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1 -      du}   --and-data into a sdata cu-edun-rc  1.  sd--and-b-stantially from traditional informn-cluding updartype of work andstting. a-rariety etypical task for Anne might be to asxduring the prior week in a given patrol area. Data m-mail ex-t-l-ralong non-el-ues from exte-and-paste actions; adding columns to her table as realizes repn-utlnd choos-l decision, andd-
A Framework for Fine
grained Data Integration and Curation,
with Provenance, in a Dataspace
David W. Archer, Lois M. L. Delcambre, David Maier
Department of Computer Science, Portland State University
Portland, OR 97207 USA
{darcher, lmd, maier @cs.pdx.e
Some tasks in a dataspace (a loose collection of heterogeneous data sources) require integration of fine
grained data
from diverse sources. This work is often done by end users knowledgeable about the domain, who copy
preadsheet or other existing application. Inspired by this kind of work, in this paper we define a
ration setting characterized by data that are explicitly selected, copied, and then pasted into a target dataset where
they can be confirmed or replaced.  Rows and columns in the target may also be combined, for example, when r
dant. Each of these actions is an integration decision, often of high quality, that when taken together comprise the
provenance of a data value in the ta
get.  In this paper, we define a conceptual model for data and provenance for
these user actions, and we show how questions about data provenance can be answered. We note that our model
can be used in automated data curation as well as in a setting with the manual a
tivity we emphasize in our examples.
When a user is confronted with a potentially large
number of diverse data sources of variable maturity or
quality, i.e., a data
pace [1], she may have limited tools
available to integrate or query data from these sources. 
A user typically uses a weak tool such as a sprea
sheet to gather data and almost always uses a copy
paste action to transfer data from sources into an
integrated target dataset. This kind of work differs su
ation integration, i
date exchange, as discussed in the literature
[2,3,4,5], though aspects of it have been a
dressed in
literature concerning curated dat
bases [10,11,18,19].
Perhaps the most compelling diffe
ences between this
traditional integration are that the
user works with individual data values, rather than sets
of rows at a time, and that provenance is needed at the
level of these individual values. These differences and
others we di
cuss in Section 2 lead us to describe and
address a data curation se
As an example, consider Anne, a battalion inform
tion officer working in a theatre of military ope
Anne gathers and organizes information from a v
of sources to help her commanders make d
cisions. A
semble a table of
casualty information due to e
plosive device incidents
sources for asse
bling this report may include incident
databases from friendly forces in the area, e
changes with local police, pa
rol logs for the week, and
team records. Anne uses her personal know
edge of the operations area, recent events, reliability of
sources, and her commander’s prefe
ences for data as
she works. She may begin gathering data by writing a
query against an existing database, as in traditional
information integration. However, she then proceeds
traditional lines: adding rows to her table as
she identifies incidents of interest; s
lecting data va
rnal sources and inserting them into rows
and columns in the evolving data table by using copy
needed; manually overriding data values directly or
with data from other sources; merging rows that she
resent the same incident into new rows (e
tity resol
tion), and choosing correct values for each
column in the resul
ing row from those being merged;
combining information from multiple co
umns that she
realizes are redundant (attribute resolution), a
ing correct values for each row in the resu
ting column
from those being merged; confirming data elements she
knows to be accurate; correcting mistakes; and issuing
further updates.
