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FAST '05 Paper    [FAST '05 Technical Program]

TAPER: Tiered Approach for Eliminating Redundancy in Replica Synchronization

Navendu Jain , Mike Dahlin, and Renu Tewari

Department of Computer Sciences, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, 78712
IBM Almaden Research Center, 650 Harry Road, San Jose, CA, 95111


We present TAPER, a scalable data replication protocol that synchronizes a large collection of data across multiple geographically distributed replica locations. TAPER can be applied to a broad range of systems, such as software distribution mirrors, content distribution networks, backup and recovery, and federated file systems. TAPER is designed to be bandwidth efficient, scalable and content-based, and it does not require prior knowledge of the replica state. To achieve these properties, TAPER provides: i) four pluggable redundancy elimination phases that balance the trade-off between bandwidth savings and computation overheads, ii) a hierarchical hash tree based directory pruning phase that quickly matches identical data from the granularity of directory trees to individual files, iii) a content-based similarity detection technique using Bloom filters to identify similar files, and iv) a combination of coarse-grained chunk matching with finer-grained block matches to achieve bandwidth efficiency. Through extensive experiments on various datasets, we observe that in comparison with rsync, a widely-used directory synchronization tool, TAPER reduces bandwidth by 15% to 71%, performs faster matching, and scales to a larger number of replicas.

1  Introduction

In this paper we describe TAPER, a redundancy elimination protocol for replica synchronization. Our motivation for TAPER arose from building a federated file system using NFSv4 servers, each sharing a common system-wide namespace [25]. In this system, data is replicated from a master server to a collection of servers, updated at the master, periodically synchronized to the other servers, and read from any server via NFSv4 clients. Synchronization in this environment requires a protocol that minimizes both network bandwidth consumption and end-host overheads. Numerous applications have similar requirements: they require replicating and synchronizing a large collection of data across multiple sites, possibly over low-bandwidth links. For example, software distribution mirror sites, synchronizing personal systems with a remote server, backup and restore systems, versioning systems, content distribution networks (CDN), and federated file systems all rely on synchronizing the current data at the source with older versions of the data at remote target sites and could make use of TAPER.
Unfortunately, existing approaches do not suit such environments. On one hand, protocols such as delta compression (e.g., vcdiff [14]) and snapshot differencing (e.g., WAFL [11]) can efficiently update one site from another, but they require a priori knowledge of which versions are stored at each site and what changes occurred between the versions. But, our environment requires a universal data synchronization protocol that interoperates with multi-vendor NFS implementations on different operating systems without any knowledge of their internal state to determine the version of the data at the replica. On the other hand, hash-based differential compression protocols such as rsync [2] and LBFS [20] do not require a priori knowledge of replica state, but they are inefficient. For example, rsync relies on path names to identify similar files and therefore transfers large amounts of data when a file or directory is renamed or copied, and LBFS's single-granularity chunking compromises efficiency (a) by transferring extra metadata when redundancy spanning multiple chunks exists and (b) by missing similarity on granularities smaller than the chunk size.
The TAPER design focuses on providing four key properties in order to provide speed, scalability, bandwidth efficiency, and computational efficiency:
  • P1: Low, re-usable computation at the source
  • P2: Fast matching at the target
  • P3: Find maximal common data between the source and the target
  • P4: Minimize total metadata exchanged
P1 is necessary for a scalable solution that can simultaneously synchronize multiple targets with a source. Similarly, P2 is necessary to reduce the matching time and, therefore, the total response time for synchronization. To support P2, the matching at the target should be based on indexing to identify the matching components in O(1) time. The last two, P3 and P4, are both indicators of bandwidth efficiency as they determine the total amount of data and the total metadata information (hashes etc.) that are transferred. Balancing P3 and P4 is the key requirement in order to minimize the metadata overhead for the data transfer savings. Observe that in realizing P3, the source and target should find common data across all files and not just compare file pairs based on name.
To provide all of these properties, TAPER is a multi-phase, hierarchical protocol. Each phase operates over decreasing data granularity, starting with directories and files, then large chunks, then smaller blocks, and finally bytes. The phases of TAPER balance the bandwidth efficiency of smaller-size matching with the reduced computational overhead of lesser unmatched data. The first phase of TAPER eliminates all common files and quickly prunes directories using a content-based hierarchical hash tree data structure. The next phase eliminates all common content-defined chunks (CDC) across all files. The third phase operates on blocks within the remaining unmatched chunks by applying a similarity detection technique based on Bloom filters. Finally, the matched and unmatched blocks remaining at the source are further delta encoded to eliminate common bytes.
Our main contributions in this paper are: i) design of a new hierarchical hash tree data structure for fast pruning of directory trees, ii) design and analysis of a similarity detection technique using CDC and Bloom filters that compactly represent the content of a file, iii) design of a combined CDC and sliding block technique for both coarse-grained and fine-grained matching, iv) integrating and implementing all the above techniques in TAPER, a multi-phase, multi-grain protocol, that is engineered as pluggable units. The phases of TAPER are pluggable in that each phase uses a different mechanism corresponding to data granularity, and a phase can be dropped all together to trade bandwidth savings for computation costs. And, v) a complete prototype implementation and performance evaluation of our system. Through extensive experiments on various datasets, we observe that TAPER reduces bandwidth by 15% to 71% over rsync for different workloads.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 provides an overview of the working of sliding block and CDC. These operations form the basis of both the second and third phases that lie at the core of TAPER. The overall TAPER protocol is described in detail in Section 3. Similarity detection using CDC and Bloom filters is described and analyzed in Section 4. Section 5 evaluates and compares TAPER for different workloads. Finally, Section 6 covers related work and we conclude with Section 7.

2  Background

Figure 1: Directory Tree Synchronization Problem: The source tree is shown on the left and the target tree with multiple updates, additions, and renames, is on the right.

In synchronizing a directory tree between a source and target (Figure 1), any approach should efficiently handle all the common update operations on file systems. These include: i) adding, deleting, or modifying files and directories, ii) moving files or directories to other parts of the tree, iii) renaming files and directories, and iv) archiving a large collection of files and directories into a single file (e.g., tar, lib).
Although numerous tools and utilities exist for directory synchronization with no data versioning information, the underlying techniques are either based on matching: i) block hashes or ii) hashes of content-defined chunks. We find that sliding block hashes (Section 2.1) are well suited to relatively fine-grained matching between similar files, and that CDC matching (Section 2.2) is suitable for more coarse-grained, global matching across all files.

