OSDI '06 Paper
Pp. 219232 of the Proceedings
EnsemBlue: Integrating Distributed Storage and Consumer Electronics Daniel Peek and Jason Flinn Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science University of Michigan
EnsemBlue is a distributed file system for personal multimedia that
incorporates both general-purpose computers and consumer electronic
devices (CEDs). EnsemBlue leverages the capabilities of a few
general-purpose computers to make CEDs first class clients of the file
system. It supports namespace diversity by translating between its
distributed namespace and the local namespaces of CEDs. It supports
extensibility through persistent queries, a robust event notification
mechanism that leverages the underlying cache consistency protocols
of the file system. Finally, it allows mobile clients to
self-organize and share data through device ensembles. Our results
show that these features impose little overhead, yet they enable the
integration of emerging platforms such as digital cameras, MP3
players, and DVRs.
1 Introduction
Consumer electronic devices (CEDs) are increasingly important
computing platforms. CEDs differ from general-purpose computers in
both their degree of specialization and the narrowness of their
interfaces. As predicted by Weiser [27], these computers
“disappear into the background” because they present a specialized
interface that is limited to the particular application for which they
are designed. Nevertheless, CEDs are often formidable computing
platforms that possess substantial storage, processing, and networking
In this paper, we explore how CEDs can be integrated into a
distributed file system. Our focus on storage is motivated by the
difficulty of managing personal multimedia such as photos, video, and
music. Current approaches to organizing data (e.g., manual
synchronization) do not scale well as the number of computers and CEDs
owned by a single user increases. For instance, when files are
manually associated with specific devices, users must intervene to
decide which items are replicated on which device. Users must also
manage consistency of replicated data when files are updated. To
guard against data loss, users must place copies of data in reliable,
well-maintained storage locations.
Since distributed file systems have successfully automated these
time-consuming and error-prone tasks in workstation
environments [3, 7], we posit that they can
perform a similar function for the home user. To explore our
hypothesis, we have created EnsemBlue, a distributed file system that
is designed to store personal multimedia. EnsemBlue, which is based
on the Blue File System [14], adds several new
capabilities to support consumer electronic devices:
- •
- persistent queries. The heterogeneity of CEDs
creates the need to customize file system behavior. For instance,
many CEDs are associated with files of only one type; e.g., a digital
camera with JPEGs. The network, storage, and processing resources of
different CEDs vary widely since each is equipped with only the
resources required to perform its particular function. Rather than
treat each device equally, EnsemBlue provides persistent queries that
customize its behavior for each client. A persistent query delivers
event notifications to applications that specialize file system
behavior. Notifications can be delivered to applications running on
any EnsemBlue client; they are robust in the presence of failures and
network disconnection. Persistent queries have low overhead because
they reuse the existing cache consistency protocols of the file system
to deliver notifications. They serve as the foundation on which to
build custom automation such as type-specific caching, transcoding,
and application-specific indexing.
- •
- namespace diversity. Many CEDs have
custom organizations for the data they store (e.g., an iPod stores
music files in several different subdirectories in its local file
system). The organization of data on a CED is application-specific;
it is not necessarily the way the user most naturally thinks about the
data. Since no single namespace can suffice for all CEDs and
general-purpose computers, EnsemBlue supports namespace diversity. It
creates a distributed namespace for a user's personal data that is
shared among general-purpose computers — the user can organize this
namespace in any fashion. It supports CEDs with custom file
organizations by automatically translating between the distributed
namespace and each device-specific namespace. Changes made in the
EnsemBlue namespace trigger equivalent changes in CED namespaces.
Modifications made within a CED namespace are automatically propagated
to the EnsemBlue namespace and shared with other clients.
- •
- ensemble support. A mobile user may carry several CEDs;
e.g., a cell phone, an MP3 player, and a portable DVD player. Device
ensembles (sometimes called personal area networks) let multiple
mobile computers and CEDs owned by the same user self-organize and
share data [21]. For instance, an MP3 player might play
not just music stored on its local hard drive, but also music stored
on a co-located cell phone or laptop. EnsemBlue allows its mobile
clients to form ensembles and directly access data from other clients.
It presents a consistent view of data within each ensemble by
propagating changes made on one device to replicas on other ensemble
Our results show that the overhead of these new capabilities is
minimal. We present case studies in which we use these capabilities
to integrate a digital camera and an iPod with EnsemBlue. We
demonstrate that the extensibility of EnsemBlue enables a
high degree of automation, including the ability to automatically
organize photos and music, index text and multimedia data, and
transcode content to support different media players.
2 Background
When we began this work, our ambition was to develop a distributed
file system to store personal multimedia. We focused on multimedia
because of the explosion of computing and consumer electronics devices
that consume that type of data. Anecdotally, we found that many of
our acquaintances owned several devices and that managing personal
multimedia was increasingly a chore.
We adapted BlueFS [14], a distributed file system
developed by our research group, to accomplish this task. Our choice
of BlueFS was driven by several factors. BlueFS allows clients to
operate disconnected, a critical ability for devices such as MP3
players and laptops that often operate without a network connection.
BlueFS is also designed to conserve the battery lifetime of mobile
clients. BlueFS has first class support for portable storage, which
we felt would be useful for devices such as iPods and cameras.
Finally, BlueFS lets clients dynamically add and remove storage
devices — this seemed to mesh well with users who occasionally
synchronize their CEDs with a general-purpose computer.
Over the past five months, our research group has used BlueFS to store
personal multimedia. Our initial experience has been encouraging in
several respects. We have found the common namespace of a distributed
file system to be a useful way to organize data. One member of
the group uses BlueFS to play music on a home PC, a laptop, a work
computer, a TiVo DVR in his living room, and a D-Link wireless media
player. After adding a new song to his BlueFS volume on any computer,
he can play it from any of these locations. We have used support for
disconnected operation to display content on long plane flights. The
abilities of BlueFS to cache files on local disk and reintegrate
modifications asynchronously have also proven useful. The group
BlueFS file server is located at the University of Michigan, while the
majority of clients are in home locations connected via broadband
links. Disk caching reduces the frequency of skips when listening to
music at home because it avoids a potentially unreliable broadband
link. Further, when storing large video files that have been recorded
at home, the ability to reintegrate modifications asynchronously has
helped hide network constraints.
Unfortunately, our initial experience storing personal multimedia in
BlueFS also revealed several problems. Most troubling was our
inability to use BlueFS with many of our favorite CEDs such as cameras
and MP3 players. Because these devices are closed platforms, they
could not run the BlueFS client code. These devices required specific
file organizations that did not match the way we had organized our
files in the distributed namespace. The CEDs with which we had the
most success were ones such as the TiVo DVR that use third-party
software to interface with the local file system of a home computer.
