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The IA-32 architecture has hardware mechanisms that walk in-memory page tables and reload the TLB [13].
... time.2
ESX Server zeroes the contents of newly-allocated machine pages to avoid leaking information between VMs. Allocation also respects cache coloring by the guest OS; when possible, distinct PPN colors are mapped to distinct MPN colors.
... small3
Assuming page contents are randomly mapped to 64-bit hash values, the probability of a single collision doesn't exceed 50% until approximately $\sqrt{2^{64}} = 2^{32}$ distinct pages are hashed [14]. For a static snapshot of the largest possible IA-32 memory configuration with $2^{24}$ pages (64 GB), the collision probability is less than 0.01%.
... resources.4
Shares are alternatively referred to as tickets or weights in the literature. The term clients is used to abstractly refer to entities such as threads, processes, VMs, users, or groups.
... swapping.5
The configured tax rate applies uniformly to all VMs. While the underlying implementation supports separate, per-VM tax rates, this capability is not currently exposed to users. Customized or graduated tax rates may be useful for more sophisticated control over relative allocations and responsiveness.
... VMs.6
Some memory is required for per-VM virtualization overheads, which are discussed in Section 6.2. Additional memory is required for ESX Server itself; the smallest recommended configuration is 512 MB.
... disk.7
This is the peak amount of memory paged to disk over the entire run. To avoid clutter, paging metrics were omitted from the graphs; the amount of data swapped to disk was less than 20 MB for the remainder of the experiment.