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LISA '05 Paper    [LISA '05 Technical Program]

Towards Network Awareness

Evan Hughes and Anil Somayaji - Carleton University

Pp. 113-124 of the Proceedings of LISA '05: Nineteenth Systems Administration Conference,
(San Diego, CA: USENIX Association, December 2005).


Network and system administrators need to analyse network traffic for maintenance, security, and planning purposes. The volume of data on modern networks, however, make such analysis extremely difficult using existing open source tools. In this paper we argue that administrators need tools that will allow them to be more aware of the state of their networks, and we describe our vision for tools that would support such "network awareness" by analysing and visualising packet aggregations that are defined by both packet headers and payloads.

As a first step towards such tools, we have developed a library called qcap, a framework for packet and stream reconstruction that allows applications to tap packets at all layers of the network stack: from network, to transport, to the application layer. qcap is fast, able to process network data at speeds of 120 megabytes per second on commodity hardware; it is easy to use, providing a simple API that requires only a few lines of code to perform complex parsing tasks; and it is extensible, using BNF-like grammars to describe TCP protocols. We believe that qcap can provide the foundation for tools that will support greater network awareness for system administrators.


The behaviour of computer networks is one of the great unknowns of computer science. Most network protocols are well known, the communicating hosts act (in some sense) on the behalf of their human masters, and network data are available at well known points in the network; nevertheless, we still cannot easily answer the question "what is the network doing?" High volume network traffic conspires with our lack of protocol reconstruction tools to obscure network content from us. Simple tasks require the construction of specialised software tools [15] to look for known or expected network events. Meanwhile, the flood of expected traffic obscures unexpected [8, 31] and possibly malicious traffic. The irony of this predicament should not be ignored: computers are information processors, and computer networks are designed to share information, and yet we do not have the means to understand the information processing that these human-made constructs are performing on our behalf.

General curiosity is not the only reason why we need to know what happens on computer networks as there are more pragmatic reasons to care. Network administrators need to fully understand the resources they control. Data flowing across the network dictates how the network should expand and be optimised; the more resources administrators can draw upon to understand the network, the more informed their decisions will be. Administrators also need to know the nature of network traffic for security reasons: when utilisation changes, they must be able to understand what has changed, and why. Further, other areas of computer science would benefit from a better understanding of network phenomena. For example, protocol designers must understand the environment their protocols are to inhabit. Additionally, network security researchers and practitioners need to understand the network and the effects of attacks.

The problem of analysing multiple high-bandwidth data streams in an online, complex environment exists in other contexts. For example, many researchers have recognised that complex displays and multiple alarm signals can reduce the "situational awareness" of pilots and other operators of complex equipment, making them more prone to errors [13]. Similarly, network administrators are distracted by voluminous logs and detailed packet dumps, all of which give important information, but none of which can be relied upon to give the salient information for a given situation. Members of the agent community have recognised that in can be important for mobile code to be aware of the state of available network resources [9]; we believe, though, that such network awareness is potentially even more important for human administrators.

The importance of understanding network traffic has been recognised by others. The U. S. Department of Homeland Security rephrases our question into the term situational awareness, which it defines as "the ability to identify, process, and comprehend the critical elements of information about what is happening to the team with regards to the mission." [22] The DHS definition can be generalised to "knowing what is going on around you." [18] We use the term network awareness to refer to situational awareness applied to the area of computer networking, which we will define as "knowing what is happening on the network."

Most tools for monitoring high-bandwidth network connections analyse netflow records (such as those described in the proceedings of VizSec 2004 [30, 22, 6, 24, 16]), concentrating on traffic source and destination fields. Limiting enquiry to a subset of packet headers makes sense for scalability reasons: at high data rates, packet payloads cannot be processed in a timely manner with commodity hardware. However, discarding packet payloads limits the scope of information available to administrators and researchers. Without the ability to analyze packet payloads, it is impossible to ascertain precise knowledge of the data crossing the network. To truly understand what is happening on a network, however, we need more than simple payload information. We must be able to reconstruct IP packets and TCP streams to provide our analysis tools with the same information available to the hosts at the endpoints of communications. We must then analyze the reconstructed data in a manner that allows us to detect what is happening in high level protocols, so that we can assign "intent" to network events, accurately saying why an event took place.

Thus, a tool that supports network awareness will allow network packet headers and payloads to be analysed and aggregated efficiently using an easy-to-use, responsive interface. As explained elsewhere, no such tool currently exists in the open source world. As a first step towards developing such a tool, we have designed and implemented qcap, a library for efficiently reconstructing network packets and streams, as well as analysing application level protocols. In the future, we plan to use qcap to develop user- friendly tools for understanding network data. Although qcap is not fast enough to analyze high-bandwidth data in real time, it is efficient enough to enable fast interaction with multi-gigabyte network captures using commodity hardware.

