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Monads in METAML

In METAML a monad is a data structure encapsulating a type constructor M and the unit and bind functions.

datatype ('M : * -> * ) Monad = Mon of
   (* unit function *)
   (['a]. 'a -> 'a 'M) *
   (* bind function *)
   (['a,'b]. 'a 'M -> ('a -> 'b 'M) -> 'b M);
This definition uses SML's postfix notation for type application, and two non-standard extensions to ML. First, it declares that the argument ('M : * -> * ) of the type constructor Monad is itself a unary type constructor [7]. We say that 'M has kind: * -> *. Second, it declares that the arguments to the constructor Mon must be polymorphic functions [17]. The type variables in brackets, e.g. ['a,'b], are universally quantified. Because of the explicit type annotations in the datatype definitions the effect of these extensions on the Hindley-Milner type inference system is well known and poses no problems for the METAML type inference engine.

In METAML, Monad is a first-class, although pre-defined or built-in type. In particular, there are two syntactic forms which are aware of the Monad datatype: Do and Return. Do and Return are METAML's syntactic interface to the unit and bind of a monad. We have modeled them after the do-notation of Haskell[9, 20]. An important difference is that METAML's Do and Return are both parameterized by an expression of type 'M Monad. Do and Return are syntactic sugar for the following:

(* Syntactic Sugar              Derived Form *)

Do (Mon(unit,bind)) { x <- e; f }   =  
                             bind e (fn x => f)

Return (Mon(unit,bind)) e           =    unit e

In addition the syntactic sugar of the Do allows a sequence of x <- e forms, and defines this as a nested sequence of Do's. For example:

Do m { x1 <- e1; x2 <- e2 ; x3 <- e3 ; e4 }   =
   Do m { x1 <- e1; 
          Do m { x2 <- e2 ; 
                 Do m { x3 <- e3 ; e4 }}}

Users may freely construct their own monads, though they should be very careful that their instantiation meets the monad axioms. The monad axioms, expressed in METAML's Do and Return notation are:

Do { x <- Return e ; z }          = z[e/x]
Do { x <- m ; Return x }          = m
Do { x <- Do { y <- a ; b } ; c } = 
   Do { y' <- a ; Do { x <- b[y'/y] ; c } } = 
   Do { y' <- a ; x <- b[y'/y] ; c }

Zine-El-abidine Benaissa
Wed Jul 21 11:46:59 PDT 1999