Figure 2: Effect of Sprinkled Changes in CDC. The x-axis is the expected chunk size. The left y-axis, used for the bar graphs, shows the number of matching chunks. The right y-axis, for the line plot, shows the total data transferred

Figure 3: Effect of Sprinkled Changes in Rsync. The x-axis is the fixed block size. The left y-axis, used for the bar graphs, shows the number of matching blocks. The right y-axis, for the line plot, shows the total data transferred.

2.1  Fixed and Sliding Blocks

In block-based protocols, a fixed-block approach computes the signature (e.g., SHA-1, MD5, or MD4 hash) of a fixed-size block at both the source and target and simply indexes the signatures for a quick match. Fixed-block matching performs poorly because small modifications change all subsequent block boundaries in a file and eliminate any remaining matches. Instead, a sliding-block approach is used in protocols like rsync for a better match. Here, the target, T, divides a file f into non-overlapping, contiguous, fixed-size blocks and sends its signatures, 4-byte MD4 along with a 2-byte rolling checksum (rsync's implementation uses full 16 byte MD4 and 4 byte rolling checksums per-block for large files), to the source S. If an existing file at S, say f¢, has the same name as f, each block signature of f is compared with a sliding-block signature of every overlapping fixed-size block in f¢. There are several variants of the basic sliding-block approach, which we discuss in Section 6, but all of them compute a separate multi-byte checksum for each byte of data to be transferred. Because this checksum information is large compared to the data being stored, it would be too costly to store all checksums for all offsets of all files in a system, so these systems must do matching on a finer (e.g., per-file) granularity. As a result, these systems have three fundamental problems. First, matching requires knowing which file f¢ at the source should be matched with the file f at the target. Rsync simply relies on file names being the same. This approach makes rsync vulnerable to name changes (i.e., a rename or a move of a directory tree will result in no matches, violating property P3). Second, scalability with the number of replicas is limited because the source machine recomputes the sliding block match for every file and for every target machine and cannot re-use any hash computation (property P1). Finally, the matching time is high as there is no indexing support for the hashes: to determine if a block matches takes time of the order of number of bytes in a file as the rolling hash has to be computed over the entire file until a match occurs (property P2). Observe that rsync [2] thus violates properties P1, P2, and P3. Although rsync is a widely used protocol for synchronizing a single client and server, it is not designed for large scale replica synchronization.
To highlight the problem of name-based matching in rsync, consider, for example, the source directory of GNU Emacs-20.7 consisting of 2086 files with total size of 54.67 MB. Suppose we rename only the top level sub-directories in Emacs-20.7 (or move them to another part of the parent tree). Although no data has changed, rsync would have sent the entire 54.67 MB of data with an additional 41.04 KB of hash metadata (using the default block size of 700 bytes), across the network. In contrast, as we describe in Section 3.1.1, TAPER alleviates this problem by performing content-based pruning using a hierarchical hash tree.

2.2  Content-defined Chunks

Content-defined chunking balances the fast-matching of a fixed-block approach with the finer data matching ability of sliding-blocks. CDC has been used in LBFS [20], Venti [21] and other systems that we discuss in Section 6. A chunk is a variable-sized block whose boundaries are determined by its Rabin fingerprint matching a pre-determined marker value [22]. The number of bits in the Rabin fingerprint that are used to match the marker determine the expected chunk size. For example, given a marker 0x78 and an expected chunk size of 2k, a rolling (overlapping sequence) 48-byte fingerprint is computed. If the lower k bits of the fingerprint equal 0x78, a new chunk boundary is set. Since the chunk boundaries are content-based, a file modification should affect only neighboring chunks and not the entire file. For matching, the SHA-1 hash of the chunk is used. Matching a chunk using CDC is a simple hash table lookup.
Clearly, the expected chunk size is critical to the performance of CDC and depends on the degree of file similarity and the locations of the file modifications. The chunk size is a trade-off between the degree of matching and the size of the metadata (hash values). Larger chunks reduce the size of metadata but also reduce the number of matches. Thus, for any given chunk size, the CDC approach violates properties P3, P4, or both. Furthermore, as minor modifications can affect neighboring chunks, changes sprinkled across a file can result in few matching chunks. The expected chunk size is manually set in LBFS (8 KB default). Similarly, the fixed block size is manually selected in rsync (700 byte default).
To illustrate the effect of small changes randomly distributed in a file, consider, for example, a file (say `bar') with 100 KB of data that is updated with 100 changes of 10 bytes each (i.e., a 1% change). Figures 2 and 3 show the variations due to sprinkled changes in the matched data for CDC and rsync, respectively. Observe that while rsync finds more matching data than CDC for small block sizes, CDC performs better for large chunk sizes. For a block and expected chunk size of 768 bytes, rsync matched 51 blocks, transmitting a total of 62 KB, while CDC matched 31 chunks, transmitting a total of 86 KB. For a larger block size of 2 KB, however, rsync found no matches, while CDC matched 12 chunks and transmitted 91 KB. In designing TAPER, we use this observation to apply CDC in the earlier phase with relatively larger chunk sizes.

3  TAPER Algorithm

In this section, we first present the overall architecture of the TAPER protocol and then describe each of the four TAPER phases in detail.

3.1  TAPER Protocol Overview

TAPER is a directory tree synchronization protocol between a source and a target node that aims at minimizing the transmission of any common data that already exists at the target. The TAPER protocol does not assume any knowledge of the state or the version of the data at the target. It, therefore, builds on hash-based techniques for data synchronization.
In general, for any hash-based synchronization protocol, the smaller the matching granularity the better the match and lower the number of bytes transfered. However, fine-grained matching increases the metadata transfer (hash values per block) and the computation overhead. While systems with low bandwidth networks will optimize on the total data transferred, those with slower servers will optimize the computation overhead.
The intuition behind TAPER is to work in phases (Figure 4) where each phase moves from a larger to a finer matching granularity. The protocol works in four phases: starting from a directory tree, moving on to large chunks, then to smaller blocks, and finally to bytes. Each phase in TAPER uses the best matching technique for that size, does the necessary transformations, and determines the set of data over which the matches occur.
Specifically, the first two phases perform coarse grained matching at the level of directory trees and large CDC chunks (4 KB expected chunk size). Since the initial matching is performed at a high granularity, the corresponding hash information constitutes only a small fraction of the total data. The SHA-1 hashes computed in the first two phases can therefore be pre-computed once and stored in a global and persistent database at the source. The global database maximizes matching by allowing any directory, file, or chunk that the source wants to transmit to be matched against any directory, file, or chunk that the target stores. And the persistent database enhances computational efficiency by allowing the source to re-use hash computations across multiple targets. Conversely, the last two phases perform matching at the level of smaller blocks (e.g., 700 bytes), so precomputing and storing all hashes of all small blocks would be expensive. Instead, these phases use local matching in which they identify similar files or blocks and compute and temporarily store summary metadata about the specific files or blocks currently being examined. A key building block for these phases is efficient similarity detection, which we assume as a primitive in this section and discuss in detail in Section 4.

