Misconfigurations and other persistent state (PS) problems
are among the primary causes of failures and security vulnerabilities across a wide
variety of systems, from individual desktop machines to large-scale Internet
services. MSN, a large Internet service, finds that, in one of their services
running a 7000 machine system, 70% of problems not solved by rebooting were
related to PS corruptions, while only 30% were hardware failures. In [24], Oppenheimer
et al. find that configuration errors are the largest category of
operator mistakes that lead to downtime in Internet services. Studies of
wide-area networks show that misconfigurations cause 3 out of 4 BGP routing
announcements, and are also a significant cause of extra load on DNS root
servers [4,22]. Our own analysis of call logs from a large software company’s
internal help desk, responsible for managing corporate desktops, found that a
plurality of their calls (28%) were PS related.
Furthermore, most reported security compromises are against known
vulnerabilities—administrators are wary of patching their systems because they
do not know the state of their systems and cannot predict the impact of a
change [1,26,34].
PS management is the process of maintaining the
“correctness” of critical program files and settings to avoid the
misconfigurations and inconsistencies that cause these reliability and security
problems. Recent work has shown that selectively
logging how processes running on a system interact with PS (e.g., read, write,
create, delete) can be an important tool for quickly troubleshooting
configuration problems, managing the impact of software patches, analyzing
hacker break-ins, and detecting malicious websites exploiting web browsers
[17,35-37]. Unfortunately, each of these techniques is limited by the current
infeasibility of collecting and analyzing the complete logs of 10s to 100s of
millions of events generated by a single machine, much less the 1000s of
machines in even a medium-sized computing and IT environments.
There are three desired attributes in a tracing and analysis
infrastructure. First is low performance overhead on the monitored client,
such that it is feasible to always be collecting complete information for use
by systems management tools. The second desired attribute is an efficient
method to store data, so that we can collect logs from many machines over an
extended period to provide a breadth and historical depth of data when managing
systems. Finally, the analysis of these large volumes of data has to be
scalable, so that we can monitor, analyze and manage today’s large computing
environments. Unfortunately, while many tracers have
provided low-overhead, none of the state-of-the-art technologies for
“always-on” tracing of PS interactions provide for efficient storage and
We present the Flight-Data Recorder (FDR), a high-performance,
always-on tracer that provides complete records of PS interactions. Our
primary contribution is a domain-specific, queryable and compressed log file
format, designed to exploit workload characteristics of PS interactions and key
aspects of common-case queries—primarily that most systems management tasks are
looking for “the needle in the haystack,” searching for a small subset of PS
interactions that meet well-defined criteria. The result is a highly efficient
log format, requiring only 0.47-0.91 bytes per interaction, that supports the
analysis of 1000 machine-days of logs, over 25 billion events, in less than 30
We evaluate FDR’s performance
overhead, compression rates, query performance, and scalability. We
also report our experiences with a deployment of FDR to monitor 207 production
servers at various MSN sites. We describe how always-on tracing and
analysis improve our ability to do after-the-fact queries on hard-to-reproduce
incidents, provide insight into on-going system behaviors, and help
administrators scalably manage large-scale systems such as IT environments and
Internet service clusters.
In the next section, we discuss related work and the
strengths and weaknesses of current approaches to tracing systems. We present
FDR’s architecture and log format design in sections 3 and 4, and evaluate the system in Section 5. Section 6 presents several analysis techniques that show
how PS interactions can help systems management tasks like troubleshooting and
change management. In Section 7, we discuss the implications
of this work, and then conclude.
Throughout the paper, we use the term PS entries to
refer to files and folders within the file system, as well as their equivalents
within structured files such as the Windows Registry. A PS interaction
is any kind of access, such as an open, read, write, close or delete operation.
Related Work
In this section, we discuss related research and common tools for tracing
system behaviors. We discuss related work on analyzing and applying these
traces to solve systems problems in Section 6. Table 1 compares the log-sizes and performance overhead of FDR and other systems
described in this section for which we had data available [33,11,21,20,40].
The tools closest in mechanics to FDR are file system
workload tracers. While, to our knowledge,
FDR is the first attempt to analyze PS interactions to improve systems
management, many past efforts have analyzed file system workload traces with
the goal of optimizing disk layout, replication, etc. to improve I/O system
performance [3,9,12,15,25,28,29,33]. Tracers based on
some form of kernel instrumentation, like FDR and DTrace [30], can record
complete information. While some tracers have had reasonable performance
overheads, their main limitation has been a lack of support for efficient
queries and the large log sizes. Tracers based on
niffing network file system traffic, such as NFS workload tracers [12,29]
avoid any client-perceived performance penalties, but sacrifice visibility into
requests satisfied by local caches as well as visibility of the process making
a request.
Developer tools for tracing program
behavior, such as strace, Filemon Regmon and similar tools, for recording
system call traces and file system interactions on Linux, Unix and Windows
systems have high performance overheads, as well as log formats more suited to
manual inspection than automated querying. These tools are generally more
suited to selective debugging, rather than always-on monitoring.
Complete versioning file systems,
such as CVFS [31] and WayBack [8] record
separate versions of files for every write to the file system. While such file systems have been used as a tool in
configuration debugging [39], they do not
capture file reads, or details of the processes and users that are
changing files. The Repairable File Service (RFS) logs file versioning
information and also tracks information-flow through files and processes to
analyze system intrusions [40].
In [33], Vogels declares analysis of his 190M trace records
to be a “significant problem,” and uses data warehousing techniques to analyze
his data. The Forensix project, tracing system calls, also records logs in a
standard database to achieve queryability [13]. However, Forensix’s client-side
performance overhead and their query performance (analyzing 7 machine-days of
logs in 8-11 minutes) make it an unattractive option for large-scale production
A very different approach to tracing
a system’s behavior is to record the nondeterministic events that affect the system, and combine this trace with virtual machine-based replay support. While this provides finer-grained
and more detailed information about all the behaviors of a system than does
FDR, this extra information can come at a high cost: ReVirt reports workload-dependent
slowdowns up to 70% [11]. More significantly, arbitrary queries are not
supported without replaying the execution of the virtual machine, taking time
proportional to its original execution.
While, to our knowledge, we are the first to investigate
domain-specific compression techniques for PS interaction or file system
workload traces, there has been related work in the area on optimizing or
compressing program CPU instruction traces [5,19], as well as work to support data
compression within general-purpose databases [6].
