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USENIX, The Advanced Computing Systems Association

OSDI '06 Paper

Pp. 161–176 of the Proceedings

From Uncertainty to Belief: Inferring the Specification Within

Ted Kremenek, Stanford University
Paul Twohey, Stanford University
Godmar Back, Virginia Tech
Andrew Ng, Stanford University
Dawson Engler, Stanford University


Automatic tools for finding software errors require a set of specifications before they can check code: if they do not know what to check, they cannot find bugs. This paper presents a novel framework based on factor graphs for automatically inferring specifications directly from programs. The key strength of the approach is that it can incorporate many disparate sources of evidence, allowing us to squeeze significantly more information from our observations than previously published techniques.

We illustrate the strengths of our approach by applying it to the problem of inferring what functions in C programs allocate and release resources. We evaluated its effectiveness on five codebases: SDL, OpenSSH, GIMP, and the OS kernels for Linux and Mac OS X (XNU). For each codebase, starting with zero initially provided annotations, we observed an inferred annotation accuracy of 80-90%, with often near perfect accuracy for functions called as little as five times. Many of the inferred allocator and deallocator functions are functions for which we both lack the implementation and are rarely called — in some cases functions with at most one or two callsites. Finally, with the inferred annotations we quickly found both missing and incorrect properties in a specification used by a commercial static bug-finding tool.

1  Introduction

Many effective tools exist for finding software errors [15, 5, 28, 8, 4, 33, 18]. While different in many respects, they are identical in one: if they do not know what to check, they cannot find bugs. In general, tools require specifications that document what a program should do in order for the tool to discern good program behavior from bad. Undetected errors due to missing specifications are a serious form of false negatives that plague sound and unsound bug-finding tools alike. From our own experience with developing such tools, we believe that legions of bugs remain undetected in systems previously “vetted” by checking tools simply because they lack the required specifications, and not because tools lack the necessary analysis precision.

Furthermore, checking tools generally operate without safety nets. There is no mechanism to discover when bugs in the checking tool lead to missed errors in checked code. Analysis bugs are a source of false negatives; while an unsound tool may have false negatives by design, even a sound tool can have false negatives due to implementation bugs. In our experience this is a serious concern: if an analysis bug does not cause a false positive, the only way to catch it is by comparison against regression runs.

The result of all these factors is that checking tools miss many bugs they could catch. Unfortunately, acquiring accurate specifications can be daunting at best. Even with state-of-the-art annotation systems, the manual labor needed to specify high-level invariant properties for large programs can be overwhelming [12, 35]. Further, in large, evolving codebases with many developers, interfaces may change rapidly as functions are added and removed. This churn exacerbates the problem of keeping a specification, if there is one, current.

Fortunately, there are many sources of knowledge, intuitions, and domain-specific observations that can be automatically leveraged to help infer specifications from programs directly. First and foremost, the behavior of programs is well-structured, with recognizable patterns of behavior implying high-level roles for the objects in a program. For example, functions that allocate and release resources (such as file handles and memory) vary widely in their implementations, but their interfaces are used nearly identically. In essence, the behavior of a program reflects what the programmer intended it to do, and the more we observe that one or more objects appear to interact in a recognizable role, the more we believe that role reflects their true purpose. More plainly, the more something behaves like an X the more we believe it is an X. Thus, leveraging such information has the desired property that the amount of evidence garnered about a program's specification grows in the amount of code analyzed. In addition, we often have a volume of valuable, non-numeric ad hoc information such as domain-specific naming conventions (e.g., a function name containing the word “alloc” often implies the function is an allocator).

This paper presents a novel, scalable, and customizable framework for automatically inferring specifications from programs. The specifications we infer come in the form of annotations, which are able to describe many kinds of important program properties. The key strength of our approach is that it tightly binds together many disparate sources of evidence. The result is that any information about one object becomes indirect information about related objects, allowing us to squeeze significantly more information from our observations than previously published approaches. Our framework can incorporate many sources of information: analysis results from bug-finding tools, ad hoc knowledge, and already known annotations (when available). Moreover, because the technique is built upon a probabilistic model called a factor graph [36, 21], it is fully capable of fusing multiple sources of information to infer specifications while handling the inherent uncertainty in our information sources and the often noisy relationships between the properties we wish to infer. Further, inferred annotations can be immediately employed to effectively find bugs even before the annotations are inspected by a user.

This last feature makes our framework pragmatic even for rapidly evolving codebases: the process of inferring annotations and using those annotations to check code with automated tools can be integrated into a nightly regression run. In the process of the daily inspection of bug reports generated by the nightly run, some of the inferred annotations will be inspected by a user. These now known annotations can subsequently be exploited on the next nightly regression to better infer the remaining uninspected annotations. Thus, our framework incrementally accrues knowledge about a project without a huge initial investment of user labor.

This paper makes the following contributions. We present Annotation Factor Graphs (AFGs), a group of probabilistic graphical models that we have architected specifically for inferring annotations. We illustrate how information from program analysis as well as different kinds of ad hoc knowledge can be readily incorporated into an AFG. We reduce the process of inferring annotations with an AFG to factor graph inference and describe important optimizations specific to incorporating information from static program analysis into an AFG. We provide a thorough evaluation of the technique using the example of inferring resource management functions, and illustrate how our technique scales to large codebases with high accuracy. Further, we show that with our results we have found both missing and incorrect properties in a specification used by a commercial bug-finding tool (Coverity Prevent [7]). Section 2 presents a complete example of inferring specifications from a small code fragment, which introduces the key ideas of our approach. Section 3 uses the example to lay the theoretical foundations, which Section 4 further formalizes. Section 5 refines the approach and shows more advanced AFG modeling techniques. Section 6 discusses the computational mechanics of our inference technique. We evaluate the effectiveness of our approach in Section 7, discuss related work in Section 8, and then conclude.

2  Motivating Example

We now present a complete example of inferring specifications from a small code fragment. This example, along with the solution presented in the next section, serves to introduce many of the core ideas of our technique.

2.1  Problem: Inferring Ownership Roles

Application and systems code manages a myriad of resources such as allocated heap objects, file handles, and database connections. Mismanagement of resources can lead to bugs such as resource leaks and use-after-release errors. Although tools exist to find such bugs [32, 18, 17, 28], all require a list of functions that can allocate and release resources (allocators and deallocators). Unfortunately, systems code often employs non-standard APIs to manage resources, causing tools to miss bugs.

A more general concept that subsumes knowing allocation and deallocation functions is knowing what functions return or claim ownership of a resource. Many C programs use the ownership idiom: a resource has at any time exactly one owning pointer, which must release the resource. Ownership can be transferred from a pointer by storing it into a data structure or by passing it to a function that claims it. A function that returns an owning pointer has the annotation ro (returns ownership) associated with its interface. A function that claims a pointer passed as an argument has the property co (claims ownership) associated with the corresponding formal parameter. In this model, allocators are ro functions, while deallocators are co functions.

Many ro functions have a contract similar to an allocator, but do not directly allocate resources. For example, a function that dequeues an object from a linked list and returns it to the caller. Once the object is removed from the list, the caller must ensure the object is fully processed. A similar narrative applies to co functions.

FILE * fp = fopen("myfile.txt","r");
fread( buffer, n, 1000, fp );
fclose( fp );

Figure 1: Simple example involving a C file handle: fopen “allocates” the handle, fread uses it, and fclose releases it.

Consider the task of inferring what functions in a program return and claim ownership of resources. For example, assume we are given the code fragment in Figure 1 and are asked to determine if fopen is an ro and if either fread or fclose are co's. Without prior knowledge about these functions, what can we conclude by looking at this fragment alone?

While we cannot reach a definitive conclusion, simple intuition renders some possibilities more likely than others. Because programs generally behave correctly, a person might first make the assumption that the code fragment is likely to be bug-free. This assumption elevates the likelihood of two conclusions over all others.