Figure 4: The building blocks of TAPER

3.1.1  Directory Matching

The first phase, directory matching, eliminates identical portions of the directory tree that are common in content and structure (but may have different names) between the source and the target. We define a hierarchical hash tree (HHT) for this purpose to quickly find all the exact matching subtrees progressing down from the largest to the smallest directory match and finally matching identical individual files.

Figure 5: Phase I: Hierarchical Hash Tree

Figure 6: Emacs-20.7 CDC Distribution (Mean = 2 KB, Max = 64 KB). The left y-axis (log scale) corresponds to the histogram of chunk sizes, and the right y-axis shows the cumulative distribution.

Figure 7: Emacs-20.7 CDC Distribution (Mean = 2KB, Max = 4 KB). The left y-axis (log scale) corresponds to the histogram of chunk sizes, and the right y-axis shows the cumulative distribution.

The HHT representation encodes the directory structure and contents of a directory tree as a list of hash values for every node in the tree. The nodes consist of the root of the directory tree, all the internal sub-directories, leaf directories, and finally all the files. The HHT structure is recursively computed as follows. First, the hash value of a file node fi is obtained using a standard cryptographic hash algorithm (SHA-1) of the contents of the file. Second, for a leaf directory DL, the hash value h(DL) is the hash of all the k constituent file hashes, i.e., h(DL) = h(h(f1)h(f2) ... h(fk)). Note that the order of concatenating hashes of files within the same directory is based on the hash values and not on the file names. Third, for a non-leaf sub-directory, the hash value captures not only the content as in Merkle trees but also the structure of the tree. As illustrated in Figure 5, the hash of a sub-directory DS is computed by an in-order traversal of all its immediate children. For example, if DS = { DS1, DS2} then
h(DS) = h(h(DN) h( DS1) h(UP) h(DN) h(DS2) h(UP))
where "UP" and "DN" are two literals representing the traversal of the up and down links in the tree respectively. Finally, the hash of the root node, DR, of the directory tree is computed similar to that of a subtree defined above. The HHT algorithm, thus, outputs a list of the hash values of all the nodes, in the directory tree i.e., h(DR), h(DA), h(DS), ¼,  h(DL), ¼,  h(f1) ¼ . Note that our HHT technique provides a hierarchical encoding of both the file content and the directory structure. This proves beneficial in eliminating directory trees identical in content and structure at the highest level.
The target, in turn, computes the HHT hash values of its directory tree and stores each element in a hash table. Each element of the HHT sent by the source-starting at the root node of the directory tree and if necessary progressing downward to the file nodes-is used to index into the target's hash table to see if the node matches any node at the target. Thus, HHT finds the maximal common directory match and enables fast directory pruning since a match at any node implies that all the descendant nodes match as well. For example, if the root hash values match, then no further matching is done as the trees are identical in both content and structure. At the end of this phase, all exactly matching directory trees and files would have been pruned.
To illustrate the advantage of HHT, consider, for example, a rename update of the root directory of Linux Kernel 2.4.26 source tree. Even though no content was changed, rsync found no matching data and sent the entire tree of size 161.7 MB with an additional 1.03 MB of metadata (using the default block-size of 700 bytes). In contrast, the HHT phase of TAPER sent 291 KB of the HHT metadata and determined, after a single hash match of the root node, that the entire data was identical.
The main advantages of using HHT for directory pruning are that it can: i) quickly (in O(1) time) find the maximal exact match, ii) handle exact matches from the entire tree to individual files, iii) match both structure and content, and iv) handle file or directory renames and moves.

3.1.2  Matching Chunks

Once all the common files and directories have been eliminated, we are left with a set of unmatched files at the source and the target. In Phase II, to capture the data commonality across all files and further reduce the unmatched data, we rely on content-defined chunking (which we discussed in Section 2). During this phase, the target sends the SHA-1 hash values of the unique (to remove local redundancy) CDCs of all the remaining files to the source. Since CDC hashes can be indexed for fast matching, the source can quickly eliminate all the matching chunks across all the files between the source and target. The source stores the CDC hashes locally for re-use when synchronizing with multiple targets.
When using CDCs, two parameters- the expected chunk size and the maximum chunk size- have to be selected for a given workload. LBFS [20] used an expected chunk size of 8 KB with a maximum of 64 KB. The chunk sizes, however, could have a large variance around the mean. Figure 6 shows the frequency and cumulative distribution of chunk sizes for the Emacs-20.7 source tree using an expected chunk size value of 2 KB with no limitation on the chunk size except for the absolute maximum of 64 KB. As can be seen from the figure, the chunk sizes have a large variance, ranging from 256 bytes to 12 KB with a relatively long tail.
The maximum chunk size limits this variance by forcing a chunk to be created if the size exceeds the maximum value. However, a forced split at fixed size values makes the algorithm behave more like fixed-size block matching with poor resilience to updates. Figure 7 shows the distribution of chunk sizes for the same workload and expected chunk size value of 2 KB with a maximum value now set to 4 KB. Approximately 17% of the chunks were created due to this limitation.
Moreover, as an update affects the neighboring chunks, CDCs are not suited for fine-grained matches when there are small-sized updates sprinkled throughout the data. As we observed in Figures 2 and 3 in Section 2, CDC performed better than sliding-block for larger sized chunks, while rsync was better for finer-grained matches. We, therefore, use a relatively large expected chunk size (4 KB) in this phase to do fast, coarse-grained matching of data across all the remaining files. At the end of the chunk matching phase, the source has a set of files each with a sequence of matched and unmatched regions. In the next phase, doing finer-grained block matches, we try to reduce the size of these unmatched regions.

