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USENIX, The Advanced Computing Systems Association

4th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design & Implementation

Pp. 187–200 of the Proceedings

A Systematic Framework for Unearthing the Missing Links:Measurements and Impact

\Large A Systematic Framework for Unearthing the Missing Links: Measurements and Impact

A Systematic Framework for Unearthing the Missing Links: Measurements and Impact

Yihua He, Georgos Siganos, Michalis Faloutsos, Srikanth Krishnamurthy
University of California, Riverside,,,


The lack of an accurate representation of the Internet topology at the Autonomous System (AS) level is a limiting factor in the design, simulation, and modeling efforts in inter-domain routing protocols. In this paper, we design and implement a framework for identifying AS links that are missing from the commonly-used Internet topology snapshots. We apply our framework and show that the new links that we find change the current Internet topology model in a non-trivial way. First, in more detail, our framework provides a large-scale comprehensive synthesis of the available sources of information. We cross-validate and compare BGP routing tables, Internet Routing Registries, and traceroute data, while we extract significant new information from the less-studied Internet Exchange Points (IXPs). We identify 40% more edges and approximately 300% more peer-to-peer edges compared to commonly used data sets. Second, we identify properties of the new edges and quantify their effects on important topological properties. Given the new peer-to-peer edges, we find that for some ASes more than 50% of their paths stop going through their ISP providers assuming policy-aware routing. A surprising observation is that the degree of a node may be a poor indicator of which ASes it will peer with: the two degrees differ by a factor of four or more in 50% of the peer-to-peer links. Finally, we attempt to estimate the number of edges we may still be missing.

1  Introduction

An accurate topology model would be important for simulating, analyzing, and designing the future protocols effectively [1]. With an accurate Internet AS-level topology, first, we can design and analyze new interdomain routing protocols, such as HLP [2], that take advantage of the properties of the Internet AS-level topology. Second, we can create more accurate models for simulation purposes [3]. Third, we can analyze phenomena such as the spread of viruses [4][5], more accurately. In addition, the current initiatives of rethinking and redesigning the Internet and its operation from scratch would also benefit from such a model.
Developing an accurate representation of the Internet topology at the AS level remains as a challenge despite the recent flurry of studies [6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13]. Currently, several sources of topological information exist: (a) archives of BGP routing tables, (b) archives of BGP routing updates, (c) Internet Routing Registries, and (d) archives of traceroute data. Each of these sources has its own advantages, but each of them also provides an incomplete, sometimes inaccurate view of the Internet AS topology; these views are often complementary. Furthermore, as far as we know, IXPs (Internet Exchange Points) have not received attention in terms of Internet topology discovery, although they play a major role in the Internet connectivity.
The contributions of this work are two. (a) We design and implement a systematic framework for discovering missing links in our current Internet topology snapshot, and address two limitations of previous studies -the synthesis of different data source and incorporating topological information from IXPs. (b) We apply our framework and conduct an in-depth study of the importance of these new links, and improve our understanding of the Internet topology at the AS level. We describe our framework and our results in more detail below, while we discuss how our work complements and differs from previous efforts in the next section.
(a) A framework for identifying missing links: First, our framework identifies and validates a significant number of AS links by a careful cross-reference and synthesis of most known sources of information: BGP tables, traceroute, and IRR [14]. Second, our framework extracts significant new topological information from Internet Exchange Points (IXPs); such information is typically not used in topological studies. While prior work [15] has proposed methods to identify participating ASes at IXPs, our study greatly extends their work and overcomes certain limitations.
Note that we set a highly selective standard in our framework: we only accept edges which are verified by BGP tables or from traceroute data. In other words, we do not provide a union of the existing sources of information, but a critical synthesis. To achieve this goal, we develop a large scale traceroute-based tool, RETRO, to confirm the existence of edges, which we suspect exist.
We arrive at several interesting observations:
(i) We find a significant number of new edges: We discover 40% more edges (15%) and approximately 300% more peer-to-peer edges (65%) as compared to the widely used Oregon Routeviews data set (all available BGP routing tables).
(ii) Most of the newly discovered edges are peer-to-peer edges: the current topological models have a bias by under-representing peer-to-peer edges.
(iii) Most missing peer-to-peer AS links are at the IXPs: Our results show that nearly 95% of the peer-to-peer links missed from the BGP tables are incident at IXPs. This suggests that exploring the connectivity at IXPs may help us identify hidden edges between ASes that participate at IXPs.
(iv) IRR is a good source of potential new edges: More than 80% of the new edges that are seen by considering an increased number of BGP tables were also found to exist in IRR; this indicates that IRR is a good source for finding links missing from BGP tables. Note that our IRR data is carefully filtered by the state of the art tool [16] for this purpose, which was not used by previous IRR studies.
(b) The properties and the impact of the new links: The new edges significantly change our view of the Internet AS topology. In addition, we identify interesting patterns of the new edges. Our key findings can be summarized as follows:
(i) The new edges change the models of Internet routing and financial implicatoins that previous research studies may have arrived at by using the incomplete topology models: We quantify the routing decision changes in the routing model due to the peer-to-peer edges not considered previously. We find that for some ASes, more than 50% of their paths stop going through a provider, compared to the models with incomplete AS topology. Most of these ASes are with degrees in the 10 to 300 range, i.e., they are "middle-class" ASes. The financial implication of this phenomenon is that many "middle-class" ASes may not pay to their providers to the extent that was earlier expected. We conclude that business-oriented and routing studies should consider all peer-to-peer edges for accurate results.
(ii) We find that provider-customer and peer-to-peer edges have significantly different properties and they should be modeled separately: We find that the degree distribution of the provider-customer only edges can be accurately described by a power-law (with correlation coefficient higher than 99%) in all the topological instances that we examine. In contrast, degree distribution of the peer-to-peer only edges is better described by a Weibull distribution with correlation coefficient higher than 99%. These results corroborate observations made in previous studies [13][11].
(iii) The degrees of the nodes of a peer-to-peer link can vary significantly: We find that 50% of the peer-to-peer edges are between nodes whose degrees differ by a factor of more than 4 or by a degree difference of 144. This has direct implications on how we think about and model peer-to-peer edges. For instance, this observation suggests that researchers need to use caution when using the degree as an indication of whether two ASes could have a peer-to-peer relationship. Our results can provide guidelines to AS policy inference algorithms, which partly rely on the node degree.
(iv) More peer-to-peer edges may exist: We estimate that approximately 35% peer-to-peer edges, compared to the peer-to-peer edges we know at the end of this study, may still be missing. Our estimate is an educated guess on how many more possible edges we could verify, if we had more traceroute servers.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. We review the data sources and previous work in Section 2. In Section 3, we present our framework and the motivation behind its design. In Section 4, we quantify the impact of our new found AS links. We introduce our methods to identify the IXP participants in Section 5. In Section 6, we summarize our work.