First, fopen may be an ro, fread a function that uses fp but does not claim ownership of the resource (¬co), and fclose a co. For this case, the code fragment can be logically rewritten as:
fp =  ro();  ¬co(fp);  co(fp)
This conclusion follows if we assume the code fragment is correct. If fopen is an ro, then this assignment is the only one to all three functions that does not induce a bug. To avoid a resource-leak, either fread or fclose must be a co. To avoid a use-after-release error, however, fread cannot be a co. This leaves fclose being a co.

Figure 2: DFA summarizing basic ownership rules. A pointer returned from a function call enters either the Owned or ¬Owned state depending on whether the called function has the property ro or ¬ro respectively. Function calls involving the pointer cause the DFA to transition states based on the co or ¬co property associated with the called function. An “end-of-path” indicates no further uses of the pointer within the function. The two final states for the DFA indicate correct (OK) or incorrect use of the pointer (Bug).

Here we have assumed that an owned pointer cannot be used after being claimed. This strict interpretation of the ownership idiom assumes that all co's are deallocators. For now, the correctness rules for ownership that we use are summarized by the DFA in Figure 2, and we discuss refinements in Section 5.1

Continuing, the second likely assignment of ownership roles to these functions is that fopen is an ¬ro, with both fread and fclose as ¬co's:
fp = ¬ro(); ¬co(fp); ¬co(fp);
We reach this conclusion using similar reasoning as before. If fopen is an ¬ro, we no longer have the opportunity to leak an allocated resource, but as Figure 2 shows, it is now a bug to pass fp to a co.

Consequently, from simple reasoning we can infer much about these functions. Note that we are not certain of anything; we only believe that some conclusions are more likely than others. Further, we may be able to infer more about these functions by incorporating additional intuitions and knowledge. In the next section we discuss how to precisely formulate such reasoning.

Annotations   Factor Values Factor Product Probability
fopen:ret fread:4 fclose:1 DFA f< check > f< ro >(fopen:ret) f< co >(fread:4) f< co >(fclose:1) Π f 1/ZΠ f
ro ¬co co 52 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.3 0.151 0.483
¬ro ¬co ¬co 52 0.9 0.2 0.7 0.7 0.088 0.282
ro ¬co ¬co 56 0.1 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.039 0.125
ro co ¬co 56 0.1 0.8 0.3 0.7 0.017 0.054
ro co co 56 0.1 0.8 0.3 0.3 0.007 0.023
¬ro ¬co co 56 0.1 0.2 0.7 0.3 0.004 0.013
¬ro co ¬co 56 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.7 0.004 0.013
¬ro co co 56 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.002 0.006

Table 1: Table depicting intermediate values used to compute P(fopen:ret,fread:4,fclose:1). Specifications are sorted by their probabilities. The value Z is a normalizing constant computed by summing the column Πf. By summing the values in the last column when fopen:ret=ro we compute P(fopen:ret=ro)≈0.7. The marginal probabilities P(fread:4co)≈0.9 and P(fclose:1=co)≈0.52 are similarly computed.

3  The Big Picture

This section gives a crash course in our inference approach, tying it to the example just presented. By its end, the reader will have a basic arsenal for inferring annotations, which the next sections extend.

Our goal is to provide a framework (a probabilistic model) that (1) allows users to easily express every intuition and domain-specific observation they have that is useful for inferring annotations and then (2) reduces such knowledge in a sound way to meaningful probabilities. In the process, the framework squeezes out all available information about the annotations we are inferring.

The inference framework must solve two common challenges. First, it must robustly handle noise. Otherwise its brittleness will prevent the exploitation of many observations that are only “often” true rather than always true (e.g., an observation that an annotation obeys a feature 51% of the time). Second, it must soundly combine uncertain information. Treated independently, a fact of which we are only partially certain is only marginally useful. However, aggregated with other sources of knowledge, one fact can be the missing link in a chain of evidence we would not otherwise be able to exploit.

Our annotation inference has three steps:

Define the set of possible annotations to infer.

Model domain-specific knowledge and intuitions in our probabilistic model.

Compute annotation probabilities using the model. These probabilities are then used to rank, from most-to-least probable: entire specifications, individual annotations, or errors.

We now apply these three steps to our motivating example. In general, annotations are implicitly defined by a correctness property that we wish to check in a program; we briefly describe it for our example (§ 3.1). We then describe the fundamental mechanics of our probabilistic model (§ 3.2), and how to model two basic properties: (1) the fact that the more something behaves like an X the more likely it is an X (§ 3.3) and (2) domain-specific prior beliefs (§ 3.4). We finish the section by computing the probabilities for the annotations in our example.

3.1  Defining the Annotations to Infer

We use annotation variables to denote the program objects to which annotations bind. The example has three such variables: fopen:ret, fread:4 and fclose:1. The variable fopen:ret corresponds to the possible annotations for the return value of fopen, and has the domain { ro, ¬ ro }. The variables fread:4 and fclose:1 (where “:i” denotes the ith formal parameter) have the domain { co, ¬ co }. We have 23=8 combinations of values for these variables, and each represents a joint specification of the roles of all three functions. (For this paper, an annotation and its negation are mutually exclusive.) We denote the set of annotation variables as A. In our example, A = { fopen:ret, fread:4, fclose:1 }. Further, the notation A=a means that a is some concrete assignment of values to all the variables in A. Thus a represents one possible complete specification, which in our example specifies ownership roles for all three functions.

Table 1 lists all possible specifications for Figure 1, and displays the intermediate values used to compute probabilities for each specification. We use this table throughout the remainder of this section. The “DFA” column indicates, for each specification, the final state of the DFA from Figure 2 when applied to the code example.

3.2  Modeling Beliefs for Annotations

The rest of the section shows how to express domain-insights in our inference framework in terms of user-defined mathematical functions, called factors. The framework uses these factors to compute annotation probabilities, e.g. the probability P(fopen:ret=ro) that the return value of fopen has the annotation ro.

Factors are relations mapping the possible values of one or more annotation variables to non-negative real numbers. More precisely, each factor fi is a map from the possible values of a set of variables Ai (AiA) to [ 0, ∞ ). Factors “score” an assignment of values to a group of related annotation variables, with higher values indicating more belief in an assignment. Although not required, for many factors the mapped values we specify are probabilities (i.e. sum to 1) because probabilities are intuitive to specify by hand.

Suppose we know that functions in a codebase that return a value of type FILE* have a higher chance of returning ownership (ro). We can express this tendency using a factor that, given the annotation label for the return value of a function with a FILE* return type, returns slightly higher weights for ro annotations than ¬ro annotations. For example, making fFILE*(fopen:ret=ro)=0.51 and fFILE*(fopen:retro)=0.49. Note that the magnitude of the values is not important, but rather their relative odds. We could have used 51 and 49 instead, implying an odds of 51:49 to prefer ro over ¬ro annotations. While trivial, this example illustrates a couple of recurrent themes. First, the observations we want to exploit for inference are often tendencies and not laws — as long as these tendencies are right more often than wrong, they convey useful information. The ratio that their associated factor returns reflects the reliability of a tendency — big ratios for very reliable tendencies, smaller ratios for mildly reliable ones. Second, factors work well in our domain since (1) they let the user express any computable intuition in terms of a custom function and (2) inference intuitions naturally reduce to preferences over the possible values for different groups of annotation variables. Factors thus provide a way to reduce disparate observations to a common currency.

Once we represent individual beliefs with factors, we combine a group of factors { fi } into a single probability model by multiplying their values together and normalizing:
P(A) =
fi ∈ { fj }
fi( Ai )     (1)

The normalizing constant Z causes the scores to define a probability distribution over the values of A, which directly translates into a distribution over specifications.

One way to view Equation 1 is as a specific case of Hinton's concept of a Product of Experts [19]. From this view, each factor represents an “expert” with some specific knowledge which serves to constrain different dimensions in a high-dimensional space. The product of these experts will then constrain all of the dimensions. In this case, the dimensions represent the space of possible specifications, and the most probable specifications are those that most “satisfy” the combined set of constraints.

Note that because factors can share inputs their values are not independent; such correlation gives the model much expressive power. As stated previously (§ 2.1), annotations may be correlated (e.g., if fopen is an ro, then fclose is likely a co). We capture this correlation by having the probabilistic model represent a probability distribution P(A) over the values of all the annotation variables A.

