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... SSH\xspace1
... authentication2
... forwarding3
Alternatively, SSH allows a remote executable to be invoked, but that remote executable is not connected to as a network service.
... undifferentiated4
hg-login, as used in Mercurial, performs remote authentication using SSH, but execs a new program rather than connect to a running network service.
... authenticator5
We are using a simplified, and easily customized, certificate rather than the complex X.509 certificates.
The application code forks the new process $p_j$. This explicit structure allows also non-privilege-separated iterative and concurrent service, although these exist largely for legacy applications.
Source, for an AMD Opeteron 2.4 GHz processor
... cable8
The server has an nVidia 570 chipset and the client an nVidia 430 chipset. They both run the open source forcedeth driver.
... hole9
The webpage at displays a list of security holes found in dovecot since the announcement of the award. The dovecot developer (maintainer of the webpage) claims that these holes cannot be exploited under reasonable circumstance stated as a set of rules on the same page.
... (v1.0.9)10
Dovecot also supports POP, which we ignore for this comparison.
... 9,30711
Code from the directories: auth, imap-login, login-common, lib-auth and master (except the configuration code).