If the home computer exports the BlueFS namespace, such CEDs can
indirectly read from and write to BlueFS files.
We found that the mechanisms for managing caching in BlueFS were
insufficiently expressive. These mechanisms let us control caching
according to the location of files within the hierarchical directory
structure. However, we often wanted richer semantics. For instance,
we wanted to cache all files of a certain type on particular devices
(e.g., all MP3s on a laptop). Since large files were particularly
time-consuming to transfer between home and work over a broadband
connection, we wanted to specify policies where large files would be
cached in both locations. Unfortunately, limited caching semantics
constrained how we organized files. For example, to control the
caching of JPEG photos, we put all files of that type in a single file
system subtree.
We wished that BlueFS were more extensible. Since several of our
media players supported a limited set of formats, we found it
necessary to transcode files. As transcoding is CPU intensive, we
used workstations for this task, which required us to log in to these
machines remotely. Instead of performing this task manually each time
new media files were added to the file system, we would have preferred
to extend the file system to do transcoding automatically.
Finally, we were sometimes frustrated by the need to propagate updates
between clients through the file server. When both a producer and
consumer of data were located at home, the broadband link connecting
the home computers with the file server was a communication
bottleneck. For instance, it would take many hours to propagate a
video recorded on a DVR to a laptop because data had to traverse the
bottleneck link twice. While we appreciated the file server as a safe
repository for our data that was regularly backed up, we also wanted
the ability to ship data between clients directly. We also believed
that as we came to use more mobile devices, it would be useful to
exchange data directly between them when they were disconnected from
the server.
To address these problems, we have created a new file system, called
EnsemBlue, that is based on the original BlueFS code base. EnsemBlue
provides three novel capabilities, which we will describe in
Sections 4– 6: persistent queries to
support customization of file system behavior, explicit support for
closed-platform CEDs which require particular file system
organizations, and ensemble support that allows multiple clients to
exchange data without communicating with the file server.
3 Target environment
Individual EnsemBlue deployments are targeted at meeting the storage
needs of a single user or a small group of users such as a family. A
well-maintained file server might reside at home or with an ISP; its
clients could include desktops, laptops, MP3 players, cell phones, and
digital cameras. As many of the consumer electronic clients are
mobile, EnsemBlue supports disconnected operation for isolated
devices, and ensemble support for collections of disconnected devices.
Read-only sharing of content among different servers is enabled
through a loosely-coupled federation mechanism.
Since EnsemBlue targets multimedia data, we expect that most files
stored in the system will be large, and that reads will dominate
writes. Updates, when they occur, will typically be small changes to
file metadata such as song ratings and photo captions. EnsemBlue's
consistency model is designed for a read-mostly workload. It uses a
callback-based cache coherence strategy in which a client sets a
callback with the server when it reads an object. The callback is a
promise by the server to notify the client when the object is
modified. Similar to Coda's weakly connected mode of operation,
updates are propagated asynchronously to the file server. As in any
system that uses optimistic concurrency, conflicts can occur if two
updates are made concurrently; if this occurs, EnsemBlue supports
Coda-style conflict resolution.
4 Persistent queries
Persistent queries are a robust event notification mechanism that lets
users customize the file system with applications that automate common
tasks. With persistent queries, one can tune EnsemBlue's replication
strategy to meet the needs of different CEDs. Persistent queries also
let applications index or transcode files created by other computers
and CEDs, even if those clients were disconnected from the network
when files were added.
pq_create |
(IN String query, IN Long event_mask, OUT Id fileid); |
Creates a query and returns its EnsemBlue identifier |
pq_delete |
(IN Id fileid); |
Deletes the specified query |
pq_open |
(IN Id fileid, OUT Int file_descriptor); |
Opens an existing query |
pq_close |
(IN Int file_descriptor); |
Closes the specified query |
pq_wait |
(IN Int file_descriptor, IN Timeval tv); |
Blocks until a record is available to read |
pq_next |
(IN Int file_descriptor, OUT event_record); |
Returns next record in query log (if any) |
pq_truncate |
(IN Int file_descriptor, IN Int record_number); |
Deletes all records up to and including specified record |
Figure 1: Persistent query interface
4.1 Design considerations
The first design issue we considered was how tightly to integrate
custom functionality with EnsemBlue. We initially considered a tight
integration that would allow custom code to be directly injected into
the file system. However, we felt this approach would require careful
sandboxing to address reliability, security, and privacy concerns.
Therefore, we opted for a simpler, more loosely-coupled approach. We
observed that, for local file systems, custom functionality is often
implemented by standalone applications like the Glimpse
indexer [13] or the lame transcoder [11]. However,
existing distributed file systems do not provide a way for
applications to learn about events that happen on other clients. Our
approach, therefore, was to broaden the interface of EnsemBlue to
better support standalone applications that extend file system
The functionality most sorely lacking was a robust event notification
mechanism that supports multiple clients, some of which are mobile.
Although current operating systems can notify applications about local
file system changes [24], their notification mechanisms do
not scale to distributed environments. For instance, a transcoder
running on a laptop should be notified when JPEG files are added by
other file system clients. The laptop may frequently disconnect from
the network, complicating the delivery of notifications. Further, if
JPEG files are added by a digital camera, the laptop and camera may
rarely be connected to the network at the same time.
Potentially, we could have implemented a separate event notification
framework. However, distributed file systems already provide
notifications when files are modified in order to maintain cache
consistency on multiple clients. Thus, by expressing event
notifications as modifications to objects within the distributed file
system, we can reuse the existing cache coherency mechanism of the
distributed file system to deliver those notifications.
A persistent query is a new type of file system object that is used to
deliver event notifications. An application creates a persistent
query to express the set of events that it is interested in receiving.
The file server appends log records to the query when an event
matching the query occurs. An application extending file system
behavior reads the records from the query object, processes them, then
removes them from the object. Since the persistent query is an object
within the file system, the existing cache consistency mechanisms of
EnsemBlue automatically propagate updates made by the server or
application to the other party. EnsemBlue inherits the callback-based
cache consistency of BlueFS [14], which ensures that
updates made by a disconnected client are propagated to the server
when the client reconnects. Similarly, invalidations queued by the
server while the client was disconnected are delivered when it
For example, an application that transcodes M4A music to the MP3
format creates a persistent query so that it is informed when new M4A
files are added. It opens the query and selects on the file
descriptor to block until new events arrive. The EnsemBlue client
sets a callback with the file server for the query (if one does not
already exist) when the query is opened. If another client adds a new
M4A file, the EnsemBlue server appends an event record to the query,
which causes an invalidation to be sent to the client running the
transcoder. That client refetches the query and unblocks the
transcoder. After reading the event record, the transcoder creates
the corresponding MP3 file.