Each of Anne’s actions is an information integration
each data value in her report is the pro
uct of such decisions. This provenance is often lost
2 such as, “Where did we get the date for in105?”and i-buoe-tion set-dea-plutting. ation, -plus-autotting. othe ernized obe a conr-ma-c--and-unspr-concludes. 2. tting a-(and in the prototype implementation of our data t-ing a datab-utes); copying data values from external information dper-have not included here the notable, as Buneman et al. do [10,11]. Suppose Anne fol IncidID Mapl1 Mapl2 T Dev 101 34.3998 70.4986  ied 102   2 art 103 34.3998 70.4985 1       Here, IncidID is Anne’s identifier for incidents, n-specified attribute, and Dev is the type of munition -story ng copy-and-on casualcolfully un  n, on an attrib-ute-by-nn-ventity. She then resolves incidents 102 and 104. h ID Mapl1 Mapl2 T Dev Cas ME MLat MLng Date 101 34.3998 70.4986 1 ied 3 3 3423.99 7029.92 03mar 102 34.3996 70.4985 2 art 7 6 3423.96 7029.90 05mar 103 34.3998 70.4985 1 ied 4 3 3423.99 7029.91 03mar 104 34.3996 70.4985 2 msl 7 6 3423.96 7029.90 04mar 105 34.3994 70.4988 1 ied 12 12 3423.94 7029.88 06mar -and-
with current tools, but is key to answering questions
We seek to enable this kind of data integration
provenance exploration with minimal interference
with a user’s workflow. We make the following contr
tions toward our goal in this paper. We elab
rate the
example above in order to describe the differences b
tween this and traditional information integra
tings. We extend the set of user integration actions
fined in our prior work [6,7] to include user confirm
tion, so that a user can express confidence in a data
value, even if the value is not changing. We show how
to derive from a record of user actions the provenance,
rality of support, and trust of each data value in the
assembled data set, and how to use this information to
answer questions that arise in our se
Although our work was inspired by manual cur
it is applicable to an automated or mixed manual
matic setting. A user can copy data in bulk from a
query answer or view into the data curation se
Whether manual or aut
mated, we only require that the
“paste” part of the action specify precisely which cell is
target for each value.  In this paper, we d
scribe the
actions in a data curation setting as if a user pe
them manually. The remainder of our paper is orga
as follows. In Section 2, we elab
rate our example of a
data curation setting and descri
ceptual model
to support this setting, including the new user confi
mation action. In Section 3, we describe an i
tion approach to support our conceptual model. In Se
tion 4, we relate copy
paste, entity resolution, and
attribute resol
tion operations to data prove
ance. In
Section 5, we show how our model is able to answer
interesting que
tions about provenance. In Section 6,
we evaluate our a
proach with regard to storage ove
head. Section 7 discusses related work and Section 8
Use Model for a Data Curation Se
We assume that Anne uses a tool for data integr
tion that records each of her actions. In our example
model), Anne’s actions may include: initially popula
table via a query over an external source;
adding or deleting rows (entities) and columns (attri
sources and pasting them into rows and columns of the
table (either updating or ad
ing information); and
forming entity and attribute resolution operations. We
tion of copying a value
from within a data table and pasting it elsewhere in the
writes a query to gather some initial data, with result as
Mapl1 and Mapl2 are map coordinates, T is some u
involved. Implicit in this table (and not visible to the
user), is a unique, system
generated key for each row in
the table, used by the system for recording the hi
of data manipulation in the row. Next, Anne gathers
more data usi
paste, and finds information
ties and dates for the incidents (adding new
columns Cas and Date), along with other data (new
umns ME, MLat, and MLng), which she does not
derstand yet. Her data table now is shown in
Table 1.
   At this point, Anne determines that incidents 101
and 103 are the same, and that i
cidents 102 and 104 are
the same. Selecting “entity resolution” from a menu,
she creates a new entity from incidents 101 and 103,
and as part of the operation she selects
attribute basis, which values to propagate from
the original i
cidents into the new (merged) row whe
ever the source rows disagree. The original rows are
then hidden from Anne’s view, lea
ing only the new
Choices made during the resolutions are hig
lighted in
Table 2.
Table 1. Intermediate data table after first round of copy
paste integration.
3    ID Mapl1 Mapl2 T Dev Cas ME Mlat MLng Date 101 34.3998 70.4986 1 ied 4 3 3423.99 7029.92 03 mar 104 34.3996 70.4985 2 art 7 6 3423.96 7029.90 04 mar 105 34.3994 70.4988 1 ied 12 12 3423.94 7029.88 06 mar   r-She then determines that Cas (Casualties) and ME v-n-able takes the form:  ID Lat Long T Dev Injured Date 101 34.3998 70.4986 1 ied 4 03mar 104 34.3996 70.4985 2 art 6 04mar 105 34.3994 70.4988 1 ied 12 06mar  nincidewn-e ID Lat Long T Dev Injured Date 101 34.3998 70.4986 1 ied 4 03mar 104 34.3996 70.4985 2 art 6 04mar 105 34.3994 70.4988 1 ied 9 07mar  e-s mtable?”  “Which incin  i-  nrow 112?”  lha     efor the valuin-which val-a-x-attribute resolution (A), where the value at {104, -visible to the usertable she con r
Table 2. Data table after initial entity resolution.
