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WiTMeMo '05 Paper    [WiTMeMo '05 Technical Program]

Modeling users' mobility among WiFi access points

Minkyong Kim and David Kotz
Department of Computer Science
Dartmouth College


Modeling movements of users is important for simulating wireless networks, but current models often do not reflect real movements. Using real mobility traces, we can build a mobility model that reflects reality. In building a mobility model, it is important to note that while the number of handheld wireless devices is constantly increasing, laptops are still the majority in most cases. As a laptop is often disconnected from the network while a user is moving, it is not feasible to extract the exact path of the user from network messages. Thus, instead of modeling individual user's movements, we model movements in terms of the influx and outflux of users between access points (APs). We first counted the hourly visits to APs in the syslog messages recorded at APs. We found that the number of hourly visits has a periodic repetition of 24 hours. Based on this observation, we aggregated multiple days into a single day by adding the number of visits of the same hour in different days. We then clustered APs based on the different peak hour of visits. We found that this approach of clustering is effective; we ended up with four distinct clusters and a cluster of stable APs. We then computed the average arrival rate and the distribution of the daily arrivals for each cluster. Using a standard method (such as thinning) for generating non-homogeneous Poisson processes, synthetic traces can be generated from our model.

1  Introduction

Modeling the movements of mobile users between access points (APs) is important for simulating wireless networks. It is often not feasible to test new technologies in real wireless networks, especially not on a large scale. Simulations allow developers and researchers to try these new technologies before real-world deployment. To simulate wireless networks at the AP level, we need a model that describes movements between APs. For example, we can estimate AP load or test resource allocation mechanisms [10] with such a movement model.

In developing a mobility model, we have three goals. First, the model should reflect real user movements. Currently available mobility models are not based on real traces and may not reflect real mobility patterns. Second, the model should be general enough to describe the movements of every device. When a user is moving, handheld devices often stay turned on, while laptops are disconnected from the network. Thus, it is not feasible to extract the physical path of laptop users by looking at network messages. Third, the model should consider the hourly variations over a day. A mobile user's movements are highly affected by the time of day, and as a result the load of APs changes over time during a day. For example, APs located at a cafeteria are visited most during lunch time. Thus, it is important to consider the hourly variations.

In this paper, we present a model of user movements between APs. From the syslog messages collected on the Dartmouth campus, we count the number of visits to each AP. Based on the observation that most APs have strong daily repetition, we aggregate the multiple days of the hourly visits into a single day. We then cluster APs based on their peak hour. We derive four clusters with different peak times and one cluster consisting of stable APs whose number of visits does not change much over 24 hours. To model a cluster, we compute hourly arrival and departure rates, and the distribution of daily arrivals. We leave the evaluation of this model as future work.

2  Clustering

In this section, we describe the traces that we used and how we discovered the period of repetition in the traces. We then describe the method of clustering APs.

2.1  Traces

We used the wireless network data collected at Dartmouth College. To observe regular student activities, we chose two months---from April 1 to May 31, 2003---that did not contain a long study break. Whenever clients authenticate, associate, reassociate, roam, disassociate or deauthenticate with an AP, a syslog message is recorded. Each message contains a timestamp in seconds, the client's MAC address, the AP name, and the event type. During two months, we observed 13,888 clients associating with 533 access points.

We used a filter to convert the syslog traces into the sequence of APs that each client associates with. This filter also defines the OFF state, which represents a state of being not connected to the network. A device enters the OFF state when it is turned off or when it loses network connectivity. The latter sometimes causes devices to enter the OFF state for a short duration, lasting only a few seconds. In terms of network messages, we assume that a client becomes the OFF if it sends a disassociate or deauthenticate message. An AP also generates a deauthenticate message for a client that has not sent any message for the past thirty minutes. In this case, we consider that a client entered OFF state thirty minutes prior to the time that the deauthenticate message was generated. After conversion, our traces contain 30.1 million associations and 5.3 million OFFs.

2.2  Discovering strong period

As the first step for understanding association patterns, we counted the hourly number of users at each access point over the two months of the traces. The number of users at an AP during the ith hour is defined as ui = ui-1 - li + ei, where li is the number of users who left this AP during the ith hour, and ei is the number of users who newly associated with this AP during the ith hour. As a result, we have a 1464-element vector for each AP, each element representing one hour in the 61-day period of our trace.

