of the script. The first part of a file is scanned for a zero byte
- if found, script reading stops there. If not, the file is assumed to
be a normal script and is read in as usual.
Runtime package
The counterpart of a scripted document is its runtime, i.e. TclKit. Based
on the Plus Patch [1] version of Tcl/Tk, a standalone executable
has been created which consists of the Tcl and Tk core, all necessary supporting
scripts, as well as the Tcl-aware version of MetaKit, called Mk4tcl.
The Trf [6] extension is also included, to give access to zlib
[7], which is very useful for packaging.
Let's examine in detail what happens
when a scripted document is launched (using an imaginary "example.tkd"
document on Windows as case study):
User double-clicks the "example.tkd"
scripted document
Windows users should associate ".tkd"
files to the tclkit.exe file, so that the runtime starts up upon double-click
TclKit opens the example.tkd file, reads
everything up to the zero byte, and starts evaluating that data as a Tcl
Here is a basic version (without script
compression or error handling) of the bootstrap header script:
# \
exec tclkit "$0" ${1+"$@"}
package require Mk4tcl
mk::file open doc $argv0 -nocommit
eval [mk::get doc.scripts!0 text]
The first three lines are the standard
Tcl'ish way of launching a script. These lines are only used under Unix,
and skipped otherwise. The remaining lines initialize the MetaKit database
in TclKit, reopen the scripted document as a database, fetch the "text"
field of the first record in "scripts" as a string, and evaluate that string.
If the script returns then break off (this is plus-patch specific; without
it Tk enters an idle loop).
That's it, as far as the basic bootstrap
into scripted document in Tcl is concerned! The first script stored in
the database determines the rest.
Some comments:
Scripted documents rely on a very
simple mechanism. It's not much more than a single file / database
storing one or more scripts, as well as any other type of data which needs
to be stored. What makes them special is the way everything is packaged.
The bootstrap process described so far
is all there is to it. But the fact that all data now resides in a database,
including the scripts needed to work with that data, and that this file
is modifiable by these same scripts is what causes this to be an
open-ended approach. You can make things as sophisticated as you like,
by creating and including the appropriate scripts.
All scripts in a scripted document can
build on all of Tcl, all of Tk, and all of MetaKit - because all of these
are always present. This means that as with any plain Tcl/Tk installation
you have the power of scripting, networking, a cross-platform GUI, as well
as a robust database, at your disposal. That's a lot of infrastructure!
All changes to a scripted document are
transacted, because this is how MetaKit works. Each scripted document can
be used for large-scale and efficient demand-loaded data storage.
On Unix, scripted documents can be used
as command-line Tclsh-like applications, or as visual Wish-like applications.
This is possible because the plus-patch version used in TclKit includes
Tk as a run-time facility. A CGI application for web-server use need not
activate Tk (and will not require X Windows) for example, while the same
application can be also be used to run in fully GUI-oriented mode in other
situations. Note that Windows cannot mix console and GUI modes, and that
the Mac has no system console mode.
Startup Script
The first script in the database is
what gets executed as the last step of the above bootstrap. Although one
could store the main application script, normally a command line interface
script (CLI) is stored there. This script examines command line arguments
to offer a basic level of support for scripted documents. Among the functions
it performs are:
Adding or replacing database scripts
using files or directories specified as argument
Basic listing- and extraction facilities
for scripts and other text-based information
The ability to start up an alternate
script by giving its name on the command line
Defining a default startup script if
no arguments are specified, or ignoring them
Viewing and altering configuration options,
which are also stored in the database
A few utility procedures for scripts
to easily access those configuration options
With no command line arguments, and
if not specifically configured otherwise, the CLI simply looks for a script
with the base name of the scripted document and executes it (if the scripted
document is "example.tkd", the CLI would expect to find a database script
entry called "example.tcl").
The CLI acts as an important safety
net, in case a scripted document fails to start up properly (perhaps because
a vital script was altered or deleted). As long as the first script is
the CLI, one can examine the contents, restore scripts through the command
line, launch scripts which validate or repair other parts of the database,
and so on. In a way the CLI is like the BIOS of PC's, or the bootstrap
monitor of embedded systems: rarely changed, but crucial during startup
and recovery.
Note that scripted documents can
only be "damaged" by scripts making improper changes and then actually
those changes - system faults, crashes, even premature exits, will automatically
revert the contents of a scripted document to the last committed state.
Damage to scripted documents due to bypassing the database code is currently
not detected, there are plans to implement checksums for some key data
structures in MetaKit.