The simplicity of Equation 1 is deceptive. It is trivial to define an ad hoc scoring function that in a deep sense means nothing. This function is not one of those. It subsumes the expressive power of both Bayesian networks and Markov Random Fields, two widely used methods for modeling complex probabilistic domains, because both can be directly mapped to it. In our experience it is also simpler and easier to reason about. We defer discussion of its mathematical foundation (see [36]) — but for our purposes, it has the charm of being understandable, general enough to express a variety of inference tricks, and powerful enough to make them mean something.

We now show how to use factors by defining two common types of factors for our example: behavioral signatures and prior beliefs.

3.3  Behavioral Signatures

“Behavior is the mirror in which everyone shows their image.”
— Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

In general, the more something behaves like an X, the more probable it is an X. In our context, programmers often use program objects that should have a given annotation in idiomatic ways. Such behavioral signatures provide a good source of data that we can automatically extract from code (e.g., by using static analysis), which gives a nice mechanical way to get large data samples. As with any statistical analysis, the more data we have the more information we can extract.

The most common behavioral signature for any annotation is that programs generally behave correctly and that errors are rare. Thus, correct annotations (typically!) produce fewer errors than incorrect ones. We measure how much a behavioral signature is exhibited in a program by using a behavioral test. A behavioral test works as follows: for every location in a program where a behavioral signature may apply, we conduct a check to see if a given set of annotations matches that signature. Because the behavior may involve reasoning about the semantics of different execution paths in the program (either intra- or inter-procedurally), this check is implemented using a static analysis checker.

The checker we use in this paper is an intra-procedural static analysis that simulates the DFA in Figure 2 on paths through functions stemming from callsites where a pointer is returned. In principle, however, checks can employ program analysis of arbitrary complexity to implement a behavioral test, or even be done with dynamic analysis. The output of the checker indicates whether or not the annotation assignment ai to the set of annotation variables Ai matched with one (or more) behavioral signatures. We can capture this belief for our example with a single check factor, f< check >(fopen:ret,fread:4,fclose:1):
f< check >(...) =

θ<ok >   :   if DFA = OK
θ<bug>   :   if DFA = Bug
This factor weighs assignments to fopen:ret, fread:4, and fclose:1 that induce bugs against those that do not with a ratio of θ< bug > to θ< ok >. For instance, suppose we believe that any random location in a program will have a bug 10% of the time. This can be reflected in f< check > by setting θ<bug>=0.1 and θ<ok>=0.9. These values need only be rough guesses to reflect that we prefer annotations that imply few bugs.

 1.  FILE * fp1 = fopen( "myfile.txt", "r" );
 2.  FILE * fp2 = fdopen( fd, "w" );
 3.  fread( buffer, n, 1, fp1 );
 4.  fwrite( buffer, n, 1, fp2 );
 5.  fclose( fp1 );
 6.  fclose( fp2 );

Figure 3: Code example that would produce two distinct checks, one for fp1 and fp2 respectively. Observe that both fopen and fdopen return ownership of a resource that must be claimed by fclose.

Check factors easily correlate annotation variables. In this case, f< check > correlates fopen:ret, fread:4, and fclose:1 since its value depends on them. In general there will be one “f< check >” for each location in the program where a distinct bug could occur. Figure 3 gives an example with two callsites where two file handles are acquired by calling fopen and fdopen respectively. These two cases constitute separate checks (represented by two factors) based on the reasoning that the programmer made a distinct decision in both cases in how the returned handles were used. Observe in this case that the variable fclose:1 is associated with two checks, and consequently serves as input to two check factors. Thus the more a function is used the more evidence we acquire about the function's behavior through additional checks.

3.4  Prior Beliefs: Small Sample Inference

As in any data analysis task, the less data we have the harder inference becomes. In our domain, while a large number of callsites are due to a few functions, a large number of functions have few callsites. As already discussed, AFGs partially counter this problem by explicitly relating different functions together, thus information from one annotation can flow and influence others. An additional approach that cleanly melds into our framework is the use of priors to indicate initial preferences (biases). We attach one prior factor to each annotation variable to bias its value. Having one prior factor per annotation variable, rather than per callsite, means it provides a constant amount of influence that can be gradually overwhelmed as we acquire more evidence.

For example, a completely useless specification for a codebase is that all functions have either ¬ro or ¬co annotations. This specification generates no bugs since nothing is ever allocated or released, but is vacuous because we are interested in identifying allocators and deallocators. One counter to this problem (we discuss an additional method later in § 5.1) is to encode a slight bias towards specifications with ro's and co's. We encode this bias with two sets of factors. The first is to bias towards ro annotations with the factor f< ro >:
f< ro >(X) =

θ< ro >   :   if X = ro
θ< ¬ro >   :   if X = ¬ro
For instance, θ< ro > = 0.8 and θ< ¬ro > = 0.2 means that we prefer ro to ¬ro annotations with an odds of 8:2. Our example has one such factor attached to fopen:ret. Values of this factor for different specifications are depicted in Table 1.

The addition of f< ro >(fopen:ret) biases us towards ro annotations, but may cause us to be overly aggressive in annotating some formal parameters as co in order to minimize the number of bugs flagged by the checker (thereby maximizing the value of the f< check > factors). To bias against co annotations, we define f< co > in an analogous manner to f< ro >. We set θ< co > = 0.3 and θ< ¬co > = 0.7, which makes our bias away from co annotations slightly weaker than our bias for ro annotations. In our example, we add two co factors: f< co >(fread:4) and f< co >(fclose:1). These two factors, while distinct, share the same values of θ< co > and θ< ¬co >.

In general, we use priors when we have some initial insights that can be overcome given enough data. Further, when we do not know enough to specify their values, they can be omitted entirely.

3.5  Computing Probabilities

Equipped with four factors to encode beliefs for the three functions, we now employ Equation 1 to compute final probabilities for the possible specifications.

We first multiply the values of the factors (shown in column “Π f” of Table 1) and then normalize those values to obtain our final probabilities. From Table 1, we can see that for the specification < ro, ¬co, co > (first row) the product of its individual factor values is 0.9×0.8×0.7×0.3=0.151. After normalizing, we have a probability of 0.483, making it the most probable specification. Observe that because of our bias towards ro annotations, the second most probable specification, < ¬ro, ¬ co, ¬co >, has a probability of 0.282 (almost half as likely). Further, we can use the table to compute the probabilities of individual annotations. To compute P( fopen:ret=ro ), we sum the probabilities in the last column for each row where fopen:ret = ro.

These probabilities match our intuitive reasoning. The probability P( fopen:ret = ro )≈0.7 indicates that we are confident, but not completely certain, that fopen could be an ro, while P( fread:4 = ¬co )≈0.9 shows that we have a strong belief that fread is ¬co. For fclose, we are left with a modest probability that P(fclose:1=co)≈0.52. While this number seems low, it incorporates both our bias towards ro annotations and our bias against co annotations. Observe that if we rank the possible co's by their probabilities (in this case only two), fclose is at the top. The more locations where fclose is used in a similar manner the more confidently we believe it is a co.

3.6  How to Handle Magic Numbers?

By now, the reader may feel uneasy. Despite dressing them in formalisms, factors simply map annotation values to magic numbers. (Or, in formal newspeak, the parameters of the model.) As with all uses of magic numbers two questions immediately surface: (1) where do they come from? and (2) how hard are they to get right?

For our experiments, even crudely-chosen parameter values (as we have done so far) work well. This robustness seems to be due to two features: (1) the large amount of data that inference can work with and (2) the strong behavioral patterns evident in code. Further, these numbers seem portable across codebases. In a separate paper [20], when we took the parameters learned on one codebase A and used them for inference on another codebase B the results were imperceptible compared to learning them directly on B from a perfect set of known annotations. (We discuss the mechanics of learning in § 6.3.)