Next, Anne finds that columns Mapl1 and Mlat are
the same geographical location data, though in diffe
ent formats. Similarly, Mapl2 and MLng are redundant.
(which she discovers to mean the count of soldiers
MedEvac’d from the scene) also represent the same
information, which she chooses to call Injured. Resol
ing these columns proceeds in fashion similar to the
entity resolution operations. Anne chooses new, mea
ingful column names for the new columns, and her t
Review of the data against other information reveals
inconsistencies. She changes the “I
jured” column of
nt 105 to 9 from 12, and the date of incident 105 to
07mar. From personal kno
ledge, she confirms the “i
jured” column of incident 104 as 6. At last, her r
port is
in final form:
From the point at which Anne began gathering data
to the point at which the report is in final form, 95 r
cordable history actions occurred. At this point, Anne
might need to examine the history behind selected data.
She might for example ask the following que
“Which incidents were co
bined from others in the
dents in the table had casualty data
that was i
consistent and was corrected?”
“For each incident merged from redundant inc
dents, what were the incident IDs of the original
rows that we chose to resolve?”
“How many i
formation sources have we found to
support the casualty count for the IED incident in
“What other names did co
umn Long in this table
ve in earlier versions of the data gathered?”
“What information about incident 109, if any, was
derived differently than the rest?”
To answer these, Anne can click on a data value in her
table and be presented with a graph of the prov
e, as shown in Figure 1. This graph shows
not only the or
gins (external sources) for the selected
data value, but also the intermediate values that co
tributed to its current state. All user actions that led to
the current state are also shown, including
ues were preferred over others during resolution oper
tions, as well as confirmations made by users. For e
ample, the figure shows that the value for incident 104
in the Injured column was most recently derived by
wounded} in the table was preferred by the user over
the value at {104, cas} (the dashed edge indicates non
preferred). The figure also shows that the current value
was confirmed by user input (X). The conceptual model
in our setting consists of the data
structed, along with a provenance graph
for each “cell” in the table.
This setting has a number of novel cha
Access to the collection of data sources found in a
dataspace may be varied. For example, sources may
come and go over time. In addition, we may wish to
produce a snapshot in time of a dataspace that is
4 n Information is most often integrated at the data level by selecting individual data values from i e-internal, unique row-id and a colun-nr-   Fig. 1. for con-lues -s-line.  ni- rget  l-tiple sources, be the result of multiple human a-the integration process. As a result, a user may  3.  We developed a prototype end-u--ptur-ing the history of manruvn-sof the ntity” r-y ities: KeyVal, a unique system-i {Attr1, Col.Visible1, Attr2, Col.Visible2…AttrN, eN-defined at-i- Row.Visible, a Boolean attribute that specifies i-  t  encing R 1, Attr2, …AttrN} from R ction  was pre  an attribute with domain icat-{104, injured}value: 6{104, wounded}value: 6{104, cas}value: 7AA{document5}value: 6{user input}value: 6E{104, wounded}value: 6{102, wounded}value: 6E{document5}value: 6EE{104, cas}value: 7{document3}value: 7{102, cas}value: 7{document3}value: 7{104, injured}value: 6{104, wounded}value: 6{104, cas}value: 7AA{document5}value: 6{user input}value: 6E{104, wounded}value: 6{102, wounded}value: 6E{document5}value: 6EE{104, cas}value: 7{document3}value: 7{102, cas}value: 7{document3}value: 7
dynamic. Because of this requirement, queries are
answered using only the target i
sources. However, trad
tional integration may also
play a role.
A data value (once selected) is inserted into a sp
cific location in the target instance, identified by an
mn name (disti
guished by means of the user pointing to a table
cell).  The user is implicitly joi
ing each new value
with a row that already exists and specifying a pa
ticular existing column into which the data value
Provenance tree for (104,“Injured”) where the
current value is 6. Edges represent user actions (A for
attribute resolution, E for entity resolution,
for update). Nodes show state of va
in the data table. Non
preferred edges are shown u
ing a dashed
The target instance may include new data i
from the user’s knowledge and not from an ident
fied data source.