3.1.3  Matching Blocks

After the completion of the second phase, each file at the source would be in the form of a series of matched and unmatched regions. The contiguous unmatched chunks lying in-between two matched chunks of the same file are merged together and are called holes. To reduce the size of the holes, in this phase, we perform finer-grained block matching. The sliding-block match, however, can be applied only to a pair of files. We, therefore, need to determine the constituent files to match a pair of holes, i.e., we need to determine which pair of files at the source and target are similar. The technique we use for similarity detection is needed in multiple phases, hence, we discuss it in detail in Section 4. Once we identify the pair of similar files to compare, block matching is applied to the holes of the file at the source. We split the unmatched holes of a file, f, at the source using relatively smaller fixed-size blocks (700 bytes) and send the block signatures (Rabin fingerprint for weak rolling checksum; SHA-1 for strong checksum) to the target. At the target, a sliding-block match is used to compare against the holes in the corresponding file. The target then requests the set of unmatched blocks from the source.
To enable a finer-grained match, in this phase, the matching size of 700 bytes is selected to be a fraction of the expected chunk size of 4 KB. The extra cost of smaller blocks is offset by the fact that we have much less data (holes instead of files) to work with.

3.1.4  Matching Bytes

This final phase further reduces the bytes to be sent. After the third phase, the source has a set of unmatched blocks remaining. The source also has the set of matched chunks, blocks and files that matched in the first three phases. To further reduce the bytes to be sent, the blocks in the unmatched set are delta encoded with respect to a similar block in the matched set. The target can then reconstruct the block by applying the delta-bytes to the matched block. Observe that unlike redundancy elimination techniques for storage, the source does not have the data at the target. To determine which matched and unmatched blocks are similar, we apply the similarity detection technique at the source.
Finally, the remaining unmatched blocks and the delta-bytes are further compressed using standard compression algorithms (e.g., gzip) and sent to the target. The data at the target is validated in the end by sending an additional checksum per file to avoid any inconsistencies.

3.1.5  Discussion

In essence, TAPER combines the faster matching of content-defined chunks and the finer matching of the sliding block approach. CDC helps in finding common data across all files, while sliding-block can find small random changes between a pair of files. Some of the issues in implementing TAPER require further discussion:

Phased refinement: The multiple phases of TAPER result in better differential compression. By using a coarse granularity for a larger dataset we reduce the metadata overhead. Since the dataset size reduces in each phase, it balances the computation and metadata overhead of finer granularity matching. The TAPER phases are not just recursive application of the same algorithm to smaller block sizes. Instead, they use the best approach for a particular size.

Re-using Hash computation: Unlike rsync where the source does the sliding-block match, TAPER stores the hash values at the source both in the directory matching and the chunk matching phase. These values need not be recomputed for different targets, thereby, increasing the scalability of TAPER. The hash values are computed either when the source file system is quiesced or over a consistent copy of the file system, and are stored in a local database.

Pluggable: The TAPER phases are pluggable in that some can be dropped if the desired level of data reduction has been achieved. For example, Phase I can be directly combined with Phase III and similarity detection giving us an rsync++. Another possibility is just dropping phases III and IV.

Round-trip latency: Each phase of TAPER requires a metadata exchange between the server and the target corresponding to one logical round-trip. This additional round-trip latency per phase is balanced by the fact that amount of data and metadata transferred is sufficiently reduced.

Hash collisions: In any hash-based differential compression technique there is the extremely low but non-zero probability of a hash collision [10]. In systems that use hash-based techniques to compress local data, a collision may corrupt the source file system. TAPER is used for replica synchronization and hence only affects the target data. Secondly, data is validated by a second cryptographic checksum over the entire file. The probability of two hash collisions over the same data is quadratically lower and we ignore that possibility.
The recent attack on the SHA-1 hash function [26] raises the challenge of an attacker deliberately creating two files with the same content [1]. This attack can be addressed by prepending a secret, known only to the root at the source and target, to each chunk before computing the hash value.

Figure 8: Bloom filter Comparison of the file 'Emacs-20.7/ChangeLog' with files 'Emacs-20.1/

Figure 9: Bloom filter Comparison of the file 'Emacs-20.7/nt/config.nt' with files 'Emacs-20.1/*'


Figure 10: Bloom filter Comparison of file `foo' with later versions `foo.1', `foo.2', ... `foo.10'

4  Similarity Detection

As we discussed in Section 3, the last two phases of the TAPER protocol rely on a mechanism for similarity detection. For block and byte matching, TAPER needs to determine which two files or chunks are similar. Similarity detection for files has been extensively studied in the WWW domain and relies on shingling [22] and super fingerprints discussed later in Section 4.3.
In TAPER, we explore the application of Bloom filters for file similarity detection. Bloom filters compactly represent a set of elements using a finite number of bits and are used to answer approximate set membership queries. Given that Bloom filters compactly represent a set, they can also be used to approximately match two sets. Bloom filters, however, cannot be used for exact matching as they have a finite false-match probability, but they are naturally suited for similarity matching. We first give a brief overview of Bloom filters, and later present and analyze the similarity detection technique.

4.1  Bloom Filters Overview

A Bloom filter is a space-efficient representation of a set. Given a set U, the Bloom filter of U is implemented as an array of m bits, initialized to 0 [4]. Each element u (u Î U) of the set is hashed using k independent hash functions h1,¼,hk. Each hash function hi(u) for 1 £  i £ k returns a value between 1 and m then when an element is added to the set, it sets k bits, each bit corresponding to a hash function output, in the Bloom filter array to 1. If a bit was already set it stays 1. For set membership queries, Bloom filters may yield a false positive, where it may appear that an element v is in U even though it is not. From the analysis in the survey paper by Broder and Mitzenmacher [8], given n = |U| and the Bloom filter size m, the optimal value of k that minimizes the false positive probability, pk, where p denotes that probability that a given bit is set in the Bloom filter, is k = [m/n]   ln2.