In our recent work on mitigating network denial of service [5], we have been studying strategies for automatically constructing packet aggregates. qcap was inspired by the lack of tools for analysing network content, and providing and explanation of network events. Because of the general need for better understanding of network behaviour, however, qcap should have a much wider appeal.

The rest of the paper proceeds as follows. In subsequent sections, we refine and explore the concept of network awareness; we provide an overview of existing tools that provide some degree of network awareness; we explore the possibilities network awareness offers us. We then present our work on qcap, a library for network awareness. We conclude with a discussion of limitations, challenges, and plans for future work.

Network Awareness

Network awareness is the ability to answer questions quickly and accurately about network behaviour. It is a well-developed understanding of a particular computer network that allows a system administrator (for example) to easily explain its behaviour, allowing the administrator to make rapid, well informed decisions. Because of the vast amounts of data involved, we cannot expect the administrator to be aware of every passing bit, but we can expect them to understand what classes of data to expect, the usual sources and destinations for most traffic types, and the identities of the users involved. Under normal network conditions, we expect that an administrator should be able to make reasonable accurate predictions about the network state in the near future. Under abnormal conditions, the administrator should be able to quickly quantify and describe the abnormality.

To help define the scope of network awareness, we present a series of questions whose answers provide some improvement in network awareness. While these questions are not comprehensive, they provide an indication of the kinds of issues that we might wish to understand but that are difficult to answer using currently available tools.

  • Who is using the network? Many different entities use a network. We want to be able to determine who uses the network, and how they are using it. We are interested in different granularities of "user": applications, hosts, people, and other networks.
  • How is a host using the network? We should be able to determine the services a host is providing and utilising. Services may run on nonstandard ports, and may be tunnelled through other protocols.
  • How do different network events relate to each other? Many network events occur as part of a larger chain of events. We can use an HTTP connection to illustrate: it begins with a DNS request, followed by an ARP (requesting the MAC address returned by the name server), followed by a TCP/IP connection to the named IP address. Finally, one or more HTTP requests are made to the requested web server. All of these events are causally related, and should be grouped together. Conceptually, we could go so far as to say that they are part of a single action.
  • How do low level protocols behave while being used by high level protocols? We should be able to gauge how IP and TCP react to higher level payloads, such as SMTP.
  • What network traffic is encrypted? It is normal for TLS and ssh traffic to be encrypted; other encrypted traffic on the network, however, could be evidence of attackers who are trying to conceal their actions.
  • What content is the network carrying? In order to understand network use, some inkling of user-level intent should be available. The closest we can get to judging intent via the network is by attempting to reconstruct the human-level activities that the network is being used for. As such, we need to be able to use user-level concepts where necessary, such as emails, print jobs, and uploads.
  • What credentials are being used on the network? Individual users may be associated with multiple credentials. Where possible, we should be able to associate credentials with users. In environments where administrators have access to the encryption keys of users, it should be possible to decrypt passing traffic for further analysis.
  • What is the TCP state of all existing TCP streams? Stream state can be an indicator of malicious activity: many new streams, unclosed streams, or streams that are timing out may be indicative of abnormal behaviour.
  • What is the meaning of some bytes in a specific stream? Given the existence of signature-based intrusion detection schemes [4], it may be useful to put signatures into a context by reconstructing the streams around the signature match, to better understand the significance of the region.
  • What classes of interactions exist on the network? Protocols can carry almost any type of data. Interactions should not be classified solely by the protocol(s) used, but by the content carried. For example, when dealing with emails that are being sent or received, it would make sense for POP, IMAP, and SMTP to be grouped together. However, some HTTP connections also carry email: so it would make sense for HTTP connections to web-based mail providers (such as Hotmail, and Yahoo) to be placed in the same class.

Note that these questions can only be answered through analysis of complete packets (headers and payloads), and that such analysis requires the aggregation of packets using syntactic, semantic, and temporal criteria. In particular, we will need to reconstruct packet streams (e.g., TCP streams, UDP-based multimedia traffic) in order to determine context and meaning.

While a detailed analysis of the current state of a network can help answer specific questions, the complexity of even small networks make such analysis difficult to comprehend for even the most skilled administrator. To accommodate this complexity, network awareness requires one to understand how network behaviour has changed over time. Because many changes are benign, we wish to know what looks anomalous about the current state relative to the past state. While anomaly detection in general is a difficult problem, the ability to classify packets more accurately should facilitate the development of improved network anomaly detection methods.