However, assume a hypothetical case where neither approach works. Fortunately, the way annotations get consumed provides algorithmic ways to converge to good parameter values. First, we commonly run inference repeatedly over a codebase as it evolves over time — thus, there will be significant numbers of known annotations from previous runs. Because our approach easily incorporates known information (in this case previously validated annotations), users can (1) apply machine learning to refine parameter values, (2) recompute annotation probabilities, or (3) do both simultaneously. In all cases results will improve.

The same approach works even when applying inference to a codebase for the first time. Annotations either get consumed directly or get fed to an error checking tool. In both cases we can sort the annotations or errors (based on the probabilities of their underlying annotations) from most-to-least probable, and inspect them by going down the list until the number of inference mistakes becomes annoying. We then rerun inference using the validated annotations as discussed above.

Second, it is generally clear how to conservatively bias parameters towards higher precision at the expense of lower recall. For example, assume we feed inferred annotations to a checker that flags storage leaks (ro without a subsequent co). We can strongly bias against the ro annotation to the extent that only a function with a very low error rate can get classified as an ro. While this misses errors initially, it ensures that the first round of inspections has high quality errors. Rerunning learning or inference will then yield a good second round, etc.

4  Annotation Factor Graphs

Figure 4: Factor graph for the code example in Figure 3. Rectangular nodes represent factors and round node represent annotation variables. The top factors represent factors for prior beliefs (§ 3.4), while the bottom factors represent behavioral tests (checks) (§ 5.1).

While Equation 1 is the formal backbone of our framework, in practice we operate at a higher level with its corresponding visual representation called a factor graph. A factor graph is an undirected, bipartite graph where one set of nodes represent the variables A and the other set of nodes represent the factors { fj }.

We call the factor graphs we construct for annotation inference Annotation Factor Graphs (AFGs). Figure 4 depicts an AFG for the code example in Figure 3. Depicted are nodes for annotation variables, factors for prior beliefs (§ 3.4), and factors that represent two distinct checks of the code fragment. Each factor node (square) maps to a distinct factor multiplicand in Equation 1, each variable node (oval) maps to an annotation variable, and an edge exists between a factor node and variable node if the variable is an input to the given factor. Further, beliefs about one variable can influence another if there is a path between them in the graph. For example, observe that the AFG in Figure 4 explicitly illustrates the indirect correlation between fopen and fdopen through their relationship to fclose. If we believe that fopen is an ro, this belief propagates to the belief that fclose is a co because of the check for fp1. This belief then propagates to the belief that fdopen is an ro because of the check for fp2. While the AFG illustrates this flow of correlation, the underlying machinery is still Equation 1. Thus AFGs meet our criteria for an inference framework capable of combining, propagating, and reasoning about imperfect information.

A benefit of factor graphs is that they more compactly represent P(A) than the table in Section 3, which scales exponentially in the number of possible annotations. The inference algorithm we use to infer probabilities for annotations (§ 6.2) operates directly on the AFG, forgoing the need to build a table and exploiting the graphical structure to determine which features influence others.

5  Advanced Inference Techniques

Building on our concept of AFGs, this section goes beyond the basic inference techniques of Section 3 to more advanced themes. We keep our discussion concrete by exploring how to build factors for the ownership problem that incorporate multiple, differently-weighted behavioral tests (§ 5.1), exploit ad hoc naming conventions (§ 5.2), and handle a function that may have no good labeling for a specification because it grossly violates the ownership idiom (§ 5.3). Our experiments (§ 7) evaluate an AFG with all of these features. While we discuss these points in terms of the ownership problem, they readily apply to other inference tasks.

5.1  Multiple Behavioral Tests

The properties we wish to infer almost always have multiple behavioral signatures. For signatures that are mutually exclusive (i.e., only one behavior can be exhibited at once) we can define a single check factor that weighs the different observed behaviors. For non-exclusive behaviors, we can simply define different factors as we have done so far. We thus focus on the former. We illustrate the technique by refining the checker in Figure 2 from a checker which reduced all behaviors to two mutually exclusive states ({ Bug, OK }) to one which captures more nuanced behavior with five final states, given in Figure 5. The five signatures it accepts are: Deallocator: a ro's returned pointer reaches a single matching co that occurs at the end of the trace.

Ownership: a ro's returned pointer reaches a single matching co that does not occur at the end of the trace (i.e., is followed by one or more ¬co functions).

Contra-Ownership: a ¬ro's returned pointer only reaches ¬cos.

Leak: an error where a ro's returned pointer does not reach a co.

Invalid use: an error, includes all misuses besides Leak.

We assign weights to these outcomes as follows. First, we bias away from the promiscuous assignment of ¬roco (accepted by Contra-Ownership) and towards ro-co (accepted by Deallocator) by giving Deallocator twice the weight of Contra-Ownership. Since Deallocator is the harshest test, we use it as a baseline, giving it the weight 1.0 and, thus, Contra-Ownership the weight 0.5. The other non-error case, Ownership, is the least intuitive (and we arrived at it after some experimentation): we weigh it slightly less than Contra-Ownership since otherwise the AFG over-biases towards ro-co annotations.

As before, we weight error states less than non-error states because of the assumption that programs generally behave correctly (§ 2.1). Thus, for errors we assign a low score: 0.1 for leaks and 0.01 for all other bugs (the latter occurring very rarely in practice). (Note that even if a codebase had no errors we would still assign these outcomes non-zero values since static analysis imprecision can cause the checker to falsely flag “errors.”)

Although all of these weights were specified with simple heuristics, we show in Section 7 that they provide respectable results. Moreover, such weights are amenable to automatic tuning (§ 6.3).

Extended-DFA State f< check > Reason for weight
Deallocator 1.0 Baseline
Contra-Ownership 0.5 Weight half as much as Deallocator
Ownership 0.3 Slightly less than Contra-Ownership
Leak 0.1 Low weight: errors are rare
Invalid Use 0.01 Such errors are very rare

Table 2: Values of f< check > for the behavioral signatures for the ownership idiom. Observe that for this factor the values do not sum to 1, but instead are based reasoning about relative “reward.”

Figure 5: Complete DFA used by a static checker to implement behavioral tests for Ownership. Shaded nodes are error states.

5.2  Ad Hoc Knowledge: Naming Conventions

Ad hoc knowledge captures information such as biases for certain annotations, naming conventions, and other heuristics. We further illustrate how to express such features by using factors to model naming conventions.

Given a list of keywords suggestive of an ro annotation (e.g., “alloc”, “open”), we construct a factor f< keyword, ro > for each function whose name contains the keyword as a substring:
f< keyword, ro >(A) =

θ< keyword, ro >   :   A = ro
θ< keyword, ¬ro >   :   A = ¬ro
This factor is attached to a function's roro annotation variable and rewards or penalizes ro annotations depending on the ratio of the factor's values. This factor (and its parameters) is replicated for all functions whose name contains the given keyword.

For co variables, the construction is similar, except that instead of the factor being associated with one ro annotation variable, it is associated with all the co annotation variables for a function. If any of those variables have the value co, then the factor maps to θ< keyword, co > and to θ< keyword, ¬co > otherwise. Our reasoning is that naming conventions imply that at least one of the parameters should have a co annotation.

We only construct such factors if the function contains the keyword; in our experience while the presence of a keyword may suggest a function's role, the absence of a keyword usually provides no additional information.

5.3  Does the Model Fit?

The ownership idiom only approximates how developers use resources. Thus, there will be functions that do not fit it (e.g., byzantine uses of reference counting). If a function is far enough outside the ownership model, then no matter what annotation(s) we assign it, ro or ¬ro, co or ¬co, the checker will flag a proliferation of “errors.” This problem arises in many inference contexts: the property we want to infer assumes some structure of how code behaves, and when those assumptions are wrong, the resultant noise can hurt inference dramatically. AFGs let us tackle this problem by simply modeling the possibility that a function may not fit the ownership. We discuss two ways to do so.