4.2  Bloom Filters for Similarity Testing

Observe that we can view each file to be a set in Bloom filter parlance whose elements are the CDCs that it is composed of. Files with the same set of CDCs have the same Bloom filter representation. Correspondingly, files that are similar have a large number of 1s common among their Bloom filters. For multisets, we make each CDC unique before Bloom filter generation to differentiate multiple copies of the same CDC. This is achieved by attaching an index value of each CDC chunk to its SHA-1 hash. The index ranges from 1 to lnr, where r is the multiplicity of the given chunk in the file.
For finding similar files, we compare the Bloom filter of a given file at the source with that of all the files at the replica. The file sharing the highest number of 1's (bit-wise AND) with the source file and above a certain threshold (say 70%) is marked as the matching file. In this case, the bit wise AND can also be perceived as the dot product of the two bit vectors. If the 1 bits in the Bloom filter of a file are a complete subset of that of another filter then it is highly probable that the file is included in the other.
Bloom filter when applied to similarity detection have several advantages. First, the compactness of Bloom filters is very attractive for remote replication (storage and transmission) systems where we want to minimize the metadata overheads. Second, Bloom filters enable fast comparison as matching is a bitwise-AND operation. Third, since Bloom filters are a complete representation of a set rather than a deterministic sample (e.g., shingling), they can determine inclusions effectively e.g., tar files and libraries. Finally, as they have a low metadata overhead they could be combined further with either sliding block or CDC for narrowing the match space.
To demonstrate the effectiveness of Bloom filters for similarity detection, consider, for example, the file ChangeLog in the Emacs-20.7 source distribution which we compare against all the remaining 1967 files in the Emacs-20.1 source tree. 119 identical files out of a total 2086 files were removed in the HHT phase. The CDCs of the files were computed using an expected and maximum chunk size of 1 KB and 2 KB respectively. Figure 8 shows that the corresponding ChangeLog file in the Emacs-20.1 tree matched the most with about 90% of the bits matching.
As another example, consider the file nt/config.nt in Emacs-20.7 (Figure 9) which we compare against the files of Emacs-20.1. Surprisingly, the file that matched most was- src/ file with a different name in a different directory tree. The CDC expected and maximum chunk sizes were 512 bytes and 1 KB respectively. Figure 9 shows that while the file with the same name nt/config.nt matched in 57% of the bits, the file src/ matched in 66%. We further verified this by computing the corresponding diff output of 1481 and 1172 bytes, respectively. This experiment further emphasizes the need for content-based similarity detection.
To further illustrate that Bloom filters can differentiate between multiple similar files, we extracted a technical documentation file `foo' (say) (of size 175 KB) incrementally from a CVS archive, generating 10 different versions, with `foo' being the original, `foo.1' being the first version (with a change of 4154 bytes from `foo') and `foo.10' being the last. The CDC chunk sizes were chosen as in the ChangeLog file example above. As shown in Figure 10, the Bloom filter for 'foo' matched the most (98%) with the closest version `foo.1' and the least (58%) with the latest version `foo.10'.

Figure 11: CDC comparison of the file 'Emacs-20.7/ChangeLog' with files 'Emacs-20.1/*'

Figure 12: CDC comparison of the file 'Emacs-20.7/nt/config.nt' with files 'Emacs-20.1/*'

Figure 13: CDC Comparison of file `foo' with later versions `foo.1', `foo.2', ... `foo.10'

4.2.1  Analysis

The main consideration when using Bloom filters for similarity detection is the false match probability of the above algorithm as a function of similarity between the source and a candidate file. Extending the analysis for membership testing [4] to similarity detection, we proceed to determine the expected number of inferred matches between the two sets. Let A and B be the two sets being compared for similarity. Let m denote the number of bits (size) in the Bloom filter. For simplicity, assume that both sets have the same number of elements. Let n denote the number of elements in both sets A and B i.e., |A| = |B| = n. As before, k denotes the number of hash functions. The probability that a bit is set by a hash function hi    for 1 £ i £ k is [1/m]. A bit can be set by any of the k hash functions for each of the n elements. Therefore, the probability that a bit is not set by any hash function for any element is (1 - [1/m])nk. Thus, the probability, p, that a given bit is set in the Bloom filter of A is given by:
p   =   æ
1 - æ
1 - 1




  »  1 - e-[nk/m]
For an element to be considered a member of the set, all the corresponding k bits should be set. Thus, the probability of a false match, i.e., an outside element is inferred as being in set A, is pk. Let C denote the intersection of sets A and B and c denote its cardinality, i.e., C = A ÇB    and   |C| = c.
For similarity comparison, let us take each element in set B and check if it belongs to the Bloom filter of the given set A. We should find that the c common elements will definitely match and a few of the other (n-c) may also match due to the false match probability. By Linearity of Expectation, the expected number of elements of B inferred to have matched with A is
E[# of inferred matches] = (c)  +  (n-c) pk
To minimize the false matches, this expected number should be as close to c as possible. For that (n-c)pk should be close to 0, i.e., pk should approach 0. This happens to be the same as minimizing the probability of a false positive. Expanding p and under asymptotic analysis, it reduces to minimizing (1 -e-[nk/m])k. Using the same analysis for minimizing the false positive rate [8], the minima obtained after differentiation is when k = [m/n]   ln2 . Thus, the expected number of inferred matches for this value of k becomes
E[# of inferred matches] = c  +  (n-c) (0.6185)[m/n]
Thus, the expected number of bits set corresponding to inferred matches is
E[# of matched bits] = m é
1 - æ
1- 1


k(c  +  (n-c) (0.6185)[m/n])


Under the assumption of perfectly random hash functions, the expected number of total bits set in the Bloom filter of the source set A, is mp. The ratio, then, of the expected number of matched bits corresponding to inferred matches in A ÇB to the expected total number of bits set in the Bloom filter of A is:

E[# of matched bits]

E[# total bits set]

1 - e-[k/m](c  +  (n-c) (0.6185)[m/n]) ö

1 - e-[nk/m] ö

Observe that this ratio equals 1 when all the elements match, i.e., c = n. If there are no matching elements, i.e., c = 0, the ratio = 2(1 - (0.5)(0.6185)[m/n]). For m = n, this evaluates to 0.6973, i.e., 69% of matching bits may be false. For larger values, m = 2n, 4n,8n, 10n, 11n, the corresponding ratios are 0.4658, 0.1929, 0.0295, 0.0113, 0.0070 respectively. Thus, for m = 11n, on an average, less than 1% of the bits set may match incorrectly. The expected ratio of matching bits is highly correlated to the expected ratio of matching elements. Thus, if a large fraction of the bits match, then it's highly likely that a large fraction of the elements are common.
Although the above analysis was done based on expected values, we show in an extended technical report [13] that under the assumption that the difference between p and (1 - e-[nk/m]) is very small, the actual number of matched bits is highly concentrated around the expected number of matched bits with small variance [18].
Given that the number of bits in the Bloom filter should be larger than the number of elements in the set we need large filters for large files. One approach is to select a new filter size when the file size doubles and only compare the files represented with the same filter size. To support subset matching, however, the filter size for all the files should be identical and therefore all files need to have a filter size equal to size required for the largest file.

4.2.2  Size of the Bloom Filter

As discussed in the analysis, the fraction of bits matching incorrectly depends on the size of the Bloom filter. For a 97% accurate match, the number of bits in the Bloom filter should be 8x the number of elements (chunks) in the set (file). For a file of size 128 KB, an expected and maximum chunk size of 4 KB and 64 KB, respectively results in around 32 chunks. The Bloom filter is set to be 8x this value i.e., 256 bits. For small files, we can set the expected chunk size to 256 bytes. Therefore, the Bloom filter size is set to 8x the expected number of chunks (32 for 8 KB file) i.e., 256 bits, which is a 0.39% and 0.02% overhead for file size of 8 KB and 128 KB, respectively.