Existing Infrastructure

Although the questions described in the previous section are straightforward, current tools provide only limited support for answering these types of network awareness questions. Most of the tools described below were not designed as network awareness tools but have been pressed into service because of a lack of alternatives. Our tour of tools will start with libraries and work up to full applications. Note that this list is not intended to be exhaustive so much as illustrative: it provides examples of classes of application, not every application in each class.

The root of many existing packet capture tools is the BSD Packet Filter [23], which defines an elegant approach for winnowing packets based upon a textual predicate. The predicate is compiled into instructions for a tiny virtual machine, which can run in the packet capture device driver within the kernel. The BPF architecture has been widely accepted and incorporated into the libpcap [28] packet capture library.

In turn, libpcap and its parent application, tcpdump, have spawned a number of command-line based open-source progeny, including tcpstat [19] and tcptrace [1], that are well suited to auditing and debugging network traffic. In the more complex niches, we find ChaosReader [17], a command-line based stream reconstruction tool that is able to rebuild application level streams and store them as files; Snort [4], a signature-based intrusion detection tool; and Ethereal [2], a graphical packet display tool. These tools are designed primarily as network debugging and intrusion detection systems. Other tools [11, 10, 20] are useful for monitoring networked devices, diagnosing faults, and other administrative tasks. While each of these applications is well suited to locating known events, they are not well suited to providing information about the general state of the network.

The next level of abstraction to consider are network awareness tools. These are explicitly designed to provide network administrators with some sort of picture of the state of the network, usually for security purposes. An entire crop of these tools were presented at VizSec 2004 [22, 30, 6, 24], although older tools exist as well [7]. In general, most of these tools are graphical and use some variant of a two or three dimensional display to render network activity. The displays usually place network endpoints on two axes and the volume of traffic traveling between those endpoints on the third axis. Most of these tools present their output as a scatterplot [22, 6, 24], although dual axes graphs were also used [30].

For the most part, the VizSec 2004 tools provide statistical information on data traveling between source and destination endpoints. The endpoints may take the form of one or more networks, hosts, or ports. The data may be presented in terms of packets, connections, bytes, or some other volumetric measurement. Although volumetric data gives some indication of who is talking to whom, it does provide an indication of what is being said. Volumetric analysis does not provide answers to the questions we listed. We assert that volumetric analysis is insufficient to provide network awareness.

Forensic tools [3, 11] delve into the contents of data streams. They provide reconstructions of data stream contents, often indexing it for searching, and support retrieval of text deemed to be of interest to users. They provide some idea of the classes of information that can be detected with full packet analysis. In particular, these tools can normalise network events into conceptual events and display those conceptual events grouped by type. For example, a listing of all discrete "login" events for the network can be presented, indexed by the credential used, and the resource acquired; as can all downloads (via HTTP, FTP, or BitTorrent); message sends (via SMTP, IM, SMS, or IRC); or file access (via SAMBA, NFS, or DAV). They can also provide access to the payload of application layer streams using an appropriate renderer (such as reconstructing and playing the audio portion of VoIP traffic).

While forensic tools might appear to be ideal tools for network awareness, their list-oriented interfaces are biased towards answering specific (not general) questions, provide little support for correlating high-level semantics with low-level packet behaviour, and offer few mechanisms for comparisons and anomaly detection. These limitations arise because these tools are designed to help dissect the specifics surrounding a particular incident rather than to help detect patterns that are not known in advance.

Figure 1: Display of protocol state relative to time from HTTP view.

Interestingly, Q1 Labs QRadar [21] already provides a sophisticated network awareness tool. Although it provides many features that we are interested in and provides a mechanism to answer many of the questions listed above, we still feel that qcap is necessary. Although QRadar provides many features for real-time network awareness, it does not appear to provide sophisticated visualizations, a low-level API for traffic analysis, or provide mechanisms for performing automated analysis of stream content. These are not flaws in the product, per se, but are indications of Q1 Labs target market of security officers in large corporations. In contrast, qcap is aimed at the broader community of systems administrators and researchers who need to develop automated systems and custom visualization tools for studying network traffic.

The Promise of Network Awareness

To better understand the kind of applications we envision for qcap, here we present several visualisation idioms that would provide network awareness by quickly informing a network observer of the state of the network. There are clearly a huge number of other visualisation idioms, each well suited to some class of information; thus, this list is illustrative, not exhaustive. qcap provides the basic operations and abstractions that would be required to implement these visualisations efficiently.