Instead of using a vector whose size increases linearly with the length of traces, is it possible to aggregate this information? For instance, if there is any periodic repetition, we can aggregate the values based on that period. To discover the period of repetition, we used the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT). For each AP, we transformed the 1464-element vector from the time domain to the frequency domain using DFT. We then chose the strongest frequency (or period) signal.

The result shows that out of 533 APs, 64.5% of APs have one day as their peak period. This means that the temporal pattern repeats every 24 hours. Based on this observation, we aggregated 61 days into a single day by adding the number of visits during the same hour of different days. We then ended up with a 24-element vector for each AP. From this, we removed APs that are not actively used. We removed APs whose average hourly visits are less than three. This reduced the number of APs from 533 to 203.

2.3  Clustering APs

Our experience with the Dartmouth traces has shown that different APs have their peak number of users at different times of the day. For example, APs located at a cafeteria experience the peak during lunch time. Based on this experience, we clustered APs based on their peak hourWe considered using AutoClass [2], a Bayesian-based clustering tool, which takes fixed-size, ordered vectors of attribute values as input. We liked the fact that it is a unsupervised classification tool (meaning that the number of classes does not need to be specified beforehand), but did not use it because it does not consider the relationship between input parameters..

We first want to identify the APs that are stable. Since the peak hour for these APs is not significant, these APs should not be clustered based on this value. To find the `right' cutoff to distinguish stable APs, we plot the CDF of the coefficient of variation (CV)---ratio of standard deviation to mean---of every AP, shown in Figure 1. This figure shows a knee around the CV of 0.3. Thus, we used this value as our threshold to identify stable APs. There are 108 APs whose CV is less than 0.3. These stable APs form the stable cluster.
We then clustered the rest of APs based on their peak hour. As many hourly clusters have similar patterns, we merged these similar clusters and ended up with four clusters. Cluster 1 represents 11 APs with peak hours in the morning (10 AM--noon). Cluster 2 consists of 8 APs with peak hours during lunch time (noon--1 PM). Cluster 3 represents 40 APs with peak hours in the afternoon (1 PM--5 PM). Cluster 4 consists of 36 APs with peak hours in the evening (5 PM--1 AM). Note that none of APs had their peak hour in the early morning (1 AM--10 AM).

Figure 1: Coefficient of Variation. This figure shows the CDF of CV of standard deviation to mean of 203 APs.

Figure 2 shows the hourly number of visits at each AP in the five clusters. The hourly visits to an AP is normalized by the total visits across the whole trace for that AP. The y-axis shows the fraction of visits that happened during each hour. In Figure 2(a), most of the APs experience a sudden increase in the number of visits at 8 AM; within two or three hours after that, this number reaches its peak. Figure 2(b) shows the APs with peak hours during lunch time. These APs have very similar patterns in hourly visits. It is interesting to note that the graph is not symmetric across 12 PM; while it increases sharply towards 12 PM, it decreases slowly after 12 PM. We expect that this is due to the fact that some people have lunch late since most cafeterias on the campus serve lunch until 2 or 2:30 PM. Figure 2(c) shows the APs with peaks in the afternoon. The overall trend is having peaks in the afternoon and most of them slowly decreasing after that, while some having another smaller peak before decreasing. Figure 2(d) shows the APs with peaks in the evening. The visits of most of the APs in this cluster increase toward midnight. Figure 2(e) shows the hourly visits at the stable APs. While most of these APs experience a minimum between 5 and 6 AM as is the case with all other clusters, the number of visits does not change significantly during the rest of the day.

(a) Cluster 1
(b) Cluster 2
(c) Cluster 3
(d) Cluster 4
(e) Cluster 5

Figure 2: Normalized Hourly Visits.

To show the similarity between the graphs within each cluster, we computed the average difference between the hourly median of the cluster and the hourly visits to each AP. The result is shown in Table 1. The difference result shows that Cluster 1 and 3 are noisier than the rest.

cluster start time end time APs diff
1 10 AM 12 PM 11 1.8%
2 12 PM 1 PM 8 0.8%
3 1 PM 5 PM 40 1.2%
4 5 PM 1 AM 36 0.5%
5 stable   108 0.3%

Table 1: Clustered APs. Column Diff shows the average difference between the hourly visits to APs and the hourly median of the corresponding cluster.

