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Conjunction of specifications and Up: Polus Framework Previous: Rule of thumb specifications


Learning algorithms quantify the rule of thumb specifications and they interpolate the value sets for the relationships defined in the specifications. A learning algorithm is treated as a black box that interpolates information for the $ (n+1)^{th}$data point given a previous sample of $ n$data points. The rule-of-thumb specifications help in pruning the learning space. For example, the implication of invoking prefetching is a function of all the observables, i.e., $ Implication(Prefetching)\;\rightarrow\;f(all\;observables)$. Using the rule of thumb specifications, the interpolation of the implication function is: $ Implication(Prefetching)\;\rightarrow\;f(throughput,\:latency)$. Given that specifications prune the learning space, the question of what happens if the rule-of-thumb specifications are incomplete arises. The current implementation of Polus does not handle this scenario as it assumes that the specifications are complete. However, one can overcome incomplete specifications using existing machine learning approaches such as ``bagging'' [5], which discover unspecified relationships and add them to the specifications. In Polus, the process of learning is a combination of off-line training and on-line refinement. Initially, when the management software is installed, learning is an off-line process, which means that the learning algorithms are just recording the system state along-with the actions invoked by the administrator. After a sufficient number of training data points are recorded, the learning algorithm switches to the on-line approach in which it keeps refining the interpolation function generated using the training data points. This refinement is based on the difference between the interpolated value and the value actually obtained from the invocation (also referred to as re-enforcement learning [20]).

Conjunction of specifications and Up: Polus Framework Previous: Rule of thumb specifications