The first way just adds another annotation ¬fit to the domain of our annotation variables and models “not fitting” as yet another behavioral signature (as in § 5.1). We modify the checker described in Section 5.1 so that if it encounters a ¬fit annotation while checking it transitions to a special end-state Outside Model. For the ownership idiom, this increases the number of end-states in the checker DFA from five to six. We then change f< check > to assign Outside Model a value slightly above those for errors but below that of acceptable states (e.g., 0.2). Thus, if all values for an annotation variable cause many errors, we will overcome our bias against the ¬fit value and classify the variable as not fitting the model. Once an annotation variable is classified as ¬fit, all behavioral tests involving that function are effectively discarded since the outcomes of those checks will always be Outside Model. Thus, Outside Model represents a state where the checker accepts any behavior, regardless of the annotation values.

The second way treats the not-fit property more globally: if the annotation variables for a function's return value or any of its formal parameters cause it to not fit, we remove the entire function from our checks. Implementing this requires correlating annotation variables in the AFG in a new way by adding a “meta-annotation” for each function whose corresponding annotation variable has the domain { fit, ¬fit }. For example, for the function fopen we would create the variable fopen:fit. Similarly as above, we modify the checker to include an Outside Model state, but because the not-fit property is now shared by all of the function's annotation variables, the checker consults the fit-variable for a function immediately prior to consulting the values of any of the function's regular annotation variables. As before, when the value is ¬fit the checker transitions to Outside Model; otherwise execution continues as normal by consulting the regular annotation variable and taking the usual transition in the DFA. Consequently, a function's fit-variable serves as an additional input to each check factor that involves at least one of the function's regular annotation variables. As before, we state a strong bias toward a value of fit by attaching a prior belief factor to the fit-variable. Thus, if all values for any of a function's annotation variables lead to many errors, we overcome our bias against the ¬fit value and classify the function as not fitting the model.

As described in Section 7.3, this second construction found aspects of Linux that proved noisome for inference. Moreover, neither approach is specific to the ownership idiom and can be applied to other annotation inference domains.

6  Implementation

We now discuss our implementation, including the details of the actual checker and how probabilities are computed in practice from the AFG.

6.1  The Checker

Our program analysis is built on CIL [27] and is similar to xgcc [15]: unsound, but efficient and reasonably effective. The analysis engine, written in OCaml, is partially derived from the version of xgcc as described in Chou's thesis [6]. Our entire factor graph implementation is written in OCaml as well.

For the ownership checker, beyond constructing checks for every callsite that returns a pointer, we track the use of string constants within the function and treat them as if they were returned by a ¬ro. Pointer dereferences are modeled as implicit calls to a ¬co function to monitor if an owning pointer is used in any way after it is claimed. We also perform minor alias tracking: when tracking a pointer p and we observe the expression q = p (where q is a local variable) we add q to p's alias set. We do not model ownership transfer from p to q (unlike [18]) and simply treat q as another name for p since both pointers are local variables (i.e., the reference has not escaped the function). Further, when a tracked pointer is involved in a return statement, we consult the corresponding roro) annotation of the enclosing function and treat it essentially as a coco) annotation except that for error conditions we always transition to the Invalid Use state. This follows from the intuition that while programmers may accidentally leak resources on unforeseen paths, when implementing a function they reason very consciously about the properties of the function's return value. Hence ownership errors at return sites are considered very rare. This allows the AFG to model a form of inter-procedural reasoning that handles idioms such as wrapper functions.

Because the checker analyzes multiple paths stemming from a single pointer returning callsite, we summarize the results over all analyzed paths by reporting the most pessimistic DFA state found: Invalid Use, followed by Leak, Ownership, Contra-Ownership, and finally Deallocator. The idea is to penalize annotations that induce errors, and reward annotations that completely obey our strictest behavioral signatures.

Finally, there are paths the checker does not analyze because they are beyond its limited reasoning capability. We abort the analysis of paths where a tracked pointer is stored either into a global or the field of a structure. If all the paths for a given check would be discarded (this is determined when the AFG is constructed) the check is not included in the AFG. While this leads to some selection bias in the paths we observe, our decision was to focus on paths that would provide the cleanest evidence of different behavioral signatures. Accurately modeling the heap shape of systems programs statically is an important open problem that we (fortunately) did not need to solve in order to infer properties of many functions.

6.2  Probabilistic Inference

In theory it is possible to compute probabilities for annotations by directly using Equation 1, but this requires enumerating an exponential number of combinations for the values of annotation variables. Instead, we estimate probabilities using Gibbs sampling [13], which generates approximate samples from the distribution P(A). Abstractly this algorithm simulates a random walk through a Markov chain. Theory shows that once the chain is run long enough it converges to its stationary distribution (equilibrium), and sampling from that distribution is equivalent to drawing samples from P(A).

A: annotation variables, known: known annotations
GibbsSample(A, known)
a = {}
▷ initial random values
for vA, vknown
a[v] =  RandomValue(Domain(v))
▷ burn in the sample
for j = 1 to 1000
for vPermuteVariables(A), vknown
N = 0.0
▷ compute all scores that rely on v's annotation
for dDomain(v)
scores = {}
a[v]= d
scores[d] =  FactorsScore(v, a)
N = N + score[d]
▷ normalize scores
for dDomain(v)
scores[d] = scores[d] / N
a[v] =  DistributionSample(scores)
return a

Figure 6: Pseudocode for Gibbs sampling from P(A).

While the full details of Gibbs sampling are beyond the scope of this paper, the pseudocode for generating samples is depicted in Figure 6. Gibbs sampling has two key advantages over other algorithms: (1) it treats the checker implementation as a black box and (2) at all times there is a complete assignment of values (in a) to all the variables in the AFG. The upshot is that we always run the checker with a full set of annotations.

To generate a single sample, we perform “burn-in,” a process of iteratively adjusting the values of the variables to drift them towards a configuration consistent with being drawn from P(A). Determining the minimum number of iterations for the burn-in is generally perceived as a black art; we have chosen a large number (1000) that has yielded consistently reliable results.

Each iteration of the burn-in visits each variable v in the AFG in random order. To generate a new value for v, for each of its possible values we call FactorsScore to compute the product of all the factors in the AFG that share an edge with v. This computation will re-run the checker for every check in which v appears. The result is a single non-negative score for each value d of v. The scores are then normalized to create a probability distribution over v's values, and finally a new value for v is sampled from this distribution.

After the burn-in completes, we take a snapshot of the values of all variables and store it as a single sample from P(A). From these samples we estimate probabilities for annotations. For example, to estimate the probability that an annotation has the value ro, we simply count the fraction of samples where it had the value ro.

This naďve description is subject to numerous well-known improvements. First, all computations are done in log-space to avoid problems with arithmetic roundoff. Second, we apply standard “annealing” tricks to improve convergence of the simulated Markov chain.

Our most important optimization (which we devised specifically for AFG inference), involves the execution of the checker. Because the checker will be executed many times, we cache checker results for each check by recording what values in a the checker consulted and storing the outcome of the check in a trie. This memoization is agnostic to the details of the checker itself, and leads to a two orders of magnitude speedup. The caches tend to be fairly well populated after generating 3-5 samples for the AFG, and is the primary reason the algorithm scales to analyzing real codebases.

6.3  Learning Parameters

If some annotations are known for a codebase, the parameters of an AFG can be learned (or tuned) by applying machine learning. The general approach to learning parameters for factor graphs is to apply gradient ascent to maximizing the likelihood function, where in this case the data is the set of known annotations. At a high level, gradient ascent iteratively tunes the parameters of the AFG to maximize the probability that the known annotations would be predicted using Equation 1. Full derivation of the gradient and the specific details for getting gradient ascent to work for AFGs is beyond the scope of this paper, but complete details can be found in [20]. Section 7.4 discusses our experience with parameter learning for leveraging codebase naming conventions.