We expect that the location of APs that comprise each cluster is strongly biased. To see whether this assumption is true, we consider the types of buildings in which APs are located. We used six categories of buildings: academic, administrative, athletic, library, residential, and social [4]. Figure 3 shows the types of buildings in which APs within each cluster are located. Cluster 1, which peaks in the morning, consists mostly of academic buildings. Cluster 2, which peaks during lunch time, also consists mostly of academic buildings. This is an artifact of categorizing some of buildings that contain dining halls as academic. Cluster 3, which peaks in the afternoon, consists mostly of academic buildings and libraries. Cluster 4, which peaks in the evening, consists, not surprisingly, mostly of residential buildings. Cluster 5 of stable APs also consists mostly of residential buildings. This is because many people tend to leave their devices at home connected to the wireless network. Thus, many APs in residential areas do not experience fluctuations over the course of the day.

Figure 3: Building types. This figure shows the types APs categorized based on buildings in which they are located.

To examine the location of APs in more detail, we mapped the clustered APs on the campus map in Figure 4. We see that APs in Cluster 2 are in fact located around two dining areas, marked by arrows. Another interesting observation is that proximity between APs does not necessarily guarantee that those APs will follow similar patterns of usage. This observation agrees with our previous study of classification of APs [7].

Figure 4: APs on campus map. This figure shows the APs and their corresponding cluster. Note that only the actively used APs are clustered. The arrows denote the two dining areas that contain the APs that peak during lunch time.

3  Modeling

We want to derive a mobility model that captures activity of all the wireless devices. Although the number of handheld devices is increasing constantly, laptops still make up the majority of devicesThe earlier study of Dartmouth traces [4] shows that laptops with Windows and MacOS comprise over 76% of all the wireless devices. Smaller handheld devices including Vocera devices and Cisco VoIP phones comprise 2.5%. (The rest are unidentified.) in the Dartmouth wireless network. As people rarely use laptops while walking, laptops tend to be connected to the network at one location, disconnected while moving, and reconnected at another location. Due to this pattern of usage, we cannot extract the exact path of a laptop user from a source to a destination. To cope with these on-and-off devices, we developed our model of wireless network usage in terms of the arrival rate at each AP, instead of modeling the movements of individual users.

3.1  Hourly arrival and departure

To compute the arrival and departure rates, we counted the hourly number of arrivals and departures. We consider every association to each AP. For example, if the same user associates with an AP twice within an hour, both associations of that user are added to the hourly arrival value of that AP. Among the users that arrived at an AP, we considered separately those users that were previously not connected and those that were connected to the network through another AP; Ao,i denotes the number of arrivals from the OFF state during the ith hour and Aa,i stands for the number of arrivals from another AP during the ith hour. These two values are normalized by the total number of arrivals, Atotal = åi=023 (Ao,i + Aa,i).

The average hourly departures are computed in the same way.

Figure 5 shows the average of the normalized hourly arrivals and departures for each cluster of APs. There are several interesting characteristics to note.

(a) Cluster 1
(b) Cluster 2
(c) Cluster 3
(d) Cluster 4
(e) Cluster 5

Figure 5: Hourly arrival and departure.

First, all of the clusters, except Cluster 1, have more transitions from/to another AP than from/to the OFF state. The high number of transitions from/to another AP is partly due to the ping-pong effect: associating repeatedly with multiple APs. When a device is within the range of multiple APs, it often changes its associated AP. Thus, changes in association do not necessarily mean that the user moved physically. The ping-pong effect is especially common where the density of APs is high.

Second, Cluster 1 has more transitions from/to OFF states than from/to another AP. We expect that this is because many faculty and students turn on their laptops during morning classes and connect to the network. Thus, these laptops make transitions from the OFF state to APs.

Third, the time lag between the arrival at and departure from APs is small. This means that the users who moved from one AP to another are not likely to stay at the new AP for more than an hour. This short duration of stay is partly due to the ping-pong effect.

Fourth, the time lag between the arrival from and departure to the OFF state is relatively big, meaning that devices tend to stay long at an AP. We expect that laptops are responsible for most of the transitions to/from the OFF state since laptop users usually close their laptops while moving. Compared to handheld devices, laptops are less affected by the ping-pong effect. Thus, the long lag is partly due to laptops being less affected by the ping-pong effect.

