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Purely Functional System Configuration Management

Eelco Dolstra
Utrecht University

Armijn Hemel
Loohuis Consulting

Abstract: System configuration management is difficult because systems evolve in an undisciplined way: packages are upgraded, configuration files are edited, and so on. The management of existing operating systems is strongly imperative in nature, since software packages and configuration data (e.g., /bin and /etc in Unix) can be seen as imperative data structures: they are updated in-place by system administration actions. In this paper we present an alternative approach to system configuration management: a purely functional method, analogous to languages like Haskell. In this approach, the static parts of a configuration --- software packages, configuration files, control scripts --- are built from pure functions, i.e., the results depend solely on the specified inputs of the function and are immutable. As a result, realising a system configuration becomes deterministic and reproducible. Upgrading to a new configuration is mostly atomic and doesn't overwrite anything of the old configuration, thus enabling rollbacks. We have implemented the purely functional model in a small but realistic Linux-based operating system distribution called NixOS.

1  Introduction

A system configuration is the composition of artifacts necessary to make computer systems performs their intended functions. Managing the configuration of a system is difficult because there are typically thousands of these interrelated artifacts that together make up a system (such as software packages, configuration data, and control scripts), and we need to manage the evolution of such a configuration.

Figure 1 shows a very small subset of the various kinds of artifacts that make up a simple Linux system running an OpenSSH server and Apache (providing access to Subversion repositories). Boxes denote software components (including scripts), solid ellipses denote configuration files, and dashed ellipses are conceptual groupings of configuration aspects. An arrow a -> b indicates that system component a has some kind of reference to component b, be it a dynamic linker dependency, a line in a configuration file, and so on.

Figure 1: A small subset of a system configuration

In this paper we argue that existing configuration management tools --- ranging from package managers such as RPM [7] to configuration tools such as Cfengine [2] --- have an imperative model in a sense analogous to imperative programming languages such as C. That is, configuration actions such as upgrading a package or modifying a configuration file are stateful: they depend on and transform the state of the system.

Statefulness has a number of serious consequences: Analogous problems exist in imperative programming languages, such as the inability to reason about the result of function calls due to global variables or I/O. This was an important motivation for the development of purely functional programming languages [11] like Haskell [12]. In those languages, the result of a function call only depends on the inputs of the function, and values are immutable. This makes it easier to reason about the behaviour of a program. For instance, two function calls f(x) and f(y) can never interfere with each other (e.g., because of mutable global variables or I/O), and x = y implies f(x) = f(y). This property is known as referential transparency [11], and it is what is lacking in conventional system configuration tools. For instance, when a configuration file such as sshd_config has a reference to some path, say /usr/X11/bin/xauth, then the referent (the file being pointed to) is not constant. Thus a configuration action in one corner of the system (such as uninstalling xauth) can affect the behaviour in another. This is what causes problems such as the ``DLL hell''.

In this paper, we show that it is possible to do system configuration management in a purely functional way. This means that the static parts of a configuration (software packages, configuration files, control scripts) are built from pure functions and never change after they have been built. This has a number of advantages: To show that a purely functional model is feasible, we have implemented a small but realistic Linux-based operating system distribution called NixOS, built on the purely functional package management system Nix. In NixOS, all static parts of the system are stored as immutable ``values'' under paths such as
where 2m732xrk... is a cryptographic hash of the inputs involved in building the value. Aside from a single exception, there is no /bin, /usr, /lib, etc. in this system, and /etc consists almost entirely of symlinks to generated configuration files in /nix/store. The remainder of this paper shows the basic principles behind NixOS.

2  Purely functional package management

NixOS is based on Nix, a purely functional package management system [5, 6]. Nix expressions describe how to build immutable software packages from source. For instance, the following Nix expression is a function that builds Apache:
{stdenv, openssl}:

stdenv.mkDerivation {
  name = "apache-2.2.3";
  src = fetchurl {
    url = https://.../httpd-2.2.3.tar.bz2;
    md5 = "887bf4a85505e97b...";
  buildCommand = "
    tar xjf $src
    ./configure --prefix=$out \
    make; make install";
Here, stdenv and openssl are function arguments representing dependencies of Apache (stdenv is a standard build environment: GCC, Make, etc.). When the function is called, it builds a derivation, which is an atomic build action. In this case, the build action unpacks, configures, compiles and installs Apache. All attributes specified in the derivation (such as src) are passed to the builder through environment variables. The out environment variable contains the target path of the package, discussed below. Dependencies such as src, stdenv and openssl are recursively built before Apache's derivation is built.

