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7 Related work

NASD [7,8,10,9] introduced the basic security architecture we use, where a central server decides policy and the disks implement only a simple access mechanism based on cryptographic capabilities. We differ in our handling of revocations and replay attacks, as described in Sections 2.2 and 2.4, and in the fact that our capabilities specify permission in terms of ranges of physical blocks rather than object IDs. SCARED [19] generalizes the NASD security framework to allow for identity-based access, where the client proves its identity to the disk, which then decides what access should be allowed based on its understanding of file access-control lists (ACLs). We prefer a capability-based scheme, however, because it does not require restrictions on the disk layout so that the disk can decode ACLs.

NASD's network-attached disks are complicated pieces of machinery, possessing most of the functionality of a file server: rather than simply serving raw blocks as our NADs do, they present the abstraction of a collection of numbered, but unnamed, variable-size data objects, which are byte sequences with a small number of attributes. A central server manages a collection of NASD disks, providing clients with the usual illusion of a hierarchical file system. This is done (in the absence of striping) by mapping each directory or data file to a single NASD object.

SUNDR [13] and SNAD [5,15] do away with the central server altogether and use more powerful cryptographic methods (e.g., blocks on disk are encrypted and ``signed'' using keys known only to clients) to stop an attacker that can control disks from reading or undetectably altering user data. Most of their complexity is due to this stronger security level, which is not useful for the scenarios that we envision, where the people most likely to be able to compromise servers or disks (i.e., the system administrators) would also easily be able to compromise clients, defeating these systems' security.

SUNDR and SNAD use the encrypt-on-disk strategy, where data is concealed by keeping it encrypted on the disk. Revoking access in such systems is expensive because the involved data must be re-encrypted using a new key. Riedel et al. [21] argue that encrypt-on-disk may offer better performance when privacy is desired than encrypt-on-wire systems such as ours, because encrypt-on-disk encrypts and decrypts data only at the client, not at both the client and disk.

Although encrypt-on-disk leaks more information to eavesdroppers (blocks can be identified on the wire because they are re-encrypted only when rewritten, instead of each time they are transmitted), should the extra encryption prove burdensome we think it is possible to modify Snapdragon to get the performance benefit (but not the security benefit) of encrypt-on-disk without changing our disk protocol.6

The Netstation project sketches how their Derived Virtual Device (DVD) abstraction, a very general mechanism for securely delegating access to an arbitrary subset of a network-attached device, can be used to create a block-oriented secure NAD file system called STORM [26]. Rather than use capabilities for security, they use Kerberos authentication to authenticate client requests, which specify a DVD ID. Devices maintain a table of which DVDs each client is allowed to access as well as detailed information about the access restrictions of each DVD. While the notion of DVDs is very elegant, it may be too inefficient to be of use in a production file system: the DVD access information (largely blockmap information for STORM) requires extra network trips to be installed by the server, uses a lot of disk memory, and seems to be installed by downloading functions written in Scheme.

We believe our paper is the first one to use Bloom filters to protect against replay attacks. However, Bloom filters have long existed and have other uses. Superficially related to our paper is the work of [6], which uses Bloom filters for revocations (instead of replay attacks).

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Mark Lillibridge 2003-01-06