4.3  Comparison with Shingling

Previous work on file similarity has mostly been based on shingling or super fingerprints. Using this method, for each object, all the k consecutive words of a file (called k-shingles) are hashed using Rabin fingerprint [22] to create a set of fingerprints (also called features or pre-images). These fingerprints are then sampled to compute a super-fingerprint of the file. Many variants have been proposed that use different techniques on how the shingle fingerprints are sampled (min-hashing, Modm, Mins, etc.) and matched [7,6,5]. While Modm selects all fingerprints whose value modulo m is zero; Mins selects the set of s fingerprints with the smallest value. The min-hashing approach further refines the sampling to be the min values of say 84 random min-wise independent permutations (or hashes) of the set of all shingle fingerprints. This results in a fixed size sample of 84 fingerprints that is the resulting feature vector. To further simplify matching, these 84 fingerprints can be grouped as 6 "super-shingles" by concatenating 14 adjacent fingerprints [9]. In REBL [15] these are called super-fingerprints. A pair of objects are then considered similar if either all or a large fraction of the values in the super-fingerprints match.
Our Bloom filter based similarity detection differs from the shingling technique in several ways. It should be noted, however, that the variants of shingling discussed above improve upon the original approach and we provide a comparison of our technique with these variants wherever applicable. First, shingling (Modm, Mins) computes file similarity using the intersection of the two feature sets. In our approach, it requires only the bit-wise AND of the two Bloom filters (e.g., two 128 bit vectors). Next, shingling has a higher computational overhead as it first segments the file into k-word shingles (k=5 in [9]) resulting in shingle set size of about S-k+1, where S is the file size. Later, it computes the image (value) of each shingle by applying set (say H) of min-wise independent hash functions (|H|=84 [9]) and then for each function, selecting the shingle corresponding to the minimum image. On the other hand, we apply a set of independent hash functions (typically less than 8) to the chunk set of size on average é[S/c]ù where c is the expected chunk size (e.g., c=256 bytes for S=8 KB file). Third, the size of the feature set (number of shingles) depends on the sampling technique in shingling. For example, in Modm, even some large files might have very few features whereas small files might have zero features. Some shingling variants (e.g., Mins, Mod2i) aim to select roughly a constant number of features. Our CDC based approach only varies the chunk size c, to determine the number of chunks as a trade-off between performance and fine-grained matching. We leave the empirical comparison with shingling as future work. In general, a compact Bloom filter is easier to attach as a file tag and is compared simply by matching the bits.

4.4  Direct Chunk Matching for Similarity

The chunk-based matching in the second phase, can be directly used to simultaneously detect similar files between the source and target. When matching the chunk hashes belonging to a file, we create a list of candidate files that have a common chunk with the file. The file with the maximum number of matching chunks is marked as the similar file. Thus the matching complexity of direct chunk matching is O(Number  of  Chunks). This direct matching technique can also be used in conjunction with other similarity detection techniques for validation. While the Bloom filter technique is general and can be applied even when a database of all file chunks is not maintained, direct matching is a simple extension of the chunk matching phase.
To evaluate the effectiveness of similarity detection using CDC, we perform the same set of experiments as discussed in Section 4.2 for Bloom filters. The results, as expected, were identical to the Bloom filter approach. Figures 11, 12, and 13 show the corresponding plots for matching the files 'ChangeLog', 'nt/config.nt' and 'foo', respectively. Direct matching is more exact as there is no probability of false matching. The Emacs-20.1/ChangeLog file matched with the Emacs-20.7/ChangeLog file in 112 out of 128 CDCs (88%). Similarly, the Emacs-20.7/nt/config.nt file had a non-zero match with only three Emacs-20.1/* files with 8 (46%), 9 (53%), 5 (29%) matches out of 17 corresponding to the files nt/config.nt, src/ and nt/config.h, resp. The file 'foo' matched 'foo.1' in 99% of the CDCs.

5  Experimental Evaluation

In this section, we evaluate TAPER using several workloads, analyze the behavior of the various phases of the protocol and compare the bandwidth efficiency, computation overhead, and response times with tar+gzip, rsync, and CDC.

5.1  Methodology

We have implemented a prototype of TAPER in C and Perl. The chunk matching in Phase II uses code from the CDC implementation of LBFS [20] and uses the SleepyCat software's BerkeleyDB database package for providing hash based indexing. The delta-compression of Phase IV was implemented using vcdiff [14]. The experimental testbed used two 933 MHz Intel Pentium III workstations with 512 MB of RAM running Linux kernel 2.4.22 connected by full-duplex 100 Mbit Ethernet.

Software Sources (Size KB)
Workload No. of Files Total Size
linux-src (2.4.26) 13235 161,973
AIX-src (5.3) 36007 874,579
emacs (20.7) 2086 54,667
gcc (3.4.1) 22834 172,310
rsync (2.6.2) 250 7,479
Object Binaries (Size MB)
linux-bin (Fedora) 38387 1,339
AIX-bin (5.3) 61527 3,704
Web Data (Size MB)
CNN 13534 247
Yahoo 12167 208
IBM 9223 248
Google Groups 16284 251

Table 1: Characteristics of the different Datasets

For our analysis, we used three different kinds of workloads: i) software distribution sources, ii) operating system object binaries, and iii) web content. Table 1 details the different workload characteristics giving the total uncompressed size and the number of files for the newer version of the data at the source.

Workload linux-src AIX-src emacs gcc
Versions 2.4.26 - 2.4.22 5.3 - 5.2 20.7 - 20.1 3.4.1 - 3.3.1
Size KB 161,973 874,579 54,667 172,310
Phase I 62,804 809,514 47,954 153,649
Phase II 24,321 302,529 30,718 98,428
Phase III 20,689 212,351 27,895 82,952
Phase IV 18,127 189,528 26,126 73,263
Diff Output 10,260 158,463 14,362 60,215

Table 2: Evaluation of TAPER Phases. The numbers denote the unmatched data in KB remaining at the end of a phase.