2  Background

2.1  Data Sources and Their Limitations

In this section, we describe the most popular data sources and their two main limitations: incompleteness and a bias in the nature of the discovered links.
BGP routing table dumps are probably the most widely used resource that provides information on the AS Internet topology. Each table entry contains an AS path, which corresponds to a set of AS edges. Several sites collect tables from multiple BGP routers, such as Routeview[17] and RIPE/RIS[18]. An advantage of the BGP routing tables is that their link information is considered reliable. If an AS link appears in a BGP routing table dump, it is almost certain that the link exists. However, limited number of vantage points makes it hard to discover a more complete view of the AS-level topology. A single BGP routing table has the union of "shortest" or, more accurately, preferred paths with respect to this point of observation. As a result, such a collection will not see edges that are not on the preferred path for this point of observation. Several theoretical and experimental efforts explore the limitations of such measurements  [19][20]. Worse, such incompleteness may be statistically biased based on the type of the links. (Most ASes peer with each other with two types of links: the provider-customer links and peer-to-peer links. Normally, customer ASes pay their providers for traffic transit, and ASes with peer-to-peer relationship exchange traffic with no or little cost to each other.) Some types of AS links are more likely to be missing from BGP routing table dumps than other types. Specifically, peer-to-peer links are likely to be missing due to the selective exporting rules of BGP. Typically, a peer-to-peer link can only be seen in a BGP routing table of these two peering ASes or their customers. A recent work [13] discusses in depth this limitation.
BGP updates are used in previous studies[7][9] as a source of topological information and they show that by collecting BGP updates over a period of time, more AS links are visible. This is because as the topology changes, BGP updates provide transient and ephemeral route information. However, if the window of observation is long, an advertised link may cease to exist [7] by the time that we construct a topology snapshot. In other words, BGP updates may provide a superimposition of a number of different snapshots that existed at some point in time. Note that BGP updates are collected at the same vantage points as the BGP tables in most collection sites. Naturally, topologies derived from BGP updates share the same statistical bias per link type as from BGP routing tables: peer-to-peer links are only to be advertised to the peering ASes and their customers. This further limits the additional information that BGP updates can provide currently. On the other hand, BGP updates could be useful in revealing ephemeral backup links over long period of observation, along with erroneous BGP updates. To tell the two apart, we need highly targeted probes. Recently, active BGP probing[12] has been proposed for identifying backup AS links. This is a promising approach that could complement our work and provide the needed capability for discovering more AS links.
By using traceroute, one can explore IP paths and then translate the IP addresses to AS numbers, thus obtaining AS paths. Similar to BGP tables, the traceroute path information is considered reliable, since it represents the path that the packets actually traverse. On the other hand, a traceroute server explores the routing paths from its location towards the rest of the world, and thus, the collected data has the same limitations as BGP data in terms of completeness and link bias. One additional challenge with the traceroute data is the mapping of an IP path to an AS path. The problem is far from trivial, and it has been the focus of several recent efforts [21][22].
Internet Routing Registry (IRR)[14] is the union of a growing number of world-wide routing policy databases that use the Routing Policy Specification Language (RPSL). In principle, each AS should register routes to all its neighbors (that reflect the AS links between the AS and its neighbors) with this registry. IRR information is manually maintained and there is no stringent requirement for updating it. Therefore, without any processing, AS links derived from IRR are prone to human errors, could be outdated or incomplete. However, the up-to-date IRR entries provide a wealth of information that could not be obtained from any other source. A recent effort [16] shows that, with careful processing of the data, we can extract a non-trivial amount of correct and useful information.

2.2  Related Work and Comparison

There has been a large number of measurements studies related to topology discovery, with different goals, at different times, and using different sources of information.
Our work has the following characteristics that distinguish it from most previous other efforts, such as [13][6]: (1)We make extensive use of topological information from the Internet Exchange Points to identify more edges. It turns out that IXPs "conceal" many links which did not appear in most previous topology studies. (2)We use a more sophisticated, comprehensive and thorough tool [16] to filter the less accurate IRR data, which was not used by previous studies. (3) We employ a "guess-and-verify" approach for finding more edges by identifying potential edges and validating them through targeted traceroutes. This greatly reduced the number of traceroutes that were needed. (4)We accept new edges conservatively and only when they are confirmed by a BGP table or a traceroute. In contrast, some of the previous studies included edges from IRR without confirming it with a traceroute.
The most relevant previous work is done by Chang et al. [6] with data collected in 2001. They identify new edges by looking at several sources of topological information including BGP tables and IRR. They estimate that 25%-50% AS links were missing from Oregon Routeview BGP table, the most commonly used data set for AS topology studies. Their work was an excellent first step towards a more complete topology.
In a parallel effort, Cohen and Raz [13] identify missing links in the Internet topology. Our studies corroborate some of the observations there. Note that, their work does not include an exhaustive measurement, data collection and comparison effort as our work. For example, IXP information was not used in their work.
Several other interesting measurement studies exist. NetDimes [8] is an effort to collect large volumes of host-based traceroute information. The key here is to increase the number of traceroute points by turning cooperative end hosts into observation points. The challenge now becomes the measurement noise removal, the collection, and processing of the information [23]. Our approach and NetDimes could complement and leverage each other towards a more complete and accurate topology. Donnet et al. [24] propose efficient algorithms for large-scale topology discovery by traceroute probes. Rocketfuel [25] explores ISP topologies using traceroutes. In [9], the authors examine the information contained in BGP updates.
The exhaustive identification of IXP participants has received limited attention. Most previous work focuses on identifying the existence of IXPs. Xu et al. [15] develop what appears to be the first systematic method for identifying IXP participants. Inspired by their work, our approach subsumes their method, and thus, it provides more complete and accurate results (see Section 5).
Table 1: The topological data sets used in our study.
OBD The Oregon routeviews BGP table dump
BD OBD and other additional BGP table dumps
IRRnc IRR edges processed by Nemecis with
non-conflicting policy declarations
IRRdual IRRnc edges correctly declared by both adjacent ASes
BD+IRR BD and the edges of IRRdual confirmed by RETRO
IXPall Union of cliques of IXP participants
ALL BD+IRR and the potential IXP edges
that are confirmed by RETRO
Table 2: The statistics of the topologies
Name Nodes Edges p-c p-p
OBD 19.8k 42.6k 36.7k 5.5k
BD 19.9k 51.3k 38.2k 12.7k
BD+IRR 19.9k 56.9k 38.2k 18.3k
ALL 19.9k 59.5k 38.2k 20.9k
Table 3: A collection of BGP table dumps
Route collector or# of# of# of edges withedgesedges not in
Router server nameNodesEdgestype inferrednot inOBD w/ type