To build a concrete Apache instance, we write an expression that calls the function:
apache = import ./apache.nix {
  inherit stdenv openssl;
stdenv = ...;
openssl = ...;
That is, the file containing the Apache function is imported and called with specific instances of stdenv and openssl, which are defined similarly. (inherit simply copies the values of stdenv and openssl from the surrounding lexical scope. The details of the language aren't very important here; the interested reader is referred to [5].) The user can now do
$ nix-env -f all-packages.nix -i apache
to install the Apache package.

The Nix expression language happens to be purely functional, but what really matters is that the storage of packages is also purely functional. Packages are built in the Nix store, a designated part of the file system, typically /nix/store. Each package is stored separately under a name that contains a 160-bit cryptographic hash of the inputs involved in building the package, e.g., /nix/store/5lbfaxb7...-openssl-0.9.8d or /nix/store/2m732xrk...-apache-2.2.3. This location is passed to the build script through the out environment variable. As a result, any change to any input causes a different path, so if we build the Nix expression, the package will be rebuilt in a different path in the store. Any previous installations of the package are left untouched, and so we prevent problems like the ``DLL hell''. On the other hand, if the path already exists, then we can safely skip rebuilding it.

Packages are made read-only after they have been built. This is why the Nix store can be called purely functional: the cryptographic hash in the path of a package is defined by the inputs to the package's build process, and the contents never change; thus there is a unique correspondence between the hash and the contents. This scheme has several important advantages [6], such as preventing undeclared build time dependencies, allowing detection of runtime dependencies, and allowing automatic garbage collection of unused packages.

3  System configuration management

We can quite naturally extend purely functional package management to purely functional system configuration management, simply by treating the other parts of a configuration --- such as configuration files and control scripts --- as packages.

For instance, consider the configuration file for the sshd daemon, sshd_config. We can make a trivial Nix expression that builds it in the Nix store:
{stdenv, xauth}:
stdenv.mkDerivation {
  name = "sshd_config";
  buildCommand = "
    echo 'X11Forwarding yes' > $out
    echo 'XAuthLocation \
      ${xauth}/bin/xauth ' >> $out
(The construct ${xauth} places the store path of the xauth argument in the enclosing string. The actual implementation in NixOS uses more sophisticated configuration file templating mechanisms.)

In the same way that we built sshd_config purely, we can build all the other static parts that constitute a system, such as the configuration in Figure 1. Thus there are Nix expressions to build the kernel, the initial ramdisk (initrd) necessary for providing boot-time modules required by the kernel to mount the root file system, the boot scripts, the Upstart jobs1, the X server plus its configuration, etc.

Figure 2: Paths in the Nix store related to the SSH service

For example, the SSH service in Figure 1 is realised through Nix expressions that build an Upstart job that starts the SSH daemon, the SSH configuration file, the OpenSSH and Xauth packages, and their software dependencies such as the C library Glibc. The results in the Nix store of building these expressions are shown in Figure 2 (most software dependencies are omitted). The arrows denote runtime dependencies that arise from a value containing the path to another value in the store. For instance, the generated Upstart job contains a line /nix/store/l9w6773m1msy...-openssh-4.6p1/sbin/sshd -f /nix/store/lahm12vmh052...-sshd_config, and so it has a runtime dependency on OpenSSH and the configuration file.

There is also a top-level Nix expression, system.nix, that builds the entire system configuration by calling the individual expressions that build specific parts of the system. The output of this expression is a package containing an activation script that makes the configuration the current configuration of the system. For instance, it modifies the Grub startup menu so that the system will boot with the new configuration the next time the system is booted. The Grub menu also contains all previous configurations that have not been garbage collected yet, allowing the user to go back to old configurations very easily if there is a problem with the new configuration.

Of course, most configuration changes do not require the system to be restarted. A nice property of NixOS's purely functional model is that it allows the activation script to determine precisely which system services have to be restarted, simply by comparing the store paths of their Upstart job files. After all, due to the immutability of files in the Nix store, if an Upstart job with a certain name (e.g., sshd) has the same path in the new configuration as in the previous configuration, then it must be the same.