Software distributions sources   For the software distribution workload, we consider the source trees of the gcc compiler, the emacs editor, rsync, the Linux kernel, and the AIX kernel. The data in the source trees consists of only ASCII text files. The gcc workload represents the source tree for GNU gcc versions 3.3.1 at the targets and version 3.4.1 at the source. The emacs dataset consists of the source code for GNU Emacs versions 20.1 and 20.7. Similarly, the rsync dataset denotes the source code for the rsync software versions 2.5.1 and 2.6.2, with the addition that 2.6.2 also includes the object code binaries of the source. The two kernel workloads, linux-src and AIX-src, comprise the source tree of the Linux kernel versions 2.4.22 and 2.4.26 and the source tree for the AIX operating system versions 5.2 and 5.3, respectively.
Object binaries   Another type of data widely upgraded and replicated is code binaries. Binary files have different characteristics compared to ASCII files. To capture a tree of code binaries, we used the operating system binaries of Linux and AIX. We scanned the entire contents of the directory trees /usr/bin, /usr/X11R6 and /usr/lib in RedHat 7.3 and RedHat Fedora Core I distributions, denoted by linux-bin dataset. The majority of data in these trees comprises of system binaries and software libraries containing many object files. The AIX-bin dataset consists of object binaries and libraries in /usr, /etc, /var, and /sbin directories of AIX versions 5.2 and 5.3.
Web content   Web data is a rich collection of text, images, video, binaries, and various other document formats. To get a representative sample of web content that can be replicated at mirror sites and CDNs, we used a web crawler to crawl a number of large web servers. For this, we used the wget 1.8.2 crawler to retrieve the web pages and all the files linked from them, recursively for an unlimited depth. However, we limited the size of the downloaded content to be 250 MB and restricted the crawler to remain within the website's domain.
The four datasets, CNN, Yahoo, IBM and Google Groups, denote the content of,,, and websites that was downloaded every day from 15 Sep. to 10 Oct., 2004. CNN is a news and current affairs site wherein the top-level web pages change significantly over a period of about a day. Yahoo, a popular portal on the Internet, represents multiple pages which have small changes corresponding to daily updates. IBM is the company's corporate homepage providing information about its products and services. Here, again the top-level pages change with announcements of product launches and technology events, while the others relating to technical specifications are unchanged. For the Google Groups data set, most pages have numerous changes due to new user postings and updates corresponding to feedback and replies.

Workload linux-src AIX-src emacs gcc
Phase I 291 792 46 502
Phase II 317 3,968 241 762
Phase III 297 3,681 381 1,204

Table 3: Uncompressed Metadata overhead in KB of the first three TAPER phases.

Figure 14: Normalized transmitted data volume (uncompressed) by Rsync, HHT+CDC, TAPER on Software distribution and Object binaries. The results are normalized against the total size of the dataset.

5.2  Evaluating TAPER Phases

As we described earlier, TAPER is a multi-phase protocol where each phase operates at a different granularity. In this section, we evaluate the behavior of each phase on different workloads. For each dataset, we upgrade the older version to the newer version, e.g., Linux version 2.4.22 to 2.4.26. For each phase, we measure the total size of unmatched data that remains for the next phase and the total metadata that was exchanged between the source and the target. The parameters used for expected and max chunk size in Phase II was 4 KB and 64 KB, respectively. For Phase III, the block size parameter was 700 bytes. The data for Phase IV represents the final unmatched data that includes the delta-bytes. In practice, this data would then be compressed using gzip and sent to the target. We do not present the final compressed numbers here as we want to focus on the contribution of TAPER and not gzip. For comparison, we show the size of the output of "diff -r". Table 2 shows the total unmatched data that remains after the completion of a phase for the workloads linux-src, AIX-src, emacs and gcc. Additionally, Table 3 shows the metadata that was transmitted for each phase for the same workloads. The table shows that the data reduction in terms of uncompressed bytes transmitted range from 88.8% for the linux-src and 78.3% for the AIX-src to 52.2% for emacs and 58% for gcc. On the other hand, the overhead (compared to the original data) of metadata transmission ranged from 0.5% for linux-src and 0.9% for AIX-src to 1.2% for emacs and 1.4% for gcc. Observe that the metadata in Phase II and III is in the same ball park although the matching granularity is reduced by an order of magnitude. This is due to the unmatched data reduction per phase. The metadata overhead of Phase I is relatively high. This is partly due to the strong 20-byte hash SHA-1 hash that is used. Note that the unmatched data at the end of Phase IV is in the same ball park as the diff output between the new and old data version but that computing the latter requires a node to have a copy of both versions and so is not a viable solution to our problem.

Figure 15: Rsync, TAPER Comparison on CNN web dataset


Figure 16: Rsync, TAPER Comparison on Yahoo web dataset

5.3  Comparing Bandwidth Efficiency

In this section, we compare the bandwidth efficiency of TAPER (in terms of total data and metadata transferred) with tar+gzip, rsync, and HHT+CDC.To differentiate bandwidth savings due to TAPER from data compression (gzip), we first illustrate TAPER's contribution to bandwidth savings without gzip for software sources and object binaries workloads. Figure 14 shows the normalized transmitted data volume by TAPER, rsync, and HHT+CDC for the given datasets. The transmitted data volume is normalized against the total size of the dataset. For the gcc, AIX-src, and linux-bin datasets, rsync transmitted about 102 MB, 332 MB, and 1.17 GB, respectively. In comparison, TAPER sent about 73 MB, 189 MB, and 896 MB corresponding to bandwidth savings of 29%, 43% and 24%, respectively for these three datasets. Overall, we observe that TAPER's improvement over rsync ranged from 15% to 43% for software sources and 24% to 58% for object binaries workload.
Using gzip compression, we compare TAPER and rsync with the baseline technique of tar+gzip. For the linux-src and AIX-bin data-sets, the compressed tarball (tar+gzip) of the directory trees, Linux 2.4.26 and AIX 5.3, are about 38 MB and 1.26 GB, respectively. TAPER (with compression in the last phase) sent about 5 MB and 542 MB of difference data, i.e., a performance gain of 86% and 57% respectively over the compressed tar output. Compared to rsync, TAPER's improvement ranged from 18% to 25% for software sources and 32% to 39% for object binaries datasets.
For web datasets, we marked the data crawled on Sep. 15, 2004 as the base set and the six additional versions corresponding to the data gathered after 1, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 days. We examined the bandwidth cost of updating the base set to each of the updated versions without compression. Figures 15, 16, 17, 18 show the total data transmitted (without compression) by TAPER and rsync to update the base version for the web datasets. For the CNN workload, the data transmitted by TAPER across the different days ranged from 14 MB to 67 MB, while that by rsync ranged from 44 MB to 133 MB. For this dataset, TAPER improved over rsync from 54% to 71% without compression and 21% to 43% with compression. Similarly, for the Yahoo, IBM and Google groups workload, TAPER's improvement over rsync without compression ranged 44-62%, 26-56%, and 10-32%, respectively. With compression, the corresponding bandwidth savings by TAPER for these three workloads ranged 31-57%, 23-38%, and 12-19%, respectively.