3  Framework For Finding Missing Links

In this section, we present a systematic framework for extracting and synthesizing the AS level topology information from different sources. The different sources have complementary information of variable accuracy. Thus, we cannot just simply take the union of all the edges. A careful synthesis and cross-validation is required. At the same time, we are interested in identifying the properties of the missing AS links.
In a nutshell, our study arrives at three major observations regarding the properties of the missing AS links: (1) most of the missing AS edges are of the peer-to-peer type, (2) most of the missing AS edges from BGP tables appear in IRR, and (3) most of the missing AS edges are incident at IXPs. At different stages of the research, these three observations direct us to discover even more edges, some of which do not appear in any other source of information currently.
We present an overview of our work in order to provide the motivation for the different steps that we take. We start with the data set from Oregon routeviews BGP table Dump (OBD)[17], the BGP table dumps collected at, which is by far the most widely used data archive. Our work consists of four main steps.
A. BGP routing tables: We consider the AS edges derived from multiple BGP routing table dumps[7], and compare them to the Routeview data (OBD). The question we try to answer is what is the information that the new BGP tables bring. We use the term BD to refer to the combined data from all available BGP table Dumps. Table 1 lists the acronyms for our data sets.
B. IRR data: We systematically analyze the IRR data and identify topological information that seems trustworthy by Nemecis[16]. We follow a conservative approach, given that IRR may contain some out-dated and/or erroneous information. We do not accept new edges from IRR, even after our first processing, unless they are confirmed by traceroutes (using our RETRO tool). Overall, we find that IRR is a good source of missing links. For example, we discover that more than 80% of the new edges found in the new tables (i.e., the AS edges in BD but not in OBD) already exist in IRR [14]. Even compared to BD, IRR has significantly more edges, which are validated by RETRO as we explain below.
C. IXPs and potential edges: We identify a set of potential IXP edges by applying our methodology on inferring IXP participants from Section 5. We find that many of the peer-to-peer edges missing from the different data sets could be IXP edges.
D. Validation using RETRO: We use our traceroute tool, RETRO, to verify potential edges from IRR and IXPs. First, we confirm the existence of many potential edges we identified in the previous steps. We find that more than 94% of the RETRO-verified AS edges in IRR indeed go through IXPs. We also discover edges that were not previously seen in either the BGP table dumps or IRR. In total, we have validated 300% more peer-to-peer links than those in the OBD data set from Routeviews.
The statistics of the topologies generated from the different data sets in our study are listed in Table. 2.

3.1  The new edges from a BGP table dump

We collect multiple BGP routing table dumps from various locations in the world, and compare them with OBD. On May 12, 2005, we collected 34 BGP routing table dumps from the Oregon route collectors [17], the RIPE/RIS route collectors [18] and public route servers [26]. Several other route collectors were not operational at the time that the data was collected and therefore, we do not include them in this study. For each BGP routing table dump, we extract its "AS_PATH" field and generate an AS topology graph. We then combine these 34 graphs into a single graph and delete duplicate AS edges if any. The resulting graph, which is named as BD (BGP Dumps), has 19,950 ASes and 51,345 edges that interconnect these ASes. The statistics of BD are similar to what was reported in [7]. Interestingly, BD has only 0.5% additional ASes, but 20.4% more AS edges as compared with OBD.
To study the business relationships of these edges, we use the PTE algorithm [27], which seems to outperform most previous such approaches. Specifically, it significantly increases the accuracy (over 90%) of inferring peer-to-peer AS links. Most of the AS edges are classified into three basic types on the basis of business relationships: provider-customer, peer-to-peer and sibling-to-sibling. Among them, sibling-to-sibling links only account for a very small (0.12%) portion of the total AS edges and we do not consider them in this study. We count the number of peer-to-peer (or "p-p" for short) and provider-customer (or "p-c" for short) AS links for each BGP routing table. The statistics for dumps with significant number of new edges are shown in Table 3.
For comparison purposes, we pick the most widely used AS graph OBD as our baseline graph. For each of the other BGP routing tables, we examine the number of additional AS edges that do not appear in OBD, as classified by their business relationship. As shown in Table 3, from each of the BGP routing tables that provides a significant number of new edges to OBD, most of the new-found edges are of the peer-to-peer type.
BGP table biases: underestimating the peer-to-peer edges. A closer look at the data reveals an interesting dichotomy: (1) Most edges in a BGP table are provider-customer. (2) Given a set of BGP tables, most new edges in an additional BGP table are peer-to-peer type. We can see this by plotting the types of new edges as we add the new tables. In Fig. 1, we plot the cumulative number of new found peer-to-peer edges and provider-customer edges versus the total number of edges. To generate this plot, we start with OBD with 42643 AS edges and combine new AS edges derived from the BGP table dumps other than OBD, one table dump at a time, sorted by the number of new edges they provide. At the end, when all the BGP table dumps in our data set are included, we obtain the graph BD; this has 51345 AS edges in total. Among these edges, there are 7183 peer-to-peer edges and 1499 provider-customer edges that do not exist in the baseline graph OBD. Clearly, Fig 1 demonstrates that we discover more peer-to-peer AS edges than provider-customer edges when we increase the number of vantage points. Furthermore, the ratio of the number of new found peer-to-peer edges to the number of new found provider-customer edges is almost constant given that the two plots (corresponding to the new found p-p edges and the p-c edges) in Fig. 1 are almost straight lines.
The percentage of peer-to-peer edges increases with the number of BGP tables. A complementary observation is that for a BGP-table-based graph, the more complete it is (in number of edges), the higher the percentage of peer-to-peer links. For example, the AS graph derived from has 33841 AS edges, 2024 (5.98%) of which are peer-to-peer edges. On the other hand, the more complete AS graph OBD has 42643 edges, and 5551 (13.0%) of these edges are peer-to-peer edges. The combined graph BD has an even higher percentage (24.8%) of peer-to-peer links.
The above observations strongly suggest that in order to obtain a more complete Internet topology, one should consider peer-to-peer links than any other type of primary AS links.
Figure 1: Most new edges in BD but not in OBD are peer-to-peer edges.

