Wednesday, 11:00am-12:30pm
Cat Okita, Global Crossing
Cat has worked on both sides of the fence--selecting a colocation provider and
being the colocation provider. This experience has given her an understanding ofthe issues from both perspectives.
Wednesday, 2:00-3:30pm
Mark Burgess, Oslo University College
Mark is an associate professor at Oslo University College and the author of
Wednesday, 4:00-5:30pm
Leeland G. Artra, Cellworks Project, University of Washington
Leeland is currently the Director of Systems Research and Design for the
Cellworks Project (CWP) at the University of Washington. His work has
encompassed a wide range of disciplines and technologies requiring the use of
the Java programming language, relational database systems, and the development
of entirely new database systems. Leeland has been the primary researcher,
designer, and programmer for the majority of the computer systems work done by
Wireless Ethernet
Thursday, 9:00-10:30am
Tom Limoncelli, Lucent Technologies/Bell Labs
Tom has deployed 802.11 (WaveLAN) in a large environment and has fretted over
many of the security issues that are involved as the deployment grows larger.
Kerberos/"Active Directory"--MIT Kerberos KDC integration
Thursday, 11:00am-12:30pm
Steven Freed, Industrial Light & Magic
Steve has been poking into the nooks and crannies of Kerberos ever since his
introduction to it while attending the 1st Annual Athena Technical Conference at MIT in 1991. Working with the idiosyncrasies of integrating W2K Kerberos is just another step in the Kerberos evolution.
Customer Relations
and Help Desk Issues
Thursday, 2:00-3:30pm
Nick Stoughton, Webvan Group Inc.
Nick is technical architect for Webvan's customer relationship management
system, and has been working in this field for over 6 years as a consultant. He
has built both internal and external help-desk systems for a wide variety of
organizations, in the U.S. and in Europe. His experience covers several leading
applications. He also has a wealth of experience in computer telephony
integration. When not building help-desk systems, Nick serves as USENIX's
Standards Liaison.
Response/Network Activity Logging and Tools
Thursday, 4:00-5:30pm
Steve Romig, The Ohio State University
Steve Romig is in charge of the Ohio State University Incident Response Team,
which provides incident response assistance, training, consulting, and other
security services for The Ohio State University community.
Friday, 9:00-10:30am
Doug Hughes, Auburn University College of Engineering
Doug Hughes has been doing systems programming for many years and has
contributed a number of useful tools to the community, including: DLPI, RPC and
sockets networking tools, an Exabyte jukebox driver for Solaris, qps for
/procfs, and numerous serial and other utilities.
Managing SysAdmins
Friday, 11:00am-12:30pm
Strata Rose Chalup
Friday, 2:00-3:30pm
Brent Chapman, Great Circle Associates, Inc.
Prior to returning to his consulting business, Brent was Director of Network
Architecture and IT Infrastructure for Covad Communications Company. Brent is
also coauthor of the O'Reilly & Associates book "Building Internet
Firewalls" and creator of the Majordomo mailing list management package.