The user can confirm that a data value in the ta
is valid, either by pasting in the same value from a
second source, or by locally confirming the value.
A data value gathered by a user may arise from mu
judgements, have multiple attribute name design
tions, and have multiple entity associations during
want to review the reliability of her data, understand
how much support there is for a given data value,
and possibly review the set of values that a given
data value has had over time.
An Implementation Approach
user application
called CHIME (Capturing Human Intension Metadata
with Entities) that supports the kind of integration task
outlined above. CHIME supports creation and manip
lation of a single, entity
centric data table, while ca
ipulation operations (inse
and updates, entity resolutions, attribute resol
and confirmations) that comprise the pro
enance of
data in the table. Rows in this table correspond to e
tity instances, while columns corre
pond to attributes
entities. (In this paper, we use the term “e
to refer to an entity instance.) Each entity in a CHIME
dataset (i.e., the data shown in one row) has an inte
nally generated, unique identifier, called Ke
Val in the
schema, which is not made visible to the user.
CHIME data can be modelled by two relations. We
define schema R with instance r to represent ent
generated identifier that
functions as a cand
date key for R
}, where each Attr is a user
tribute name and each Col.Visible a Boolean that
specifies whether Attr is visible to the user and el
gible for CHIME operations.
whether this tuple in r is visible to the user and el
gible for CHIME operations.
We define a history table schema H, with instance h.
Each user action on the data relation r adds new entries
to h. H has a
SeqNum, a monotonic integer (e.g., a timestamp)
KeyVal, a foreign key refer
AttrName, an attribute with domain {Attr
AttrVal, the value given to attribute AttrName in the
row in r with key KeyVal as a result of this a
Action, an attribute with domain {A, E,
, X} (for
attribute resolution, entity resolution, update, and
user confirmation, respectively)
Preferred, an attribute with domain {Left, Right,
Both} that indicates which parent tuple or column
ferred for item (KeyVal, AttrName) by the
user during a resolution operation
NULL}, ind
5 lumn  RightParent, an attribute with domain  NULL }, indi-cat Source, a string-n--  H ma  4. enance We map informam-pute prov-and-l   lumn  Acti    -supplied”  -and-enfirm a value directly without a copy-and-r retvalue to propidentical, we consider both to be propagated, for provenance purposes. Attribute resolution in our model works in a similar fashl-umns are made non-visible. In rows where the two land attribute resolution op SeqNum = (automatically generated) sequence e-e ue t ting from en    u-n- in  5.  a-efine a set of predicates and algorithms to traverse these s  TPi V in Tp p  r-rnal
ing one parent row (for entity resolution) or co
(for attribute resolution), or NULL otherwise
ing the other of two parents resolved to form the
new data value
valued attribute with domain co
sisting of the distinguished value “User
and names of data sources
Taken together, Seqnum, KeyVal, and AttrName
form a candidate key for H. Note that multiple entries in
y have the same SeqNum. For example, all entries
associated with a resolution operation have the same
timestamp, though each entry affects a different target
data value.
We envision a user interface (much like our CHIME
prototype interface) where data in r is shown in table
form, with only rows and columns with Visible flags set
to True visible to the user. In the interface, the user can
easily see the corresponding data from h in the form of
a provenance graph for any data value shown, e.g. by
clicking on the data value.
Relating User Actions to Prov
tion from CHIME actions to fields of
entries in the CHIME history table (h) in order to co
enance and answer user questions.  Copy
paste actions that insert new (or different) values
into a data value are mapped to entries in h as fo
SeqNum = (automatically generated) sequence
number of this update in the overall history
KeyVal = internal identifier of target row
AttrName =  name of target co
AttrVal = value pasted
on = Update
Preferred = NULL
LeftParent = NULL
RightParent = NULL
Source = source identifier or “User
    Users can copy
paste the same value into a data
value again, possibly from a different source. In this
case, we add an entry to the history table, r
cording the
user action as Confirm. The user may also Co
paste operation,
when there is no exte
nal source.