Using Extensions
With scripted documents, everything
is fine... until you need to use dynamically loaded compiled extensions.
These may be unavoidable to interface to existing code or to achieve acceptable
performance for CPU-intensive tasks. Now, the ugly issue of platform dependence
comes back conflicting with the simple distinction used so far: a portable
but application-specific scripted document and a platform-specific
but generic runtime. The question is: where do you put these platform-specific
extensions, in the context of scripted documents? There are a number of
Store the shared library on disk and remember path
This is the standard mechanism provided by Tcl. It can be streamlined by
setting up pkgIndex and auto_path to automatically find and
load extensions. The main problems of this approach are that different
extension builds needs to be used on each platform, and that the cost of
deployment and maintenance can be high.
Include the shared library in the scripted document
From a deployment standpoint, this is the preferred way. To be able to
load such extensions, the package mechanism must be told how to extract
the shared library to the disk, and then launch it. This solves the deployment
and maintenance issue, but runs only on the platform corresponding to the
library included in the scripted document.
Include several platform builds of the shared library
A refinement is to include several shared library builds, and to select
the proper one for extraction at runtime. This extends the portability
to all builds that have been prepared in this way, at the cost of increasing
the size of the scripted document. Yet another refinement is to also include
a Tcl-only version of the extension, which is used if no other build is
suitable. The Tcl-only version could be a slower or more limited implementation,
or a script that presents a clear explanation of why this functionality
is not available.
Store shared libraries on an HTTP or FTP server
Given that the potential number of builds for compiled extensions can be
very large, it is tempting to create a central place, where new builds
get added over time. The package load mechanism can be similar to the above
one, but instead of checking the scripted document, it would attempt to
fetch the appropriate shared library from a remote server. This requires
a trusted network environment.
Create "vendor-specific" scripted documents
For popular extensions, scripted documents could also be used to create
a special "deployment package" for an extension such as Itcl/Itk/Iwidgets.
It would have as only task to deploy those extensions, and to easily manage
and upgrade them. Tcl scripts and other data are stored in this scripted
document. In a way, this is an installer for that vendor's extension, which
could take advantage of scripted documents to provide out-of-the box execution
on any platform, demo's, documentation, an installation verifier, test
suites, a cleanup facility, and perhaps net-based upgrades.
One last remark: TclKit supports "stubs",
this is essential on some platforms to be able to load compiled extensions
Practical Experience
The best way to summarize the experience
with scripted documents so far, is: they make deployment fun!
CGI Applications
CGI applications are a great use for
scripted documents. A typical Tcl-based CGI application consists of a variety
of CGI scripts which must be installed. Of course, a Tcl interpreter needs
to be installed. If it needs to store data in a database, a separate database
extension must be compiled and installed. Finally, if the application contains
pre-loaded data, all of those data files must be installed. Thats a lot
of separate pieces a webmaster needs to worry about to run your CGI application,
particularly if they are not already using Tcl for their web site.
A simple example illustrates the
scripted document solution. A CGI application implementing a simple bug-tracking
system (written by Mark Roseman of TeamWave ) started out having all the
separate pieces identified above. It was turned into a scripted document
with just a few simple changes:
All scripts were added to a fresh scripted
document with just the CLI code in it.
The database access was altered to use
the scripted document itself for storage, rather than an external MetaKit
data file.
A few configuration parameters were
defined for easy customization.
The system was extended to list some
help text when not called as CGI process.
The whole process took perhaps half
an hour. The result is a bug tracking system scripted in Tcl, consisting
of just one file which runs on any system for which there is a corresponding
TclKit executable (Windows, Macintosh, and several Unix'es). See the reference
link to "BugCGI" [12] at the end to access / customize / use this system
WiKit [12] is an implementation of a
so-called "wiki-wiki web" a tool which lets people enter and edit hyper-linked
textual information over the net using nothing more than a web-browser.
WiKit adds things like a search engine and a Tk user interface when used
locally, and uses MetaKit to store all pages and the change history. WiKit
includes about 2,500 lines of custom Tcl scripts. Several WiKit based systems
have been in constant use since early 1999 (such as the Tcl'ers Wiki
[14]); their biggest "drawback" being that it has become too easy to set
up lots of them not a good idea, in term of content management. Note
how software deployment has become so simple and effortless, that it no
longer matters...
