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LISA '08 Banner


Dear Colleague,

Mario Obejas

On behalf of all of the LISA '08 organizers, I'd like to invite you to join us in San Diego, CA, for the 22nd Large Installation System Administration Conference.

For the past 20 years LISA has been the focal point for the global community of system and network administrators. This year LISA continues that tradition, featuring innovative tools and techniques essential for your professional and technical development.

Take advantage of the popular 6 days of training. Select from over 50 tutorials taught by highly expert instructors, including:

  • Mark Burgess on Integrating Cfengine into Organizational Service Management
  • Tom Christiansen on Advanced Perl
  • David N. Blank-Edelman on Over the Edge System Administration

Plus, new in 2008, we're offering tracks on virtualization and on Solaris. These two 6-day series include classes such as:

  • Peter Baer Galvin on Solaris 10 Administration
  • Jim Mauro on Solaris Dynamic Tracing (DTrace)
  • Richard McDougall on VMware ESX Performance and Tuning

In addition to the training, 3 days of technical sessions include top-notch refereed papers, informative invited talks, expert Guru Is In sessions, and a poster sesson.

Our 20+ invited talks feature our most impressive slate of speakers to date. They include:

  • Keynote Address: "Implementing Intellipedia Within a 'Need to Know' Culture," by Sean Dennehy, Chief of Intellipedia Development, Directorate of Intelligence, U.S. Central Intelligence Agency
  • Plenary Session: "Reconceptualizing Security," by Bruce Schneier, Chief Security Technology Officer, BT
  • Plenary Session: "The State of Electronic Voting, 2008," by David Wagner, University of California, Berkeley

LISA is the premier forum for presenting new research in system administration. We selected papers showcasing state-of-the-art work on topics including configuration management, parallel systems deployment, virtualization, and security.

Bring your perplexing technical questions to experts at LISA's Guru Is In sessions.

Explore the latest commercial innovations at the Vendor Exhibition.

Benefit from opportunities for peer interaction (a.k.a. the "Hallway Track").

Take advantage of the live streaming opportunities.

We're pleased to bring LISA to San Diego and we look forward to seeing you there.

On behalf of the LISA '08 Program Committee,

Mario Obejas, Raytheon
LISA '08 Program Chair

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Last changed: 3 Nov. 2008 ch