We next considered the semantics for event notification. Given our
decision to implement custom functionality in standalone applications,
semantics that deliver each event exactly once did not seem
appropriate. Events could be lost if either an application or
operating system crash occurs after a notification is delivered but
before the event is processed. While we could potentially perform
event notification and processing as an atomic transaction, this would
necessitate a much tighter coupling of the file system and
applications than we want.
Instead, we observed that customizations can usually be structured as
idempotent operations. For instance, an indexing application can
insert a newly created file into its index only if and only if it is
not already present. Therefore, EnsemBlue provides at least
once semantics for event notification. A customization application
first receives a notification, then processes it, and finally removes
the event from the query. If a crash occurs before the application
processes the event, the notification is preserved since the query is
a persistent object. If a crash occurs after the application
processes the event, but before it removes it from the query, it will
reread the same notification on restart. Since its event processing
is idempotent, the result is the same as if it had received only one
4.2 Implementation
Figure 1 shows the interface for persistent queries.
Applications running on any EnsemBlue client can create a new query by
calling pq_create and specifying both a query string expressed
over file metadata and an event mask that specifies the set of file
system events on which the query string should be evaluated.
Currently, the query string can be expressed over a subset of metadata
fields (e.g., file name, owner, etc.). The event mask contains a bit
for each modification type; e.g., it has bits for file creation and
Like directories, queries are a separate type of file system object
that have a restricted application interface. A query contains both
header information (the query string and event mask) and a log of
events that match the query. Each record contains the event type as
well as the 96 bit EnsemBlue unique identifier for the matching file.
The server keeps a list of outstanding queries. When it processes a
modification, it checks all queries for the modification type to see
if the state of any modified object matches any query string. If a
match occurs, the server appends an event record to the query. The
server guarantees that the appending of any event record is atomic
with the modification by committing both updates to disk in the same
transaction. Since queries are persistent, if an update is made to
the file system, matching event notifications are eventually
An event mask also contains an initial bit that applications set
to evaluate a query over the current state of the file system. If
this bit is set, the server adds a record to the query for each
existing file that matches the query string. If an application sets
both the initial and file creation bits, the server guarantees that
the application is notified about all files that match the query
string, including those created concurrently with the creation of the
Several implementation choices improve response time when evaluating
persistent queries. First, queries are evaluated at the server, which
typically has better computational resources than CEDs and other
clients. Evaluating queries at the server also benefits from moving
computation close to the data since the server stores the primary
replica of every object. In contrast, evaluating queries at a client
would require the client to fetch data from the server for each
uncached object. Second, the server maintains an in-memory index of
file metadata that it uses to answer queries over existing file system
state. Use of an index means that the server does not need to scan
all objects that it stores to answer each query. Finally, after the
query is initially created, all further evaluation is incremental.
Because the server makes each new record persistent atomically with
the operation that caused the record to be written, query records are
not lost due to crash of power failure. This eliminates the need to
rescan the entire file system on recovery.
A drawback of making queries persistent is that queries that are no
longer useful may accumulate over time. We plan to address this with
a tool that periodically examines the outstanding queries and deletes
ones that have not been used for a substantial period of time.
Another potential drawback is that updating persistent queries creates
additional serialization delays due to lock acquisition; however,
since locks are held only briefly, the serialization costs in the
server are usually negligible when compared with disk I/O costs.
Since a query update is committed in the same disk transaction as the
file operation that caused the update, the query update does not
require extra disk seeks.
4.3 Examples
We have built four examples of customized functionality that use
persistent queries. The first is a multimedia transcoder that
converts M4A music to the MP3 format. When the transcoder first runs,
it creates a query that matches existing files that have a name ending
in “.m4a”, as well as update and creation events for files of that
name. As with many current multimedia programs, applications built on
persistent queries typically infer a file's type from its name. All
such applications share an implicit assumption that common naming
conventions are employed while creating files.
When the transcoder is notified of a new M4A file, it invokes the
Linux faad and lame tools to convert between the two
formats. It stores the resulting MP3 in the same directory as the
original M4A file. Since persistent queries deliver notifications to
any EnsemBlue client, we run the transcoder on a PC with ample
computational resources. If an M4A file were to be added by a
disconnected CED such as a cell phone, the notification reaches the
transcoder once the phone reconnects to the file server. This
transcoder is only 108 lines of code.
We also use persistent queries to support type-specific
affinity. A command line tool lets users specify caching behavior
for any storage device as a query string. The tool sets the initial
bit in the event mask, as well as the bits for events that create new
files, delete files, or modify them. When an event for an existing or
newly created file is added to the query, the file is fetched and
cached on the storage device. For example, using type-specific
affinity, one can cache all music files on an MP3 player to allow them
to be played while disconnected, or one can cache large files on a
home PC to avoid communication delays associated with a broadband
The last two examples of persistent queries perform type-specific
indexing. Applications such as iTunes, Spotlight, and Glimpse are
examples of popular tools that index data stored on a local file
system. However, because these tools rely on event notification
mechanisms that are confined to a single computer, they do not scale
well to distributed file systems. We augmented two existing tools,
Glimpse and GnuPod, to use persistent queries. The Glimpse indexer
creates a query that matches all events (creation, deletion, update,
etc.) for files that contain textual data. The music indexer matches
the same events for MP3 and other music files. The first time these
tools execute, they index the files currently in a user's EnsemBlue
namespace. Afterward, they incrementally update their databases when
they are notified of the addition or deletion of matching files. The
indexers run on powerful machines with spare cycles to reduce latency,
yet their results are accessible from any client because they are
stored in EnsemBlue. We used 139 lines of code to add persistent
query support to Glimpse and 86 lines of code for GnuPod.
5 Integrating consumer electronic devices
5.1 Leveraging general-purpose computers
At first glance, it appears that closed-platform CEDs cannot
participate in a distributed file system because they lack the
extensibility to execute custom file system code. For instance, most
DVRs and MP3 players require substantial hacking to modify them to run
arbitrary executables. Even CEDs that are extensible at the user
level may not allow kernel modifications.
EnsemBlue circumvents this problem by leveraging the capabilities of
general-purpose computers. A closed-platform CED can participate in
EnsemBlue by attaching to any general-purpose client of its file
server. The EnsemBlue daemon, Wolverine, running on the
general-purpose client acts on behalf of the CED for all EnsemBlue
activities. If the user modifies data in the local CED namespace,
Wolverine detects these changes and makes corresponding updates to the
distributed EnsemBlue namespace. Similarly, when data is modified in
the EnsemBlue namespace, Wolverine propagates relevant modifications
to the CED.
The requirements for a closed-platform CED to participate in EnsemBlue
are minimal. The CED must support communication with a
general-purpose computer; e.g., via a wireless interface or USB cable.