Entity resolution in our model consists of merging
two entities into a new entity, then making the original
entities not visible. For each attribute (column) of the
sulting entity where source data values differ (note
that the schema of source entities and result entity are
the same), the user must choose which source a
agate. When source attribute values are
ion. Two attributes are
merged into a new attribute, and the two original co
source values differ, the user chooses column values to
propagate to the new co
umn. We map entity resolution
erations to entries in h as
number of this resolution in the overall history. (B
cause resolutions affect multiple data values, and it
is useful to identify all effects of a resolution, all
such effect are r
corded with one SeqNum)
KeyVal = internal identifier for row of the data val
resulting from entity or a
tribute resolution
AttrName = column name of the data value resul
tity or attribute resolution
AttrVal = value of the data value after resolution
Action = Entity or Attribute resolution
Preferred = Left, Right, or Both referring to one or
both of the Parent values below
LeftParent = one of the KeyVals (if entity resol
tion) or column names (if attribute resolution) i
volved in entity or attribute resolution
RightParent = the other KeyVal or column name
volved in entity or attribute resolution
Source = NULL
Computing and Expressing Provenance
In this section we explore the use of the history rel
tion to generate provenance graphs. We then d
graphs in order to answer user que
We define a provenance tree
(V,E) for a data value
in the user’s table as a directed acyclic graph with V a
set of vert
ces and E a set of edges. A vertex v
corresponds to
the current state of the data value of interest, if the
vertex is the root of T
a prior state (ancestor) of the data value of interest,
if the vertex is neither the root nor a leaf in the tree
the source of an update or confirmation, if the ve
tex is a leaf in the tree (either the name of an exte
6 -  rtex. If the data value is new (that is, if the Update corre-A Conconnectndata value. E includes twoone exite-the overwith idene-e--root, non-u- We represent Tpn-erated on-the-butes:  c AttrName1, Attr2, … AttrNespond-ing entry in h d Sourceding row in h   –n Ancestor – Actionution, Entity yValue Preferred, a Boolean value equal to TRUE if An-t-b-  We construct TPified rabstrac-oc--id Key and column Attr. The e-n Tp. Our algorithm con-p via write state  -   ue),      -    -        -    -    write(
source, or a constant user
supplied value when the
user confirms the value directly)
A provenance graph represents an Update operation
by adding a leaf vertex to represent the source from
which the data was copied (or to represent a constant
supplied directly by the user), and an Update edge from
the source vertex to the affected data value ve
sponds to insertion of a data value for the first time), a
vertex is added to represent the data value in the table.
firm operation is represented similarly, but the
ing edge is labelled Co
firm. If two data values
are merged during an entity or attribute resolution, a
new vertex is added to represent the resulting merged
edges for the operations,
ing each vertex representing a “parent” data
value and both entering the vertex representing the
new (merged) data value. Where the two values r
solved are not equal, each edge indicates whether the
parent vertex held the value preferred by the user, or
ridden (not preferred) value. In a resolution
tical parent data values, both edges are pr
ferred. In the absence of resolution operations, a prov
nance graph for a data value consists only of a root
vertex and any leaf (source) vertices. Intermediate (non
leaf) vertices are only introduced by resol
(V,E) for one data value as a pair of
relations, Node and Edge, that are temporary, and ge
fly when the provenance graph is created
by user request. Node includes attri
Nodenum, a candidate key for Node
KeyValue, an foreign key referen
ing KeyVal in H
, an attribute with domain {Attr
} from R, equal to AttrName in the corr
AttrVal, = AttrVal in the correspon
ing entry in h
, = Source in the correspon
The attributes for Edge are:
a foreign key refere
cing Node
a foreign key referencing Node
, with domain {Attribute Resol
Resolution, Update, Confirm} equal to Action in the
entry in h for the Descendant’s Ke
cestor’s value was preferred during the action crea
ing Descendant, and FALSE otherwise. This attri
ute is ignored if Action is not a resolution action
(V,E) for a data value in r (spec
by the user selecting a row and column) by retrieving
from the history table the list of actions pe
formed on
the value and its ancestors. Figure 2 shows an
tion of the Prolog implementation of our alg
rithm. The
get_history predicate retrieves from h a list of user a
tions performed on the value at row
setpref predicate sets the value of the “Pr
ferred” indicator for edges i
structs a textual version of T
make_ptree(Key, Attr, Root) :
get_history(Key, Attr, [H|Rest]),
              build_ptree(Key, Attr, H, [H|Rest], tr
Root is H.