3.2  Exploring IRR

We carefully process the IRR information to identify potential new edges. Recall that we do not add any edges until we verify them with RETRO later in this section.
We extract AS links from IRR on May 12, 2005 and classify their business relationships using Nemecis [16] as per the exporting policies of registered ISPs. The purpose of using Nemecis to filter the IRR is that, Nemecis can successfully eliminate most badly defined or inconsistent edges and, it can infer with fair accuracy the business relationships of the edges.
There are 96,654 AS links in total and they are classified into three basic types in terms of their relationships: peer-to-peer, customer-provider and sibling-to-sibling. Sometimes two ASes register conflicting policies with each other. For example, AS_A may register AS_B as a customer while AS_B registers AS_A as a peer. There are 7,114 or 7.4% of such AS links and we exclude them in our data analysis. We call the remaining edges non-conflicting IRR edges or IRRnc. Considering the different types of policies, this set can be decomposed into three self-explanatory sets: pcIRRnc, peerIRRnc and siblingIRRnc. From these edges, we define the set IRRdual to include the edges for which both adjacent ASes register matching relationships. (Contrarily, IRRnc includes edges for which only one AS registers a peering relationship while the other AS does not register at all.) Similarly, the IRRdual set can be decomposed by type of edge into three sets: pcIRRdual, peerIRRdual and siblingIRRdual.
Table 4: AS edges in IRR (May 12, 2005) without relationship conflict
# ofPerc. ofPerc. of
Name ofnon-0# ofAvgtotalIRR edges
The statistics of these data sets are summarized in Table 4. We notice that the number of edges in the more reliably defined IRRdual set is significantly less than that of the IRRnc. In other words, AS edges in IRRdual and its subsets ( peerIRRdual, pcIRRdual and siblingIRRdual) are fewer but we are more confident about: (a) their existence, and (b) their business relationships.
We make the following two observations:
a. IRR is a good source of hints for missing edges. We perform the following thought experiment: knowing only the OBD data set, would IRR be a good source of potential edges? We compare the edges in graph BD but not in graph OBD with the edges in IRR. We find that 83.3% of these edges exist in IRR: 7251 from a total of 8702 new edges. This high percentage suggests that the IRR can potentially be a source for finding new edges. We also notice that from among these 7251 edges, 6302 are classified in terms of their business relationships by Nemecis[16]. From among these classified edges, 5303 edges are of the peer-to-peer type and only 832 are of the provider-customer type. This confirms the result shown in Fig. 1, where most new found AS edges are of the peer-to-peer type. Recall that, for Fig. 1, the business relationships are inferred by the PTE algorithm[27], instead of Nemecis[16], which we use here. Both algorithms give quantitatively similar results which provides high credibility to both the data and the interpretations.
b. IRR has many more edges compared to our most complete BGP-table graph (BD). Motivated by the observation above, we examine the number of AS edges in IRR that are not included in BD. Table 5 summarizes the number and the type of IRR AS edges that do not appear in BD. From among the IRR AS edges inferred as non-conflicting types, 71.1% are missing from BD. The percentage is especially high for peer-to-peer edges: 80.7% of the peer-to-peer AS edges in IRR are missing from BD. This suggests that there may be many IRR links that exist but are yet to be verified. We also notice that 59.7% of the provider-customer AS edges are missing. At this point, we can only speculate that most of these missing provider-customer AS edges represent backup links.
Table 5: Percentage of IRR edges missing from BD
# of edges# of edges
Name# of edgesNOT in BDMissing Perc.

3.3  IXPs and missing links

Note that, when two ASes are participants at the same IXP, it does not necessarily mean that there is an AS edge between them. If two participating ASes agree to exchange traffic through an IXP, this constitutes an AS edge, which we call an IXP edge. Many IXP edges are of peer-to-peer type, although customer-provider edges are also established.
Identifying IXP edges requires two steps: (a) we need to find the IXP participants, and (b) we need to identify which edges exist between the participants. We defer a discussion of our method and tool on how to find the IXP participants to Section 5. However, even when we know the IXP participants, identifying the edges is still a challenge: not all participants connect with each other. In addition, the peering agreements among the IXP participants are not publicly known.
We start with a superset of the real IXP edges that contains all possible IXP edges: we initially assume that the participants of each IXP form a clique. We denote by IXPall the set of all edges that make up all of these cliques. IXPall contains 141,865 distinct AS edges.
Potential missing edges and IXP edges. We revisit the previous sets of edges we have identified and check to see if they could be IXP edges. First, we look at the peer-to-peer AS edges that appear in BD but not in OBD. These are the peer-to-peer AS edges missing from OBD but are discovered with BD. We call this set of AS edges peerBD-OBD. Here we use the minus sign to denote the difference between two sets: A-B is the set of entities in set A but not in set B. Second, we look at the AS edges that appear in peerIRRnc but not in the graph BD. We call this set of links peerIRRnc-BD. These AS links are the ones that are potentially missing from BD. We define the peerIRRdual links not in BD as peerIRRdual-BD.
Having made this classification, we compare each class with the super set, IXPall, of edges that we constructed earlier. The statistics are shown in Table 6. With our first comparison, we find that approximately 86% of the edges in peerBD-OBD are in IXPall and hence, are potentially IXP edges. Next, we observe that 60% of the edges in peerIRRnc-BD and 83% of the edges in peerIRRdual-BD are in IXPall. Thus, if they exist, they could be IXP edges.
In summary, the analysis here seems to suggest that, most of the peer-to-peer AS links missing from the BGP dumps but present in IRR are potentially IXP edges.
Table 6: Many missing peer-to-peer links are at IXPs
Name# of EdgesÇ IXPallPerc.
BD-OBD 8702691079%