Protocol State vs. Time

The intent of protocol state versus time display is to show how the state of two (or more) hosts change over time. Figure 1 shows a sample protocol state relative to time.

Figure 1 is ordered chronologically from top to bottom. Each side of the graph represents one of the hosts involved in the conversation. The left side is the initiator of the TCP connection, with IP address The right side is the server; here the term "server" is used solely to denote that was not the initiator of the connection. is responsible for the first two packets sent, indicated with a right-pointing arrow angled down. Each arrow indicates an IP packet sent from one host to another; the height of the arrow indicates the amount of data the packet is carrying.

The meaningful data carried from one host to another causes the protocol to change states. Each state is global to the protocol and shown as a coloured rectangle. The rectangle encompasses all packets that are sent and received while the protocol is in the given state. Each state is coloured according to type, to allow the user to visually group the states.

Packets may carry information from multiple states. In other words, a hypothetical packet may contain three bytes, the first pushes the protocol into State1, the second pushes the protocol into State2, and the third pushes the protocol into State3. The arrow representing the packet would be shown as passing through State1, State2, and State3 in order.

Some of the packets exchanged on behalf of lower level protocols are meaningless to higher level protocols, so they are displayed in a different colour. Such packets include the TCP ACKs in Illustration 1, which are lightly greyed out, indicating that that do not carry any useful information for this protocol layer.

The display is annotated with blocks of text to the right and left of the state boxes. Each annotation supplies extra information about the state. Information supplied by a host is shown under that host. This means that the client sent a GET, which the server replied to with an image; later, the client sent a POST.

The protocol state at the top of the graph is intended to function as a combo box, allowing the user to select which level of the protocol stack they wish to view. Illustration 1 would therefore offer a selection between Ethernet, IP, TCP, or HTTP. If the interaction were part of a larger SOAP conversation, the SOAP view would be available as well.

This visualisation type is already provided by some existing commercial tools [10, 20].

Figure 2: Display of traffic volume against time.

Volume vs. Time

Figure 2 shows a traffic frequency graph that maps network activity to time. The x-axis is time, with the right-most portion of the graph being the most recent, and the leftmost being the oldest. The y-axis represents some value that changes over time. Like the host/aggregate vs. time graph, the traffic frequency graph can display one of many different y types (packet volume, traffic volume, average packet size, percentages of some total, or some attribute of a conversation that changes over time). The entities graphed are ordered vertically from least to most and named.

The graph is intended to be modal. The user should be able to switch the aggregates being graphed from protocols (shown) to hosts, groupings of hosts, or any grouping of conversations. In addition, the user should be able to drill down into a class of traffic, to display on that with finer granularity divisions.

Aggregate State vs. Time

The state of a host can be viewed by watching its actions change over time. Figure 3 displays permutations of the host/aggregate against time. Although any variable could be displayed on the vertical axis, for ease of explanation, we shall assume that the variable being displayed is that of packet volume.

The graph is divided into five rows. Each row is a different mode of display that provides a summary of information about the entity on the left side of the row. The entity is shown as a glyph (either a single host in rows 1 to 4, or a subnet in row 5). Beside the glyph is a listing of protocols the entity is using. To the right of the protocol list, the state vs. time listing is shown. The graph displays information about the network against time. Note that all time-based graphs scroll from right to left: the rightmost data is the most recent.

The first row shows an aggregation of values for a host. The host,, is producing a volume of data for three listed protocols (HTTP, POP, and SSH). The graphs are summaries for all conversations that the host is participating in. In other words, it may be involved in many POP connections, but the value shown is the total for all POP connections. As the "+" to the left of the protocol name suggests, there is a hierarchical listing of information that the user may gain access to by "opening" that protocol.

Since there are many ways of grouping aggregated information together, rows 2 and 3 will illustrate three possible forms of grouping. It is our intent that the "+" beside the protocol name be a means of cycling through the three possible views.

Row 2 provides a brief textual description of the state of each protocol the host is using. The descriptions are protocol dependent. The third row features a detailed summary of the HTTP traffic of The only two items available for HTTP are the total number of connections, as well as the total number of connections to unique hosts. The values displayed depend on the protocol being viewed: they could easily include the number of web pages downloaded; the average number of objects per web page; the hosts currently connected to; or the user agent performing the requests.

Figure 3: Display of aggregate state against time. Each row indicates the state of a specific entity.

The fourth row shows a breakdown of conversations that the host is participating in. It is one of the modes mentioned under "Row 3."