Figure 17: Rsync, TAPER Comparison on IBM web dataset


Figure 18: Rsync, TAPER Comparison on Google Groups web dataset

5.4  Comparing Computational Overhead

In this section, we evaluate the overall computation overhead at the source machine. Micro-benchmark experiments to analyze the performance of the individual phases are given in Section 5.5. Intuitively, a higher computational load at the source would limit its scalability.
For the emacs dataset, the compressed tarball takes 10.4s of user and 0.64s of system CPU time. The corresponding CPU times for rsync are 14.32s and 1.51s. Recall that the first two phases of TAPER need only to be computed once and stored. The total CPU times for the first two phases are 13.66s (user) and 0.88s (system). The corresponding total times for all four phases are 23.64s and 4.31s. Thus, the target specific computation only requires roughly 13.5s which is roughly same as rsync. Due to space constraints, we omit these results for the other data sets, but the comparisons between rsync and TAPER are qualitatively similar for all experiments.

Chunk Sizes 256 Bytes 512 Bytes 2 KB 8 KB
File Size (ms) (ms) (ms) (ms)
100 KB 4 3 3 2
1 MB 29 27 26 24
10 MB 405 321 267 259

Table 4: CDC hash computation time for different files and expected chunk sizes

5.5  Analyzing Response Times

In this section, we analyze the response times for the various phases of TAPER. Since the phases of TAPER include sliding-block and CDC, the same analysis holds for rsync and any CDC-based system. The total response time includes the time for i) hash-computation, ii) matching, iii) metadata exchange, and iv) final data transmission. In the previous discussion on bandwidth efficiency, the total metadata exchange and data transmission byte values are a good indicator of the time spent in these two components. The other two components of hash-computation and matching are what we compare next.
The hash-computation time for a single block, used in the sliding-block phase, to compute a 2-byte checksum and a 4-byte MD4 hash for block sizes of 512 bytes, 2 KB, and 8 KB, are 5.37ms, 19.77ms, and 77.71ms, respectively. Each value is an average of 1000 runs of the experiment. For CDC, the hash-computation time includes detecting the chunk boundary, computing the 20-byte SHA-1 signature and populating the database for indexing. Table 4 shows the CDC computation times for different file sizes of 100 KB, 1 MB, and 10 MB, using different expected chunk sizes of 256 bytes, 512 bytes, 2 KB, and 8 KB, respectively. The Bloom filter generation time for a 100 KB file (309 CDCs) takes 118ms, 120ms, and 126ms for 2, 4, and 8 hash functions, respectively.
Figure 19 shows the match time for sliding-block and CDC for the 3 file sizes (10 KB, 1 MB and 10 MB) and 3 block sizes (512 bytes, 2 KB, 8 KB). Although the fixed-block hash generation is 2 to 4 times faster than CDC chunk hash-computation, the time for CDC matching is 10 to a 100 times faster. The hash-computation time can be amortized over multiple targets as the results are stored in a database and re-used. Since the matching time is much faster for CDC we use it in Phase II where it is used to match all the chunks over all the files.

Figure 19: Matching times for CDC and sliding-block (SLB).

6  Related Work

Our work is closely related to two previous hash-based techniques: sliding block used in rsync [2], and CDC introduced in LBFS [20]. As discussed in Section 2, the sliding-block technique works well only under certain conditions: small file content updates but no directory structure changes (renames, moves, etc.). Rsync uses sliding block only and thus performs poorly in name-resilience, scalability, and matching time. TAPER, however, uses sliding block in the third phase when these conditions hold. The CDC approach, in turn, is sensitive to the chunk size parameter: small size leads to fine-grained matching but high metadata whereas large chunk size results in lower metadata but fewer matches. Some recent studies have proposed multiresolution partitioning of data blocks to address the problem of the optimal block-size both in the context of rsync [16] and CDC [12]. This results in a trade-off between bandwidth savings and the number of network round-trips.
Previous efforts have also explored hash-based schemes based on sliding block and CDC for duplicate data suppression in different contexts. Mogul et al. use MD5 checksums over web payloads to eliminate redundant data transfers over HTTP links [19]. Rhea et al. describe a CDC based technique that removes duplicate payload transfers at finer granularities [23] compared to Mogul's approach. Venti [21] uses cryptographic hashes on CDCs to reduce duplication in an archival storage system. Farsite [3], a secure, scalable distributed file system, employs file level hashing to reclaim storage space from duplicate files. You et al. examine whole-file hashing and CDCs to suppress duplicate data in the Deepstore archival storage system [27]. Sapuntzakis et al. compute SHA-1 hashes of files to reduce data transferred during the migration of appliance states between machines [24].
For similarity detection, Manber [17] originally proposed the shingling technique to find similar files in a large file system. Broder refined Manber's technique by first using a deterministic sample of the hash values (e.g., min-hashing) and then coalescing multiple sampled fingerprints into super-fingerprints [5,7,6]. In contrast, TAPER uses Bloom filters [4] which compactly encode the CDCs of a given file to save bandwidth and performs fast bit-wise AND of Bloom filters for similarity detection. Bloom filters have been proposed to estimate the cardinality of set intersection [8] but have never been applied for near-duplicate elimination in file systems. Further improvements on Bloom filters can be achieved by using compressed Bloom filters [18], which reduce the number of bits transmitted over the network at the cost of increasing storage and computation costs.

7  Conclusion

In this paper we present TAPER, a scalable data replication protocol for replica synchronization that provides four redundancy elimination phases to balance the trade-off between bandwidth savings and computation overheads. Experimental results show that in comparison with rsync, TAPER reduces bandwidth savings by 15% to 71%, performs faster matching, and scales to a larger number of replicas. In future work, instead of synchronizing data on a per-client basis, TAPER can (a) use multicast to transfer the common updates to majority of the clients, and later (b) use cooperative synchronization where clients exchange small updates among themselves for the remaining individual differences.

8  Acknowledgments

We thank Rezaul Chowdhury, Greg Plaxton, Sridhar Rajagopalan, Madhukar Korupolu, and the anonymous reviewers for their insightful comments. This work was done while the first author was an intern at IBM Almaden Research Center. This work was supported in part by the NSF (CNS-0411026), the Texas Advanced Technology Program (003658-0503-2003), and an IBM Faculty Research Award.


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