In this section, we present our architecture and
implementation for black-box monitoring, collecting, and analysis of PS
interactions. Our architecture consists of (1) a low-level
driver that intercepts all PS interactions with the file system and the
Windows Registry, calls to the APIs for process creation and binary load
activity, and exposes an extensibility API for receiving PS interaction events
from other specialized stores; and (2) a user mode daemon that collects and
compresses the trace events into log files and uploads them to a central
server, (3) a central server that aggregates the log files and, (4) an
extensible set of query tools for analyzing the data stream. Our
implementation does not require any changes to the core operating system or
applications running atop it. We provide detailed discussion of our
domain-specific queryable log format in Section 4.
FDR Agent Kernel-Mode Driver
Our low-level instrumentation is handled by a kernel mode boot
which operates in real-time and, for each PS interaction, records the current timestamp,
process ID, thread ID, user ID, interaction type (read, write, etc.), and hashes
of data values where applicable. For accesses to the file system, the driver
records the path and filename, whether the access is to a file or a directory
and, if applicable, the number of bytes read or written. For accesses to the
registry, the driver records the name and location of the registry entry as
well as the data it contains. The driver sits above the file system cache, but
below the memory mapping manager. This driver also records process tree
information, noting when a binary module is loaded, or when a process spawns
The largest performance impact from the driver stems from I/O
related to log writing, memory copies related to logging events, and latency
introduced by doing this work on the calling application’s thread. We mitigate this
by only using the application’s thread to write the relevant records directly
into the user-mode daemon’s memory space, and doing the processing on the
user-mode daemon’s thread. Caches for user names and file names that need to
be resolved for each interaction also help to minimize lookup costs.
Our kernel driver is stable and suitable for use in
production environments, and will be available for public use as part of
Windows Vista.
FDR Agent User-Mode Daemon
The user-mode daemon is responsible for receiving records of
PS interactions from the kernel driver, compressing them into our log format
in-memory, and periodically uploading these logs to a central server.
To avoid impacting the performance of the system, we
configure our daemon to run at lowest-priority, meaning it will be scheduled
only if the CPU is otherwise idle. If the daemon does fall behind, the driver can
be configured to either block until space is available or drop the event.
However, in practice, we have found that a 4MB buffer is sufficient to avoid any
loss on even our busiest server machines.
The daemon throttles its overall memory usage by monitoring the
in-memory compressed log size, and flushing this to disk when it reaches a
configurable threshold (typically 20MB to 50MB). The daemon will also
periodically flush logs to disk to ensure reliable log collection in the event
of agent or system failure. These logs are uploaded to a central server using
a standard SMB network file system protocol. If a failure occurs during upload
the daemon will save the log locally and periodically retry the upload.
The daemon also manages its own operation, for example, by automatically
update its binaries and configuration settings when indicated on the central
server, and monitoring its disk space and memory usage. Setting up FDR tracing
on a new machine is simple: a user only needs to run a single binary on the machine
and configure the log upload location.
FDR Collection Server
The collection server is responsible for organizing FDR log
files as they are uploaded, triggering relevant query tools to analyze the
files as they arrive, and pruning old log files from the archive. It also sets
the appropriate access privileges and security on the collected files and
processed data.
3.4 FDR Query Tools
The final pieces of our framework
are the query tools that analyze log files as they arrive. Each query tool is specialized to answer a specific type
of query for a systems management task. Simple example queries include “what
files were modified today?”, or “which programs depend on this configuration
setting?” As all our log files are read-only, we do not require complicated
transactional semantics or other coordination between our query tools. Each
query tool reads the log files it is interested in scanning and implements its
own query plan against the data within. While future work might investigate
benefits of caching, sharing intermediate results across multiple concurrent
queries, or other optimization techniques from the database literature, we
found that allowing uncoordinated reads simplified the process of building new
query tools as required.
The key requirements we have for FDR’s log format are that
1) logs are compact, so that their size does not overly burden client
resources, network bandwidth or server-side scalability; and 2) the log format
efficiently supports common-case queries. To meet these requirements, we built
a preliminary version of FDR with a straightforward, flat format, and collected
5000 machine-days of traces from a wide variety of machines. We can personally
attest to the difficulty of collecting, storing and analyzing this scale of
data without support for compression and queryability. Based on our analysis
of these traces, and a survey of how previous work applies such traces to
systems management tasks, we designed an optimized log file format that takes
advantage of three aspects of PS interaction workloads that we saw across our
collected traces.
First, most PS interactions repeat many times during a
day—93-99% of daily activity is a duplicate of an earlier event. For queries
that care only about what happened, rather than when or how often, we can
improve query performance by separating the definitions of this small number of
distinct interactions from the details of when they occur.
Secondly, we observe that PS interactions are highly bursty,
with many interactions occurring almost simultaneously and long idle periods
between bursts. This allows us to save significant storage space by amortizing
timestamp information across a burst.
Finally, we find that sequences of PS interactions are also
highly repetitious; if we see a sequence of PS reads and writes, we are very
likely to see the same sequence again in the future. This leads us to apply
standard compression schemes to the time-ordered traces of PS interactions,
achieving a high compression rate.
In the rest of this section, we describe relevant attributes
of common-case queries, present the results and implications of our survey of
PS interaction traces, and then describe the details of our log format.
Common Queries
Today, systems administrators deal with large-scale,
complicated systems. According to surveys [9,28,33,36], an average Windows
machine has 70k files and 200k registry settings. Faced with the task of
managing these systems, a systems administrator’s job is often a problem of
“finding the needle in the haystack.” For example, troubleshooting is the task
of finding the few configuration settings or program files that are causing a
problem; and to test a software upgrade or patch, the administrator needs to
know what subset of the system might be affected by the change. To be useful,
FDR must help systems administrators quickly identify the small set of relevant
state and events out of all the state existing and events occurring across the many
machines of a computing or IT environment. We describe the details of how
systems management tasks use PS interaction traces in Section 6. Here, we
briefly describe the aspects of common-case queries that informed our log
format design.
We find that most common systems management queries of PS
interaction traces search for a subset of events, identified by the responsible
process or user, the file or registry entry being accessed, or another aspect
of the interaction (“Who changed this configuration?” or “What did I change yesterday?”).
This means that, by organizing or indexing our log format around such
attributes, we can quickly identify the subset of interactions of interest. Common
queries are also often restricted by time range, looking only at events that
occurred during a specific period, implying that our logs should support random
access over time, not just sequential access.
