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OS architectures

The idea of hosting multiple isolated protection contexts on a single machine is not new: Rushby's separation kernel [28] is an instance of this idea. Denali puts these ideas into practice, and explores the systems issues when scaling to a large number of protection domains.

Exokernels [20] eliminate high-level abstractions to enable OS extensibility. Denali differs from Exokernels in its approach to naming: Denali exposes virtual, private name spaces, whereas Exokernels expose the physical names of disk, memory, and network resources. The Exokernel's global namespace allow resources to be shared freely, necessitating complex kernel mechanisms to regulate sharing.

Denali is similar to microkernel operating systems like Mach [1]. Indeed, Denali's VMs could be viewed as single-threaded applications on a low-level microkernel. However, the focus of microkernel research has been to push OS functionality into shared servers, which are themselves susceptible to the problems of high-level abstractions and data sharing. Denali emphasizes scaling to many untrusted applications, which was never an emphasis of microkernels.

Nemesis [23] shares our goal of isolating performance between competing applications. Nemesis adopts a similar approach, pushing most kernel functionality to user-level. Nemesis was not designed to sandbox untrusted code; Nemesis applications share a global file system and a single virtual address space.

The Fluke OS [13] proposes a recursive virtual machine model, in which a parent can re-implement OS functionality on behalf of its children. Like Denali, Fluke exposes private namespaces through its ``state-encapsulation'' property. The primary motivation for this is to support checkpointing and migration, though the security benefits are alluded to in [22]. Denali exposes a virtual hardware API, whereas Fluke virtualizes at the level of OS API. By virtualizing below abstractions, Denali's kernel is simple, and we avoid layer-below vulnerabilities.

Virtual machine monitors have served as the foundation of several ``security kernels'' [21]. More recently, the NetTop proposal aims to create secure virtual workstations running on VMWare [24]. Denali differs from these efforts in that we aim to provide scalability as well as isolation. We assume a weaker threat model; for example, we are not concerned with covert channels between VMs.

VMMs like Disco [6] and VM/370 [9] have the goal of supporting legacy systems, and therefore minimize architectural modifications to maintain compatibility. In comparison, isolation kernels rely on virtualization for isolation: backwards compatibility is not their primary goal. As a result, isolation kernels have the freedom to make strategic changes to the exposed virtual architecture for scalability, performance, and simplicity.

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Andrew Whitaker 2002-10-07