7  Evaluation

We applied our technique to five open source codebases: SDL, OpenSSH, GIMP, XNU, and the Linux kernel. Table 3 gives the size of each codebase and its corresponding AFG. For each codebase's AFG we generated 100 samples using Gibbs sampling to estimate probabilities for annotations. We sort annotations from most-to-least probable based on these annotation probabilities. Note, we provided no “seed” annotations to the inference engine (e.g., did not include malloc, free). Since ro and co represent two distinct populations of annotations, we evaluate their accuracy separately. For our largest AFG (Linux), Gibbs sampling took approximately 13 hours on a 3 GHz dual-core Intel Xeon Mac Pro, while for the smallest AFG (SDL) sampling finished in under 5 minutes. Unless otherwise noted, the AFGs we evaluate include the factors for modeling prior biases (§ 3.4) and for multiple behavioral tests (§ 5.1).

Table 3 gives the breakdown of the “test set” of annotations we manually classified for each codebase. We selected the test set by: (1) automatically extracting a list of all functions involved in a check, (2) randomly picking n functions (100 ≤ n ≤ 200) from this list, and (3) hand classifying these n functions. Note that this method produces a very harsh test set for inference because it picks functions with few callsites as readily as those with many. A seemingly innocent change produces a drastically easier test set: pick n functions from a list of all callsites. The selected test set would inflate our inference abilities since the probability of picking a function scales with the number of callsites it has. As a result, most functions in the test set would have many callsites, making inference much easier. In aggregate, we manually classified around 1,000 functions, giving a very comprehensive comparison set.

We first measure the accuracy of inferred annotations (§ 7.2). We then discuss the model's resilience to unanticipated coding idioms (§ 7.3). We next discuss our experience extending the core AFG model with keyword factors (§ 7.4). Finally we discuss using inferred annotations as safety nets for bug-finding tools (§ 7.5) and for finding bugs (§ 7.6).

      AFG Size Manually Classified Annotations
Codebase Lines (103) |A| # Checks ro ¬ro roro co ¬co coco Total
SDL 51.5 843 577 35 25 1.4 16 31 0.51 107
OpenSSH 80.12 717 3416 45 28 1.6 10 108 0.09 191
GIMP 568.3 4287 21478 62 24 2.58 7 109 0.06 202
XNU 1381.1 1936 9169 35 49 0.71 17 99 0.17 200
Linux 6580.3 10736 92781 21 31 0.67 19 93 0.20 164

Table 3: Quantitative breakdown for each codebase of: (1) the size of the codebase, (2) the size of constructed AFG, and (3) the composition of the test set used for evaluating annotation accuracy. For the AFG statistics, |A| denotes the number of annotation variables.

7.1  Codebases

We evaluated our technique on important, real-world applications and systems based on both their size and their disparate implementations. We strove for project diversity in coding idioms and resource management.

The smallest project, SDL, is a challenge for inference because most functions have few callsites (most are called fewer than four times). Further, because it was originally developed for porting games from Windows to Linux, it employs uncommonly-used resource management functions from external libraries such as XLib. Thus, inferring these functions is not only challenging but also useful. As our results show, the AFG model readily infers correct ro and co annotations for functions in SDL that have as few as one or two callsites.

OpenSSH and the GIMP are widely-employed applications with modest to large source code size. The GIMP image manipulation program uses custom memory management functions and a plug-in infrastructure where plug-ins are loaded and unloaded on demand and where leaking plug-in memory is not considered an error because of their short lifetime. Despite such noise, our AFG worked well, and discovered several memory leaks in the GIMP core.

XNU (the kernel for Mac OS X) contains many specialized routines for managing kernel resources. Our results are mostly for the core kernel because much of the rest of XNU is written in C++, which our front-end does not handle. Inferred annotations for XNU immediately led to the discovery of bugs.

The Linux 2.6.10 kernel is a strong test because it is huge and its code frequently breaks the ro-co idiom due to sporadic use of (among other things) reference-counting and weird pointer mangling. Despite these challenges, our AFG successfully analyzed Linux with a reasonable annotation accuracy.

Note that AFG size scales with the number of checks, which only roughly correlates with code size: we ignore functions not involved in at least one check and (by necessity) skip function implementations our C front-end had difficultly parsing.

7.2  Annotation Accuracy

    Inspections by P(ro) Inspections by P(co)
Codebase Inspections ro's ¬ro's co's ¬co's
SDL 10 10 0 9 1
  20 20 0 17 3
OpenSSH 10 10 0 10 0
  20 19 1 16 4
GIMP 10 10 0 9 1
  20 20 0 16 4
XNU 10 9 1 9 1
  20 16 4 17 3
Linux 10 8 2 9 1
  20 17 3 18 2

Table 4: Absolute number of ro (co) annotations found within the first 10 and 20 inspections for each codebase.

This section measures the accuracy of our inferred specifications. Our first experiment, shown in Table 4, gives a feel for the initial accuracy of inferred annotations. It presents the results from the first 10 and 20 inspections of the highest probability annotations for each codebase. These are selected from all the annotation variables in the AFG. The table assumes that the ro and co annotations are inspected separately, although this need not be the case in practice. The first few inspections are important as they represent our most confident annotations and will be the basis of a user's initial impression of the results. These top ranked annotations have near perfect accuracy for ro's and co's on all codebases.

[SDL: ro] [SDL: co]
[OpenSSH: ro] [OpenSSH: co]
[GIMP: ro] [GIMP: co]
[XNU: ro] [XNU: co]
[Linux: ro] [Linux: co]

Figure 7: ROC curves depicting accuracy of inferred annotations. Results are averaged over 10 runs where we add Gaussian noise to AFG parameters. Error bars (shown at the classification probability thresholds of 0.95, 0.7, and 0.4) depict standard deviations.

We then more thoroughly measure annotation accuracy by comparing inferred annotations to the entire test set for each codebase (from Table 3). We also compare the accuracy of our base AFG against two ablated (i.e., broken) ones: AFGNoFPP, which measures the effect of decreasing checker power, and AFGRename, which measures the effect of decreased correlation.

Figure 7 shows the annotation accuracy of all three models for each codebase test set using Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) curves [11]. The ROC curve for ro annotations plots the classification accuracy as the classification probability threshold t slides from 1 to 0. Any annotation with a probability P(A=ro) ≥ t is classified as ro, and ¬ro otherwise. The x-axis depicts, for each value of t, the cumulative fraction of all the ¬ro's in the test set that were mistakenly classified as ro (the false positive rate, or FPR). The y-axis depicts the cumulative fraction of all the ro's in the test set that were correctly classified as ro (the true positive rate, or TPR). Perfect annotation inference would yield a 100% TPR with a 0% FPR (visually a step, with a line segment from (0,0) to (0,1) and another from (0,1) to (1,1)), as all the ro's appear before all of the ¬ro's when the annotations are sorted by their probabilities. Random labeling yields a diagonal line from ( 0, 0 ) to ( 1, 1 ). With ROC curves we can easily compare accuracy across code bases since they are invariant to test set size and the relative skew of ro's to ¬ro's and co's to ¬co's.

Basic AFG: as can be seen in the figure, the AFG model has very high accuracy for all codebases except Linux, where accuracy is noticeably lower but still quite good. SDL, had both the least code and the highest annotation accuracy, with a nearly perfect accuracy for co's. Further, 35% of all ro's for SDL are found without inspecting a single ¬ro. For OpenSSH we observe around a 90% TPR with a FPR of 10% or less. Both GIMP and XNU observe an 80% or better TPR for both ro's and co's with a 20% FPR.

  # Callsites per Function % of Functions with …
Codebase Mean Median ≥ 5 Callsites ≥ 10 Callsites
SDL 4.51 2 22.4 9.3
OpenSSH 7.41 2 23.0 11.5
GIMP 13.11 2 32.6 21.2
XNU 9.19 2 24.0 11.5
Linux 4.22 2 20.7 9.7

Table 5: Summary statistics of the number of callsites per function (only for callsites that are consulted by at least one check). Since the mean number of callsites per function is much higher than the median, the number of callsites has a long-tailed distribution.

Accuracy appears to decrease with increased codebase size. While inspecting results, we observed that larger codebases frequently violate the ro-co idiom and have a lot of code beyond the reasoning power of our checker. However, even the hardest codebase, Linux, had decent accuracy: we were able to infer 70% (62%) of ro (co) functions with a 30% FPR.

