LISA-NT Technical Sessions Friday - Saturday, July 16-17, 1999 Friday, July 16, 1999 9:00 am
- 10:30 am More Than the Sum of
the Parts: Rather than replace legacy platforms with Windows NT, organizations should combine the two platforms. Windows NT can supply flexibility, distributed computing, and Web capabilities, while legacy systems can compensate for NT's weaknesses in areas such as scalability, availability, and manageability. David Rodgers currently oversees Compaq's effort to accelerate the adoption of Windows NT on Compaq hardware for mission-critical distributed transaction processing applications. Previously Vice President of Corporate Architecture at Sequent, he was also responsible for developing their Balance and Symmetry multiprocessor systems and the Dynix OS. During his ten-year stay at Digital Equipment Corporation, Rodgers headed the CPU development team on the VAX-11/780 super-minicomputer at Digital and was one of the architects of the Digital VAX computer family. 10:30 am - 11:00 am Break 11:00 am
- 12:30 pm Scalable, Remote Administration of Windows NT A Network Machine Management System State-Driven Software Installation for Windows NT 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm Lunch (on your own) 2:00 pm
- 3:30 pm Session Chair: Matthew Olguin, Complete Data Solutions 3:30 pm - 4:00 pm Break 4:00 pm
- 5:30 pm Non-Traditional Solutions NFS and SMB Data Sharing Within a Heterogeneous Environment:
A Real World Study Administering a Windows NT Domain Using a Non-Windows NT Primary
Domain Controller Radio Dial-in Connectivity to NT Networks 5:30 pm
- 7:00 pm
[continue to Saturday's Technical Sessions] |
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Last changed: 6 July 1999 jel |