The CED must provide a method to list the files it stores, as well as
methods to read and update each file. Currently, EnsemBlue supports
CEDs that provide a file system interface such as FAT and cameras that
support the Picture Transfer Protocol.
5.2 Making CEDs self-describing
In contrast to current models that require CEDs to synchronize with
particular computers, EnsemBlue allows CEDs to attach to any
general-purpose client, even if that client is currently disconnected
from the file server. In order to provide this flexibility, EnsemBlue
makes CEDs self-describing. Each CED locally stores metadata files
that contain all the information needed for an EnsemBlue client to
attach and interact with that CED. For each file system object on the
CED that is replicated in the EnsemBlue namespace, EnsemBlue stores a
receipt on the CED that describes how the state of the object on
the CED relates to the state of a corresponding object in the
EnsemBlue namespace. EnsemBlue also stores device-level metadata on
the CED that uniquely identify the CED and describe its policies for
propagating updates between its local namespace and the EnsemBlue
namespace. Since these metadata files are small, Wolverine improves
performance by reading them and caching them in memory when a CED
5.3 Supporting namespace diversity
EnsemBlue supports namespace diversity. It maintains a common
distributed namespace that the user can organize — this namespace is
exported by all general-purpose clients. On a CED that mandates a
custom organization, EnsemBlue stores data in a local namespace that
matches the mandated organization.
EnsemBlue views files stored on a CED as replicas of files in its
distributed namespace. Each receipt maintains a one-to-one
correspondence between the file in the CED namespace and the file in
the distributed namespace. It stores the fully-qualified pathname of
the file in the local namespace and its unique EnsemBlue identifier.
A receipt can be viewed as a type of symbolic link since it relates
two logically equivalent files. We considered using symbolic links
directly. However, if such links were to reside in EnsemBlue, a
disconnected client would be unable to interpret the files on a CED if
it did not have all relevant links cached when the CED attached. The
alternative of using symbolic links in the CED's local file system is
unattractive because many CED file systems do not support links.
Receipts avoid both pitfalls since they are file system independent
and reside on the CED.
Each receipt also contains version information. For the local
namespace, the receipt stores a modification time. For the EnsemBlue
namespace, the receipt stores the version vector described in
Section 6. When a CED attaches to a general-purpose
client, Wolverine detects modifications by comparing the versions in
the receipt with the current version of the file in both namespaces.
The next two subsections describe how it propagates updates between
namespaces when versions differ.
5.4 Reintegrating changes from CEDs
On a general-purpose EnsemBlue client, a kernel module intercepts file
modifications and redirects them to Wolverine. However, most CEDs do
not allow the insertion of kernel modules, making this method
infeasible. Thus, for a closed-platform CED, Wolverine uses a
strategy similar to the one used by file synchronization tools such as
rsync [26] and Unison [17] in which it scans
the local file system of the CED to detect modifications. Wolverine
scans a CED when it is first attached and subsequently at an optional
device-specific interval.
When a CED attaches to a general-purpose client, Wolverine lists all
files on the CED using the interface exported by that device. For
instance, for CEDs that export a file system interface, Wolverine does
a depth-first scan from the file system root. Usually, this scan is
quick: on an iPod mini with 540 MP3s comprising 3.4 GB of
storage, the scan takes less than 2 seconds. If a file on the CED has
a modification time later than the time stored in its receipt, the
file has been modified since the last time the CED detached from an
EnsemBlue client. Wolverine copies the file from the CED to the
EnsemBlue namespace and updates its receipt.
If a file or directory is found on the CED for which no receipt
exists, Wolverine creates a corresponding object in the EnsemBlue
namespace. It first retrieves the receipt of the object's parent
directory on the CED. From the receipt, it determines the EnsemBlue
directory that corresponds to the parent directory. It replicates the
new object in that EnsemBlue directory.
To bootstrap this process, a user associates the CED with an EnsemBlue
directory the first time the CED is attached. Wolverine replicates
the local file system of the CED as a subtree rooted at the specified
directory. The user can then reorganize the data by moving files and
directories from that subtree to other parts of the EnsemBlue
namespace. Moving objects within EnsemBlue does not affect the
organization of files on the CED.
For example, a cell phone user might download MP3s from a content
provider and take pictures with a built-in camera. If the phone is
associated with the directory /ensemblue/phone and the phone has
separate music and photos subdirectories, EnsemBlue
creates two directories /ensemblue/phone/photos and /ensemblue/phone/music that contain the new content. The user may
change this behavior by moving the directories within EnsemBlue ;
e.g., to subtrees that store other types of music and photos. Not
only will the files currently in these directories be moved to the new
location, but future content created by the cell phone will be placed
into the directories at their new locations.
The user can exert fine-grained control over the placement of data in
EnsemBlue by relocating individual files. For instance, the user
might move MP3s into a directory structure organized by artist and
album. Since moving each file manually would be quite tedious, one
can use persistent queries to automate this process. For instance, a
music organizer could create a query to learn about new files that
appear in the /ensemblue/phone/music directory. For each file,
it would read the artist and album from the ID3 tag, then move the
file to the appropriate directory (creating the directory if needed).
In this example, the combined automation of namespace diversity and
persistent queries lets the user exert substantial control over the
organization of data with little effort.
If a file is deleted from a CED, Wolverine detects that a receipt
exists without a corresponding local file. Depending on the policy
specified for the device, Wolverine may either delete both the receipt
and its corresponding file in the EnsemBlue namespace, or it may
delete only the receipt. We have found the latter policy appropriate
for CEDs such as DVRs and cameras on which files are often deleted due
to storage constraints.
5.5 Propagating updates to CEDs
Modifications made to files in EnsemBlue are automatically propagated
to corresponding files in local CED namespaces. When Wolverine
creates a receipt for an object stored on a CED, it also sets a
callback with the server for that file on behalf of the CED. If the
file is subsequently modified by another client, the server sends an
invalidation to the client to which the CED is currently attached
(this client may be different from the one that set the callback).
Upon receiving a callback, Wolverine fetches the new version of the
file and updates the replica and its receipt on the CED. If the CED
is not attached to a client when a file is modified, the server queues
the invalidation and delivers it when the CED next attaches.
EnsemBlue uses affinity to determine whether the local namespace of a
CED should be updated when a new file is created. The user may
specify that a subtree of the EnsemBlue namespace has affinity with a
directory in the local CED namespace. At that time, Wolverine
replicates the subtree in the specified directory on the CED.
When setting affinity, the user may optionally specify that files
created in the future in the EnsemBlue subtree should also be
replicated on the CED.
CEDs support type-specific affinity. A command line tool lets the
user create a persistent query as a hidden file in any directory
on the CED. The EnsemBlue server initially appends event records for
all existing files that match the specified query. When a file
matching the query is created, the server appends an additional
record. Since a callback is set on behalf of the CED for the new
query, the client to which the CED is attached receives an
invalidation when the server inserts new records in the query.