% most recent action was an update
build_ptree(Key, Attr, Root, [H|Rest], Pref_flag) :
S is 0
build_ptree(Key, Attr, Root, Rest, false).
% most recent action was a confirmation
build_ptree(Key, Attr, Root, [H|Rest], Pref_flag) :
S is 0
% most recent action was an attribute resol
build_ptree(Key, Attr, Root, [H|Rest], Pref_flag) :
history(H,_,_,_,a,Pref, LeftP, RightP, _),
make_ptree(Key, LeftP, NewRoot1),
setpref(Pref_flag, Pref, left, P),
write("edge(",Root,NewRoot1, a, P,")."),
make_ptree(Key, RightP, NewRoot2),
setpref(Pref_flag, Pref, right, Q),
write("edge(",Root,NewRoot2, a, Q,")."),
build_ptree(Key, Attr, Root, Rest, false),!.
% most recent action was an entity resolution
build_ptree(Key, Attr, Root, [H|Rest], Pref_flag) :
history(H,_,_,_,e,Pref, LeftP, RightP, _),
make_ptree(LeftP, Attr, NewRoot1),
setpref(Pref_flag, Pref, left, P),
make_ptree(RightP, Attr, NewRoot2),
setpref(Pref_flag, Pref, right, Q),
build_ptree(Key, Attr, Root, Rest, false),!.
% base condition
empty history list
Figure 2. Provenance tree construction algorithm
7  The provenance tree generated for the attribute ne the data value n-in anbute was conland 104 into a new ineis shown in the tree to have its origin in an update made by the user from a source document called  e-rin –leaf nodes coneedges –e- – returns the list of node  – rnon- – returns the list of attribute  – returns the list of entity (row)   Using anthe uate “Which inci- using ables:  ( (h  r))  The join in this expression produces a tuple for owith one of its data values. The selection operator  e-i can be answered by  --2   ((-1 ( (( merged  in( (h  r))))  r )))     merged     (-2 ( (( merged  IncidID,RightParent( (h  r))))  r ))))  To answer the question,  can be value in column Long, and taking the Union of difml-s , one row identirface.   e     AS  t
value “Injured” for i
cident 104 in the final data table of
Section 2 is shown in Figure 1. Nodes are labelled for
clarity in this example with a row key (IncidID in this
case) and a column name to indicat
represented. The tree shows that the data value of i
terest has value 6, which was inherited from ancestor
{104, wounded} and preferred over an alternate value
cestor {104, cas} during attribute resolution of
attributes “cas” and “wounded” into the new attri
named “injured”. The tree also shows that this value
firmed by user input. The value at {104, cas} is
shown to be inherited from earlier va
ues at {102, cas}
and {104, cas} during entity resolution of incidents 102
cident ID that the user chose to
also call 104. In this case, both values were the same,
so both edges are pr
ferred. The value from {102, cas}
“document 3”.
We have defined a set of predicates over the Node
and Edge tables to assist in answering common qu
ies. We omit their Datalog definitions and define them
formally here:
returns the list of node numbers of
nected to the root node by pr
returns the names of data sources
from all leaf nodes connected to the root by pr
ferred edges
numbers of all leaf nodes in the tree
eturns a count of the number of
root nodes with the same data value as the root
names found in the tree nodes
identifiers found in the tree nodes
these predicates, relational algebra, and the
provenance graph for a selected data value, we can
swer the kind of questions described in Section 2. To
answer the question, “How did we find out the date of
incident 105?” we build the provenance graph for
“Date” column of the row for incident 105, and eval
the query view_sources(). We answer,
dents were combined from others in the table?”
relational algebra over the history and data t
every entity that has a history table entry ass
chooses those where the history table entry represents
an entity resolution, and where the entity is still visible
to the user.
The question, “For each incident merged from r
dundant incidents, what were the inc
dent IDs of the
two predecessor rows we chose to resolve?”
merged, original
merged, IncidID
Row.Visible=True, Action=E
LeftParent = KeyVal
merged, IncidID
Row.Visible=True, Action=E
RightParent = KeyVal
“How many information
sources have we found to support the casualty count
for the IED incident in row 102?” we can apply the
view_origins() predicate to the provenance graph for
the data value “Injured” in the row for incident 102.