  • The top line, labelled "HTTP," shows a graph of the total volume of traffic for the given protocol type; this total is the total for all of the conversations listed underneath it.
  • The second line shows a graph of the volume of traffic for the conversation is having with
  • The third line shows the conversation that is having with as a listing of protocol states. Each state is concisely named, and tagged with a protocol-specific colour. If the state is too thin to display a name, it will simply be coloured. Because the rightmost side is the "newest" side, the states will be described in an English-readable manner.

The fifth row shows a grouping of hosts on the network 192.168.*.*. Like the per-host display, each protocol is displayed as a graph. The protocol can be opened to display either a textual summary or a listing of all conversations it contains.

With the aid of a context menu, the user could add or remove hosts from this aggregate.


The three visualisations described in this section require features not present in known open source libraries and tools. They include:

  • Indexing provides fast access to network information based upon queries, or walking displays. This allows the graphical display to be recomputed quickly, by processing only those packets that are relevant to the current visualisation.
  • Random access into packet traces must be provided to allow the visualisation tool to properly exploit the features of indexing. Even if the tool is designed to run online, it will have to keep either a rolling buffer of recent data if any kind of historic display is to be provided. "Recent data" in this context can refer to packets or aggregates of traffic information that are stored in memory.
  • Task-specific internal models allow large data sets to be aggregated, manipulated, and displayed quickly and efficiently. Such models also provide the means to create very informative and expressive slaved visualisations [26].
  • Access to network, transportation, and application layer data is necessary to provide a high level view of data.
More complete discussions of the basics of visualisation are available in [27, 26].

A Library for Network Awareness: qcap

The features listed in the Summary cover a wide variety of computer science disciplines, from database maintenance and access to visualisation techniques, that have been thoroughly addressed elsewhere. However, one feature is currently missing from the pantheon of tools and libraries available: we have no tools for the wholesale decomposition of large volumes of packets in speeds approaching real- time. There are no known APIs or libraries for reconstructing conversations from packet traces, and subsequently decomposing those conversations into their logical parts.[Note 1] We wish to gain access to the payload of packets to examine the relationships between application-layer payload, individual packets, transportation layer interactions, and network events. In order to do that, we need a means of reconstructing application-layer streams that preserves network layer information. The best means that we can see to do that is to provide a processing layer that sits on top of a BPF implementation and provide higher network reconstruction functionality.

We have created the qcap library to address these needs. It is an open source library that uses an IP and TCP reconstruction engine derived from libnids library, which in turn was derived from a version of the Linux 2.0 networking stack [29]. It can translate individual packets into complete conversations. Those conversations can be tapped at any point during reconstruction, to allow the tool-user to fully understand the significance of each packet. qcap provides:

  • Packet parsing which allows an application to query fields in a packet. For example, given a domain name query packet, we would be able to query for any of the fields in it: be they IP, UDP, or DNS.
  • Packet reconstruction rebuilds fragmented IP packets. Different network stacks can reconstruct corrupted or malicious fragmented packets in different ways [25]. qcap provides a mechanism to allow an application to control how fragmented packets are rebuilt, allowing qcap to properly emulate different network stacks.
  • Stream reconstruction creates stream "objects" from a set of packets. The stream objects allow the application to read a data- stream that is identical to that on the receiving end of the connection.
  • Stream parsing provides a means for the application to easily dissect a conversation. qcap parses the stream text, allowing the application to request specific syntactically defined portions of that text.

Design of qcap

We use libpcap as a guide for our design. It is old, well established, and still actively maintained. It appears to be the most popular open source packet acquisition library, used in numerous open source projects [28, 19, 1, 4, 2, 29]. Its design is simple, offering a subscription interface to listen for packet arrival.

We provide two subscription interfaces, one for packets, and one for portions of TCP streams. The packet subscription function is qcap_packet_handler_add(), which associates the callback with a specific stage of packet reconstruction or stream assembly. Meanwhile, TCP streams can be subscribed to with qcap_tcpstr_handler_add(), which causes a callback to be triggered when a specified syntactic element in an application- level stream is found.

To support these two functions, we have three types of object: qcap_packet_t, qcap_tcpstr_t, and qcap_ tcpstr_pos_t.


Network level objects are instances of qcap_packet_t's. Because our network level provides packet reconstruction for fragmented IP packets and an indication of logical events each packet generates, we add two flags to each packet: the artificial flag and the discarded flag. The artificial flag is used to denote defragmented IP packets, while the discarded flag is used to denote packets that are known to have been dropped.