Many systems management tasks only involve the existence (or
absence) of a particular PS interaction, and not when or how often
the interaction occurred. For example, finding all loads of a shared library,
regardless of when they occurred, can identify the processes that depend on that
library and help assess the impact of a software upgrade. Other times, queries
do care about when a PS interaction occurred, but only need to know an
interaction’s relative-ordering vis-à-vis other PS interactions on a given thread,
e.g., to determine potential causalities like loading a binary after
reading its name from the Registry. In both cases, the implication is that some
queries need not read timestamps at all.
For our survey, we monitored the PS interactions of over 324
machines during one year across a variety of computing environments and
collected over 5000 machine-days of PS interactions in total. We worked with
MSN to instrument 207 of their machines, across 4 different services with
different workloads, including CPU-bound systems with heavy disk workloads, a
large storage service for external users, and web notifications
publish/subscribe service. In our own research lab, we monitored 72 laboratory
machines used for various data collection, analysis and simulation
experiments. We also monitored 35 corporate desktops and laptops, used by
researchers and engineers, primarily for activities such as software
development and word processing. Finally, we monitored 7 home machines, used
for entertainment and work-related activities by researchers, engineers, and
their families. As a control, we also collected traces from 3 idle systems,
running within virtual machines with no user workload.
Scale and repeated interactions
The primary challenge to efficiently tracing the PS
interactions of a machine is the volume of events that occur. In our survey,
we found that the average number of daily PS interactions was O(107)
ranging from 9M on desktop machines to 70M on the busiest workloads, as shown
in Table 2. Not surprisingly, servers tended to have a stable workload from
day-to-day, while our lab, corporate desktop and home machines had varied
workloads. The highest number of daily interactions we saw was 264M events, on
an MSN server that collected application logs from 1000s of other machines.
The average per machine daily total and distinct interactions, entries,
and processes
Environment |
Total PS Interactions |
Distinct PS Interactions |
Distinct PS Entries
Accessed |
Processes |
Svc. 1 |
70M |
0.2% |
>0.1% |
40-60 |
Svc. 4 |
29M |
3.3% |
0.4% |
30-70 |
Svc. 2 |
22M |
0.6% |
0.1% |
30 |
Svc. 3 |
19M |
1.1% |
0.1% |
30-70 |
Home |
17M |
4.2% |
0.6% |
30-40 |
Desktop |
9M |
5.4% |
1.0% |
20-100 |
Lab |
9M |
1.5% |
0.3% |
17-40 |
Average |
25M |
1.6% |
0.2% |
43 |
Idle |
965K |
2.1% |
0.5% |
14 |
However, we found several factors that mitigate the large volume of PS interactions
in all these workloads. First, the number of distinct files and registry
entries read or written every day is much smaller than the total number of
interactions. Secondly, the number of distinct processes that run on each
machine is very small, O(102) processes on the busiest desktops, and
fewer on production servers. Overall, we found that most PS entries are only
accessed by a small number of processes, and that the total number of distinct
interactions (i.e., distinct <user, process, operation-type, PS
entry> tuples) was O(105), only 0.2% to 5.4% of the total
interactions per day.
This implies that we can improve the performance of queries
not interested in timestamps or counts of PS interaction occurrences by separating
the unique definitions of observed interactions from the time-ordered traces of
when they occur. Effectively, this allows many common queries to ignore 94.6-99.8%
of the log. This also provides the possibility of compressing our logs, by
replacing repeated descriptions of an interaction with a single unique ID.
Bursts of Activity
Several studies of I/O traffic and file system activities
have shown that server and desktop I/O workloads demonstrate bursty or
self-similar behavior [14,16]. We observe this in our traces as well, where it
manifests as many interactions arriving together with long idle periods in between.
The primary implication of these bursts for our log format
is that, when many events occur together, there is a clear opportunity to merge
their associated time information, storing a single timestamp for all the
events that occur during the same timestamp bucket. This is a significant observation
because per-event timestamps are a major limiting factor to achieving high
compression rates. To help us choose an appropriate bucket duration, we look
to the requirements of common-case systems management queries. We find that
fine-grained timestamps are rarely necessary, instead what is most important is
the relative ordering of events and the ability to map event occurrences to
human activities (i.e., wall-clock time). This leads us to choose a
relatively coarse-grained 48-bit or 6ms granularity timestamp. Note that this
still provides a granularity finer than Windows’ time-scheduling quantum of
10-15ms. While one might worry that a coarse-grained timestamp would mean
every bucket would have at least one event in it, in practice, even our busiest
observed machine-day, with 264M daily events, showed no PS interactions during
60% of its timestamp buckets. Of course, this does not mean the machine as a
whole was idle—it might have been busy with CPU calculations during the times
it was not doing PS interactions.
Repeated Sequences of Interactions
Our final key observation is that many sequences of PS
interactions repeat over time. This is not a surprise, as we would expect that
most of the file system and registry activities performed by a system are
standard, repetitive tasks, including process start-up and shutdown, background
activities, document auto-saves, and logging. We perform a detailed analysis
of repeating “activity bursts,” in [32] and, for space considerations, provide
only a summary here.
In our analysis in [32], we define an “activity burst” as
the set of PS interactions occurring in one thread, where each interaction
occurs no more than some small time separation apart. Formally, we define an
activity burst as a group of events {et | i ≤ t ≤ j}
occurring within a single thread, where gap(et,et+1) < k,
for all i ≤ t < j; gap(ei-1,ei) ≥ k;
gap(ej,ej+1) ≥ k;
gap(x,y) is the time between two interactions x and y;
and k is the threshold gap between bursts. We call an activity burst a
“repeat” if it is identical to an earlier activity burst in every attribute of
its interactions except for timestamps. Otherwise, we call it a “distinct”
burst. In our survey, we find that most activity bursts in a day are repeated
bursts. On desktops, we see 2K-5K distinct bursts out of 20K-40K total and, on
servers, we see 3K-4K distinct bursts out of 40K-70K.
This repetition of PS interaction sequences indicates that
simple byte compression schemes, applied to the time-ordered event sequences, should
detect and compress these repeating patterns. Since our analysis of activity
burst repetition focuses on bursts within a single-thread, storing PS
interactions in a system-wide timestamp sequence runs the risk of allowing
concurrent I/O from multiple threads to interfere with the compressibility of each
other’s patterns. However, because of the relatively large CPU time slice of 10-15ms
on the Windows OS, and the knowledge that most PS interactions are handled
quickly by file caches, we still expect to gain significant compression of
repeating patterns in a cross-thread trace of PS interactions.