Wolverine fetches the file referenced by each record and creates a
corresponding file in the CED directory. In this manner, the CED
directory is populated with all files that match the query. This use
of type-specific affinity is inspired by the Semantic File
System [5]. However, in contrast to SFS where
directories populated by semantic queries are virtual, EnsemBlue
replicates data on the CED so that the results of a query are
available when the CED is disconnected.
6 Ensemble support
EnsemBlue supports ensembles, which are collections of devices that
share a common view of the file system over a local network. Ensembles
allow clients disconnected from the file server to share their cache
contents and propagate updates to each other. For instance, a mobile
user who lacks Internet access may carry a laptop, a cell phone, and
an MP3 player. EnsemBlue lets these devices share a mutually
consistent view of the distributed namespace. Data modifications made
on one client will be seen on the others. Only clients that share a
common server can form an ensemble (such devices would typically be
owned by the same user or family). A client joins only one ensemble
at a time.
6.1 Design considerations
In designing support for ensembles, we wished to reach a middle ground
between file systems such as BlueFS [14] and
Coda [10] that support disconnected operation but do not
let two disconnected clients communicate, and systems such as
Bayou [25] that eliminate the file server and propagate data
only through peer-to-peer exchanges. There is an important role for a
central repository of data in personal file systems. A system that
stores personal multimedia is entrusted with data such as family
photos that have immense personal significance. Storing the primary
replica of such files at the server ensures that one copy is always in
a reliable location. The server is also a highly-available location
from which any client may obtain a copy of the file. Yet, the
peer-to-peer model is appealing in the ensemble environment. As the
number of personal computing devices increases, a mobile user will
often have two or more co-located devices that are disconnected from
the server. Devices that cache content of interest to others should
be able to share their data.
One important difference between ensembles and peer-to-peer
propagation is the length of interaction. Bayou devices communicate
through occasional synchronization: two clients come into contact,
exchange updates, and depart. Ensembles, in contrast, allow
long-lived interactions among disconnected devices. A client that
joins an ensemble first reconciles the state of its cache with the
view of the file system shared by the ensemble. It participates in
the ensemble until it either loses contact with the other devices or
reconnects with the server.
One general-purpose computer, called the castellan, acts as a
pseudo-server for the ensemble. The castellan maintains a replica list that tracks the cache contents of each member. When a
member suffers a cache miss, it contacts the castellan, which fetches
the file from another member, if possible. Clients also propagate
updates to the castellan when they modify files — the castellan in
turn propagates the modifications to interested clients within the
ensemble. For example, a PDA might be used to display photos taken
with a cell phone. The cell phone updates a shared directory when it
takes a new photo, causing the castellan to invalidate the replica of
the directory cached on the PDA. Subsequently, the PDA would contact
the castellan to fetch the modified directory and new photo from the
Ensembles are designed to support specialized CEDs that cache only a
small portion of the objects in the file system. Devices such as MP3
players and cell phones are incapable of storing a complete copy of
all objects in a data volume, as is done in systems such as Bayou, or
keeping a log of updates to all objects, as is done in systems such as
Footloose [15] and Segank [22]. For instance, a
single video exceeds the storage capacity of a typical cell phone.
EnsemBlue lets a client cache only the objects with which it has
affinity. Thus, a CED need not waste storage, CPU cycles, or battery
energy processing updates for files it will never access.
We struggled to balance the concerns of consistency and availability.
When a client is disconnected from the server, its cached version of a
file may be stale since it cannot receive invalidations. Other
clients within the ensemble would see the stale version if they read
the file, assuming that no other member cached a more recent version.
In the worst case, a client may have previously seen an up-to-date
version of the file, evicted that version from its cache, then joined
the ensemble while disconnected. The client would see an older
version of the file than it previously viewed under this scenario.
We initially devised many solutions to improve consistency in
ensembles. For example, we considered having each client remember the
versions of all objects that it ever read. We also considered having
each client store complete version information for all objects in the
file system. However, we felt that these solutions did not fit well
with a storage system that focuses on personal multimedia. The types
of file updates that we envision a user making while disconnected are
often trivial; e.g., changing the rating on a song, or adding a tag to
a photo. We therefore asked ourselves: is it better to present data
that might possibly be stale or to present no data at all? In our
target environment, we believe the former answer is correct (although
in a workstation environment, we would give a different answer).
6.2 Implementation
An ensemble is formed when two or more disconnected clients share a
local area network. For wireless devices, we leverage
PAN-on-Demand [1], which lets devices owned by the same
user discover each other and form a personal area network. Since
PAN-on-Demand targets devices carried by a single user, it assumes
that its members can communicate via a single radio hop. To form an
ensemble, at least one client must be a general-purpose computer.
This device serves as the castellan; the other devices are its
clients. CEDs can join an ensemble by attaching to a general-purpose
ensemble member.
6.2.1 Tracking modifications
EnsemBlue tracks modifications for each object using a version
vector [16] that contains a <client, version> tuple
for each client that modified the object. A modifying client
increments the version in its tuple. If it has not yet modified the
object, it appends a tuple with its unique EnsemBlue client identifier
and a version of one.
Version vectors are used to compare the recency of replicas. If two
version vectors are the same, the replicas are equivalent. For
non-equivalent replicas, we say that a replica is more recent than
another if for every client in the version vector of the second
replica, the client exists in the version vector of the first replica
with an equal or greater version number. If two replicas are not
equivalent and neither is more recent than the other, concurrent
updates have been made by different clients. In this case, EnsemBlue
asks the user to manually resolve the conflict. However, if
concurrent updates have been made to a directory and EnsemBlue can
automatically merge the updates, it will do so without user
involvement; e.g., it will merge updates that create two different
files in the same directory. This strategy is the same as Coda's
strategy for reintegrating changes from disconnected clients.
While a client is connected to the server, its locally cached replicas
are the same as the primary replicas stored on the server. Once a
client disconnects, it appends operations that modify its cached
objects to a disconnection log. When the client reconnects with
the server, it replays the disconnection log to reintegrate changes.
Each disconnection log entry contains a modification (write, file
creation, rmdir, etc.), the version vectors of all objects modified,
and the unique identifier of the client that made the modification.
Each client maintains the invariant that for each cached object,
the disconnection log contains all operations needed to recreate the
cached version of the object starting with a version already seen by
the server. A client that never joins an ensemble maintains this
invariant trivially since it appends an entry to the disconnection log
every time it modifies an object. When it disconnected, all cached
objects were versions seen by the server. By replaying the log, the
server can reconcile each primary replica with the modified version on
the client.