3.2  Daily average

Given that the arrival and departure rates that we computed in the previous section are normalized, we need the actual number of arrivals and departures to compute the hourly value. Table 2 shows the average daily arrival and departure rates over APs within each cluster. Although the number of arrivals is larger than the number of departures, the difference is small. This implies that the number of visits at APs did not increase much during the two months of the traces.

cluster arrival departure
1 115.177 115.171
2 84.699 84.693
3 121.363 121.334
4 298.915 298.829
5 237.434 237.333

Table 2: Daily arrival and departure rates.

To model the transitions between APs, the average over APs presented in Table 2 may not be enough; although APs within a cluster follow similar hourly variations, they are unlikely to have similar numbers of arrivals. Thus, we need to consider what kind of distribution the daily number of arrivals follows within each cluster. Figure 6 shows the CDF of arrivals for each cluster across all APs within that cluster.

Figure 6: Distribution of arrivals. This figure shows the distribution of the total number of arrivals at APs for each cluster.

3.3  Generating traces

Using the arrival rate and the distribution of the actual number of arrivals at each AP, we can generate synthetic traces. As our model is a process with time-varying rates (i.e., a non-homogeneous Poisson process), we can use the inversion, composition, or rejection (thinning) method [3] to generate synthetic traces. Since we leave the trace generation and evaluation of our model as future work, we describe thinning [9] only briefly.

A non-homogeneous Poisson process is determined by a rate function lt. Because the linear combination of Poisson processes is also another Poisson process, we can generate a time-varying Poisson process by combining multiple processes. In thinning, we first generate events using an exponential interarrival time with mean 1/lmax where lmax is the maximum rate of the time-varying process. At time t when an event is scheduled, the event is either accepted with the probability of lt/lmax or canceled with the probability of 1-lt/lmax.

In summary of Section 3, our model consists of the following three mobility characteristics: arrival rate following a time-varying Poisson process, departure time (or duration of stay), and the distribution of the number of arrivals at APs in each cluster. One can generate synthetic traces from our model using a standard method.

4  Related work

There have been several studies of the traces collected on the Dartmouth campus. Earlier studies [4, 8] characterize the usage of wireless networks; there was no attempt to model user mobility. Jain et al. [6] present a model of users' movements, but focus on movement only within buildings while our model describes the campus-wide movement of users.

Some more recent studies use real traces to create mobility models. Hsu et al. [5] present a Weighted Way Point model developed from a set of survey data of 268 students. Their data is limited compared to ours, which includes all wireless users on the campus. Bhattacharjee et al. [1] developed a hybrid mobility model, which favors certain directions based on probabilities computed from the observations made at only six locations on a large campus. Again, this data is limited compared to our campus-wide data. Tuduce et al. [11] developed a model from syslog traces collected on a university campus. The number of APs that a node visits is chosen from the distribution extracted from the traces. With this number, the sequence of visits to APs is chosen randomly. Thus, the model is unlikely to describe users' actual sequence of associations. Another weakness is that the movement time between APs is chosen from a uniform random distribution. The model also does not capture variations over a day.

5  Conclusion and Future Work

In this paper, we present a mobility model of the movements between APs. This model is developed using real mobility traces collected on the Dartmouth campus and reflects the real movement patterns of the wireless users on the campus. In the process of developing the model, we found that the number of visits to APs exhibits a strong daily pattern. We also found that clustering APs based on their peak time is effective; we ended up with four distinct clusters and a cluster of stable APs. We then computed the average arrival rate for each cluster and the distribution of the daily arrivals. Using a well-known method (such as thinning) for generating non-homogeneous Poisson processes, synthetic traces can be generated from our model.

This paper presents ongoing work. In the future, we plan to pursue several extensions. First, we would like to evaluate how closely our model describes real movements between APs by comparing the synthetic and the real traces. Second, we want to merge our model with a mobility model that describes the physical movements (or paths) of individual users. Third, we plan to explore seasonal trends such as variations between academic terms and breaks and add these trends to our model.


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This paper was originally published in the Proceedings of The International Workshop on Wireless Traffic Measurements and Modeling
June 5, 2005, Seattle, WA

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