Our packet abstraction provides the following information:

  • Text is the data sent across the network layer. It is used for reconstruction by higher layers.
  • Arrival time when the packet was received at the sampling point.
  • Discarded is a flag that indicates whether or not the packet has been dropped before final delivery, either due to network state, or the reconstruction policy of the recipient endpoint.
  • Artificial is a flag that indicates if the packet was constructed artificially from other packets.
  • Constituents is a list of packets that this packet was built out of. Only artificial packets have constituents.
  • Fragment is a flag indicating that this packet is a part of another packet.
  • Processing state is the stage of processing that the packet is in. There are many stages, they are used to indicate how the destination network stack is expected to treat the packet. Possibilities include: if a packet was discarded due to some logic error (such as a failed IP CRC check), if the packet triggered the creation of a new TCP connection, or if it is being queued due to TCP ordering issues. Each packet passes through many states as it is processed. The application may subscribe to packets entering any state.
TCP Streams

A TCP stream (or qcap_tcpstr_t) is an ordered collection of qcap_packet_t's, in proper TCP order. qcap_tcpstr_t is an opaque data type, but can be queried with stream positions (or qcap_tcpstr_pos_t).

TCP Stream Positions

Stream positions are positions at exact locations within a stream. They are implemented as an opaque data type that can be copied, walked forward in the stream, and have the byte at their location queried. Given two positions in the same stream, the application can request all of the bytes between the positions.

Because the qcap_tcpstr_t type is opaque and only queryable through qcap_tcpstr_pos_t types, it allows qcap to perform reference counting and garbage collection on individual packets within a qcap_tcpstr_t.

Analysing Fields in Packets

In addition to the callback interfaces described above, qcap also provides a mechanism to query fields from packets. In protocols that have primarily fixed-length fields, such as IP, TCP, and UDP headers, querying fields is trivial: it only requires byte-order conversion and a cast to a native type. However, other protocols such as DNS have arbitrary-length fields and non-standard data encoding, meaning that an application-writer must write complex code to perform a simple task.

Field querying is done with the qcap_getter_t type. A call to qcap_getter_compile() creates a "getter" from a string specification. Packets can be queried by calling qcap_getter_apply(). The result is converted into a particular form, such as a string, or a boolean, and returned.


qcap is written in C and is built on top of libpcap. Although heavily modified and extended, parts of pcap are also derived from libnids. At this stage, pcap does not use any other utilities outside of the standard platform libraries. As the bulk of the newly written code deals with parsing stream-based protocols, we shall discuss that code here.

One of the non-functional requirements surrounding qcap was that it must be easy to extend with new protocols. Towards this end, qcap internally uses context-free grammars that are generated from static C code. As it turns out, however, many protocols cannot practically be defined solely with a context-free grammar, as the protocol carries information about its own syntax. Such information is carried in a field providing a parameter, such as the length of a subsequent field, or a field that provides a terminating delimiter for some subsequent field.

For example, consider HTTP. Well formed HTTP streams consist of requests (originating with the client), and responses (originating with the server). Both requests and responses can carry an optional "body" that can have an arbitrary length. The length of the body is usually defined with a "Content-Length" field that contains an integer indicating the number of bytes in the body. We could express the "Content-Length" statically in the HTTP context-free grammar, by enumerating every possible value of "Content-Length", and defining the length of the subsequent body in the context-free grammar. However, that would result in an extremely verbose grammar.

To avoid such large grammars, qcap implements a series of protocol-specific registers for each parser. As the parser is walking a stream, it places the value of specific stream elements into the associated register, which can be used later during the parse. Continuing with our example from above, qcap would store HTTP's Content-Length field with a content_length register in the stream parser. Upon encountering the Content-Length field, the parser would decode the associated value as an integer and store it in the content_length register. Later, when the parser encounters the subsequent body, it will read exactly content_length characters.

While current grammars are built by hand, we are researching mechanisms for automatically generating the necessary static C code from protocol specifications in Augmented Backus-Naur Form (ABNF) [12].


In our opinion, the most interesting feature of qcap is the analysis of application-layer protocols. We believe that qcap will be most useful if it is able to perform application-layer analysis at speeds approaching real-time.

We have developed two test applications to test qcap's speed:

  • reader opens a trace and parses it, performing IP defragmentation and TCP stream reconstruction. It provides no useful output and is used for timing purposes.
  • ip_identity opens a trace, and gathers credentials sent from each IP address in the trace. Currently, ip_identity only parses FTP usernames and passwords, SMTP senders, and HTTP authorisation requests [14].

Both ip_identity and valid reconstruct all IP fragments and TCP streams. qcap could be set to ignore TCP/IP traffic going to ports that we aren't interested in, but these tests provide us with a stronger worst-case idea of processing time.