When the user changes anything to a Nix expression, she can realise the new configuration as follows:
$ nixos-rebuild switch
This builds system.nix, makes it the default configuration for booting, and calls the resulting activation script. Similarly, nixos-rebuild test builds and activates a configuration but does not make it the boot default. Thus, a reboot suffices to recover from a crashing configuration. Also, since the building of a new configuration is non-destructive --- it does not overwrite any existing files in the store --- the user can roll back to any previous configuration (that has not been garbage collected yet) by running its activation script.

An advantage of using a functional language is that it is easy to abstract over configuration choices. Rather than encoding those choices directly in a Nix expression, they can be passed as function arguments to the expression. For instance, whether to turn on X11 forwarding for sshd can be passed as a function argument:
{stdenv, xauth, forwardX11}:
stdenv.mkDerivation {
  name = "sshd_config";
  buildCommand = "
    ${if forwardX11 then 
        "echo 'X11Forwarding yes' > $out
         echo 'XAuthLocation \
           ${xauth}/bin/xauth ' >> $out"
      else ""}
This causes the line echo 'XAuthLocation ...' to be included in the build command only if forwardX11 is true. This has the additional advantage that due to lazy evaluation (derivations are only built when they are actually referenced), xauth is built only when forwardX11 is set. This kind of optimisation follows from the integration of package management and system configuration management into a single formalism.

  boot = {
    grubDevice = "/dev/hda";
  fileSystems = [
    { mountPoint = "/";
      device = "/dev/hda1";
  swapDevices = ["/dev/hdb1"];
  services = {
    sshd = {
      enable = true;
      forwardX11 = true;
    apache = {
      enable = true;
      subservices = {
        subversion = {
          enable = true;
          dataDir = "/data/subversion";

Figure 3: A simple configuration specification

In the same vein, system.nix is a function that accepts a configuration specification, which is a hierarchical set of attributes specifying various system options. It passes these options on to the appropriate Nix expressions, e.g., services.sshd.forwardX11 is passed on to the function that builds the sshd service. Figure 3 shows a real example of a configuration specification corresponding to the configuration in Figure 1.

An important advantage of our approach is that since the entire system configuration is expressed in a single formalism, a user does not have to know how a specific configuration choice is implemented. Regardless of the configuration change that the user wants to perform --- upgrading to a new version of OpenSSH, changing an sshd configuration option, upgrading to a new kernel, adding or removing a file system or swap device --- the change is accomplished in the same way: one modifies the configuration file (Figure 3) and reruns nixos-rebuild to build and activate the configuration.

4  Evaluation

Does the purely functional approach work? That is, to what extent can we eliminate the ``global'' namespace of files in /etc, /bin and so on and replace them with purely built, immutable files?

Quite well, in fact. NixOS is currently a somewhat small but realistic Linux distribution. It builds on the Nix Packages collection which contains some 850 Unix packages. NixOS provides a Linux 2.6-based system, networking, system services such SSH and Apache, an X server, KDE and parts of Gnome. It works well enough that it has replaced SUSE on the first author's laptop. It is also in use as a server OS on the build farms (automated software build systems) at Utrecht University and the Technical University of Delft. (Nix is useful on such systems as it manages the deployment of dependencies to build machines and prevents undeclared dependencies in software packages.)

With regard to software, NixOS has no /usr, /sbin, or /lib. There is only one file in /bin: namely, a symlink /bin/sh to a Bash instance in the Nix store. This is because many programs (such as Glibc's system() function) hard-code the location of the shell. Of course, we could patch all those programs, but instead we took the pragmatic route --- a slight concession to the purely functional model. Apart from the symlink /bin/sh, all packages resides in the Nix store, and have no dependencies on packages outside of the store. For example, once we had NixOS bootstrapped with just the single /bin/sh compromise, we were able to build Mozilla Firefox and all its dependencies all the way to Glibc and GCC purely. (Details of the NixOS bootstrap can be found in [9].)