Log Format Details
Based on the machines observed in our survey, our log format
has two key facets to its logical design, shown in Figure 1. First, given the
repetition of accessed files, observed processes, etc., we normalize the attributes
of our persistent state interactions into separate sections, essentially
following a standard procedure of database normalization. We create one section
for distinct PS interactions, which point to other sections containing distinct
names, user context, process information, file data hashes and values. The
primary benefit of this normalization is a reduction of repetitive information.
In addition, we find that grouping attributes into their own sections improves
the performance of byte compression algorithms as we compress these log
sections later. This separation also improves query efficiency by transforming
queries that involve multiple attributes and expensive string comparisons into inexpensive
comparisons of integer IDs as we scan through traces of PS interactions.

Figure 1:
Logical design of our log format
Our second design choice in our logical log format is to represent
the trace of events itself as two parallel, but connected, streams of data.
The first stream is an ordered list of events as they are captured by our
kernel driver and reported to the user daemon. The second stream contains
timestamp information for groups of events. This amortizes the size of
timestamp information across multiple events, reducing the overall size of the
log, as well as improving byte compression of the event stream by better exposing
patterns in the sequences of events. Both logical streams are stored in a
single physical file to ease management of log archives.
We created a file structure that
contains a large logical address space split into 32 sections. Each of the
normalized attribute sections, the section of distinct PS interactions,
as well as the ordered event stream and timestamp stream, are mapped to a section in our log file. Each section is composed of individually compressed 64k
pages. Compressing in blocks, rather than using a streaming compression
format allows random access within a data section.
To simultaneously optimize our log for random access and
compression, our physical log file layout consists of a three-layer addressing
scheme of block table, block number, and block offset, shown in Figure 2.
This three-layer addressing scheme is important because we want to compress
individual blocks and store the start and end offsets of each block in a table
for fast lookup, and as a further optimization, compress these tables as well.
With 448 block tables, 8192 blocks per table and a 64k uncompressed block size,
this provides a maximum addressable storage size of 234 GB of uncompressed data
within each log file. While we find this is many times more than a single
machine-day of logs, this format gives us the flexibility of joining many days
of logs into a single file for improved compression, and gives us flexibility
if PS interaction workloads grow in the future.

Figure 2: The physical layout of our log format.
Each log file starts with a 4k uncompressed header. The
first 256 bytes consist of versioning and other miscellaneous information.
Next are 32 section descriptions, each 8 bytes long. Each of the logical
sections, described earlier, is laid out contiguously over our three-layer
addressing scheme, aligned at block boundaries. These section descriptors
provide the block table and number of the start and end of each section. The
rest of the 4k header is filled by 448 block table descriptors, that point to
the start and end offsets of a compressed block table. The block table, in
turn, contains 8192 block entries, each pointing to the start and end offset of
a compressed 64k block.
The timestamp section is
maintained as a 16 byte entry containing 6 bytes (48 bits) to represent a 6ms
time resolution, 2 bytes to count missing events within that region, and two 4
byte offsets pointing to the first and last consecutive event with that time
resolution. While almost all events are received by the daemon in time sorted
order, we correctly handle timestamp information for any events that
appear out of order. This can happen when a context
switch occurs just after an I/O activity completes, but before the
kernel driver reports it, but this delays the
reporting of an event by a few scheduling quantums, and never affect the intra-thread ordering of PS interactions.
The user daemon first creates log files in-memory. As it receives raw events from the kernel driver,
the daemon normalizes the events, replacing attribute values with indexes into
the appropriate sections. The normalized event is then compared to the table
of distinct normalized events using an O(1) hash lookup, and added to the table
if necessary. Finally, the normalized event is added to the ordered event
stream section, along with new timestamp information, if necessary. Each of
the log file’s data sections is append-only in memory. When a log file is
closed and flushed to disk the daemon writes each data section contiguously to
disk while applying a standard compression algorithm to each 64K-byte block.
4.4 Querying Logs
When analyzing these log files,
our tools tend to restrict their queries based on one or more attributes
in the PS interaction record, based on a time-range of interest, or based on
both. To restrict a query by attribute, a query tool scans the appropriate
section, looking for all values matching the given criteria. From these
values, the tool then generates a filter to apply against the section of
distinct PS interactions, resulting in a set of unique IDs, one for each PS
interaction matching the original attribute restriction. For example, to
return only PS interactions that access a particular file, a tool would first
scan the string section to find the ID of the filename, and then scan the
section of distinct PS interactions to find the IDs of all distinct PS
interactions that accessed this filename ID. If a tool is not interested in when
or how many times an interaction occurred then it can stop here, without
scanning the much larger event stream sections. Otherwise, the tool can scan
through the ordered event list and timestamp stream to find the details of the
occurrences of these PS interactions.
To restrict a query by a time range, a query tool applies a
binary search to the timestamp stream, searching for the start of the desired
time range. Once this timestamp is found, it can skip to the appropriate 64K
block of the ordered list of events, and begin scanning the ordered list from
that point on, until the end of the time range.
Common-case queries tend to extract sparse information from
the extremely large data set of PS interactions. Our log format enables
efficient queries by allowing query tools to focus on the relevant subsets of
data, and expanding their scope to larger and larger portions of the data as
necessary. For example, a query to find a list of all files modified during a
day of 25M PS interactions requires only one pass over a distinct event table
with 318Kentries to identify the string attribute id of modified files, and
then scanning over the string attribute section with 100K entries to discover the full filenames of each
modified file, avoiding ever scanning the full list of 25M events that occurred
during the day.
In this section, we evaluate FDR and find that on average,
our logs use only 0.7 bytes/PS interaction. We find that query performance
scales linearly with the number of events in a log. All of our queries can be
processed in a single pass against an entire machine-day of logs in just 3.2
seconds. FDR’s client-side performance overhead is less than 1%, and
calculating the load on bottleneck resources in our central server indicates
that a single machine could scale to collecting and analyzing all the PS
interactions from 4300 machines, keeping all logs for over 3 months.
Log File Compression
The efficiency of FDR’s log file format affects both the
runtime load on clients’ memory and network, and the long-term storage costs of
PS interaction logs.