Matt Newman has created a scripted document
containing Brent Welch's powerful tclhttpd server, thus creating what must
be the most easy to deploy scripted HTTP server ever. Some additional scripting
was introduced to make the scripted document behave as a normal file system
for the server, and to allow merging contents from an external path with
the files stored internally. There are a wide range of potential uses for
this system, ranging from deploying a portable standalone documentation
server to full HTTP-based client/server applications.
As a first experiment in automatic script
maintenance, a small generic bootstrap utility called TclDist [12]
has been created as scripted document, which fetches a list of applications
from the web. It then uses the httpsync [10] protocol to fetch the
selected set of files that get inserted into the scripted document itself.
The application that is created in this way is not only ready for use
it also knows how to check for new versions and how to update itself. This
net-based mechanism turns out to be the easiest way by far to deploy scripted
documents. It requires a trusted HTTP server and can perform efficient
differential updates.
Large Scale Deployment
The first commercial project using scripted
documents has been another excellent source of experience. For confidentiality
reasons, this system will only be described here in general terms. It is
a distributed application with two long-running processes used for unattended
testing of specialized equipment, combined with two different user interfaces:
a management interface used remotely by administrators to monitor correct
operation and present reports and statistics, and a test-set interface
to let a group of field engineers schedule ad-hoc and periodic tests to
verify/stress certain parts of the system.
The whole application was built in
pure Tcl/Tk plus MetaKit, and consists of two non-stop server processes
(called STORE and CONTROL) and the two types of client applications, one
of which is installed on about a hundred workstations (mostly Solaris and
Windows NT). Due to the large number of machines on which the client packages
needed to be present, and the fact that this project was at the start of
a much more ambitious system with more modules and client application types
to be added later, the project was an ideal context for deploying software
as scripted documents.
The end result: a single scripted
document of under 250 Kb, plus one TclKit runtime for each platform is
all that is needed to deploy this elaborate client/server system. It consists
of some 550 KB of Tcl scripts (roughly 14,000 lines of code, stored in
compressed form), and it runs out of the box. The field engineers do not
see Tcl, they simply see a single application, which they can store and
use wherever they like.
The scripted document contains all
application logic for all server and client processes, and adjusts its
behavior based on the name under which it is stored. Copying the distribution
file to a file called "STORE" sets up the database server. Copying it under
the name "CONTROL" sets up the non-stop scheduler and equipment interface
of this system. The same applies to both types of client applications in
this project.
One further refinement makes this
scheme complete: before the distribution is copied in this way, it is configured
(through the standard scripted document command-line interface) with parameters
which specify the central server host name and the port to use. As a result:
all clients are pre-configured and know how to communicate with the main
server. Since they are consistent, there is far less chance of mixing up
incompatible versions of the different applications. Note also that all
this "deployment" is portable, and that the only platform dependency is
a check that the appropriate build of TclKit is present on the platform.
Upgrades and long-term evolution
of this system is done by upgrading the STORE server, and then having all
other processes synchronize their scripts to the server. This is automatically
done whenever a client starts up, over the network, but it has so far only
been carried out as an experiment. The goal is to make upgrades user-initiated
but fully automatic, distributed by the STORE server, and to do this without
bringing the system down, except when a few core components need to be
changed. Further details still need to be worked out, but it looks like
the current design will support this mechanism.
If you have ever deployed a system
of such complexity, you will understand just how much administrative effort
has been avoided, and why scripted documents are effective. Several
features stand out in the above example:
Installation is a non-issue. Unless you call copying and
renaming of one or two files "installation", it is clear that this aspect
of deployment no longer matters.
Self-consistency. The combination of all application logic
into a single file greatly reduces the chance of mixing up revisions and
Net-borne upgrades. Whether on Intranet or Internet, the
fact that scripted documents can safely update themselves from a central
server makes upgrading easy, and can be automated as far as needed.
Data storage is implicit. The STORE server stores all application
logic and data. Users of the system do not see this database as a separate
entity in the system, it is simply "part of the server". The embedded database
can be fully inspected and altered through the general-purpose Mk4tcl scripting
Self-diagnosis. Since everything now happens inside scripted
documents, a range of deployment-related tasks can be handled in a more
generalized way, by including some diagnostic scripts as part of the scripted
document. An example of this is a simple "dump.tcl" script, which has been
written to inspect the contents of a scripted document any scripted document.
Long term backups. A backup of a scripted document is more
useful than a traditional database or file/tree backup, because it is more
complete: it includes the essential data, but also the application that
manages that data. Since they are also MetaKit data files, and since MetaKit
has maintained backward file format compatibility since its first release
in 1996 and will continue to do so, the data remains accessible. If needed,
a utility script could be added to export all data in XML format. This
export potential is permanently tied to the scripted document, even when
transported to another system or stowed away for a long time.