“What other names did column Long in this table have
in earlier versions of the data you gathered?”
answered by building a provenance tree for each data
view_attribnames() on each provenance graph. “What
information about incident 109, if any, was derived
ferently than the rest?” can be answered by using
make_ptree() to construct provenance trees for each
data value in the selected row, then co
puting the tree
edit distance [8] for each possible pairing of these va
ues, and looking at the distribution of edit di
Provenance queries can also be written against the
history table using the recursion capabilities supported
in SQL:1999. As an example, to answer the question,
“Where did we find the date of incident 105?”
can write the following query, implicitly selecting the
fier of the row for incident 105 (called X in
this example) via a user inte
Value_Events(KeyVal, AttrName, Action, Pr
         LeftParent, RightParent, Source)
(SELECT KeyVal, AttrName, Action, Preferred, Lef
  Parent, RightParent, Source
  FROM History h
WHERE h.KeyVal = X
8       eqnum)             UNION    story                          AND h                     6.  copy-and-au-mber of updates  made to each value, and c the average number of - 1, be-s     N        + N - 1       podent overhead for storinnclude a ss-n-snkhstor      kh  [10,11] ade-nse-pctions: copy-and-pau-de diso-o--e-collaborating teams. Orchestra employs a detailed y-rtial n-
AND  h.AttrName = “Date”
AND  h.SeqNum =
FROM History h
WHERE h.KeyVal = X
AND h.AttrName = “Date”
AND h.Action != “Confirm”))
(SELECT KeyVal, AttrName, Action, Preferred,
   LeftParent, RightParent, Source
h, Value_Events v1
WHERE (h.KeyVal = v1.LeftParent
    AND v1.Preferred = Left
    AND h.AttrName = v1.AttrName
    AND h.Action = E) OR
(h.KeyVal = v1.RightParent
    AND v1.Preferred = Right
    AND h.AttrName = v1.AttrName
.Action = E)  OR
(h.AttrName = v1.LeftParent
  AND v1.Preferred = Left
  AND h.KeyVal = v1.KeyVal
  AND h.Action = A) OR
(h.AttrName = v1.RightParent
  AND v1.Preferred = Right
  AND h.KeyVal = v1.KeyVal
  AND h.Action = A))
FROM Value_Events v2
WHERE Source != ""
Overhead of Provenance Storage
Provenance overhead grows with the number of user
actions. If a dataset is constructed using individual
paste actions, then the history t
ble grows
by one entry per data value pasted into the data table,
plus entries for each update, confirmation, and resol
tion later affecting that data value. Let N be the nu
of data values pasted by the user, r the average number
confirmations applied to each value. Note
that the number of resolutions cannot exceed N
cause once a pair of values is resolved to form a new
value, the original pair becomes non
visible and cannot
be resolved further. The number of hi
tory table entries
may be as large as
(due to initial population)
+ N * r
(due to revisions)
+ N * c
(due to confirmations)
(due to resolutions)
Then the number of history table entries is less than
(2 + r + c) N
Revisions (r) and confirmations (c) per data value are
tentially unlimited, but in practice, we expect that
each data value will only be revised or confirmed a
small number of times, and that number is indepen
of the total number of data values in the table. The
g provenance also must i
factor for the size of each hi
tory entry relative to the
average size of each data value. The size of a history
entry is constant in our implementation, and if we a
sume that the average size of a data value is also a co
tant, we can express the ratio of these as a co
. This lets us express a bound on the overhead for
ing provenance as
* ((2 + r + c) N), or O(N)
7. Related Work
Buneman, Chapman, Cheney, and Vansummeren
dress provenance for manually curated data
in scientific disciplines. Their work shares many of the
same goals as ours. They address two forms of prov
nance (“where” and “why” [17]), but do not seem to
address the ability to reco
struct the history of actions
affecting data values (“what”). However, if hi
data values and actions were included in their prov
nance tables, the expressive power of our a
proach and
theirs, with regard to updates, would be the same. Their
work addresses a limited set of user a
ste and insertion (of which we call updates), and
deletion. Our user action model includes entity resol
tion, attribute resolution (schema modification), and
confirmation, though it does not at present include
Substantial work has been reported on computing
provenance of data exchanged between structured,
tributed scientific data stores. Orchestra [4], a prot
type Collaborative Data Sharing System (CDSS), pr
vides a general
purpose platform for data sharing b
tween structured data sources maintained by distinct
provenance model based on pol
nomials in semi
[12], where each term in a polynomial describes a pa
mapping from source relations to target relations. The