3.4  Validating links with RETRO

With the work so far, we have identified sets of edges and obtained hints on where to look for new edges: (1) most missing links are expected to be the peer-to-peer type, (2) IRR seems to be a good source of information, (3) many missing edges are expected to be IXP edges.
However, as we have noted before, the peer-to-peer edges learned through the IRRs and IXPall are not guaranteed to exist. Therefore, in this section we focus on validating their existence to the extent possible. Note here that with the validation, we eliminate stale information that may still be present in the IRR and IXP data sources.
To verify the existence of the edges in peerIRRnc-BD, we would like to witness these edges on traceroute paths. Typically, when a traceroute probe passes through an IXP edge between AS A and AS B, it will contain the following sequence of IP addresses: [IPAS_A, IPIXP, IPAS_B]. If such a pattern is observed with our traceroute probes, it is almost certain that an IXP edge between AS A and AS B exists.
We first tried to use the Skitter[28] traces as our verification source; however, we soon found that it was not suitable for our purposes. Between May 8 and May 12 in 2005, we collected a full cycle of traces from each of the active Skitter monitors. Despite a total number of 21,363,562 individual traceroute probes in the data set, we were only able to confirm 399 IXP edges in peerIRRnc-BD. The reason could be that the monitors were not in the "right" place to discover these edges: the monitors should be at the AS adjacent to that edge, or at one of the customers of those two ASes. With the limited number of monitors (approximately two dozen active ones) in Skitter, it is difficult to witness and validate many of the peer-to-peer AS edges.
To address this limitation, we develop a tool for detecting and verifying AS edges. We employ public traceroute servers(e.g.[29]) to construct RETRO (REverse TraceROute), a tool that collects traceroute server configurations, send out traceroute requests, and collect traceroute results dynamically. Currently, we have a total of 404 reverse traceroute servers which contain more than 1200 distinct and working vantage points. These vantages points cover 348 different ASes and 55 different countries.
With the RETRO tool, we conduct the following procedure to verify AS edges in the peerIRRnc-BD set. For each edge in peerIRRnc-BD, we find out if there are any RETRO monitors in at least one of the two ASes incident on the edge. For about 2/3 of the edges in peerIRRnc-BD, we do not have a monitor in either of the two ASes on the edge. If there is at least one monitor, we try to traceroute from that monitor to an IP that belongs to the other AS on the edge. There are two problems in finding the right IP address to traceroute to. First, some ASes do not announce or can not be associated with any IP prefixes and thus, we are not able to traceroute to these ASes. Second, most of the rest of the ASes announce a large range (equal to or more than 256, i.e., a full /24 block) of IP addresses. To maximize our chances of performing a successful traceroute, we choose a destination from the list of IP addresses that has been shown to be reachable by at least one of the Skitter monitors. We then trigger RETRO to generate a traceroute from the selected monitor to the destination IP address that we choose. We call this set of traceroutes RETRO_TRACE1.
Most missing peer-to-peer links are incident at IXPs. We define a candidate to be a potential edge between two ASes, which satisfy the following two conditions: (a) we have a RETRO monitor located in one of the two ASes, and (b) there is at least one IP address from the other AS is reachable by the traceroute probe performed from the RETRO monitor. We have 8791 such "candidates" for the potential AS edges in peerIRRnc-BD. By appropriately performing traceroutes on candidates, we get traceroute paths. In these paths, we search for two patterns for each candidate (ASA, ASB): (a) [IPAS_A, IPAS_B]. , and (b) [ IPAS_A, IPIXP, IPAS_B]. If either of the two patterns appears, it is almost certain that the AS edge between ASA and ASB exists either as (a) a direct edge or, (b) as an IXP edge, respectively. The results that we obtain at the end of the above process are summarized in Table 7.
Table 7: RETRO verifies peer-to-peer links in IRR missing from BD
Name# of# of RETRO# of confirmed peering
edgescandidatestotalvia IXPdirect
Among 8791 candidates in peerIRRnc-BD, RETRO is able to confirm that a total of 5646 edges indeed exist. The existence of the rest of the candidates does not show in our RETRO data. Note that this method can only confirm the presence, but not prove the absence of an edge. It could very well be that that the traceroute does not pass through the right path. The most interesting result is, from among the 5646 verified edges, 5317 or 94.2% of them are IXP edges. The result suggests that most of the missing peer-to-peer links from BGP tables are in fact incident at IXPs. We conjecture that this is probably because the peer-to-peer links between middle or low ranked ASes (national or regional ISPs) are typically underrepresented in BGP tables. For those ASes, peering with other ASes at IXPs is a much more cost-efficient way than by building private peering links one by one. Our result strongly suggests that in order to look for missing peer-to-peer links from BGP tables, we should examine IXPs more carefully.
Discover edges not observed in BGP tables or IRRs From the results so far, we suspect that the missing edges are often IXP edges. Following this pattern, we identify and confirm edges that previously had not been observed in any other data source.
Table 8: RETRO verifies AS edges not in BD and IRRnc
Name# of# of RETRO# of confirmed peering
edgescandidatestotalvia IXPdirect
We consider those AS edges in IXPall that are neither in BD nor in IRRnc, and call them IXPall-BD-IRR. We then attempt to trace these edges by using RETRO. We call this set of traceroute RETRO_TRACE2. The results from our experiments are summarized in Table 8.
We find 2,603 new AS edges from out of 17,640 RETRO candidate paths. The percentage of confirmed new AS edges is 14.8%. This is much lower than what we see with peerIRRnc-BD. This is due to the fact that IXPall is an overly aggressive estimate. In addition, we have already identified that many edges from IXPall are in the previous sets (BD and peerIRRnc-BD).
We also notice that there is a small number of confirmed edges that are shown to exhibit direct peering instead of peering at some IXP. A closer look reveals that many of such cases are due to the fact that a small number of routers do not respond with ICMP messages with the incoming interfaces, and therefore, the IXP IP address, which is supposed to be returned by the traceroute, is "skipped". Note that this phenomenon does not stop us from identifying the edge. It just makes us underestimate the percentage of IXP edges among the confirmed edges.

4  Significance of the new edges

In this section, we identify properties of the new edges. Then, we examine the impact of the new edges on the topological properties of the Internet. Finally, we attempt to extrapolate and estimate how many edges we may still be missing.