While Figure 7 depicts overall codebase accuracy (with an aggregate annotation accuracy of 80-90% on the first four codebases, assuming a classification probability threshold of 0.5), in truth these numbers are highly pessimistic. First, as shown in Table 4, the accuracy of both ro and co annotations for the top ranked inspections (from the set of all inferred annotations) is near-perfect across all codebases. Thus, users will almost always see valid annotations when inspecting the highest confidence results. More importantly, we observe on all codebases that the distribution of the number of callsites per function is highly skewed (Table 5), with a little over 50% of all functions being called at most twice, and only 20-30% being called five times or more. Assuming we classify, using a probability threshold of 0.5, the annotations for functions that are called five or more times, we observe on all codebases (including Linux) an 80-95% accuracy for both ro and co annotations, and an overall accuracy of 90%. While annotation accuracy for single callsite functions is important, correctly inferring annotations for functions that are called at least a few times often has much higher practical impact because those annotations will be used throughout a codebase (and often provide the greatest traction for bug-finding tools). Moreover, our annotation accuracy for single callsite functions is far better than random labeling. For such functions, on Linux the AFG model correctly infers around twice as many ro and co annotations as random labeling for the same number of inspected false positives.

AFG-NoFPP: reduces the checker's analysis precision by disabling false path pruning [6] (FPP), which eliminates many bogus paths through the code that static analysis would otherwise believe existed. In practice FPP reduces false error messages by recognizing many control-dependent branches such as:

if( x == 1 ) p = malloc();
if( x == 1 ) free(p);

Disabling FPP will cause the checker to believe that there are four possible paths instead of two. Consequently, removing FPP generates significant noise in the checker's results (the next section provides more detail). Unsurprisingly, for all codebases, AFGNoFPP has significantly reduced accuracy for co annotations due to false paths. The main way false paths cause problems for ro-co inference is that they make it appear that some functions claim a resource when in reality they are never called in this manner. While this always has a negative impact on co accuracy, because of the large ratio of ro's to ¬ro's for GIMP (Table 3) this over-inflates the evidence for ro annotations and leads to increased ro accuracy while still having poor co accuracy. AFGNoFPP performs very poorly on XNU and Linux (to the degree that random labeling does better) as the use of many resources in these codebases are highly control-dependent.

AFG-Rename: evaluates the benefit of exploiting inter-correlation between annotations by systematically destroying it. We do so by “renaming,” for each callsite, the called function so that each callsite refers to a distinct function. This causes AFGRename to have an annotation for each callsite of a function. We compute probabilities for these annotations as normal, but then compute probabilities for the original function annotations (non-renamed) by averaging the probabilities across the per-callsite annotations. The end result is that by we can see how much correlation helps inference by contrasting the performance of AFGRename to AFG.

The curves for AFGRename perform closest to AFG on the smallest codebases, and gradually diverges (especially for co accuracy) as we look at larger codebases. This is largely due to the increased amount of correlation in the larger codebases. The accuracy of AFGRename diverges significantly from AFG for codebases larger than OpenSSH so that co performance degenerates to that produced by AFGNoFPP. (Note that for OpenSSH and GIMP, an apparent bump in co accuracy of AFGRename over AFG in the tail of the ROC curve is due a single co annotation, and is within the margin of noise induced by the test set size.)

Sensitivity to magic numbers. As part of this experiment we also measured our earlier claim that even rough guesses of AFG parameters generate acceptable (initial) results by doing the following sensitivity analysis. We perturb each AFG parameter by a randomly generated amount of Gaussian noise (σ2 = 0.02), which maintains the relative ordering between parameter values, but skews their values slightly and thus their relative odds. We generate 10 sets in this manner, use them to infer annotations, and then report averages and standard deviations (depicted as error bars in Figure 7) across all runs. In general, as the figure shows, the error bars for AFG are quite small, illustrating that our inference results were robust to small perturbations in parameter values. While we believe the parameters are amendable to tuning, the choice of numbers is not so brittle as to cause violent changes in results when perturbed slightly.

7.3  Detecting Unanticipated Coding Idioms

Initially, classifications for Linux were slightly worse than the other codebases because its ownership model is more subtle than the one we attempt to infer. Using the fit model variables discussed in Section 5.3, we quickly identified a corner case in Linux that we needed to explicitly model in our checker. A common practice in Linux is to conflate the values of pointers and to store error codes in them instead of memory addresses. Since the kernel resides in a restricted address space, error codes can be mangled into pointer values that lie outside this region. Such pointers are frequently tested as follows:
  p = foo( ... );
  if( IS_ERR_PTR(p) ) { /* error path */ }

On the true branch of such tests the reference to p appears to be lost, when in reality it was not a valid pointer. This causes serious problems because IS_ERR_PTR is far outside our simple ro-co model. Because it appears hundreds of times, inference computed a probability of 0.99 that this function did not fit (¬fit) the ro-co model and all checks involving IS_ERR_PTR were effectively removed as evidence. We immediately noticed the highly probable ¬fit value for IS_ERR_PTR and modified our checker to recognize the function and prune analysis of paths where its return value for a tracked pointer is true, allowing us to glean evidence from these checks.

7.4  Additional Information

Our last experiment for annotation accuracy looks at how overall annotation accuracy for XNU improves as inference is given additional information. We use (1) a set of 100 known good function annotations to serve as a training set — in practice these would be harvested as a checking tool is repeatedly run over a code base, and (2) a list of substrings a programmer feels might be relevant to the labeling of a function. We provided a relatively small set of 10 strings such as “alloc” and “get,” but there is nothing to keep a motivated user from listing all interesting strings from their problem domain. We applied parameter learning to train the parameters for the keyword factors based on a training set (as described in [20]), and tested the classification accuracy on the remaining 100. We set the classification probability threshold at 0.5 to indicate whether an annotation was ro or ¬ro (co or ¬co) to get a measure of overall accuracy.

For XNU, the baseline aggregate accuracy (inference without knowing the training set) was 81.2%, and with the addition of knowing the annotations in the training set accuracy of the test set increased to 84.2%. Knowledge of the training set during inference simulates already knowing some of the annotations. Equipped with the keyword information alone accuracy was 89.1%, with the addition of knowing the annotations in the training set the accuracy was 90.1%. This experiment demonstrates the power of our technique: we are able to easily incorporate additional information and have that information improve the accuracy of our results. We also benchmarked these results against an AFG that only included keyword and prior belief factors. While the top ranked ro and co inferred annotations from this model were usually correct, very quickly accuracy degrades as annotations are inspected. Overall, ro and co accuracy is 22-33% worse when using keyword information alone.

7.5  Safety Nets for Bug-Finding Tools

  Function Param. Label Sites Prob.
  XAllocWMHints ret ro 1 0.99
X11 XFree 1 co 9 0.98
API XGetVisualInfo ret ro 1 0.97
  XListPixmapFormats ret ro 1 0.97
  X11_CreateWMCursor ret ro 1 0.95
  XOpenDisplay ret ro 2 0.86
  XGetModifierMapping ret ro 1 0.86
  XCreateGC ret ro 2 0.84
  XFreeGC 2 co 2 0.82
  XFreeModifierMap 1 co 1 0.79
  XCloseDisplay 1 co 2 0.76
  dlopen ret ro 1 0.95
C opendir ret ro 1 0.87
Standard setmntent ret ro 1 0.74
Library closedir 1 co 1 0.73
  endmntent 1 co 1 0.58

Table 6: A selection of correctly inferred labels for external functions inferred from analyzing SDL and not in the Coverity Prevent “root set.” “Sites” is the number of callsites for the given function utilized by the program analysis and used for inference.

We evaluate our classifications by comparing the inferred ro and co functions classifications for SDL against the allocator and deallocator functions used by Prevent [7].