polynomial approach allows Orchestra to track several
ancestors for one tuple, much like CHIME does for i
dividual data values. As a result, Orchestra and CHIME
9 ey-nomial. Or-chestra computes provenance on a per--Second, Orchestra focuses on only mappings ex-mappings expressed at the individual data-mputed when ex-st-ting, we conc-te-rnrtuple that originated from anothem -e-age function atime an operation is performed. Both CHIME and -e-age compue-con a data value is by definition cycle-atable, which also enables other functionality, while ULDBs appear to stdiffers in that CHIME retains provenance on a per- AutoMed [14] defines the notion of schema-a-tion and integration in a relational (data wenvination e-  We have defined a new data-mananclud-tameans, our data curation setting permits the prove-c-x-at-a-time  CHIME, supporting copy-and-paste, drag-resolution, and search- intero-lution, attribute resolution, and de-creProlog implementation for creation and querying of prove has exactly on-c-i the high--y necessi-tates relaxing integration throughput. Other ap-secution of a set of pre-mp Acknow -  n-ty-Fifth ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGART Sympo-
support trust evaluation based on whether a user trusts
the various sources described in the prov
nance pol
rchestra also differs from our work. First, O
tuple basis,
while we compute provenance on a per
value basis.
pressed at the schema level, while our work focuses on
value level.
In Orchestra, provenance data is co
plicit “update exchange” events are i
sued. In our se
tinuously record the history of user a
tions, and at any time allow the user to construct from
his history a provenance tree to support useful qu
ries. We also have a richer model for user confi
where the user can explicitly co
firm a value; Orchestra
has a simpler negative confi
mation at the tuple level: a
r site, once deleted
locally, will not be i
ported again.
Lineage Databases (ULDBs) [13] store
the lineage of database tuples along with data. A lin
is defined for each rel
tional operator
available in the database, and lineage for each tuple is
computed using the appropriate lineage functions each
ULDBs rely on well
behaved lineage: For example, lin
tation must be free of cycles. CHIME pr
vents cycles in lineage because the set of user a
free. Our work
differs from the ULDB approach in that the source data
for our provenance calcul
tions are stored as a history
ore only lineage. Our work also
value basis rather than per tuple.
transformation pathways that express data transform
ronment. In AutoMed, transformation pathways
are evolved dynamically to record the evolution of the
warehouse schema. Li
eage tracing of tuples may be
derived from this pathway data. Our work is similar, but
at the granularity of data values rather than tuples. We
retain a history table that resembles the transform
pathways of AutoMed, and use it to compute prov
nance of individual data values, much as AutoMed
does for tuples.
8. Conclusions and Future Work
gement setting
distinct from traditional information integration (i
ing update exchange). We have shown how the history
of user actions in our se
ting defines the Where, What,
and Why provenance of the integrated dat
sets users
create in that setting. Whether by automated or manual
nance of sets of data values, including data from query
answers or views, to be captured as long as the colle
tive gathering work can be e
pressed in a set of value
Using this model, we have shown how to answer
user questions about data provenance. To test our
ideas, we have implemented a prototype version of
drop, entity
browse with a Windows user
face; a Prolog implementation supporting all user
actions defined here (update, confirmation, entity res
resolution), that
ates the user data table and history table; and a
nance trees from history tables, as described in
this paper.
At present, the CHIME data model is limited to first
normal form. That is, though an attribute value may
have a history of several values, at any point in time it
ne value. As Halevy, Franklin, and Maier
point out, a realistic dataspace model must represent
inconsistent and u
certain attribute values [2]. We are
currently extending this work to cover representation
and manipulation of such non
first normal form stru
tures, incorporating some of the ideas of Jaeschke and
Schek [15] and Arisawa, Moriya, and M
ura [16].
CHIME provides integration that takes advantage of
quality decisions derivable from direct user
actions. This trade
off in favor of high qualit
proaches, such as Orche
tra [4], favor enabling high
throughput by automated ex
constructed TGDs against inco
ing data sets. We plan
to explore blending these a
This work was supported in part by NSF grant IIS
0534762 and by DARPA.
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