4.1  Patterns of the peer-to-peer edges

peerAll.All.ratio.cdf.gif peerAll.All.diff.cdf.gif
Figure 2: Degree ratio distribution(left) and degree difference distribution (right) of all peer-to-peer AS links in the Internet.
We study the properties exhibited by nodes that peer. Therefore, we examine the degrees, d1 and d2, of the two peering nodes that make up each peer-to-peer edge. Let us clarify that the degrees d1 and d2 include both peer-to-peer and provider-customer edges. One would expect that d1 and d2 would be "comparable". Intuitively, one would expect that the degree of an AS is loosely related to the importance and its place in the AS hierarchy; we expect ASes to peer with ASes at the same level.
However, we find that the node degree of the nodes connected with a peer-to-peer link can differ significantly. We compare the two degrees using their ratio and absolute difference. Note that these two metrics provide complementary view of difference, which leads to the following two findings: (1) Close to 78% of the peer-to-peer edges connect ASes whose degrees differ by a factor of 2. In Fig. 2 (left), we plot the CDF of the distribution of the ratio min(d1, d2) / max(d1, d2) of the peer-to-peer edges. Another observation is that 45% of the peer-to-peer edges connect nodes whose degrees differ by a factor of 5. This is a surprisingly large difference. One might argue that this is an artifact of having peer-to-peer edges between low degree nodes, say d1 = 2 and d2 = 11, whose absolute degree difference is arguably small. This is why we examine the absolute difference of the degrees next. (2) 35% of the peer-to-peer edges have nodes with an absolute difference greater than 215. In Fig. 2 (right), we plot the CDF of the distribution of the absolute value | d1 - d2 |, where d1 and d2 remain as defined earlier. Another interesting observation is that approximately half of the peer-to-peer edges have a degree difference larger than 144. Differences of 144 and 215 are fairly large if we consider that roughly 70% of the nodes have a degree less than 4. We intend to investigate why quite a few high degree ASes establish peer relationship with low degree ASes in the future.

4.2  Impact on the Internet topology

All.gif IRRdual.gif
pcAll.gif pcIRRdual.gif
peerAll.weibull.gif peerIRRdual.weibull.gif
Figure 3: The degree distributions of ALL (left) and IRRdual (right) in the top row, their provider-customer degree distributions in the middle row, and their peer-to-peer degree distributions in the bottom row.

4.2.1  The degree distribution

There has been a long debate on whether the degree distribution of the Internet at the AS level follows a power-law[30][31][32][6]. This debate is partly due to the absence of a definitive statistical test. For example, in Fig. 3 top left, we plot the complementary cumulative distribution functions (CCDF), on a log-log scale, of the graph ALL defined earlier in Table 1. The distribution is highly skewed, and the correlation coefficient of a least square errors fitting is 98.9%. However, one could still use different statistical metrics and argue against the accuracy of the approximation [32].
Furthermore, the answer could vary depending on which source we think is more complete and accurate, and the purpose or the required level of statistical confidence of a study. For example, if we go with IRRdual, which is a subset of the AS edges recorded in IRR filtered by Nemecis, the correlation coefficient is only 93.5%, see Fig. 3 top right.
To settle the debate, we propose a reconciliatory divide-and-conquer approach. We propose to model separately the degree distribution according to the type of the edges: provider-customer and peer-to-peer. We argue that this would be a more constructive approach for modeling purposes. This decomposition seems to echo the distinct properties of the two edge types, as discussed in a recent study of the evolution on the Internet topology [11].
In Fig. 3, we show an indicative set of degree distribution plots for graph ALL on the left column and IRRdual on the right. We show the distributions for the whole graph (top row), the provide-customer edges only (middle row), and the peer-to-peer edges only (bottom row). We display the power-law approximation in the first two rows of plots and the Weibull approximation in the bottom row of plots.
We observe the following two properties: (a)The provider-customer-only degree distribution can be accurately approximated by a power-law. The correlation coefficient is 99.5% or higher in the plots of Fig.3 in the middle row. Note that, although the combined degree distribution of IRRdual does not follow a power law (top row right), its provider-customer subgraph follows a strict power law (middle row right). (b)The peer-to-peer-only degree distribution can be accurately approximated by a Weibull distribution. The correlation coefficient is 99.2% or higher in the plots of Fig.3 in the bottom row.
It is natural to ask why the two distributions differ. We suggest the following explanation. Power-laws are related to the rich-get-richer behavior: low degree nodes "want" to connect to high degree nodes. For provider-customer edges, this makes sense: an AS wants to connect to a high-degree provider, since that provider would likely provide shorter paths to other ASes. This is less boviously rue for peer-to-peer edges. If AS1 becomes a peer of AS2, AS1 does not benefit from the other peer-to-peer edges of AS2: a peer will not transit traffic for a peer. Therefore, high peer-to-peer degree does not make a node more attractive as a peer-to-peer neighbor. We intend to investigate its validity in the future.

4.2.2  Clustering coefficient

We expect that the ALL graph will be more clustered since we add edges. To quantify this, we use the clustering coefficient which has been used to characterize and compare generated and real topologies [33]. Intuitively, the clustering coefficient captures the extent to which a node's one-hop neighborhood is tightly connected. A clustering coefficient of exactly one means that the neighborhood is a clique. The average clustering coefficient of OBD is 0.25 and it increases to 0.31 in ALL.
In addition, we find that the density increase is not homogeneous. The neighborhoods of "middle-class" nodes become more clustered: the clustering coefficient increase is larger for nodes with degrees in the 10 to 300 range. Note that this property characterizes the new edges, and could help us identify more missing edges in future studies.
Figure 4: The number of ex-provider paths (shown as impulses on the left y-axis) of each node in order decreasing node degree (shown as a semi diagonal line corresponding to the right y-axis). The x-axis shows the rank of the nodes in the order of descending degree.

4.2.3  AS path length

We study the effect of the new edges on the AS path lengths with policy-aware routing. The routing policy is a consequence of the business practices driven by contracts, agreements, and ultimately profit. As a first-order approximation of the real routing policy, we use the No Valley Prefer Customer (NVPC) routing, which is defined in [34] [35].
We have approximately 20,000 ASes present in the Internet topology and examine all possible pairs of ASes. For each AS pair, we compare the AS path lengths with OBD and with ALL. We find that approximately 10 million of the paths change in length. While we note that this is a small fraction of the total number of paths, it is still a significant number in terms of its absolute value. In addition, no change in the length does not mean that the path did not change. For this reason, we study next how many paths changed even if they did not change in length.

4.3  The effect on ISP revenue

We examine how much the new discovered AS links would change the models previous studies had arrived at about routing decisions and ISP income by using incomplete Internet topology.
Similar to studying AS path length, we assume NVPC routing in our model. For each AS, we count how many of its paths stop going through one of its providers once the new edges are added. We refer to these paths as ex-provider paths. The number of ex-provider paths is an indication, of the financial gains for that AS. Clearly, there are other considerations, such as prefix-based traffic engineering and performance issues, that our analysis cannot possibly capture. However, our results are a good first indication of the effect of the new peer-to-peer links.
The significant financial benefits of the new peer-to-peer edges. We plot the number of the ex-provider paths for each node in Fig. 4. The x-axis represents the rank of the nodes on a log scale in order of decreasing degree; The y-axis at the left represents the number of ex-provider paths. In addition, we plot the node degrees (on the right y-axis) against their ranks as a semi diagonal line. We see that the difference between using an incomplete graph (OBD) and using a more complete graph (ALL) is dramatic: there are many ASes, for each of which, several thousands out of the total 20K paths (to all other ASes) stop going through a provider. For some ASes, more than 50% of their paths stop going through their providers (10K out of 20K possible paths per AS).
The rise of the "middle class" ASes. Another interesting observation is that the nodes which seem to benefit the most from these changes have degrees in the range from 10 to 300 (right y-axis). Top tier nodes (top 20 ranked) almost do not benefit at all; this is expected, since they do not have any providers anyway. Nodes with really low node degree do not benefit much either, since nodes with very low degrees are less likely to have a peer-to-peer edge.

