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The Denali virtual instruction set was designed for both performance and simplicity. The ISA primarily consists of a subset of the x86 instruction set, so that most virtual instructions execute directly on the physical processor. The x86 ISA is not strictly virtualizable, as it contains instructions that behave differently in user mode and kernel mode [17,27]; x86 virtual machine monitors must use a combination of complex binary rewriting and memory protection techniques to virtualize these instructions. Since Denali is not designed to support legacy OSs, our virtual architecture simply defines these instructions to have ambiguous semantics. If a VM executes one of these instructions, at worst the VM could harm itself. In practice, they are rarely used; most deal with legacy architecture features like segmentation, and none are emitted by C compilers such as gcc (unless they appear in inlined assembly fragments).

Denali defines two purely virtual instructions. The first is an ``idle-with-timeout'' instruction that helps VMs avoid wasting their share of the physical CPU by executing OS idle loops. The idle-with-timeout instruction lets a VM halt its virtual CPU for either a bounded amount of physical time, or until an interrupt arrives for the VM.1 The second purely virtual instruction simply allows a virtual machine to terminate its own execution.

Denali adds several virtual registers to the x86 register file, to expose system information such as CPU speed, the size of memory, and the current system time. Virtual registers also provide a lightweight communication mechanism between virtual machines and the kernel. For example, we implemented Denali's interrupt-enabled flag as a virtual register.

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Andrew Whitaker 2002-10-07