In our survey of 5000 machine-days of logs, described in
Section 4.2, the average raw event size is 140 bytes and daily per machine raw
logs are 7GB, compressing to 700MB with GZIP. After converting our collected
logs to our new format, we found, depending on workload, each PS interaction
takes between 0.5 to 0.9 bytes of storage, and 0.7 bytes on average. One
machine-day of PS interactions can be stored in 6 to 71MB, 20MB on average,
with a maximum observed machine-day size of 179MB. Table 3 shows the results
across our environments.
Table 3: Daily storage
requirements for machines across environments
Role |
Avg. Bytes/Event |
Avg. MB/day |
Max MB/day |
Svc. 1 |
0.91 |
71 |
179 |
Svc. 4 |
0.78 |
57 |
103 |
Svc. 2 |
0.71 |
19 |
22 |
Svc. 3 |
0.66 |
10 |
53 |
Home |
0.58 |
17 |
51 |
Desktop |
0.80 |
13 |
21 |
Lab |
0.47 |
6 |
43 |
Average |
0.70 |
20 |
49 |
Idle |
0.85 |
0.76 |
0.88 |
In addition to PS interaction workload, the efficiency of our log format’s
compression is sensitive to the frequency at which the logs are uploaded to the
central server. More frequent uploads of logs reduces the latency between
when an event occurs and when it can be analyzed. However, uploading logs
less frequently allows the logs to collect more repeated events and achieve
better overall compression.

Figure 3:
Compression Ratio variation with log file interval for each category of
machines |
Figure 3 shows how storage
size varies with the event collection period. It shows that 80% of the compression
efficiency is typically achieved with log files an hour long, and that
improvement ceases after 1 week of data. Based on this result, our current
deployments upload log files every 2 hours, and our central server
reprocesses and merges them into 1-week long
log files to save long-term storage space. We
envision that future versions of FDR will support latency-critical queries by
moving them to the client-side agent.
Table 4: Average
section size as a percentage of total log file size for each machine
Role |
Event |
Time |
Reg. |
File |
String |
Data |
1 |
77% |
19% |
1% |
0.3% |
0.2% |
1.9% |
0.6% |
Svc 4 |
57% |
17% |
7% |
13.9% |
1.8% |
3.2% |
0.1% |
2 |
71% |
15% |
4% |
1.4% |
0.6% |
7.9% |
0.1% |
3 |
69% |
15% |
7% |
1.8% |
0.9% |
2.7% |
3.6% |
Home |
46% |
27% |
9% |
11% |
4.0% |
1.9% |
1.1% |
Desktop |
47% |
19% |
14% |
8.2% |
5.2% |
5.7% |
0.9% |
Lab |
48% |
31% |
8% |
3.5% |
1.9% |
7.0% |
0.6% |
Average |
53% |
22% |
9% |
7.7% |
2.8% |
4.1% |
1.4% |
Idle |
44% |
35% |
7% |
4.2% |
4.8% |
3.9% |
1.5% |
In Table 4, we look inside the log files to see how much space is taken up by
each section of our log file format across our different environments. We see
that the ordered event stream and timestamps dominate, together taking 66-96%
of the daily logs of non-idle machines. The definitions of distinct file and registry
interactions are the next major contributor to log file size, taking 1.3-22.2%
of daily logs from non-idle machines. Surprisingly, storing the values of
every registry setting read or written (in the data section) takes only 1.9-7%
of daily logs of non-idle machines.
To evaluate FDR’s query performance, we performed
three types of queries against our collected daily machine logs: a single-pass
query, a two-pass query, and a more complicated multi-pass query. Our
first query is a single-pass scan of distinct PS
interactions, and generates a manifest that identifies the distinct set
of registry settings and files used by every process during the day. This query
does not require scanning the time-ordered event streams. Our second query is a
two-pass scan that searches for stale binaries (discussed in Section 6.1.2). This query scans through all PS interactions for files loaded for execution,
and then scans the time-ordered event stream to see if the file has been
modified on-disk since it was last loaded into memory, indicating that a stale
copy exists in memory. Our third query looks for Extensibility Points
(discussed in Section 6.2). This is our most complicated
query, making multiple scans of the distinct PS interactions and
time-ordered event stream.
Query performance was
measured by evaluating our three queries against log files that ranged from
200k to 200M PS interactions across all categories of machines. For this
experiment we used a single 3.2GHz processor. We found that the average machine-day
can be queried in only 3.2 to 19.2 seconds, depending on query complexity. Figure 4
plots the count of items in scanned sections vs. the time to complete each query,
and indicates that performance scales linearly with log size.
Figure 4:
Time taken for each query compared with the number of attributes scanned
We found that our query performance was not I/O bound
reading log files from disk, but rather CPU-bound, on decompressing log files.
In fact, we found that query performance can be accurately predicted as a
linear function of the number of items per section in the log file scanned by
the query and the Intel Pentium CPU cycle cost to process each item. We
measured the average per item CPU cycle cost to be 63k cycles for manifest
queries, 27k for stale binary queries and 53k for extensibility point queries.
Using Pearson’s product moment correlation to compare our predicted and
measured query times, we find the correlation to be from 0.923 to 0.998, indicating
that query performance is a linear function of the size of the log items
Client-Side Overhead
Here, we evaluate the tracing and compression overhead of
our kernel driver and user-mode agent. Through our initial survey of PS
interactions, we have tested and deployed our driver and our user-mode agent
without our compression tools on over 324 Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows
2003 machines. At MSN, pre-production testing of our data collector was done
in a lab setup of 4 identical servers, 1 running our agent, each receiving a copy
of the current live production load. Measurements were made of volume and
latency of workload transactions along with memory, network, CPU, and I/O
overhead. The performance impact of our driver and agent was minimal, with <
1% CPU overhead measured, and no measurable degradation in transaction
rate or latency. To further confirm this, we conducted an experiment where we
placed a high and varied PS interaction workload, consisting of simultaneously
creating 100,000 processes, scanning the entire registry and file system for
non-existent entries, and making 10,000 copies of a 1KB file, 35 copies of a
1GB file, and 100,000 registry keys and values. Even under this load, we found
no measurable performance degradation.
The next stage of our evaluation of agent performance focuses on the overhead
of log format generation and compression. Because we configure our agent to
run on a low-priority thread, we have not observed a noticeable performance
impact, but do want to understand its limits. Therefore, we measure the CPU
cost of processing a single PS interaction, and use this to evaluate the cost
of processing our observed PS interaction rates.