Coverity Prevent is a commercial static analysis tool that contains several analyses to detect resource errors. It performs an unsound relaxation analysis through the call-graph to identify functions that transitively call “root” allocators and deallocators such as malloc and free. Prevent's analysis is geared to find as many defects as possible with a low false error rate. The set of allocators and deallocators yielded by our inference and Prevent (respectively) perform a synergistic cross-check. Prevent will miss some allocators because they do not transitively call known allocators, and static analysis imprecision may inhibit the diagnosis of some functions that do. On the other hand, Prevent can classify some functions we miss since it analyzes more code than we do, has better alias tracking and better path-sensitivity. It found four classifications that our inference missed. We inspected each of the four and all were due to the fact that our static analysis made mistakes rather than a flaw in the inference algorithm.

Our belief that manual specifications will have holes was born out. Inference found over 40 allocator and deallocator functions that Prevent missed. Table 6 gives a representative subset. Prevent missed the bulk of these because SDL uses obscure interfaces which were not annotated and which were not part of the SDL source code (and therefore it could not analyze them). It is unclear what caused some of the omissions, though analysis mistakes are the plausible candidate. This experiment shows that even highly competent, motivated developers attempting to annotate all relevant functions in a “root set” easily miss many candidates.

Finally, our inference found an annotation misclassified by Prevent's relaxation. The function SDL_ConvertSurface returns a pointer obtained by calling SDL_CreateRGBSurface. This function, in turn, returns a pointer from malloc, a well-known allocator function. Prevent misclassifies the return value of SDL_ConvertSurface as ¬ro, an error likely due to the complexity of these functions. Our checker also had problems understanding the implementation of these functions, but correctly inferred an ro annotation for its return value based on the context of how SDL_ConvertSurface was used. We reported this case to Coverity developers and they confirmed it was a misclassified annotation.

void gimp_enum_stock_box_set_child_padding (...) {
   GList *list;
   for( list = gtk_container_get_children(...); list;
        list = g_list_next(list) ) { ... }

Figure 8: [BUG] gtk_container_get_children returns a newly allocated list. The pointer to the head of the list is lost after the first iteration of the loop.

GList* gtk_container_get_children (GtkContainer *container) {
   GList *children = NULL;
   /*  gtk_container_foreach performs a copy of
       the list using an iterator interface and
       a callback to perform an element copy. */
   gtk_container_foreach (container,
   /*  The list "children" is reversed. The last pointer
       in the list is now the owning pointer. */
   return g_list_reverse (children);

Figure 9: Source code from the Gtk+ library of gtk_container_get_children. The function performs a complicated copy and reversal of a linked list. Inference labels the return value (correctly) as ro without analyzing the implementation.

7.6  Defect Accuracy

Using our inference technique, we diagnosed scores of resource bugs (most of them leaks) in all five codebases, but since our focus was on annotation accuracy, we did not perform an exhaustive evaluation on all codebases of the quantity of bugs our tool found. All diagnosed bugs were discovered by ranking errors by the probabilities of the annotations involved, and for each codebase led to the discovery of bugs within minutes.

One particular bug found in GIMP highlights the inferential power of AFGs. Figure 8 shows an incorrect use of the function gtk_container_get_children (whose return value we correctly annotate as ro) in the core GIMP code and illustrates the power of being able to infer the annotation for a function based on the context in which it is used. This function returns a freshly allocated linked list, but in this code fragment a list iteration is performed and the head of the list is immediately lost. We did not analyze the source of the Gtk+ library when analyzing GIMP; this annotation was inferred solely from how the function was used.

The implementation of gtk_container_get-_children, excerpted in Figure 9, shows how the list is created by performing a complicated element-wise copy (involving a custom memory allocator) after which the list is reversed, with the new head being the “owning” pointer of the data structure. Even if the implementation were available, understanding this function would pose a strenuous task for classic program analysis.

8  Related Work

Most existing work on inferring specifications from code looks for rules of the form “do not perform action a before action b” or “if action a is performed then also perform action b.” The inferred rules are captured in (probabilistic) finite-state automata (FSAs and PFSAs).

Engler et al [9] infer a variety of properties from template rules, including a-b pairs in systems code. Examples include inferring whether malloc is paired with free, lock with unlock, whether or not a null pointer check should always be performed on the return value of a function, etc. The intuition is that frequently occurring patterns are likely to be rules, while deviant behavior of strongly observed patterns are potential bugs. Our work can be viewed as a natural generalization of this earlier work to leverage multiple sources of information and exploit correlation.

Weimer and Necula [30] observed that API rule violations occur frequently on “error paths” such as exception handling code in Java programs. Consequently, they weight observations on these paths differently from regular code. We observe similar mistakes in systems code, although there identifying an error path is not always trivial. This poses a potential form of indirect correlation to exploit for inferring annotations. High confidence specifications can be used to infer error paths, which in turn can be used to infer other specifications.

Li and Zhou [22] and Livshits and Zimmerman [25] look for generalized a-b patterns in code. Li and Zhou look for patterns across a codebase, whereas Livshits and Zimmerman look at patterns that are correlated through version control edits. While general, these approaches are based on data mining techniques that often require large amounts of data to derive patterns, meaning it is unlikely they will be able to say anything useful about infrequently called functions. It is also unclear how to extend them to incorporate domain specific knowledge.

Ammons et al [2] have a dynamic analysis to learn probabilistic finite-state automatons (PFSAs) that describe the dependency relationship between a series of function calls with common values passed as arguments. Concept analysis is then used to aid the user, somewhat successfully, in the daunting task of debugging the candidate PFSAs [3]. Their method suffers from the usual code coverage hurdles inherent in a run-time analysis, making it difficult for such methods to infer properties about rarely executed code. They also assume program traces that illustrate perfect compliance of the rules being inferred (i.e., all traces are “bug-free”). This limitation is overcome by Yang et al [34], but unlike AFGs, their mechanism for handling noise and uncertainty is specific to the patterns they infer. In addition, it is unclear how to extend either method to incorporate domain specific knowledge in a flexible and natural way.

Whaley et al [31] derive interface specifications of the form “a must not be followed by b” for Java method calls. Their technique relies on static analysis of a method's implementation to find out if calling b after a would produce a runtime error. Alur et al [1] extend their method using model checking to handle sequences of calls σ and to provide additional soundness. Although powerful, these techniques examine the implementation of methods rather than the context in which they are used. The results of such techniques are thus limited by the ability of the analysis to reason about the code, and may not be able to discover some of the indirectly correlated specifications our approach provides.

Hackett et al [14] partially automate the task of annotating a large codebase in order to find buffer overflows. Their method is used in an environment with significant user input (over a hundred thousand user annotations) and is specific to their problem domain. Further, it is unclear how to extend their technique to leverage additional behavioral signatures.

Ernst and his collaborators developed Daikon [10, 29], a system that infers program invariants via run-time monitoring. Daikon finds simple invariants specifying relational properties such as ab and x ≠ 0, although conceivably inferring other properties is possible. Their method is not statistical, and invariants inferred require perfect compliance from the observed program.

More distantly related are techniques that tackle the inverse problem of “failure inference” for postmortem debugging. The goal is to diagnose the cause of a fail-stop error such as an assertion failure or segmentation fault. Both pure static analysis [26] and statistical debugging techniques have been employed with inspiring results [16, 23, 24]. Although specification inference and failure inference have different goals, we believe that many of the ideas presented in this paper could be readily applied in that domain.

9  Conclusion

This paper presented a novel specification inference framework based on factor graphs whose key strength is the ability to combine disparate forms of evidence, such as those from behavioral signatures, prior beliefs, and ad hoc knowledge, and reason about them in the common currency of factors and probabilities. We evaluated the approach for the ownership problem, and achieved high annotation accuracy across five real-world codebases. While our checker was primitive, with inferred annotations we immediately discovered numerous bugs, including those that would impossible to discover with state-of-the-art program analysis alone.

10  Acknowledgements

This research was supported by NSF grants CNS-0509558, CCF-0326227-002, NSF CAREER award CNS-0238570-001, and the Department of Homeland Security. We would like to thank Andrew Sakai and Tom Duffy for their help in sorting out XNU bugs. We are grateful to our shepherd Peter Druschel for his help, and Cristian Cadar, Junfeng Yang, Can Sar, Peter Pawlowski, Ilya Shpitser, and Ashley Dragoman for their helpful comments.



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