4.4  Are we missing a lot more peer edges?

Currently, the ALL graph has approximately 20.9K peer-to-peer edges. However, we were very conservative in adding edges from IRRnc: we required that the edges are verified by RETRO. So, a natural question is, how many more edges could we verify from IRRnc if we had more RETRO servers? We attempt to provide an estimate by extrapolating the success of our method in finding new edges. First, we provide a conservative estimation and later, a more liberal estimation, below.
Conservative extrapolation using IRRdual: We find 35% more peer-to-peer edges compared to ALL. We revisit the IRRdual graph and examine if we can include more edges than the ones we validate with RETRO. Recall from Table 7 that we find that there are 13905 edges in the peerIRRdual-BD, and from these, only 4487 are "verifiable" candidates. From the verifiable edges, we actually verify 3529 or 78.6% of the verifiable edges. We generalize this percentage: we assume that if we had more RETRO monitors, we could verify 78.6% of the peerIRRdual-BD. This leads to an estimated 7.4K (10.9K-3.5K) peer-to-peer edges not in ALL, which has 20.9K peer-to-peer edges.
Liberal Extrapolation using IRRnc: We find 95% more peer-to-peer edges compared to ALL. In a similar way, we estimate how many edges we could verify from peerIRRnc-BD, which is a more "inclusive" set. Here, the total number of peer-to-peer edges is 39,894, the verifiable edges 8,791, and the verified edges 5,646. This gives rise to an estimate of 39894×5646/8791 = 25.6K peer-to-peer edges out of which 5.6K are already in ALL.

5  Identifying IXP Participants

In this section, we present a method for identifying the participants at Internet Exchange Points (IXPs). Our goal is to find all the participants at each IXP, and this is a non trivial problem. We find that finding the IXP participants is key for identifying many missing AS edges as explained in section 3.

5.1  From IPs to IXP participants

This part of our approach uses two techniques to infer IXP participants from IXP IP addresses: 1)path-based inference, where we perform a careful processing of collected traceroute data, and 2)name-based inference, where, we analyze the name and the related information with regard to IXPs from the DNS and/or WHOIS databases.
In both inference methods, we start with the IP address blocks allocated to the IXPs, which we call IXP IP addresses. We obtain this information from the Packet Clearing House (PCH) [36]. In terms of traceroute data, we use a full cycle of Skitter traceroute data between May 1, 2005 and May 12, 2005, and our RETRO_TRACE1 data in May 2005 as described in Section 3.4.

5.1.1  Path-based inference

The high level overview of the method is deceptively simple. First, for each IXP IP address IPixp that we obtain from PCH, we search for the IP address that appears immediately after IPixp in each of the obtained traceroute paths. Second, if we find more than one such IP address for the particular IPixp, we select the one that appears most frequently to be IPnext. We call the above procedure the majority selection process. Third, we find the AS ASx that owns the IP address, IPnext and consider that ASx to be a participant at the IXP. Furthermore, we consider that IPixp is the IP interface via which ASx accesses the IXP.
Figure 5: A conceptual model of a typical IXP
To illustrate this with an example let us consider Fig. 5. A typical traceroute from AS A to router X yields the following sequence of IP addresses: [,,,]. Since the address "", which belongs to AS B, appears immediately after IXP IP address "", we infer that, AS B is a participant AS, and that is the interface that is assigned to AS B. Note from Fig. 5 that, irrespective of the location of the traceroute source and its destination, if an IXP address (the address in our example) appears in a traceroute, the IP address that appears immediately after (the address in our example) is owned by the AS (in our example AS B) that uses the IXP address (e.g. to access the IXP as long as two conditions hold. These are: (1) each IXP interface address is assigned to a single AS, and (2) routers always respond to a traceroute probe with the address that corresponds to the incoming IP interface. While the first condition largely holds, the second condition does not. There is a small chance that a router could respond to a traceroute probe with an alternate (not the incoming) interface[37][21]. In our example, router R could respond to a traceroute probe from AS A to router X with an alternate interface (e.g., which makes the traceroute path appear as [,,,]. Since could be within the IP space of AS C, one could incorrectly infer that AS C is an IXP participant. We overcome this limitation with our majority-selection process; the basis is the assumption that in the majority of the cases, routers will respond to a traceroute probe with the incoming interface. This assumption has been shown to hold by numerous prior efforts [37][21].
The previously proposed method in [15] does not have the majority selection process. Furthermore the method does not associate the specific IXP IP interface addresses with their respective participating ASes. Our majority selection process eliminates measurement noise and thus, ensures a lower "false positive" rate. We map the discovered AS participants to their assigned IXP IP addresses, and using this, exclude the addresses in the name-based inference process that we describe below. This practice reduces the number of total IXP IP addresses that are subject to the name-based inference procedures which are inherently less reliable, and thus reduces the possible errors overall.
Figure 6: A flow chart of our path-based method to infer IXP participants from IXP IP addresses. Starting from the top, the numbers in the circle indicate the priority (lower number with higher priority) at a branching point.
Table 9: IXP participants inferring comparison
NameActualXDZC Approach [15]Our Approach
MSK-IX 154 90 115 68% 90% 136 156 88% 87%
JPIX 110 58 82 53% 71% 107 128 97% 84%
FREEIX 101 38 39 38% 97% 64 65 63% 98%
AMS-IX 211 177 220 84% 80% 182 200 86% 91%
LINX 175 164 242 94% 68% 168 193 96% 87%
DE-CIX 144 111 124 77% 90% 137 142 95% 96%