Our measured CPU cost to process a PS interaction is, on
average, 64k CPU cycles. This cost is constant with regard to the number of
events already processed. Our highest observed spike from our collected data
is 2400 interactions per second. The average peak burst every day is 1800
interactions per second. From this, we extrapolate that the highest 1 second
CPU usage spike on a 3.2 GHz CPU is 64k x 2400 / 3.2 GHz = 4.8% CPU overhead.
Our average peak is 3.6% CPU overhead. As a further test case, we created an
artificially high PS interaction load by repeatedly accessing cached PS data,
without pause, generating a rate of 15k interactions / second. Compressing
these interactions at this rate produces 30% CPU overhead. Our average rate of
100-800 PS interactions per second requires only 0.2 – 1.6% CPU overhead.
Server Scalability
The scalability of a single-machine FDR server collecting
and analyzing PS interaction logs from many other machines is potentially
limited by several factors: network bandwidth for receiving logs, disk I/O
bandwidth for storing and reading logs, CPU cost for analyzing logs, and the disk
capacity for storing logs.
The single-machine configuration we consider is the one we
use to collect logs from our agents today. It is a dual 3.2GHz CPU, 2GB of
RAM, a 1Gbps network connection, and a 24 hard drives (400GB 7200RPM SATA) in
two 12 disk RAID 5 sets with 1 parity drive, providing 8TB of storage.
Assuming an average 20MB log file per machine-day, and using the performance of
this system, we consider each of the potential scalability bottlenecks:
Network bandwidth: A 1Gbps
network link, with an achieved bandwidth of 100 Mbps, could support 54,000
machines uploading per day.
Disk I/O bandwidth: Our RAID
storage system provides 80 Mbps random access bandwidth. At this rate, we
could support both writing logs and a single-pass query at a rate of 43,200
machines per day.
CPU for analysis: Following
the analysis of query cost in Section 5.2, our dual processor 3.2GHz
machine can support querying up to 54,000 machines per day, at a rate of 1.6
seconds per machine-day (3.2s per CPU).
From this analysis, not counting long-term storage
requirements, the limiting factor to scalability appears to be disk bandwidth,
supporting the centralized collection of data from 43,200 machines. Of course,
this is not a sophisticated analysis, and there are likely to be issues and
interactions which might further limit the scalability of a single-machine log
collector. For this reason, we apply a safety factor of 10 to our analysis,
and claim that FDR can allow a single server to provide centralized collection
and analysis of the complete PS interaction logs of up to 4,300 machines.
Separately, analyzing the storage capacity of our single-machine
server, we find that our 8TB RAID system can store a total of 400k 20MB
machine-days. This would store the complete PS interaction logs of 13,000
machine for 1 month, 4,000 machines for over 3 months, or 1000 machines for 1
Using FDR for Systems Management
In this section, we first review our
use of early on-demand tracing prototypes to attack various systems management
problems, then present one new case study in
detail. Throughout, we describe how each technique is improved by one or more
of FDR’s benefits:
Completeness: FDR gathers a complete record of reads, writes,
creations, etc. to the file system and registry, including details of the
running process, user account and, when appropriate, data hashes, values, etc.
Always-on: FDR’s always-on tracing means that users do not have to
anticipate when they might need tracing information, do not need to reproduce
problems to obtain traces, and enables
analysis of long-term trends.
Collection and Query Scalability:
FDR’s scalability eases cross-machine analysis, such
as PeerPressure [35], and allows administrators
to centrally apply current PS analysis techniques rigorously and en masse to
large computing and IT systems.
Management Scenarios
Troubleshooting Misconfigurations
When a problem, like a misconfiguration,
happens, troubleshooting is the task of determining what has gone wrong and fixing
it. The Strider Troubleshooter [36] used a
precursor to FDR, called AppTracer, to capture on-demand traces of a
program’s registry interactions. Once a user notices
a program error, they turn on AppTracer and reproduce the problem. Strider then asks the user when the program last worked, and uses this date to find a “known-good” Windows System Restore snapshot. Strider then
searches for registry settings used by the program that have changed
since the known-good snapshot. With some noise
filtering and ranking heuristics, Strider produces a short list of settings likely
responsible for the problem.
PeerPressure [35] improves on Strider by using knowledge of the configuration
settings on other machines, stored in a central database. By assuming that most
other machines are configured correctly, PeerPressure removes the need
for users to identify the last known-good state.
Both Strider and PeerPressure
suffer from similar limitations due to their use of an on-demand AppTracer.
First, both tools require users to reproduce a problem so that the AppTracer
can collect a trace—hard to accomplish if an
error appears only transiently or is otherwise hard to reproduce. An always-on
tracer will already have captured the trace at the time of the original
problem. Secondly, both tools require the user to
guess which process is failing and should be traced and the user must know to
iteratively expand the scope of the on-demand tracer to debug a
cross-application problem, where one process fails because of an error in
another (e.g., a word processor acting as an editor for an e-mail reader).
An always-on tracer will already have captured traces of all the processes on a
system, obviating the user’s need to guess what part of the system to trace.
Finally, [35] states that updating PeerPressure’s central database of machine
configurations as software and operating systems are upgraded is an open
challenge. With the scalable log collection provided by FDR, collecting
descriptions of new configurations and software to insert into PeerPressure’s central
database is trivial.
Furthermore, FDR’s always-on
tracer improves on Strider and PeerPressure’s troubleshooting in a fundamental
way: whereas these previous tools are only able to locate the
misconfiguration, FDR’s history of PS interactions can also help place
responsibility for a misconfiguration by determining when and how the
misconfiguration occurred. This can help identify the root cause of the
issue and prevent future occurrences.
In addition to reactive
trobuleshooting, we can use always-on tracing to proactively search for
specific, known problems, such as common misconfigurations and old versions of
software with known vulnerabilities. One common problem, the “stale binary
problem,” occurs when software upgrades fail
to restart affected processes or reboot a machine after replacing its on-disk
binaries. The result is that the system is continuing to execute the old program
in-memory. This is an especially serious problem when patching security
vulnerabilities. With complete, always-on tracing, we can periodically query
for the last load-time of running programs and DLLs,
and compare them to their last modification-time on
disk, reporting inconsistencies to system administrators.
Change Management: Impact Analysis
Keeping systems up-to-date with the latest security and bug
patches is critical for minimizing vulnerability to malicious adversaries, and loss of productivity to software bugs. At
the same time, patches can destabilize existing applications. Today,
unfortunately, even if a patch only updates a single
shared library, the administrators do not know in advance which applications
might be affected. Consequently, patch deployment is often delayed as
it undergoes a lengthy (and expensive) testing cycle, and computer systems
remain vulnerable to “fixed” bugs and security holes.