To test timing, we ran each program against the Lincoln Laboratory DARPA Intrusion Detection Evaluation datasets [32]. The first five datasets are DIDE-1 to DIDE-5, which correspond to the Monday-Friday traffic of the LBL week 1 traffic set, DIDE-6 to DIDE-10 correspond to the data gathered during week 3. Each represents one day's worth of traffic.

The tests were run on an unloaded 2.8 Ghz Pentium 4 system with 1 GB of RAM, 512K of processor cache, and two 36.4 Gb, 10,000 RPM SCSI drives. Each test was run 1000 times, and the values were averaged.

In order to minimise the amount of time spent on output, we ran tcpstat with an invalid BPF filter, ensuring that it would not waste too much time writing data. Since reader does not produce output, and ip_identity only produces brief output at the end of the trace, we did not modify either application to reduce their volume of output.

During our experiments, we discovered that qcap analyses data at a rate of roughly 2.11 microseconds per packet, as compared to tcpstat which analysed traffic data at a rate of 0.694 microseconds per packet. The difference in processing speed amounts to an order of magnitude: however, as shown in Table 4, processing times are still low: to process a 468 MB trace file (DIDE-6) containing 2.1 million packets with qcap only takes about 5.7 seconds.

Since ethereal seems to be the flagship open source packet processing tool, we also timed how long it took ethereal to open each packet trace. In our experience, this provides a ballpark figure on how long it takes ethereal to perform a search. These tests were performed a handful of times on the same machine mentioned above, with the lowest timing result provided. As shown in Table 4, ethereal is between 3 and 20 times slower than qcap.

FileProcessing Time (seconds)Time Per Packet (microseconds)

Figure 4: Observed processing speeds of qcap compared to those of tcpstat.

In our judgment, the rates achieved by qcap are acceptable: we can analyze a 1 GB trace in roughly 10 seconds. As we increase the number of protocols that we are parsing and the complexity of the protocol parsers, this execution time will increase; however, we expect the parse time to stay within the same order of magnitude. In addition, the current implementation of qcap has not undergone any optimisation, suggesting that we may be able to achieve speed improvements with minimal effort.


At this point, skeptical readers may be asking themselves what is new about qcap: tools already exist for analysing packet traces. Indeed, any of the information we acquire with qcap can also be acquired by using existing tools. For example, if a user wants to parse all of the cookie headers out of an HTTP conversation, they could use ngrep with a specially constructed regular expression. Or, if a user wanted to find the contents of a TCP session, they could use tcpflow to pull all of the TCP sessions out of a trace, and then analyze them by hand or open them with ethereal. And general connection statistics can be gathered with much simpler tools, like tcpdump or tcptrace. Alternatively, snort could be used for any of the aforementioned tasks.

Those skeptical readers should realize that qcap has been designed specifically for network awareness. It is not designed to find individual packets in a network trace, nor is it designed to find statistics on a specific class of event. Instead it is designed to:

  • Provide a standard interface to analyze traffic, regardless of protocol.
  • Perform full stream reconstruction, allowing the application to parse strings that are split across multiple TCP packets, without having to be aware of the packet divisions. Applications can, however, request the information to be made available to them.
  • Perform the drudge work of protocol syntax analysis, allowing the application to concentrate on the meaning of the traffic.
  • Provide a simple mechanism for collecting a wide variety of data and statistics.
  • Handle large volumes of data quickly.
To our knowledge, no other open-source library provides this functionality. We have not seen an open-source tool that correlates large volumes of application-level network data.


While we believe qcap is quite promising, it is also a new library with many limitations. For example, because qcap builds upon libpcap, we can, for the most part, say that qcap shares a subset of libpcap's limitations. There are a number of other limitations, however, that are specific to pcap.

First, qcap is not suited to searching for known strings in input text, either as a literal string, or a regular expression. Specialised tools, such as ngrep perform those tasks well. However, since qcap is a thin wrapper around libpcapthere is no reason why such tools could not be ported to use qcap.

Next, even though qcap's protocol parsing capabilities are well-developed, it does not deal with lookahead. Lookahead means scanning further in the stream of text being parsed to discover if any text in the near future would prevent the current text from being deemed valid.

A trivial example involves HTTP requests. A valid HTTP request consists of the request-line, such as a "GET <url> <protocol>". When qcap is parsing the request- line, and it reaches the end of the url field, it will inform the application that a url field has been encountered and then continue parsing with the protocol field. If the protocol field turns out to be invalid (because it contains the text "foo" instead of "HTTP/1.1," for example), then the entire request-line should be deemed invalid, meaning that qcap should not of informed the application that an url was discovered earlier.