5.1.2  Named-based IXP participants inference.

The basic name-based IXP participants inference method, which was proposed in [15], works in three main steps: (a) for every IP address in each IXP prefix space, we do a reverse DNS look up, and we find the host name for that IXP IP address, (b) we take the domain name part (company.{com,net,org, etc.}) from the host name, and do a DNS look up, which leads to a new IP address, and (c) we find the AS that owns this address, and this AS is considered a participant of that IXP. For example, IXP DE-CIX has the IP address If we do a reverse DNS lookup, we get the host name
"". A DNS lookup of the domain name "" yields an IP address of An IP address to AS number conversion reveals that the IP address belongs to AS3356 (Level3). Therefore, AS3356 is considered a participant at DE-CIX.
Although this method has been used successfully by previous studies [15], it has two limitations: (a) sometimes it can return incorrect AS numbers for IXP participants, and (b) it does not always work: the DNS or the reverse DNS lookup may not return an answer.
We address the first limitation by excluding the IXP addresses that have been mapped on to AS participants by our path-based inference method. This greatly reduces the number of IXP addresses that are to be examined by the named-based inference method and therefore reduces the possible number of erroneous results.
We address the second limitation by proposing three new methods to improve the success rate of name-based inference:
a. Examining host names containing AS numbers. Sometimes, the DNS name of an IXP IP address contains the AS number of an IXP participant. For example, is an IP address at the London Internet Exchange (LINX), which has a DNS name From that, we can infer that AS9153 is a participant at the LINX IXP.
b. Examining common naming practices. We can increase the success rate of DNS lookups by including common host names with the inferred domain names. For example, although may fail to be resolved, the DNS look up may succeed with In fact, there are several common host names such as "ns", "ns1", "mail" and "www". Hosts with these names usually belong to the same AS. For example, is an IP address at IXP LINX at London, England. The host name of that IP address is "" and the DNS lookup for the domain name "" is unsuccessful. However, the DNS lookup for returns the address, which belongs to AS8785 (Astra/Eu-X and VBCnet GB).
c. Using the administrating personnel information. A WHOIS lookup for a domain name often has an administrative/technical contact person's e-mail address. The mail server is often within the same AS that corresponds to the domain name. For example, for "", all DNS lookups described previously, fail. However, if we look at the WHOIS lookup for domain "", we will find the contact email server is "", which has an IP address of, and it belongs to AS9066 (BCC GmbH).

5.1.3  Putting the two techniques together

We integrate both the path-based and named-based techniques, into a tool for inferring IXP participants from IXP addresses. We start with the path-based technique, and for every IP address in the IP block of an IXP, we try to find it in a traceroute path. If this works, then we do not reexamine this IP address. Otherwise, we use the name-based inference and we utilize the three mechanisms that we proposed above. For completeness, we show the flow chart of the inference method in Fig. 6.

5.1.4  Evaluating our inference approach

We use two complementary metrics: Recall R and Precision P, which are widely used in the data mining literature for similar tasks. They are defined as follows: R =[(Ncorrect)/(Nactual)] and P =[(Ncorrect)/(Ninferred)] where Ncorrect is the number of correctly inferred participants from among those inferred, Nactual is the actual number of participants, and Ninferred is the total number of inferred participants. Note that the Precision metric, P, has not been used in previous studies although it is critical for detecting false positives. Otherwise, we favor overly aggressive inference methods that suggest a large number of correct and incorrect participants.
For the comparison and for lack of a better criterion, we select the six largest IXPs (in terms of number of participants) for which we know the participants through the EURO-IX site [38] or the IXPs' own web sites. In Table 9, for each IXP, we list its actual number of participants, the number of ASes that our algorithm inferred, and the number of ASes that our algorithm inferred correctly. We also show the Recall and Precision metrics.
It is easy to see that: (a) our approach is very effective in determining most of the participants in these IXPs, and (b) our approach identifies correctly more participants than XDZC[15] and almost always with better Precision. For the case of MSK-IX, we only have slightly lower Precision (by 3%) but a significantly higher Recall (by 20%).

5.2  From web-based archive

We notice there are some limitations on inferring IXP participants by the IXP IP addresses alone. For example, some IXPs do not have globally routable IP addresses and some IP addresses are either invisible by traceroute or appear as "*"s in responses to traceroute probes.
To overcome these limitations, we include an additional source of information by retrieving IXP participant information from the web sites. We have developed a tool that automatically downloads and parses the web pages, and outputs the AS numbers of the participants periodically. We use the European Internet Exchanges Association [38] which maintains a database with 35 IXPs and their participants. We are also able to collect information from the web pages of 31 other IXPs. Naturally, as any manually-maintained data, these archives can also contain inaccuracies. However, we did not find any major inconsistencies with our measured data.

5.3  The combined results

We applied our methods to infer the participants at various IXPs on May 12, 2005. We first use our web-based archival inference. For the rest of the IXPs, we collect information with regard to their IP address blocks from Packet Clearing House [36], and infer their participants from their IXP IP addresses by using our inferring heuristics. We identify 2348 distinct participants at 110 IXPs. Some ASes actively participate in multiple IXPs. For example, AS 8220 (Colt Telecom) is inferred as a participant in 22 different IXPs in 15 different countries. In this study, we have used the combined results as our source of IXP data.

6  Conclusion

In a nutshell, our work develops a systematic framework for the cross-validation and the synthesis of most available sources of topological information. We are able to find and confirm approximately 300% additional edges. Furthermore, we recognize that Internet Exchange Points (IXPs) hide significant topology information and most of those new discovered peer-to-peer AS links are incident at IXPs. The reason for such a phenomenon is probably because, most missing peer-to-peer links are likely to be at the middle or lower level of the Internet hierarchy, and peering at some IXP is a cost-efficient way for the ASes to setup peering relationships with other ASes. We show that by adding these new AS links, some research results based on previous incomplete topology, such as routing decision and ISP profit/cost, change dramatically. Our study suggest that business-oriented studies of the Internet should make a point of taking into consideration as many peer-to-peer edges as possible.
So, how many AS links are still missing from our new snapshot of the Internet topology? Our findings suggest that if we know the peering matrix of all the IXPs, we might be able to discover most of the missing peer-to-peer AS links. Unfortunately, very few IXPs publish their peering matrices. Futhermore, the published peering matrices are not necessarily accurate, complete or up-to-date. In our conservative estimates, there might be still 35% hiding peer-to-peer edges, in addition to what we already have in current Internet AS graph.
Our future plans have two distinct directions. First, we want to continue the effort towards a more complete Internet topology instance. Using the framework we developed here, we are in a good position to quickly and accurately incorporate new information, such as new BGP routing tables, or new traceroute servers. Second, given our more complete AS topology, we are in a better position to understand the structure of the Internet and the socio-economic and operational factors that guide its growth. This in turn could help us interpret and anticipate the Internet evolution and, indirectly, give us guidelines for designing better networks in the future.


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