To help administrators focus their testing of software
upgrades, we built the Update Impact Analyzer (UIA) [10] that cross-references the
files and configuration settings being patched against always-on traces of PS interactions.
The UIA generates a list of programs that interact with any state that is going
to be updated. Any application not on this list can be placed at a
lower-priority on the testing regimen. (An exception
is when a given application interacts with an updated application via
inter-process communication—in this case, both applications could still require
thorough testing. See Section 7.3 for a discussion of
other possible candidates for always-on logging, including inter-process communication
and locks.)
A primary challenge faced by UIA, as reported in [10], is
that patch testing and deployment is managed centrally by administrators, but application usage, for determining the dependencies
between an application and various files and settings, is distributed across
many computers. FDR’s scalable tracing and collection of PS interactions
enables administrators to easily gather the accurate information they need.
Malware Mitigation
The challenges to mitigating a malware infection, whether
spyware, Trojan software, viruses or worms, are
detecting its existence on a system and
determining how the malware entered the system. With always-on PS interaction
traces, identifying running malware is a matter of querying for the hashes of
loaded executables and shared libraries. Any well-known malware signatures can
be flagged, and unrecognized hashes can be reported to an administrator to
determine whether or not they are malicious. Following the methodology of [17],
always-on tracing of PS interactions can also be analyzed to discover how
malware entered a system.
To further backtrack the “route of entry” of malware, the HoneyMonkey (HM) project analyzes the PS interaction
traces collected with FDR of web browsers as they visit many websites [37], Using a farm of virtual machines running scripted web
browsers, HM crawls the Internet. If HM notices a web browser writing to the
file system outside of its browser sandbox (e.g., writes other than
temporary cache files), then it can be assured that a malicious website is
exploiting a browser vulnerability to install malware. SpyCrawler, a
concurrent research project, used a similar system to detect malicious websites
[23]. Without FDR’s detailed trace information
stating which processes where making the changes, their browser monitoring
system had a high false-positive rate for detecting exploits, reduced by using
antivirus tools to check for known malware. New malware would not be
FDR’s log collection can be modified in several ways to
harden it against malicious adversaries. Many malicious software programs,
such as spyware bundled with otherwise legitimate downloaded software, must
first be written to disk before executing. We can prevent these programs from
tampering with FDR’s logs after-the-fact by adding tamper-evident hash-chaining
signatures [18] to our logs or by moving our user agent to a hypervisor or VM
outside the accessibility of the monitored system. Malicious software that enters
a system directly (e.g., via a remote buffer overflow exploit) could
corrupt our kernel driver before writing to disk. To avoid this attack, the
file system itself would have to be moved to a separate VM or hypervisor. Detecting
malware that never interacts with the disk is outside of FDR’s scope.
Once spyware or other malware first infects a system, they
often load themselves as a plug-in or extension to
the operating system, daemon, or frequently used applications such as a web
browser, ensuring their continued execution on the host system. One method to defend against such malware is to monitor the
settings or extensibility points (EPs) which control software extensions, alerting the user
to changes that might signify a malware installation.
By comparing snapshots of the
Windows Registry before and after 120 different malware installations, GateKeeper
[38] found 34 EPs that should be monitored for signs
of malicious activity. Here, we show how we can take advantage of
always-on tracing to detect potential malware-exploitable settings, even
if they are currently used only by benign software extensions. Further, we
show how PS interaction traces can help rank the importance of these EPs, based
on the observed privileges and lifetimes of the
processes that use these extensions.
Detecting Extensibility Points
To discover EPs we monitor application PS interactions for files
being loaded for execution,
and check for a previous PS interaction which contained the executable’s
filename. If we find such a setting, we assume that it directly triggered the executable
file load and mark the setting as a direct extensibility point. In some
cases, if we continue to search backward through the history of PS interactions, we will also find indirect extensibility points, where another
configuration setting triggers the process to read the direct EP. For example,
an indirect EP may reference an ActiveX class identifier that points to a COM object’s settings that contain the executable file name.
Many EPs have a similar name prefix, indicating that
plug-ins using it follow a standard design pattern. We define a common EP name
prefix as an extensibility point class, and the fully named EP as an extensibility
point instance. We identify new EP classes by manually examining newly
discovered EP instances that do not match an existing EP class.
To survey how significant a vulnerability EPs are, we
processed 912 machine-days of traces from 53 home, desktop, and server
machines. From these machines, we discovered 364 EP classes and 7227 EP
instances. 6526 EP instances were direct and 701 were indirect. While 130 EP
classes had only 1 instance, 28 had more than 20 unique instances. The
dominant EP class consists of COM objects, and accounts for 40% of all EP
instances. The next two largest EP classes are associated with the Windows
desktop environment, and web browser plug-ins. Other popular EP classes are
related to an Office productivity suite and a development environment, both of
which support rich extensibility features. Overall, we found that 67% of the
software programs observed in our traces accessed an EP instance, and those
that did used 7 on average. Explorer.exe,
responsible for the Windows desktop, used the largest number of EP classes (133
EP Classes), followed by a web browser (105 EP Classes) and an email client (73
EP Classes).
Comparing our list of EP classes with the 34 discovered by Gatekeeper,
we found that our procedure detected all except 6 EPs used by programs not
observed in our traces.
Criticality of Extensibility Points
The criticality of an EP can be estimated using 1) the
privilege-level of the loading process, where higher-privilege processes such
as operating system or administrator-level processes, are more critical; and 2) the
lifetime of the loading process, where longer running applications provide
higher availability for a malicious extension. We observed that on average a
machine will have at least a third of EP instances (spanning 210 EP classes)
loaded by processes that are running for 95% of the machine’s uptime. We also
observed that one third of all EP instances were used by processes with elevated
privileges. This indicates that many EP instances are critical security hazards.
Lessons and Suggestions
This case study shows how FDR’s traces
of PS interactions can be analyzed to connect the security-sensitive behavior
of loading dynamic code modules back to the critical configuration settings
which control its behavior, and furthermore rank the criticality of each
setting. Since this analysis requires that an EP be in use, whether by malware
or by a benign software extension, FDR’s scalability and always-on tracing is
critical to analyzing a wide-breadth of computer usage and detecting as many
EPs as possible.