Static data
How about configuration data in /etc? A lot of configuration data can be ``purified'' easily. For instance, a configuration file such as /etc/ssh/sshd_config can easily be generated in a Nix expression and used directly from the Nix store by also generating an Upstart job that calls sshd with the appropriate -f argument to specify the Nix store path of the generated sshd_config.

However, there are some configuration files for which this is either not possible (e.g., because the path is hard-coded into binaries) or infeasible (because the configuration cross-cuts the system). Examples are /etc/services (well-known port numbers) and /etc/resolv.conf (DNS configuration). We do generate those files in Nix expressions, but the activation script of the configuration creates symlinks to them in /etc. The X11/KDE-based configuration of the first author's laptop has 24 symlinked files and directories in /etc, a number that can probably be reduced with little effort. This configuration, when built, consists of 236 paths in the Nix store; its build-time dependency graph consists of 532 build actions.

Mutable state
Since files in the Nix store are immutable, the purely functional approach only works for the static parts of a configuration. Mutable state, such as most everything in /var, falls outside the scope of this approach. So mutable state isn't modeled in Nix expressions explicitly; rather, programs such as the activation script, Upstart jobs or system daemons are responsible for initialising the required state in /var at runtime.

Some files occupy a place between static configuration and mutable state. A prominent example is the Unix user account database, /etc/passwd. On the one hand, it specifies static configuration such as the existence of system accounts; on the other hand, passwords are dynamically modified at runtime by end users through commands such as passwd. Currently, the activation script ensures that the required accounts exist, but this is a stateful operation that depends on the previous contents of /etc/passwd and therefore has all the problems associated with stateful updating. Fortunately, there are only 3 such files in the example configuration above.

Disk space
The purely functional model has significant disk space requirements. For instance, the 236 store paths of the X11/KDE-based configuration above have a total size of 656 MiB. This is not remarkable in itself, given that the configuration contains a kernel, an X server, KDE, and many other packages. However, if we make a change to this configuration, then in the worst case --- if every derivation is different --- we need another 656 MiB of disk space. In an imperative model, the new configuration simply overwrites the old configuration, and so no additional space is needed.

Fortunately, most configuration changes do not need anywhere near that amount of space, as they only cause ``top level'' configuration files and control scripts to be rebuilt, taking up only a few kilobytes. However, the worst case can occur, for instance if the C library or compiler is changed (which are used by all other packages). This is analogous to efficiency considerations for purely functional data structures: it is inefficient to update the last element of a Haskell list, but cheap to update the first element. Closures in the Nix store are purely functional data structures, too, so it is cheap to update something near the top of the dependency graph (e.g., configuration files) but expensive to update things near the bottom (e.g., the C library).

5  Related Work

Our work on NixOS is an extension of our previous work on purely functional software deployment [6, 5]. We extended software deployment to service deployment in [4]. The latter paper briefly discusses deploying distributed applications with Nix.

The Vesta configuration management system [10] has a purely functional language for build management. It should be possible to use this language to build system configurations.

The need to make system configuration more declarative has been felt by many. An approach inspired by Vesta is suggested in [3]. The present work could be seen as a realisation of that idea. Configuration tools such as Cfengine [2] and LCFG [1] are declarative, but stateful. For instance, Cfengine actions transform the current state of the system.

While to our knowledge this is the first attempt at purely functional system configuration management, there have been operating systems written in a functional language, such as House [8]. This is a rather orthogonal issue; the system configuration of those OSes is managed in a conventional way.

6  Conclusion

We have shown that it is possible to implement an operating system with a purely functional configuration management model, where all software packages and configuration files are built from a formal description of the system using pure functions and are never changed after they have been built. Hudak [11] points out that people unfamiliar with functional languages often find it hard to believe that it is possible to live without assignments; likewise, it may not be entirely obvious that one can manage an operating system without destructively updating files. We have shown that this is in fact quite possible. Initial experience with NixOS suggests that the approach is also practical.

NixOS, including sources and ISO images for 32-bit and 64-bit x86 machines, is available from

This research was supported by NWO/JACQUARD project 638.001.201, TraCE: Transparent Configuration Environments. We wish to thank Martin Bravenboer, Eelco Visser, Rob Vermaas and others for contributing to the development of Nix, and the anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments.


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Upstart is a event-based replacement for the classic /sbin/init ( It's responsible for running system startup scripts and monitoring system daemons.

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