Scripted documents fulfill the promise
mentioned in the introduction: they solve "a wide range of problems encountered
during and after deployment".
Future Work
The concept of scripted
documents is simple. It took less than a week of work to make all the essential
pieces play together. But what has been described so far only scratches
the surface of how they could be put to use. Here are some ways in which
scripted documents could be extended:
Generic self-development and self-management tools
This is the most obvious area of further development: tools to create,
inspect, and alter scripted documents. As well as far more ambitious ones:
an embedded IDE which lets you develop a scripted document with itself,
a built-in visual design editor, generalized update-over-the-net tools,
hooks for revision control, customer support embedded in an application,
documentation viewers, an embedded debugger, and so on.
Getting rid of the compiler
The Achilles' heel of scripted documents is the shared libraries that need
to be deployed as part of an application. A project by the author, called
"Minotaur" [13], explores the usefulness of combining a high-performance
portable Forth engine with scripting languages. One of the benefits is
that tight loops and low-level functionality can then be written in Forth
instead of C, maintaining the portability which makes scripting so attractive.
Forth can also be used as glue to shared libraries at run time, removing
one of the main reasons to create C interfaces.
It should be noted that scripted documents
are not Tcl-specific, even though the current implementation is. There
is no reason why the same concept could not be applied to Python, even
shell scripts.
It takes more than just developing software
to make software-based solutions work. This paper has presented a new concept
for packaging and deploying scripting-based applications which changes
the landscape of software installation, configuration management, but especially
software upgrading and evolution.
The idea is to use a modular and
component-based approach during development an approach that matches
the "gluing" nature of scripting well and then to combine the pieces
in easily deployed and out-of-the-box runnable "scripted documents" when
delivering complete solutions. The redundancy of including some modules
repeatedly in each software package is easily offset by the total clarity
this mechanism introduces in the later stages of system evolution: deployment,
maintenance, and upgrading.
The key difference between scripted
documents and wrapping approaches are that scripted documents use a database
to merge application logic and application data into a single file, while
separating out the runtime. A sharp distinction is thereby made between
the platform-specific infrastructure (the "runtime") and the platform-independent
logic plus data (the "scripted document").
Scripted documents solve the fragility
problems inherent in separating application code and data. They greatly
simplify multi-platform deployment for the application vendor, and introduce
new opportunities for software upgrades.
This paper has shown how a simple
mechanism can be implemented as a "TclKit" runtime for Tcl based on Tcl/Tk
and the MetaKit embedded database, and how effective it ends up being in
actual use. Refinements and future plans have been covered to highlight
the current status and the potential of this approach.
Scripting languages are a major step
forwards in programmer productivity because of their rapid application
development style. Yet they fall short when it comes to the task of getting
a software solution out into the hands of its users and walking away from
it in a "problem solved, case closed" fashion. Scripted documents add that
final step needed to make scripting not just effective to build with, but
also very effective to deploy lasting turnkey solutions.
This paper originated from a suggestion
by Matt Newman. It would not have been readable without the patience, feedback,
and detailed input from especially Mark Roseman, as well as Matt Newman,
Larry Virden, and Christian Tismer. I am grateful to each of them for their
valuable advice and suggestions, and to Jan Nijtmans for extending his
Plus patches to make Tcl work with scripted documents.
[1] The Plus patches, Tcl2c, and the new Wrap extension, by Jan Nijtmans
[2] Tcl Extension Architecture (TEA) by Scriptics
[3] ProWrap commercial wrapper, by Scriptics
[4] FreeWrap, a Tcl/Tk standalone, by Dennis LaBelle
[5] MkTclApp embedding wrapper, by Richard Hipp
[6] Trf transformation framework, by Andreas Kupries
[7] Zlib library, by Jean-Loup Gailly and Mark Adler
[8] TkCon console interface for Tk, by Jeffrey Hobbs
[9] BWidgets user-interface widgets for Tk, by Unifix
[10] Httpsync protocol, by Forrest J. Cavalier
[11] MetaKit database, by Jean-Claude Wippler
[12] TclKit runtime and the sample BugCGI, TclDist, WiKit scripted documents
Jean-Claude Wippler
[13] Minotaur project, connecting Tcl, Python, and Perl, by Jean-Claude
[14] Tcl'ers Wiki, a collaborative web site for the Tcl community, maintained
by Jean-Claude Wippler