Once we have discovered these EPs,
we can continue to analyze their use and
suggest ways to mitigate the threat from EP exposure. In particular, we
observed that 44% of EP instances were not modified during our monitoring period.
This suggests that system administrators could restrict
write permissions on these EPs, or that application designers could
transform them into static data instead of a
configurable setting. Also, 70% of all EP instances were used by only single
process: an opportunity for administrators or
application designers to lockdown these EPs to prevent their misuse. In all,
we found that only 19% of EP instances were both modified and shared by
multiple applications, and thus not easy candidates for removal or lockdown.
For these remaining EPs, we suggest monitoring for suspicious activities and,
for critical EPs, we suggest that administrators and developers audit their
usefulness vs. their potential to be misused.
In this section, we discuss the implications of our work on
systems management techniques, as well as limitations and opportunities for
future work.
White-box and Black-Box Knowledge
Software installers use manifests
to track installed software and their required dependencies, anti-virus monitors use signatures of known malware, and
configuration error checkers use rules to detect known signs of
misconfigurations. All of these automated or semi-automated tools use explicit
prior knowledge to focus on a narrow set of
state and look either for known problematic
state or checking for known good state. This approach is fragile in its
reliance on the correctness and completeness of pre-determined information.
This information can become stale over time, might
not account for all software and cannot anticipate all failures. Keeping this information complete and up-to-date
is hard because of the long-tail of third-party software, in-house
applications, and the continuous development of new malware. With FDR-collected
traces, a black-box approach to systems management can
help by augmenting predetermined information with
observed truth about system behavior.
For example, today’s
software installers commonly fail to account for program-specific PS created
post-installation, such as log files and post-install
plug-ins, as well as interruptions or failures during installation or removal. These
mistakes accumulate and lead to system
Common advice is to occasionally reinstall your computer to clean up such
corruptions. Black-box tracing helps avoid this by providing installers with
complete, ground-truth about installed files.
To test this approach, we compared a black-box accounting of
files created during installations of 3 popular applications to the files
accounted for in their explicit manifests. By
collecting FDR traces while installing the application, using it, and then
uninstalling it, we measured the file and
registry entries leaked on the system. The
first application, Microsoft Office 2003, leaked no files, but did leave 1490
registry entries, and an additional 129 registry entries for each user that ran
Office while it was installed. The second application, the game ‘Doom3’, leaked 9
files and 418 registry entries. Finally, the enterprise database Microsoft SQL
Server leaked 57 files and 6 registry entries. These point examples validate
our belief that predetermined information can be unreliable and that black-box
analysis of FDR traces provides a more complete accounting of system behavior. Predetermined information does have its
uses, however. For example, a priori knowledge can
express our expectations of software behavior [27] and higher-level semantics
than can be provided by a black-box analysis.
State Semantics
One of the limitations of a black-box
tracing approach is that, while it can provide complete, low-level
ground truth, it cannot provide any semantic guidance about the meaning of the
observed activities. For example, FDR cannot
tell whether the Windows Registry editor program (RegEdit) is reading a
registry entry as a configuration setting to affect its own behavior, or as
mere data for display. Similarly, FDR cannot tell whether any given file on
disk is a temporary file, a user document, or a program binary (unless
explicitly loaded for execution). Investigating
how to best augment low-level tracing with heuristics and semantic, white-box
knowledge is an important topic for continuing to improve systems management
techniques. One option, discussed below, is to selectively log
application-level events and information to expose the semantic context of
lower-level PS interactions.
The question we pose here, as a challenge for future work,
is what classes of events, in addition to PS interactions, should be logged to help operators and administrators maintain reliable
and secure systems?
One category, mentioned above, is the semantic context of PS
interactions, such as the context we receive when software binaries must be
explicitly loaded for execution. Perhaps we can receive similar context and
benefit from knowing that the Windows Registry editor is reading configuration
settings as data, and not to affect its own behavior. Similarly, explicitly
recording whether a newly created file is a user document, temporary program state or a system
file might help administrators improve backup strategies and debug problems.
A second category of higher-level events are those that help
to track the provenance of data. While there has been research on how to
explicitly track the providence of data, we might be able to gain some of the
same benefit from simply logging a “breadcrumb”
trail as new files are created. Even just integrating web browsing history
with PS interactions would allow us to track the provenance of downloaded files
and locate the source of malware installed via a
browser exploit.
A third category of events that
might benefit from FDR-style always-on logging are interactions and
communications between processes, such as network connections and inter-process
communication. While this category does not provide extra semantic
information, these interactions are important for detecting software
dependencies, fault propagation paths, and potential exposure to malware.
Altogether, extending always-on
tracing to include more context and events could
enable a gray-box approach to systems management, combining the benefits of
black-box ground-truth and white-box semantic knowledge [2].
Using Traces to (Re) Design Programs
In this paper, we have focused on analyzing PS interactions
to benefit systems administrators and operators as they attempt to understand
the state of the systems they manage. However, these PS interactions might be
just as useful, though on a different time-scale, for developers interested in
improving the applications and systems they have built. One obvious benefit is
when PS interactions expose an otherwise difficult-to-track software bug. We
already discussed an analysis to detect “stale binaries” after software
installations (a bug in the installer). Tracing PS interactions has uncovered other
bugs in several server management programs as well. Other benefits to
application designers can come from specific analyses of a system’s reliability
and security, such as our analysis of extensibility points in Section 6.2.
The bottom-line is that always-on tracing
of PS interactions improves our understanding
of a system’s dynamic behavior in production environments, and understanding this
behavior is the first step towards improving
We built FDR, an efficient and scalable system for tracing
and collecting a complete, always-on audit of how all running processes read,
write, and perform other actions on a system’s persistent state, and for
scalably analyzing the enormous volume of resultant data. Thus, FDR addresses
significant limitations faced by prior work in using PS interactions to solve
systems management problems. We achieved our goal by designing a
domain-specific log format that exploits key aspects of common-case queries of persistent
state interaction workload: the relatively small number of daily distinct
interactions, the burstiness of interaction occurrences, and repeated sequences
of interactions.
For the last 20 years, systems management has been more of a
black-art than a science or engineering discipline because we had to assume
that we did not know what was really happening on our computer
systems. Now, with FDR’s always-on tracing, scalable data collection and
analysis, we believe that systems management in the next 20 years can assume
that we do know and can analyze what is happening on every machine. We
believe that this is a key step to removing the “black art” from systems
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