6.2.2 Joining an ensemble
A disconnected client joins an ensemble when it discovers another
disconnected client or an existing ensemble on its local network. The
joining computer becomes a client of the castellan of the existing
ensemble. If the discovered device is an isolated disconnected
client, then the discovered device becomes the castellan and the
discoverer becomes its client. While the current method of choosing
the castellan is arbitrary, selecting a less-capable device as the
castellan, e.g., a PDA instead of a laptop, impacts only performance,
not the correctness of the system. In the future, we plan to add
heuristics that select the most capable client to be the castellan.
Before a disconnected client joins an ensemble, it must reconcile its
view of the EnsemBlue namespace with that of the ensemble. After
reconciliation, if an object is replicated on more than one ensemble
client, all replicas are the same, most up-to-date version.
The joining client sends the castellan the version vectors of its
cached objects. The castellan stores the version vectors of all
objects cached on any ensemble member in the replica list. By
comparing the two sets of version vectors, it first determines the set
of objects that are replicated on both the ensemble and the joining
client. It then determines the subset of these objects for which the
ensemble version and the version on the joining client differ — this
is the set of objects to be reconciled.
If an object being reconciled is in conflict due to concurrent updates
on disconnected clients, the user must resolve the conflict before the
new device joins the ensemble. Otherwise, EnsemBlue brings the less
recent replica up-to-date. If the disconnection log on the client
with the more recent replica contains sufficient records to update the
less recent replica, the log records are transmitted to the
out-of-date client. The client applies the logged operations and adds
the records to its disconnection log. If the ensemble version is
out-of-date, the castellan applies the log records to its local cache
if necessary, then forwards the records to other members that cache
the object. We anticipate that transmitting and applying
log records will usually be more efficient than transmitting the
entire object. Most multimedia files are large, yet updates are often
trivial; e.g., setting the fields in an ID3 tag.
Sometimes, log records alone are insufficient to bring the less recent
replica up-to-date. This occurs when the less recent replica is older
than the version associated with any record in the disconnection log
of the client with the most recent replica. In this case, EnsemBlue
simply invalidates the stale replica. Any client that has affinity to
the invalidated object fetches the most recent version and its
associated log records after the ensemble forms.
Reconciliation ends when all out-of-date replicas on the joining
client and the existing ensemble clients have been updated or
invalidated. The castellan updates the replica list to include
objects cached by the joining client.
6.2.3 Ensemble operation
After joining an ensemble, a client can fetch data from other ensemble
members via the castellan. EnsemBlue inherits the dynamic cache
hierarchy of BlueFS [14]. It fetches data from the
location predicted to have the best performance and use the least
energy. A client that decides to fetch data from the ensemble sends
an RPC to the castellan. The castellan examines the replica list to
determine which client, if any, caches the data. It either services
the request itself or forwards it to another client. If the data is
not cached within the ensemble, the castellan returns an error code.
If the requesting client does not have an up-to-date version of the
object, the responding client includes all records in its
disconnection log that pertain to the object — this maintains the
invariant described in Section 6.2.1. The
requesting client appends the records to its disconnection log and
caches the object in its local storage. The castellan updates its
replica list to note that the object is now cached by the requesting
Any ensemble client that modifies an object sends an RPC to the
castellan. The castellan forwards the modification to all ensemble
members that cache the object. These clients update their cached
objects and append a record to their disconnection logs. Thus, most
clients are only informed of updates that are relevant to them. The
castellan does not send clients updates and requests for objects they
do not cache. For instance, an MP3 player that caches only music
files will not be informed about updates to photos or asked to service
requests for e-mail.
6.2.4 Leaving an ensemble
When the castellan loses contact with a client, the client is
considered to have left the ensemble. The castellan removes the
objects cached by that client from the replica list. If the castellan
departs, the ensemble is disbanded. The remaining clients form a new
ensemble if they remain in communication.
A client that leaves an ensemble operates disconnected until it joins
another ensemble or reconnects with the server. Its disconnection log
may now contain updates made by other clients. Upon reconnection, the
client sends its log to the server. Since the first entry in the log
for any object modifies a version previously seen by the server, the
server can use the log to update the primary replicas. However, since
multiple clients can reintegrate the same log record, the server must
not apply the same record twice. It uses the version vectors in the
log records to eliminate duplicates. If the version that it caches is
more recent than the log record, it ignores the modification.
Otherwise, it applies the modification to the primary replicas. If a
primary replica is more recent than the replica on the reconnecting
client, the server sends the client an invalidation.
This design lets mobile clients reconcile changes on behalf of other
clients. Thus, a client can remain up-to-date even though it never
reconnects with the server. For example, a car stereo could retrieve
MP3s from a disconnected client such as a laptop that is transported
in the car. The stereo could also reintegrate changes to play lists
and song ratings back to the server via the laptop.
7 Evaluation
Our evaluation answers the following questions:
- What is the overhead of forming an ensemble?
- •
- What is the overhead of persistent queries?
- •
- How effectively can CEDs such as cameras and MP3 players be integrated
with EnsemBlue?
This figure shows how the time to form an ensemble varies with the
number of files stored on each device. The graph is log-log. Each
result is the mean of 7 trials — the error bars are 90% confidence
Figure 2: Ensemble formation time
7.1 Ensemble revalidation
We measured the time two disconnected clients take to form an
ensemble. During this experiment, an IBM X40 laptop with a
1.2 GHz Pentium M processor and 768 MB of RAM becomes the
castellan, and an IBM T20 laptop with a 700 MHz Pentium 3
processor and 128 MB of RAM becomes its client. The computers
communicate via an 802.11b wireless ad-hoc connection.
Figure 2 shows how the time to form the ensemble
changes as we vary the number of files cached on both clients. This
data is displayed using a log-log graph due to the disparity in
reconciliation time. At the beginning of each experiment, both
laptops cache the same version of each file. Since only metadata is
exchanged in this experiment, file size is unimportant and all files
are zero length. In the absence of out-of-date replicas, the time to
form an ensemble is quite small. Beyond an approximately 20 ms
constant performance cost for the initial message exchange, formation
time is roughly proportional to the number of cached items. Even with
10,000 files cached on both machines, the ensemble forms in less than
three seconds.
We next measured the effect of reconciling out-of-date objects on
ensemble formation time. At the beginning of this experiment, the X40
client contains 18 MP3 files that total 115 MB in size, as well
as 40 photos comprising a total of 110 MB of data. The T20
contains only the 18 MP3 files. It does not have affinity for the
photos and does not cache them.
We consider the four scenarios in Figure 3. In the
first scenario, none of the files are modified. As predicted by the
previous experiment, the ensemble is formed in a fraction of a second.