The difficulty with lookahead is that it involves reading data into memory before deciding if a chunk of text is a part of a valid stream. If we need to perform lookahead to the end of a large piece of data, we could flood memory with data: consider an HTTP response that contains a 50 MB file - the response headers cannot be considered valid until the entire response is received, but that means that qcap would have to read the full 50 MB file into memory before deciding if it should accept or reject the response headers. Instead, we force the application developer to be aware of the protocol structure, and watch for failed requests.

qcap, because of limitations in libnids, does not currently support any kind of parameterisation to state how streams should be rebuilt in circumstance not defined by the IP and TCP RFCs. Such situations include packets with invalid CRCs, overlapping packets, et cetera.

One potential issue for some applications is that qcap currently has no mechanism for synchronizing the two sides of a stream during parsing. Strictly speaking, such synchronisation is necessary to ensure that proper protocol state is maintained at all times. However, in practice we have not yet found the lack of synchronisation tracking to be a problem.

However, one of the features we feel will be necessary for any offline analysis GUI tool built on top of qcap is analysis of network traces larger than one gigabyte. In order for such an analysis to be relatively fast, and put a low load on the workstation, a minimum of data should be kept in memory; suggesting that, where possible, information about specific packets should be kept on disk, and read as necessary. To speed up overall performance and searching, we assume that indices would be built during the initial load.

In order for packet data to be left out of memory, we need a means to provide random access to a static trace file on disk - meaning that we should be able to read packets from the file in an arbitrary order. However, libpcap does not support random access into trace files, meaning that solely reading specific packets from disk is not possible.

There are two possible approaches to this problem: either petitioning the libpcap maintainers to include random- access to libpcap files; or building our own file reading routines into qcap. Clearly, the first option is preferable. At the time of writing, we are engaged in petitioning the libpcap maintainers to include this functionality.

Future Work

While internal parts of the library are still evolving, at the time of writing, the qcap API is almost complete. The existing functions are unlikely to change for the foreseeable future, even though new calls may be added. Having said this, there are are some issues that we hope to address in the near future.

First, there are currently no mechanisms for decoding stream content. qcap should be able to decode either an entire stream (such as ssh or SSL), or portions of a stream (such as gzip-encoded HTML responses), in a manner that is transparent to the application. It should be possible for encoded regions to contain semantic elements that are to be recognised by stream parsers. Such additions would significantly improve the utility of qcap.

We also plan to develop bindings to allow higher level languages such as Python, Perl, and Java to access qcap functionality. Such changes and additions should help facilitate the development of novel network awareness applications. The qcap distribution contains sample programs that provide interesting functionality not seen in other open source tools: ip_identity trawls network traces for credentials; and valid tests streams to see if they follow the protocol semantics for the ports they are using. While such tools can be useful, much larger scale applications are also possible:

  • a fast protocol debugger, along the lines of ethereal, but supported by a database back-end that would provide fast searching and display.
  • anomaly-detection tools that consider the values of individual fields in a protocol stream.
  • "leak" detection tools that sniff passing traffic for sensitive content that should never leave hosts.
  • a fast classification tool that classifies streams by their purpose, either in gross terms; such as "exchanging email" for SMTP, POP, IMAP, Gmail, and Hotmail connections; or specific terms, such as "instant messenger conversation between Alice and Bob."

In the long term, optimisation and improvement of qcap will allow it to process extremely high volumes of data. Ideally, qcap will eventually be able to handle data at rates approaching those seen by medium-to-large ISPs and enterprises. When it does, our definition of network awareness can grow from today's analysis of traffic volumes to and from hosts to include content-specific and aggregate analysis that will finally help us figure out what our networks are actually doing.

Acknowledgements and Availability

This work was supported by the Canadian government through an NSERC Discovery Grant and MITACS. The qcap library can be downloaded from is licenced under the GNU General Public License (GPL).

About the Authors

Evan Hughes graduated from Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada in 2000 with a BCS. Since then he has worked for a number of start-up companies in the software space; before retiring from the 9-5 world to do good works contracting with charities. Given his fondness for food and shelter, he quit contracting for the penniless and has enrolled at Carleton University for his MCS. He is currently doing research work in the Carleton Computer Security Lab. Email reaches him at

Anil Somayaji is an assistant professor in the School of Computer Science at Carleton University and is associate director of the Carleton Computer Security Laboratory. His research interests include operating system security, intrusion detection, complex adaptive systems, and artificial life. He received a B.S. in Mathematics from the Massachusetts Insitute of Technology in 1994 and a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of New Mexico in 2002. He can be reached at


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Note 1: libnids [29] performs stream reconstruction, but does not provide packet or stream decomposition.
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