In the second scenario, the X40 modifies the ID3 tag of all MP3s prior
to joining the ensemble. The ensemble is formed in slightly less than
a second. The additional delay reflects the time for the X40 to
transmit its disconnection log records that correspond to the ID3 tag
In the third scenario, the X40 overwrites the contents of all MP3s
before joining the ensemble — this corresponds to a user re-encoding
the MP3s from a CD. It takes 227 seconds to form the ensemble since
each large file on the T20 is completely overwritten. For comparison,
the time to manually copy the files is 209 seconds. Thus, the
overhead due to EnsemBlue is only 8%. The difference between the
second and third scenarios illustrates the benefit of shipping log
records rather than entire objects during reconciliation. When
modifications are a small portion of the total size of each file,
EnsemBlue realizes a substantial performance improvement over a manual
copy of the files.
Scenario |
Formation time (seconds) |
None |
(0.32–0.36) |
ID3 Tags |
0.95 (0.91–0.96) |
Music |
226 (219–233) |
All |
(221–234) |
This figure shows how the number of updates reconciled affects
ensemble formation time. In the first row, no files are updated. In
the second row, ID3 tags on 18 MP3s are updated. In the third row,
the 18 MP3s are re-encoded, and in the last row, the 18 MP3s and 40
photos are completely modified. Each result is the mean of 5 trials
— minimum and maximum values are in parentheses.
Figure 3: Time to reconcile updates in an ensemble
In the final scenario, the X40 overwrites both the MP3 files and the
photos in its cache. However, the time to form the ensemble is
virtually identical to the third scenario. Since the T20 does not
cache photos, it does not have to be informed about the additional
updates; the X40 ships only log records that pertain to the MP3 files.
From these results, we conclude that EnsemBlue can achieve substantial
performance benefit by limiting reconciliation to the set of objects
cached on both clients. In contrast, a file system that transfers all
updates would nearly double the reconciliation time.
This figure compares the time to run the Apache build benchmark with
no queries outstanding and 1,000 queries outstanding. Each result is
the mean of 5 trials — the error bars are 90% confidence intervals.
Figure 4: Overhead of persistent queries
7.2 Persistent query overhead
We next measured the overhead of persistent queries, which is
exhibited in two ways. First, evaluating a large number of queries
might slow the server as it processes modifications. Second, the
evaluation of individual queries might exhibit a high latency that
would preclude them from being used by interactive applications.
For these experiments, the EnsemBlue server was a Dell Precision 370
desktop with a 3 GHz Pentium 4 processor and 2 GB of RAM.
The client was the X40 laptop from the previous experiments. The two
computers are connected via 100 Mb/s Ethernet.
To evaluate the first source of overhead, we ran an I/O intensive
benchmark in which we untar the Apache 2.0.48 source tree into
EnsemBlue, run configure in an object directory within
EnsemBlue, run make in the object directory, and finally remove
all files. Figure 4 compares the time to perform
the benchmark when the server is evaluating 1000 outstanding queries
with the time to perform the benchmark when no queries are
outstanding. The results are identical within experimental error,
indicating that persistent query evaluation is not a substantial
source of overhead.
To evaluate the second source of overhead, we measured the time to
create a query while varying the number of records returned. Before
running each experiment, we populated EnsemBlue with the data from the
personal volume of a user of the prototype described in
Section 2. This data set contains 5,276 files and
is over 7 GB in size. We created persistent queries with the
initial bit set in the event mask and with the query string matching
the various file types shown in Figure 5.
We measured the time for an application to create each query and read
all matching records. The results show a fixed cost of approximately
126 ms. While the latency increases with the number of matching
records, the incremental cost is small. If all 5,276 files match the
query string, the experiment takes 62 ms longer.
From these results, we conclude that persistent queries impose minimal
overhead during both creation and evaluation. We are encouraged that
these results indicate that persistent queries are cheap enough to be
employed by a wide variety of applications.
File type |
Matches |
Creation time (seconds) |
None |
0 |
0.126 (0.125–0.126) |
TiVo |
2 |
0.126 (0.125–0.126) |
text |
45 |
0.128 (0.126–0.133) |
jpeg |
132 |
0.127 (0.126–0.128) |
postscript |
712 |
0.135 (0.116–0.146) |
MP3 |
1729 |
0.150 (0.147–0.160) |
All |
5276 |
0.188 (0.161–0.198) |
This figure shows the time to create a persistent query matching
varied numbers of files. Each result is the mean of 8 trials — the
values in parentheses are the minimum and maximum trials.
Figure 5: Time to create a persistent query
7.3 Case study: Integrating a digital camera
In the next two sections, we present case studies in which we examine
how well CEDs can be integrated with EnsemBlue. In the first, we take
pictures using a Canon PowerShot S40 digital camera. The camera
produces JPEG photos that it stores in a FAT file system. We
registered the camera with EnsemBlue by specifying a root directory to
which photos should be imported. The camera groups the photos it
takes into subdirectories that contain 100 photos each. The default
behavior of EnsemBlue is to recreate the camera directory structure
within the root directory specified during registration. This is not
the most user-friendly of organizations.
We first decided to organize our photos by date. The camera stores
metadata in each JPEG that specifies when it took the photo. We
created a photo organizer application that creates a persistent query
to be notified when a new photo is added to EnsemBlue. The organizer
reads the JPEG metadata and moves the file to a subdirectory specific
to that date, creating the directory if necessary. After moving each
JPEG file, the organizer removes the notification from the query.
We next enhanced our organizer to arrange photos by appointment. The
organizer takes as a parameter the location of an ical .calendar
file. When a new JPEG is added, it searches the file for any
appointment entered for the time the photo was taken. If it finds
such an appointment, it moves the photo to a subdirectory for that
appointment within the directory for that date when the photo was
taken (again, creating the subdirectory as needed). The photo
organizer required only 123 lines of code, indicating that such
applications can be created with minimal effort by CED manufacturers,
third-party software developers, and technically-savvy users.
We measured the time to import photos from our camera into EnsemBlue
using the same experimental setup as in the previous section. The
camera, containing 201 new photos approximately 256 MB in size,
is attached to the X40 laptop client. EnsemBlue takes approximately
188 seconds to import the photos. In contrast, copying all the files
manually takes 174 seconds. The approximately 7% overhead imposed by
EnsemBlue seems a reasonable price to pay for automatic replication
and organization of the imported photos, especially when one considers
the time required to manually organize 201 images.
7.4 Case study: Integrating an MP3 player
Our second case study integrates an iPod mini MP3 player and a D-Link
media player with EnsemBlue. The iPod is a mobile device that stores
and plays music files of several different formats. It presents two
challenges for integration with a distributed file system. First,
music files are stored in specific subdirectories of its local file
system — the music files should be spread between these
subdirectories to improve lookup latency. Second, the iPod uses a
custom database to store information about the music files in its
local storage. This database must be updated when files are added.
We address the first challenge with type-specific affinity. To place
files in specific subdirectories on the iPod, we create a query for
each directory that matches music files stored within EnsemBlue. To
divide files between subdirectories, we take the simple approach of
partitioning the namespace by filename. For example, the query for
the first subdirectory matches on music files that begin with `a'.
When a new music file beginning with `a' is added to EnsemBlue, the
server inserts a record in the query for that directory. When the
iPod next attaches to a client, that client fetches the query, reads
the record, and replicates the file on the iPod within that
We address the second challenge by creating a standalone application
to update the iPod database. This application creates a query that
matches all music files. When a file is added, the application
updates the iPod database within the EnsemBlue namespace using GnuPod.
The database on the iPod's local storage has affinity to this file.
Thus, when the iPod attaches to a client, that client receives a
callback on behalf of the iPod for the database file. It fetches the
database and replicates it on the iPod. This application required
only 86 lines of code.
We also added support for a D-Link media player that can only play
music files encoded in the MP3 format. Since many of our music files
are encoded in the M4A format, we wrote a transcoder, described in
Section 4.3, to convert files so that they could be
played on the media player. The D-Link media player can read files
using a client program that exports the file system of a
general-purpose computer. Thus, we simply run that program on an
EnsemBlue client; the media player can play music in EnsemBlue without
further customization. One of our group members uses an identical
strategy to play music files stored in EnsemBlue on a TiVo DVR.
8 Related work
To the best of our knowledge, EnsemBlue is the first distributed file
system to provide explicit support for consumer electronics devices.
Its novel contributions include persistent queries, which leverage the
underlying cache consistency mechanisms of the file system to deliver
application-specific event notifications, and receipts, which allow
namespace diversity.
Many operating systems provide application notifications about changes
to local file systems; Linux's inotify [12], the Windows
Change Journal [4], and Apple's
Spotlight [24] are three examples.
Watchdogs [2], proposed by Bershad and Pinkerton, combine
notification with customization by allowing user-level applications to
safely overload file system operations for particular files and
directories. Unlike persistent queries, these mechanisms are limited
to a single computer and do not scale to the distributed environment
targeted by EnsemBlue. Our approach of evaluating persistent queries
on the server realizes the same benefit of pushing evaluation to the
data that has been previously shown in projects such as Active
Disks [19] and Diamond [8]. Salmon et
al. [20] have recently proposed views that allow
pervasive devices to publish interest in particular sets of objects
with peer devices. Views are similar to persistent queries in that
they allow clients to specify the objects in which they are interested
as a semantic query. Since views target a serverless system, each
view must be propagated to all peers.
Type-specific affinity is similar to the virtual directories presented
by the Semantic File System [5]. However, the directory
contents produced by type-specific affinity are persistent, meaning
that they can be accessed by a mobile computer or CED that is
disconnected from the file server. Persistent queries should not be
confused with applications such as Glimpse [13] and
Connections [23] that index file system data. Rather,
persistent queries are a tool that such applications can use; they
notify indexing applications about changes to file system state.
EnsemBlue's strategy of scanning the local file system of
closed-platform CEDs is similar to the way that file synchronizers
operate [17, 26]. The main difference between the
two strategies lies in EnsemBlue's use of receipts. Receipts are a
more general mapping between namespaces that allow files to be moved
within the distributed namespace, yet retain the same location in the
local device namespace. As shown in Section 7.3,
receipts can be combined with persistent queries to automate the
remapping of individual files between namespaces.
EnsemBlue's model of supporting isolated disconnected clients owes
much to Coda [10]. From Coda, EnsemBlue inherits the use
of a disconnection log to store updates, as well as its conflict
resolution strategy. However, EnsemBlue differs from prior
distributed file systems in its explicit support for ensembles of
disconnected clients. While others have identified ensembles as an
emerging paradigm for personal mobile computing [21],
EnsemBlue is the first server-based distributed file system to
explicitly support this model of computing.
Many previous storage systems have eschewed a central server in favor
of propagating data through peer-to-peer exchanges.
Bayou [25] replicates data collections in their entirety. A
Bayou client can read and write any accessible replica. Replicas are
reconciled by applying per-write conflict resolution based on
client-provided merge procedures. EnsemBlue differs from Bayou in
that it allows its clients to cache only a portion of a data volume.
Further, ensembles ensure that their members see the same version of
every object.
Footloose [15] and EnsemBlue both present a consistent
view of objects on devices located close to the user. Like Bayou,
Footloose allows clients to exchange data through propagation of
update records. Wishes in Footloose provide an analogous event
notification mechanism to persistent queries. However, unlike
persistent queries, wishes do not guarantee at-least-once delivery.
Footloose requires that update records be preserved until every
interested client is known to have received the record; this could be
a problem for CEDs with limited storage. In contrast, EnsemBlue
clients can discard update records once they have been reconciled with
its server. Footloose targets CEDs as clients, but requires that any
client be sufficiently open to run their Java code base. Footloose
does not export a file system interface, and thus cannot be used with
legacy applications.
Other systems that support peer-to-peer update propagation are
Segank [22], in which a MOAD carried by a user at all times
ensures consistency among computers that share a namespace,
Ficus [6], Files Every Where [18], and OmniStore [9].
9 Conclusion
Consumer electronics devices are increasingly important computing
platforms. Yet, it remains challenging to integrate them into
existing distributed systems. CED architectures are typically closed,
admitting only a narrow interface for interaction with the outside
world. Their capabilities are non-uniform since available resources
are chosen to support a particular application. This heterogeneity
implies that a distributed system that supports CEDs should be
flexible. It must customize its interactions with each device
according to the interface presented. If a CED lacks the necessary
resources to participate in a distributed protocol, the protocol
should allow for other, more general-purpose participants to supply
needed resources on its behalf.
EnsemBlue shows the benefit of flexibility. By supporting namespace
diversity, device ensembles, and persistent queries, EnsemBlue is
highly extensible. As the case studies in this paper demonstrate,
extensibility is crucial to making devices such as MP3 players,
cameras, and media players full-fledged participants in EnsemBlue.
Based on these results, we are hopeful that similar principles can be
applied to other distributed systems to allow them to support CEDs.
We thank Bill Schilit and Nitya Narasimhan for fruitful discussions
about this topic, and Edmund B. Nightingale for his help with BlueFS.
Kumar Puspesh added PTP support to EnsemBlue. Manish Anand, Ya-Yunn
Su, and Kaushik Veeraraghavan, and the anonymous reviewers provided
valuable feedback. The work is supported by the National Science
Foundation under award CNS-0306251. Jason Flinn is supported by NSF
CAREER award CNS-0346686. Intel Corp and Motorola Corp have provided
additional support. The views and conclusions contained in this
document are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as
representing the official policies, either expressed or implied, of
NSF, Intel, Motorola, the University of Michigan, or the
U.S. government.
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